The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 23, 1910, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
—Bat Sowle’s Candy.
John Brannigan came down from
Peru to spend the holidays with his
aunt, Mrs. Jim Powell,
Mrs. Claude Fordyce of Broken'
Bow is visiting her parents and will
remain until after the holidays.
l)r. M. L. Wilson reports the birth
of a baby girl at the home, of
Marion Holcomb, Sunday, Dec. IS.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weaver left
Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Weav
er's mother in White Pigeon, Mich.
Alvin Porr will arrive from Hum
boldt Saturday and remain a guest
at the home of R. R. Rule over Christ
Mrs. J. A'. Hill arrived Saturday
from Sioux City to spend the holi
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. White.
Miss Mooney of Rulo was the guest
of Mrs. Dennis McCarthy on Tues
Samuel Liclity spent ltst Sunday
in St. Joseph attending to Mission
Miss Hattie Eiting and Jerometta
Kelly left Friday for David City to
spend Christmas.
Ray Zimmerman was over from
Hiawatha Sunday a guest at the homo
of \V. L. White.
Charles Hinton and wife of Sabetha,
Kansas were trading with our mer
chants last. Saturday.
Frank Wright was down from Au
burn to spend Sunday at the home
of his cousin, Mrs. Turner.
Miss Nola McCool of Salem was
shopping here Saturday and visiting
her sister, .Mrs. R. R. Rule.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carieo of Diller,
Neb., arrived Sunday for a holiday
visit, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Carieo.
Mrs. Allan D. May and little son
will arrive from Auburn Saturday to
spend Christmas with Mrs. Kather
ine Wylie and Mrs. Will Uhlig.
Red Cross
Is the name that the
have selected for their Drug
Store which they just pur
chased from Dr. Kerr.
As they contemplate many
changes in the store after the Holi
days are over to make it the most
up to date Drug store in the city,
they propose to offer to the public
from now until January First, a
Discount Sale on all Holiday
Goods that,will make them move.
All goods were bought and
marked by the Kerr Pharmacy
but our prices will be deducted.
Try us and see what we can
do for you.
Red Cross
C. A. Heck
Buy Watertown, Wisconsin Rye Flour, Gold
Coin Flour. Get some Tankage for your hogs.
1 also have Oil Meal, Rock Salt, Barrel and
Sack Salt. Give me your order for
Coal and Wood
1 also handle Feed, Baled hay and Straw and
all kinds of Grain. Give me a trial.
C. A. Heck
L. C. Kd wards " as in Humboldt on
The Misses Stewart of Salem were
shopping here Saturday.
H. 10. Boyd of Humboldt was a bus
iness visitor here Monday.
Miss June Hummel is the guest tills
week of her sister, Mrs. Spencer. ,
Miss Gertrude Lyford came down
from Tecumaeh to spend Sunday at
Miss Olive Tilden of Salem was
the guest of Miss Grace Harlan last
Miss Beatty of Robinson, Kansas
was tin1 guest, of Mrs. Simon Beaehy
last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 10. 10. Butler and son
I rt'iiry from near Barada were I rail
ing here Tuesday.
Mrs. Samuel Wahl left last Thurs
day for Indianapolis for an extended
visit with her mother.
Misses Maude Davis and Helen
Kanaly are clerking in Harlan Bros.’
drug store during the holiday season.
Hr. Claude Fordyce of Broken Bow
will arrive Friday to spend Christ
mas at the home of Mr. nad Mrs. W.
H. Maddox.
Mrs. Vincent Katon who visited last
week with Mrs. Whitford and Mrs.
Marts returned Saturday to her home
in Wymore.
Mrs. Abner McKee arrived last
Friday from Paonia. Col., and will
visit for a month with her mother,
Mrs. .f. it. Wilhite.
Miss Myrtle Riggin who visited
last week with her sister, Mrs. F.
Knickerbocker, went to Wyinore Fri
day to visit friends.
Miss Alice .Taquet arrived home
last Thursday from Galesburg, where
she attends collogr'-nnd will remain
until after New Years.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Foster leave to
day for Indianapolis, Indiana to spend
the holidays with their daughter, Mrs.
