To Enjoy a Merry Christmas and Have Your Friends Enjoy it with You Join the hristmas C Shoppers and come to 9 Here you find choice goods to select from Ribbons We have bought several thousand yards of all Silk Imported Ribbons at one half their regular price, in plain, moire and fancy, just what you want, (foods worth from a()c to #1.00 per yard, all go at 23c and 38c Handkerchiefs An exceptionally big line of choice goods to select from bought especially for the holidays. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Our Ladies’ T a i 1 o re d Suits and Skirts, Ladies’ and Misses’Coats and Furs will be sold at one half their actual value. This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. Some choice goods to select from. Merican beauty corsets; 1 Kalamazoo Const t Co Kxcu'sivi: Makir-j ! ' Corsets Parisian and American Beauty—two of the best Corsets made. Every pair guaranteed to tit and wear. $1.00, $1.50, j$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, and $3.50. We sell Peters Shoe, the best shoe on the market. Every shoe warranted, also the best line of rubbers and overshoes. Just open ed a nice line of winter hats and caps, latest style. Wool and Fleece lined underwear, Sweater (’oats for Men and boys. I also carry the Largest, Best and Most Complete line of Gro ceries, Fruits and Vegetables in the county. Every thing fresh dally and weekly. Just received 100 palls of Christmas Candies. I want to call your attention to the fine line of Teas and Coffees. A trial Will convince you that there is no better on the market. Dress Goods With a lift* experience we know the best is the cheapest to buy and you will always find our Wool and Silk Dress Goods A No. 1. We are offering today a strictly $1.25 30-in. Taffeta Silk, guaranteed at 96c Room Rugs When in need of a Rug look through our line. All new goods and will promise to save you a few dollars on same. All sizes to select from. Don’t fail to look through our stock of Wool Blank ets, Comforters, O u ti n g Flannels and Underwear, all fresh, new goods and the best that can be bought I Want to thank You For the Kind Support Given Me in the Past and Will Ask the Continuance of the Same. I Wish You One and All a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. R. A. DITTMAR DAINTY J j. L.:SHAPELY 0 We handle the TOPSY HOSIERY No better made. Every pair guaranteed. Cotton, ileece lined, wool foot, all wool and silk. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big •lost- of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy bafhe your feet in hot water before g '• g to bed, and you are almost cer :ii to ward off a severe cold. Foi J-ele by all dealers. ■ Polishes 1 B Pots, pans, kettles, wood- I B work, floors, shelves, painted I ■ walls, windows, metals, cut- B ■ lery, in the bath room, pan- I ■ try, kitchen, in lact through- I ■ out the house. B fl Painted woodwork and B I walls require care in cleaning B ■ —do it easily and safely with ■ I Old Dutch Qeanser. B 1 The New Way M Sprinkle a very little Old W Dutch Cleanser on cloth or ■ sponge, rub easily, rinse with H H dean wet cloth and wipe dry. ■ ■ No caustic or acid. Avoid WmjM them. (Not a soap powder) £gggg I Just You TryhM Report of Committee. To the Honorable Mayor ami Coun cil, Kails City. Nebraska. Gentlemen I the chairm an of the | committee to distribute the money contributed to the men who fought tile W'alil fire, December 5th, 1910, beg leave to make the following re port . On account of the fact that the remaining members of the commlttei were among the most. prominent men in the fire fight and therefore , were more or less sensative about acting in tlu« mutter, I have as sumed l lie entire responsibility. I ask everyone to feel that i have i tried to make an equitable division ! It is, of course, somewhat inaccurate. If anyone lias been omitted that should have been included the matter can lie taken up hereafter. 1 will keep tlie balance of the money until ] after January 1st for that purpose. [After that time I will turn it over to till' new tiro company for any dis position it may see fit to make. The donations follow: Jul" Kuegge.$10.00 Tim Horan.10.OP Mert McGuire.10.00 j I Wm. Goldner.10.00 Harry Pense.10.00 (’, s. l<). N. Lane.10.00 * I Ernest Ilerbster.10.00 ! Sam Marts.10.00 Wm. Wamsley.10.00 L. C. Rood.10.00 A P. Clenn.10.00 Wm. Casey.10.00 Leroy Stark.10.00 $140.00 John Mosiman, fire chief.. ..$20.00 George Shields, meals.16.10 Paul Jones.’5.00 Harry Mosiman. 5.00 Lester Jones. 5.00 Wm. Lutz. 5.00 Wm. Cline. 5.00 Nate Carpenter. 5.00 Klem Carpenter. 5.00 Wm. Goldsberry. 5.00 L. Atkinson. 5.00 John Wallace. 5.00 Earl Frakes. 5.00 Balow Wanner. 6.00 L. Aldrich. 5.00 Miles Macumber. 5.00 George Collier. 5.00 Carl Buthman. 5.00 Ernest Gagnon. 5.00 Ike Hrannum. 5.00 A. O. Hacker. 5.00 Jack Keo. 5.00 Sain Vouch. 5.00 _ I i $105.00 i Charles Herling. 3.00 J Henry Herling. 3.00 ! Max Herling. 3.00 I Henry Herling. 3.00 ! Ered Simmons. 3.00 I 1 Orval Jones. 3.00 Ed Smith. 3.00 Ralph Dailey. 3.00 T. J. McKeiver. 3.00 Guy Huston. 3.00 $27.00 Total received. $413.50 Total paid out. 308.10 Balance on hand.$105.40 Respectfully Submitted, D. D. REAVIS. November Library Report Number of books circulated; Ad ults, 1910; Juvenile, 1153. Number of new books; adults. 22; •luvenile 3(1. German books six. Cards issued to town patrons: Ad ults, 47; juvenile, 55. Cards issued to country people 4. Attendance 2283. ('ash for cards and fines $14.99. In consequence of the growing de mand for religious books in the li brary some of this nature was in cluded in every book list. Two have recently been put into circulation will be enjoyed by many who are interested in missions. Mr. Claud Field in “Heroes of Mission ary Enterprise” tells of the work in various parts of the world. He be gins in our own land with a chapter on John Eliot, also touching upon the lives of other heroes and the Jesuit missions here. The life and work of Hans Egede in Greenland oe; CHAS. M. WILSONS The largest stock, and best assortment in the county of CUT GLASS FANCY CHINA DINNER WARE and everything that makes a complete China stock. We are making some low prices to the Christmas buyers and special prices on all our Cut Glass See the stock and get our prices before you purchase. Don’t forget the place CHAS. M. WILSON’S cupies one chapter. The careers of Dr. Judsou of Burnah, John Williams, Livingstone and many others are most graphically told. The work is too brief to permit exhaustive biographies but the book is in structive and Inspiring reading. Another book, “Winners of The World During Twenty Centuries" is a short account of the spread of the Christian religion from the time of St. Paul down to the present gen eration. The principle aim of this little book is to interest children iii missions and it is well arranged for use in the Sunday School. Mary Hutchings, Librarian. For Sale Good show case at a bargain—Appl at the Tribune office.