TH£ FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Consolidations—Vails City Tribune, Humboldt Enterprise, Rulo Record, Crocker’s Educational Journal nnd Dawson Outlook. Entered as second-class matter ,u Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu sry 1Z, loo4, under the Act of Congress on March 3,1*79. Published every Friday at Falls City Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company W. H. WYLER, Editor and Manager, One year... Six months... Three months TELEPHONE 226. It has come to us within the past i few days that The Tribune and The j Journal had consilidated. Just who the Joker is who started the report is unknown to us but it is erroneous. So far as the Tribune is concerned 1 there is not a particle of truth in the statement. It has always been j able to paddle Its own canoe and , will continue to do so. If ever a change in management is made it will bo given to the public in ample time, through The Tribune columns and coming from any other source it may be discredited. • * * With the passing ot theyear, much I of wiiat has been of use and service' in the upbuilding ofThoTribuuo must also pass. The day has come when the situation will permit laying great crempliasls than was possible here tofore upon quality. Falls City lias enteredupoimncwei'Hof social and in dustrial progress. All her institu tions which cater to the public good ought to so plan for the future as lo add and not detract from this general forward tendency. However, only progress based on merit is worth while and will ho permanent. The Tribune is unalterably opposed to shams and pretense. The product of tiiis office must stand or fall on Its merit. The quality of our news must pass muster. Our subscrip tion list is being brought within the requirements of the postal depart ment. at Washington as rapidly as pos slide. To do tills Is exp ulsive, and wo must urge that our subscribers come to our help and settle now and avod the Inecessity and annoyance of carrying the old a counts over into the new year. Falls City Commercial Review. L. M. Carptmtcr of Kansas City, accompanied bj Mm. rowan, have been engaged for a bom a month in compiling and publishing a Coumier oreial Review of Kails City. Tin printing contract was let to this of fice after careful consideration, and the work was finished Monday. The publication consists of sixteen large pages and cover, in colors, making a very neat and attractive appearance. Profusely illustrated with photographs of the interesting spots in town, views of the new Missouri Pacific buildings, portraits of some of our enterprising business men, and in terspersed with choice reading mat ter. written in a happy style that seems characteristic of Mr. Carpen ter, tile work is one of Interest t<> all Most towns are overrun with fake advertisers men who corner all the available cash they can lay their hands on, and depart, leaving a very bad taste in the mouth. This class of people do more harm than good, yet many times men will spend good ly sums with them, and turn down . the local newspaper, which lias given freely of its space fort lie benefit of the town. A work like the one is sued by Mr. Carpenter, however, is of real and lasting service to a town. These reviews will be scatter ed broadcast and will advertise Vails City to a wonderful extent. The Tribune has secured the bnl ace of the edition, and would be pleased to have those interested call and get a copy. Send one to your friends in other parts of the state, of "back east,” and in this manner advertise your home town. We make no charge for the copies, but the edition is Utilised, and will doubtless bo completely exhausted in a few days. So call at once. • • • All the banks, most of the stores and the library were closed Monday to observe the one day Christmas vacation. FUTURE POSSIBILITIES OF THIS SECTION. (Taken from the Commercial Review) A powerful attraction to business enterprise and new commercial pro jects in Falls City and Richardson County consists in the fact that, this section has not yet had its full de velopment. The fact that it has still to grow offers the largest possible Invitation for business to come in and grew up with it. By its condition of vigorous devel opment, this section presents a com pelling contrast to other sections. New concerns are less drawn to other, parts by reason of the fact that they j arc more fully developed and do not offer the advantages that this sec tion does. New concerns entering then are necessarily limited in outloo and must compete for business now enjoyed by other concerns. With an unlimited agricultural field behind It, Kalla City looks Into a fu turo greatness. A half century’s nidi cul progress will scarcely realize 01 | attain its logical possibilities ol growth as the focus of the vast de velopmental forces at work; forcei which naturally concentrate upon tin J upbuilding of Falls City. The sec tion commercially trlbutory to this city Is the principal scene of Indus j trial advancement today and bids' fair to continue so until that great' territory lias been brought at least to j the industrial plane of New lSngland and middle western territory, which it surpasses in natural productive ness. This section has become a wonder In tlie commercial world. Tile growth j of a town is more than an incident or a condition of morchantlle enter prise It springs