The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of Our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
M. L. Kent spent Sunday in Ked
Hen jam in Mickey was :i passenger
to Lincoln Friday .
Is'wis Kd wards of Falls City spent
Christmas in litis city
John Tigh is quite ill at the Cen
tral Hotel in this city.
John Marshall was a passenger to
Falls City Wednesday.
Frank Snethen attended to business
in Falla City Thursday.
C. It. Vandeveer is a guest of rel
atives In Superior that week.
Hov. .1, F. Adams is spending tho
f/f* k with his mother, who is in
poor health.
Herbert Ford « ant*’ down from Lin
coln Thursday to remain during the
holiday vacation.
Mrs. tit hoi Paulsen and lilth' daugh
ter Clover, were passengers to Oma
ha. Wednesday.
Oeorgo Seabnry and faintly of Kan
sas City were guests of the Cooper
families this week.
Mrs. .1. K. Cardy departed Tues
day for King City, Mo., where she
will visit, relatives,
?»innlo Snethen and tuna Marinet
of the Peru Normal are spending (In*
holidays with homo folks.
Miss Caroline MeCready left. Fri
day for Pawnee City where site will
spend a short time with relatives.
* K. C. Colhapp and wife returned
from Teeumseh where they liati been
spending a short time with freinds.
Mrs. John Fellers returned to her
home in tills city Wednesday after
a couple of weeks spent in St. Joe.
Mrs. Win. VonWeg cam*' to tliis
city Wednesday from Omaha, and is
spending tlie holidays with relatives.
Vernie Hieks, wife and Imb.v of
Falls City are guests at the home
of his parents. Prank Mirks and wife.
Marry Philpot and faintly of Table
Ho<k spent the first of the week
with Ids parents. S. M. Philpot and
Miss Zoo Nims. who Is one of the
Auburn touchers spent Christmas
with her paretns, Charles Nltns and
Oscar Smith arrived in this city
Wednesday front Canada, and expects
to spend seme time with friends at
this place.
Clyde Primmer returned to this
eft* tlie middh of the week alter a
visit to Cn’ma !o, and other parts of
the west..
F A Fisher left Sunday for Whit
ing, Kansas where he will join his
wilt* who is visiting her mother at
that place.
Ka Norton and wife, former resi
dents of this eitv, now living In Ar
cadia. arrived Monday to visit with
tv tends in this city.
iUivoUl and Mahello Davis, students
ct the Stall l niversity are spending
tf'.is m'ik with their parents, S. K.
Davis and wife
Flank Reynolds and family tame
tu Humboldt Wednesday from Water
town. Canada, and expect to remain
here during the winter.
Harold Humphrey, who lias been
employed in the Leader office for
the past year, now holds a position
with the McCook Tribune.
Miss Florence Hummel came down
fmiu Lincoln the last of the week to
spend a few days with her praenta.!
Chris Hummel and wife.
Henry Seeley and wife returned
to fheir home in Lincoln Monday af
ter spending Christmas with her
parents. J. L. Handy and wife.
FT. E. Woods of Table Rock has
accepted a position as head man in
the lumber yard of the new firm.]
fTdfe and Zook. He will move his!
family and household goods to this,
eity this week.
While returning from Verdon Sat-:
nrday night the automobile driven by j
Frank Butterfield was upset and Rob- j
erf Kdie sustained a broken arm.
The other occupants of the car es
caped serious injury.
Otis T’nkefer, wife and son, Linn
departed the first of the week for
their new home in California, where
Mr. Unkefer has accepted a position
fn a bank. These estimable young
people will be greatly missed in this
community, ami tlmii many friends
wish them success.
A quiet wedding occurred Sunday
evening at the home of I Jr. Morris
and wife, when their daughter, Miss
Daisy, was united in marriage to Dr.
: Hilaries Kllintt. Kev. K. J. Cardy
I performed the ceremony. The bride
is tt graduate of the Humboldt High
School and for a number of years
held a position as teacher In the
grades. She t s on*- of the most
charming and intelligent young ladies
i of our city. Dr. ICIllott has been a
resident of our city for several years
and his genial manner bus won bint
many friends.
When given as soon as the croupy
cough appears Chamberlain's (lough
Remedy will ward off an attack of
croup and prevent all danger and
cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth
ers use it successfully. Sold by till
Arch Cook and family spent Mon
day with II J. Prichard and family.
Anson Knisely and wife spent Sun
day in Falls City with the former's
Otto Kuegge came In from the
west to spend the holidays with rel
Wes Nedrow and wife entertained
a number of relatives ut. their home
Christmas day.
Floyd Knisely and family went to
| Peril to spend Christmas with Mrs.
Knlaely’s parrnts.
Ralph Nedrow went to Urigggville,
111 , last Friday to spend the holi
days with relatives.
Mrs. N. Peek and children spent
Monday i nFalls City with the form
er's father and sisters.
