JUST RECEIVED! Ladies’ Velvets and Suedes Short Vamps—Buttons We can fit you NOW Men's and Boys' HIGH TOP BOOTS Tan and Black All sizes, all prices A VALUABLE HIMT: BUY YOUR SHOES AT A SHOE STORE w‘5 soM the famous BALL BAND line of Rubber Goods, Oi/ershoss, Leggings, Rubbers, Gaite-s. Warm . ' Shoss, Lined Slippers and EVERYTHING NEEDFUL FOR WINTER WEAR. Don't forget those Xmas Slipper* THE H. M. JENN SHOE STORE The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. VERDON. Fred eHineman was in Falls City Friday. H. H. Fritz was aa Omaha visitor Tuesday. John Wear were down from Peru Monday. Ed Shubert wsa down from Shu bort Thursday. Ilert O'Hara was on the siek list, the past week. Mrs. Wallace McCullough returned to Howe Monday. Miss Cammu Hall returned home from Stella Tuesday. F. W. Robb was a Falls City vis itor the first of the week. The little daughter of John Pool j Is ciuite ill with scarlet fever. Mrs. Jess Waggner left Thursday for her home at l.anhaui. Neb. Clarence Clark and daughter of Kansas City were in town Tuesday. A large crowd from Falls City at tended the lecture here Sunday ev ouing. Mrs. Will NVdrow and children re turned home from Falls City Sun day. T. L. Hall of Lincoln has been spending a few days In Verdon this week. Mrs. Hr. Thomas entertained the Kensington dull Tuesday after noon. Mrs. C. M. Helnzelmnn ami son, John were shopping in Falls City Friday. Miss Cora Swisegood and Mrs. Min nie Hoyle were shopping in Falls City Saturday. Sam Hancock ami family and Ed Ewing made a trio lo Fails City last Friday. Mr. Robbins arrived one day last week from Oklahoma for a visit to relatives, Frank Dietrich returned home Fri day from a trip to his farm in western Kansas. Harry Zubrick returned to Omaha Monday after a visit of three weeks with home folks. Miss Pearl Woodard arrived last week from Hennett, Neb., for a. visit to Mrs. F. W. Hold). Hraudma Heldon left Saturday for Tocuinsoh where she will spend the winter with iter daughter. i ■ v. Hay Miller left last week for Heaver Crossing sift or a short visit with liis parents here. Vrs. Joe Wells returned bet week! from ;m extended visit with her moil er at Deepwater, Mo Mrs. X. Form \ lias returned to her home in Falls City after a brief visit here with her brother, Uruce1 Nedrow. Mrs. VV. H. McHenry and daughter, Miss Irene, left for ullstings, Iowa, where they joined Mr. McHenry and will makee their future home at that place. George Abbott and wife returned to their home in Omaha after spend ing a few days here with the former's sister, Mrs. C. G. Humphrey and hus band. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stevens in the east part of town Sunday evening at eight o'clock, when the latter's sister, Miss Mable Crouch was united in marriage to Mr. George VV. Hays of Oklahoma City. Okla. The bride is the young est daughter of W'm. Crouch, and is a great favorite with iter many friends, who extend hearty congratu lations. They will be at homo to their friends in Oklahoma City after | January 1st, 1911. “I have been troubled with consti-1 pal ion for two years and tried all of the host physicians in Bristol, Term., and they could do nothing for me," writs Tlios. E. Williams, Middleboro. Ky. “Two packages of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me. For sale bv all dealers. PRESTON. Adolpli Saal was in Fargo Satur day. Will Brown was in the county seat Tuesday Ed Durfee was in Preston one day last week, i M. .1. Durfee was in Falls City on Wednesday. Miss Sophia Thomas was a Rulo vis itor Saturday. A. J. Hackworth of Fargo was in our vicinity Tuesday. Charles Hilgenfelt was in our vic inity on business Friday. A number from here attended thei dance at Fargo Friday night. Robert Randolph was the guest of E. E. Durfee and family Friday. Ed Durfee and wife were guests of F. C. Oberst and family Tuesday. Bessie Anderson spent Saturday j and Sunday with home folks at Rulo.1 Ed Durfee and wife were guests! of A. F. Randolph and family Sunday. George Vaughan and wife were guests of M. .1. Durfee and wife Sun day. Fred Nolte and family were guests of John Nolte and family one day last week. Gus Baker and family were guests of Philip Zimmerman and family Monday. Mr. McCann is making arrange ments to move to Falls City. lie will have a sale December 22. Jack Brinegar arrived Wednesday morning from Bothell, Washington, called here by the death of his father.1 George Vaughan, Clarence Me Wain J and Ed Durfee spent a part of las! ! week at the licpne of Mark Durfee. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Wulf-Seit:'. sale Thurs day. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneu monia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to a nadult. Sold by all druggists. DAWSON Miss Nina Snow spent Sunday in Humboldt. Miss Violet Smith spent. Sunday at Pawnee. Will Kenton and son Bryan were in Dawson Monday. Dr. E. R. Hayes was in Falls City a few days last week. The three children of Ike Ilodkins I have the tvphoid fever. E. W. Cummings went to Burch ard Sunday returning Monday. eJrry Kean and wife spent Fri day and Saturday in Falls City. Angeline Rothenberger is the guest of Maggie Quinlan a few days. Josephine O’Donnell went to Falls City Saturday to do some shopping. Frank Happ returned home from Republic County, Kansas last week. Miss Laughran of Washington, D. C„ is visiting . her uncle. Rev. Laughran. Michael O'Connell went to Shu bert Tuesday returning home Satur day. Mike Tiehen came home from St Paul Minn., last Friday to spend Christmas and New Years. Nellie Briscoe went down to Ham lin. Kansas last Saturday to visit her grandmother who is sick. •lack Triggs and family tame in from Canada to spend a couple of months with relatives.. .John O’Donnell returned home last week from Summerfield, Kas., where he visited his daughter, Mrs. Mine harn. Kmmet Fenton of Haddam, Kansas is here visiting friends and relatives HiB father has not been very well so he came in to spend a few days with him. The children of Dawson are very patiently waiting for Santa Claus. Every child under twelve years old is to meet the two o'clock train next Saturday. The quicker the cold is gotten rid of the less danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., says, ‘‘J firmly believe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the markets for colds I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me.” For sael by all druggists. The snappy, rich flavor I of gingerbread depends I upon the ginger. Use ^ pBROSSPItfs " CANNON BRAND and pet the best gingerbread and cook- I ies the folks ever ate. Don't buy insipid I ginger. Get Tones’. It 's fresh and ■ .strong in sealed pacaages. Grocers, 10c. I TONE BROS., Dcs Moines, Ia. ^ DON’T FORGET TO GET PRICES FROM A. GRAHAM & SON BEFORE BUYING YOUR NEXT BILL OF LUMBER m * 1