from vitality. The growing condition of Southeast No braska will carry legitimate business along with it. It may be called "A business momentum’' tinerpialled any where. A business will come nearer "Ktinuing Itself" in this section than In any other section we know. The facts are well worth the considera tion of men who contemplate the or ganization of new concerns or the moving of old ones. THERE !S NO PLACE LIKE HOME j To buy anything you need in any line. Homo Trading is the secret off the success of all communities. We have laid forth upon the boundless commercial, industrial and general re sources of Falls City, but in order to ; make your locality the busiest town in this section and the most desirabh to live in, It 1 sessential that tin wealth of the entire community shall h ■ kept circulate d within its bound • rioa. SHOPS AND SHOP KEEPERS. The desirability of a locality as a | homo depends largely upon the char acter of its shop and shop-keeper. No one can find much comfort in a town, where tho necessaries of life are not within reach, and therefore, high class shops and shop-keepers, do ^ much to draw people into a locality and develop it. In many eases the merchants are pioneers, going Into new districts, staking their energies and capital in building it up. Most of tlie wonderful development of Falls City may he credited to the business iiii'ii and women of the section, who have either instigated or loyally sup ported every movement that would benefit the commercial or social in terests of the community. The mer cantile establishments conducted by these gentlemen equal and in many eases surpass those found in other handsome appointments of the stores and the artistic display of the mer chandise. Attractive show windows line and beautify the principal thoroughfares and are much in evi dence throughout the city. The mer chants of Falls City are, as a whole, a representative body of men and women; each of whom is a master of his particular Hue, striving te enter in tho best way to his or her trade. That they succeed is evidenced by the great volume of business done in I the territory. It is to these public J spirited men and women that thanks | are due for making this work possible i and tho compiler desires to expren Ills sincere appreciation of the cour teous people who have so generously • assisted him in this effort. • . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Custer ami ba by went to Teeumseh to spend Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDowell ' Mr. Custer returned Monday. SCIENCE IN GROWING CORN Requires Great Deal of Labor, but Farmtr Is Repaid by the In creased Crop. (Hy ( HAH. K. PBTKH8KN.) The testing of seed corn Is very Ini• portunt this spring. Not in many1 years has the question so closely ap 1 pealed to the farmer as It does now. Much of the seed corn saved In the 1 corn belt states for this season's plant 1 Ing is showing low germination and! better cultivation than ever will be necessary to produce a big crop. A good seed bed is the foundation! of the crop, or rather the first ston -1 upon the real foundation, the seed. Presuming that the corn ground Is in proper rotation and sutllciently man ured. It should be worked up as mel low as a garden bed. If stalks are on the ground they should be disked both ways, the rollers being ground sharp, then follow with a spading disk, ant! work the soil thoroughly four or five Inches deep. If Is hardly possible to spend toe much time In preparing the ground It should he disked three times each way, making six workings before planting. When stalks are plowed under a good plan is to harrow tlrst then plow, then harrow again and plant. The harrow should follow the plow closely and all plowed ground should h>> finished every noon and night. Another good preparation is tu disk I the ground four times, using a spader ; the first time and an ordinary disk a' week later. Then harrow the land after each double disking and plant close after the harrow. Howe the Il linois man says that after several years' experience he prefers disking to plowing. Of course sod ground must be plowed. It la also important to use the right kind of a corn planter—use an edge drop planter or one that will drop the exact number of kernels for which it, Is set !I0 times out of 100. It should even do better than that, if the seed has been carefully sorted according to size to tit the holes In the different plates. This Is the only way to get an even stand of corn. An even stand from good seed la the only way to grow a profitable crop. Test the planter well before taking It to the Held. Do not spoil a lot of ground and waste u lot of seed trying to find out whether your planter is reliable or not. USEFUL IN HEATING WATER In Hog-Killing Time Device Shown in Illustration Is of Greatest Value on Farm. _ I A crane is very useful In heating water during h ,■ -killing time, or when ever a kettle ite be suspended over a lire. Set ft heavy post firmly into the ground, tamping in a shovelful of course gravel or stone and attach a bar of iron at the proper distance Crane for An Open Fire. - ncnr the bottom. To an eye-bolt near | the fop attach a chain, letting it pass j down through the end of the rod | which should he in the shape of a i fork. The length of the chain will ! determine the distance of the kettle ! from the ground. Some Fertilizers