Thomas Snyder and family.
Mrs. Nathan Reynolds arrived on
Tuesday from Omaha and will visit
during the holidays witli her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Maddox.
Miss Ethel Nelde returned Wed
nesday from Omaha where she at
tends Brownell Hall and will remain
at home until after the holidays.
Charles Roundy and ltttlo daugh
ter arrived last Thursday night from
Syracuse, N. Y., to visit his cousin,
Fred Chesley and other relatives.
Miss Martha Stockman came down
from Lincoln for a week end visit
with Falls City friends. She return
ed to her home in iloldrege Mon
day to visit until after Christmas.
Miss Elizabeth Maddox came in
from Gordon, Nebraska to visit her
grandmother, Mrs. Margery Grant,
and other relatives. She will reniatn
until after the holidays.
Henry Stockman of Holdregc, Neb.
'•Do came in to attend the Herman
Wolf sale returned to his home on
Friday. In February Mr. Stock
man expects to move his family here
and will farm the Wolf land.
A little son was born Monday,
December 20, to Dr. and Mrs. H. ]\
Roberts. They are very proud of
the arrival of the little boy and
have the congratulations of their
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson arrived
Tuesday from Wisner, S. D., for a
visit with friends. With their daugh
ters Misses Ruth and Bessie, they
will go to Mound City Friday to
spend Christmas with relatives.
Mrs. Everett Peckenpaugh arrived
Monday from her home in Ottawa,
Kansas and will remain until after
the holidays with her mother, Mrs.
Katherine Wylie and her sister, Mrs.
Will Uhlig. Mr. Peckenpaugh will
arrive Saturday.
Harry Pittoek and mother, Mrs.
Alice Pittoek went to Salem Sun
day to visit the latter's sister, Mrs.
Stettler, where a birthday dinner
was held in honor,of the seventy
ninth birthday anniversary of llieir
mother, Mrs. Martha Elwell.
Mrs. W. B. Julian returned Mon
day from a three weeks visit with
relatives in Marshall, Mo. She was
met, in Kansas City by Mr. Julian,
who just came in from Dong Beach
and -hey will spend some time at
the home of Mrs. Julian’s parenst.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cain.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building.
Sweet Cider and apple butter at
Heck &. Wamsley’s warehouse near
the mill. 51-2t
Will Holt made a business trip to
Kearney this week.
John W. Powell went to Kansas
Clt> on business Tuesday.
Harley Mendenhall ami wife of Sa
lem .were shopping here Saturday.
Misses May and Ola Crook were
down from Salem shopping Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimtuel of
Morrill were visitors here hist Sat
Mrs. T. J. (list was the guest, of
Mrs. J. 11. Cain, Jr. of Stella last
W. L. Stephens was down from
Hnrada Monday trading with our
Dr. E. W. Wilts** of Mobile, Iowa is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jerome Wills**.
J V. Scarlett h it last Friday for
Columbia, S. D., to spend some time
on his land there.
Mrs. Grant Windle and daughter
went to St. Joe Friday to visit over
Sunday with relatives.
Mrs. Ike Stoltss and Miss Kckard of
Stella were week end guests of Mrs.
George Story last week.
Irvin Bode came down from Omaha
Sunday and will remain until after
Christmas with his family.
I’erhapB you did not know it but
the merchants of Falls City are about
tlic most charitable people on earth.
Miss Stella Knickerbocker return
ed to her duties in the county judges
office Monday after an Illness of a
Miss Ruth Reavis is expected
home Friday from Jacksonville, 111.,
where she attends the Jacksonville
Woman's college,.
Mrs. Maude Wigton and son, Dor
rington will go to Council Bluffs
Saturday to spend Christmas with
Mrs. John Martin.
Rev. Nanninga was called to Leon
ardville, Kansas the first of the
tieek to conduct the funeral of n
farmer parishioner.
Itlruno C. llanson will come down
fr$m Omaha Saturday to spend
Christinas with his wife and baby at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Kerr.