Guy Idchty and wife went to Kan
sas City to spend Christmas with
the latter's parents and to attend
the wedding pf her sister.
Charles Peck and wife, Harvey H.
Peck, .Miss Frits and Sadie Peck of
Morrill came up Sunday to attend the
Peck-Dowty wedding.
A very pretty wedding took place
at ilic hotin of Mlison Dowty and
wife Chiistnui'i afternoon at four
o'clock w hen ihetr dauglit: r. Miss
I-yd ill .May. '>t,i united in marriage <o
Mr. Muhleon K. Peck. Rev. Plough1
performing the ceremony. The bride1
is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Dowty, and the groom is the third
son of Noah Peck, deceased. The
bride was dressed in white silk
and the groom wore the convention
a] black. There were forty rela
tives and friends there to witness
the ceremony. Tltey received many
beautiful and useful presents. A
very nice supper was served at 4:4.">
of all the good things imaginable.
Mr. and Mrs. Peck will go to house
keeping nn tlie farm where lCd Tay
lor recently moved from.
Medicines that aid nature are al
ways most effectual. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan, it
allays the cough, relieves the lungs,
opens the secretions and aids nature
in resoring the system to a healthy
condition. Thousands have testified
to its superior excellence. Sold by
all dealers.
Mark Our fee was in Kalis City on
Kd Ourfee was a Preston visitor
Henry Gerlt was in our vicinity
William Rat h was in Falls City one
day last week.
Coon Thomas and wife were Rulo
shoppers Tuesday.
Ed Oberst is numbered among our
sick people.
John Speers of Fargo was in our
vicinity Friday.
E. E. Durfee and wife were county
seat visitors Tuesday.
Grandma Schock has been on the
sick list the past week.
Charles Hilgenfeld was in our vi
cinity one day last week.
Elmer Schock and wife were Falls
City visitors one day last wreek.
Clarence McWain spent Christmas
with his brother, Charles and family.
Coon Thomas and family spent!
Sunday with Winter Sehock and fam
W. ,1. Durfee and wife of Falls
City spent Christmas with their son,
Wd and family.
John Pelcher and wife canto up
front St. Joe the guests of M. .1. Dur
fee and wife.
Porter Randolph and family were
guests of Albert Randolph and fam
ily Sunday.
Miss Mary Randolph spent. Satur
day and Sunday with Ruth and Win
ifred Arnold.
Dan and Ruby Waggoner came
down front Peru to spend their va
cation with their parents.
George Vaughan, wife and baby
spent Christmas with the latter’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Waggon
Do you know that fully nine* out of
every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the muscles du
to cold or damp, or chronic rheuma
tism, and require no internal treat
^ incut whatever? Apply Chamberlain'
Liniment freely and see how quickly
It, gives relief. For sale by all deal
Denial) Nedrow was quite sick the
past week.
Mollis Bronson was down from
Crete Friday.
F. Maddox of Auburn was in Ver
I don Monday.
I Edna Parsons was a passenger to
I Auburn Tuesday.
j liert O’Marra spent a portion of
the week in Falls City.
| Mrs. David Griffiths and children
went to Falls City Sunday.
I Clarence Nussbaum is down from
Omaha for a short visit.
I .1 M. Griffiths was transacting bus
1 iness in Falls City Thursday.
I Mrs. Eli/a Goolsby left Sunday af
t.'rnron for Mope County, Kansas.
E. A. Lilly returned Thursday even
ing from a visit to relatives at Peru.
| Miss Ethel Sailor came up from
Hosillan, Kansas Saturday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Mays left on
Tuesday for their home in Oklahoma.1
George Goolsby, wife and Louvirda
Veal spent Christmas in the conn-1
Mrs. George Goolsby and little I
daughter left Monday for Strauss-1
Mrs. lohn Keefers and little daugh
ter are visiting relatives at Nebraska
City. I
Miss Queen Chism is spending the
holiday vacation with home folks at
Mrs. Margaret Sailors and daugh
ter, Miss Grace, were passengers (
to llowe Thursday.
.loin*, Conover came in from York
Friday to spend the holiday vacation '
with his mother.
Charles Wear left Friday for Ros-1
liane, Kansas for a short stay with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moran.
Mrs. Lewis Heinetnan left the lat
ter part of last week for Malmo. Neb
for a visit with l)r. and Mrs. Keeney.
Clyde V. Lum returned home
from Kansas City Saturday. He was
accompanied home by his brother.1
Miss Grace Saylor closed her
school at Albion. Neb., and will spend
the holidays here with her mother
and friends.
Miss Alma Mayfield is enjoying a
visit from her cousin, Miss Leona
Smith, who arrived recently from
Pender. Neb.
Mrs. Landon Yantiss, who has betj
visiting here from Long Island, Kan.,
left last week for Atlantic, Iowa to
spend Christmas with H. L. Merriam.
The stork visited the home of
Mi', and Mrs. Ed Sailors at Howe last
week and left three little daughters.