Injure Celery. It !s popularly believed that certain fertilizers influence the disease of cel ery known as black heart, and a series of experiments was carried on at thn Florida experiment station, in which 3t5 formulas of fertilizers were tested. ] Flats receiving nitrate of soda and i kainit were uniformly severely at tacked by the disease, and those plats ' which received fertilizers consisting ! of bone meal, fish scrap and high : grade sulphate of potash gave best re sults. Care of New Lawn. I All new lawns should be covered I with well rotted manure or other com i mercial fertilizer late in the fall. Five hundred pounds of the latter to the acre Is a good proportion. Some gar deners think that the use of stable manure encourages weeds. Fertilizers for Fruit. Commercial fertilizers rich In pot ash Is needed for fruit trees; it strengthens and builds up the wood and adds flavor to the fruit. When they get strong and vigorous apply nitrate of soda in the early spring. » Its superiority is unquestioned Its fame world-wide Its use a protection and a guarantee against alum food The low-grade powders are made from “ phosphate alum," or 44 sodium alumi num sulphate," which is also alum, a mineral acid, and that makes the food unhealthful. One pound of the imitation (25c.) powders contains five ounces of alum, a mineral poison. Food baked with alum baking powders is found to contain a portion cf the alum unchanged. The continued use of alum made food impairs digestion, causing dyspepsia. The careful housewife when buying baking powder, will examine the label and take only a brand whose label shows the powder to be made from cream ot tartar. *Read the Label n ■ WANTED!! r m , ^ri For Eastern. Southern and Foreign Markets j As 1 lmve bought and owned more horses and mules in the last twenty years than any | other one country buyer in Knvopc or America, and as I buy horses and inn I s for eight or ten | different markets, I can pay you more money than any other moil in Aim- ica for any kind of a horse or a mule you have for salt1. Falls City, Saturday, Dec. 31 Now if you have an extra draft horse, trotter or pacer, elumk or southern horse, dont sell ] them until you show them to me. 1 want mules from fourteen hands high to as big as they I grow. I want them from three to ten years old. I’m coming to buy not to look. ; You’ll Get the Same Square Deal that I've Given You for Years W. J. Owens Most Extensive Dealer in the U. S. Wait for Me—I’m Comin Mrs. Ephraim Withee and littel son. Gene, of Stella spoilt Christmas with her paernts in this city. Frank Brannlgan came over from Sahetiia to spend Christmas with his aunt. Mrs. Jim Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Allan I). May canoe down from Auburn Saturday to visit a few days with relatives. F’ank Porr was down from Hum helot to spend Christmas with the family of Dr. I. M. Houston. Alvin Poor of llumbildt was a guest( at the Rule home over Christmas, re- ^ turning home Sunday night. Miss Gertrude Lyford came down from Tecumseh last Friday and will spend the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson went to Walioo Sunday, for a holiday vi sit with the former's parents. Frank Wright came down from Au burn to spend Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner. Will Custer of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived Christmas day for a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Barbara Custer. Miss Elizabeth Miller, who came flown from Lincoln to spend Christ i mas with the family of her mother Mrs. Caroline Miller reunit'd to her duties o n Monday. .1. Quiinby Hossack came up from Excelsior Springs last Friday and spent Christinas with his parents in this city. He left Monday morning for his duties in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Sloan and two sons of Verdon spent Christmas at the home of John Hossack in this city J. A. Hossack of Hartington, Ne braska is visiting his parents in this city, having arrived Saturday morn ing. Mrs. Delia Sanford and son Henry spent Christmas in Superior with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Carl Sehaer and husband. Mr. and Mrs. T. O’Hem and two sons arrived Sunday from Artesia, New Mexico and are guests of Mrs. O’Hern’s mother, Mrs. Margery Grant. They have sold their farm in that section and at this time are unde cided where they will locate. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mosiman are expected next week from their home in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rice of Lin coin have been visiting here this week with relatives. Lloyd Shaffer arrived last Friday from college at Ames, Iowa., to spend the holidays. He has been the vie lim of gripp in the meantime. Mr. and Mrs. \V. U. Julian of Long Beach, Cal., and Mrs. J. R. Cain and son Julian, went to Hiawatha Moa day for a couple of days visit with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. McCoy. Dr. Kerr came down town in * buggy for the first time last Mon day. While the effects of his log* illness are very evident his friends were glad to see him looking as well as he does. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kennedy ot Okmulgee, Okla., who have been vis iting the latter’s parents, Mr. ana Mrs. P. H. Jussen left Thursday morning for Kansas City on their way to visit relatives in Terra Iloute. Ind.