C. H. Kerr left Sunday to join
the Nancy Co. No. 2 at Cedar Falls,
Iowa. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. King
are botli members of this company.
Among those who returned Wed
nesday from the State University
were Ray Graham, Harry and Jean
Cain, David lteavis, Reavis Gist and
Herbert Maiseli,
Dr. and Mrs. llmt Windle were
j down from Pawhee Sunday. The
j doctor returned Monday but Mrs.
| Windle will remain until after the
! holidays.
] Miss Mary Steele will come home
Saturday from Lincoln where she is
, attending public school and will n
j main until after the holidays with her
I mother. Mrs. Kate Steele.
Mrs. Let man of St. Joseph
■ was called here to attend the funeral
| of her father, Peter Shillings who
died near Barada Saturday. She
! returned home Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hiatt, of Sa
lem are the proud parents of a little
: daughter, horn Saturday, December
, 17, ai the home of Mrs. Hiatt’s par
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lord of this
Mrs. Lydia Lehman of Kansas City
visiting at the home of her brother,
Chris Saylor, during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Saylor of Morrill,
Kansas were shopping here last Sat
Joe Norris was down from Lincoln
over Sunday for a short visit with his
son, Leon, and his sister, Mrs. I. C.
Maust. He left Monday for Hardin,
Mont., to visit his parents over
II. E. Kennedy of Okmulgee, Okla.,
arrived Friday to join his wife in
her holiday visit to her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. H, Jussen. After the
New Year they will go to Terra
Iloute, Ind., for a visit.
FOIt SALE—Barred Plymouth rock
cockerels for sale.—John Rieschick.
Suggestive Therapeutist
Treatment given by Suggestion, also
Magnatism or by laying on of hands
All diseases successfully treated
without the use of drugs or surgery.
Office at Residence 1 block north
and 3 blocks east of the Library.
Phone 504
W ■■ 1 . . 1 .1 - -1—- -- - - • -
Our Motto This Year Is: "THE BEST YET.”
That’s Right
Keep Us Busy
We like it. N on people do, too, we guess—•
judging by the good feeling and enthusiasm evidenced
while shopping here.
The Holiday spirit is abroad in the land, all right,
and gift-giving is the one thought of all young
and old.
Jewelry stands ahead of everything in the hearts
of those who have friends to remember.
Just as it is appreciated above everything else by
those who receive it.
Mere is ANOTIH.R list for you to read.
When vou add the articles in our last ad to these
printed here, you will see that we can with truth claim
to have a collection of Jewelry that is just about as
complete as it can be.
Diamond Ring's for.$ a.00 and up
Diamond Brooches for . M.OO and up
Ladies Gold Filled Watches for.. 10.00 and up
Gents’Gold Filled Watches for.. 9.00 and up
Gents’ Umbrellas for. 5.00 and up
Ladies’ Parasols for. 3.00 and up
Neck Chains for. LOO and up
Lockets for.75 and up
Bracelets for. LOO and up
Souvenir Spoons for. 35 and up
Cut Glass .. ,,. 1.00 and up
Brass Novelties . LOO and up
Davies & Owens
Reliable. Jewelers and Opticians
Fire, Lightning and Tornado
1 represent several of the best old line companies
doing business in Nebraska, and who have reputations
of prompt and fair settlement in case of loss, and drafts
1 are given immediately upon complet ion of adjustment
of a loss without discount.
! give special attention to mv insurance business
and those intrusting tin ir business to my care will have
n > cause to regret the confidence reposed.
l ime to adjust your loss is when
you have your policy written.
Does your policy read as you would like to have
it read if you had a loss?
I have delivered the first New York draft in settle
ment of a loss sustained by the fire in the Wahl building.
See me about your insurance now.
Wholesale Dealers
in Flour, Salt, Stoneware, Nuts, Popcorn,
Oilmeal, Apples, Matches, Soap, Swift’s Pride
Cleanser and Brooms.
Write or phone for prices.
Heck & Wamsley