One of the babies died, but the other
two are doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Yoils and son
Orval left. Tuesday afternoon for
Canton, Illinois to spend Christmas
They will visit friends in Chicago,
also Mr. Yoils' old homo in Saletn
Indiana. They will be gone about
two weeks.
When buying a cough medicine for
children bear in mind that Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy is most effect
ual for colds, croup and whooping
cough and that it contains no harm
ful drug. For sale by all druggists.
Henry Kelly is again on the sick j
Mrs. F. L. Hartman is on the |
sick list.
.til's. Muhlon Kline is quite ill at j
this writing. ,
Mrs. Goldie Bowers of St. Deroin j
is very ill, suffering from an attack j
of gall stones.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith were up
from Falls City to spend Christmas
with Mrs. Smith’s people.
Henry Shaffer is carrying his arm i
a sling owing to blood poisoning re
sulting from a carbuncle.
B. Pebble arrived to eat Christ
mas dinner with his mother, Mrs. L).
F. llodle, and will spend the winter
A. O. Surman and family of Armour
Neb., spent Christmas with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sun
| man.
i Mrs. James Stephenson is enjoy
J ing a visit from her sister and family,
| Mr. and Mrs. Cross and daughter,
Miss Georgia of Tecumseli.
Philip Markt and family of Oregon,
Mo., are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Markt.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Miss Pearl Barker, who has been
very ill with typhoid fever, is now
A. C. Shelton has moved his har
J ness shop from Shubert to Barada
and is now prepared to do all work
in his line of business.
C. II. Martin and wife entertained
at dinner Sunday R. H. Dunn, J. A.
I Martin, and Philip Markt and their
■ families and . F. Butler.
| Presiding Elder Billow will preach
at the Evangelical church next Sat
I urday afternoon and evening and
Sunday morning.
The Christmas entertainment, pro
vided by the Evangelical Sunday
! School was well attended and was
greatly enjoyed by all.
I Miss Hansen and Miss Dodds left
Friday to spend the holidays at. their
I respective homes, the former in Hub
bard, Neb., the latter in Tonganoxie,
Robert Thompson, while felling a
tree one day last week received
what promised to be serious inter
nal injuries. Dr. Andrews was called
and reports the patient recovering
Dr. S. A. VanOsdel was called on
Tuesday to treat and reduce a dis
located and fractured shoulder re
ceived in a runaway at Falls City
Tuesday when the horse became
frightened at an auto and upset the
buggy. It is thought there will be no
serious lasting results.
Pay your subscription at once. Do
not put it off.
Constipation is the cause of many
ailments and disorders that make life
miserable. Take Chamberlain’s Sto
mach and Liver Tablets, keep pour
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by oil drug-1
-“Written So You Can Understand It”
300 Pictures Every
400 Articles rr-Ti
250 Pages Month
A wonderful story of the Progress of t his Mechan
ical Age. Instructive, but more fascinating than
any fiction. A magazine for Bankers. Doctors,
Lawyers, Teachers, Farmers. Bu iness Men, Man
ufacturers, Mechanics. Has 1,200.000 readers every
month. Interests everybody. When you see one
you understand whv. Ask the tnnn who reads it.
Your newsdealer will show you one; or write the ,
publishers for a free sample copy.
The “Shop Notes" Dept.
things How to make repairs, and articles lor
home and shop, etc.
"Amateur Mechanics"
furniture, wireless, boats, engines, magic, and all
the things a bov loves.
$1.50 per year, sinylc copies IS cents
223 Washington St., Chicago
Chas. M. Wilson
Tlmnks hi* customers and friends for
their patronage in 1910, and ksks a
continuance if honest business meth
ods and good Groceries deserve it.
If you cannot come to the store,
phone No. (17 and your order will be
promptly delivered.
Wishing you a happy and prosper
ous 1911,
Chas. M. Wilson
will often cause much misery to the
owner if it begins to decay. It is
wisest to have your teeth looked t«
frequently, so as to be sure that
none are decayed.
as well as for the practical purpose
of chewing, get your teeth In good
shape. It is our business to do this
f)r. Yutzy, Dr. C. Li. Heffner, Falls City,Nebraska
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
RICHARD WYLER, Distributor
Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year. j
Address The Kansas City Star.
lUI CT A T Fresh meat of all kinds may be
IVI CiA\ I had 0f Mack & Nixon, either at
the Market in Barada or at the
Mack farm. Good Beef, 8c and Vc per pound.
Pork dressed I Ic. Will deliver if not too far out.
Mack & Nixon, Barada, Nebr.
Wholesale Dealers
in Flour, Salt, Stoneware, Nuts, Popcorn,
Oilmeal, Apples, Matches, Soap, Swift’s Pride
Cleanser and Brooms.
Write or phone for prices.
Heck & Wamsley
% 4
Try The Tribune
$1.50 Per Year