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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
The Shoppers Paradise AT SIMPSON’S You will find the choicest collection of Cut Glass, Silver, Brass Novelties shown in the city. OUR DISPLAY WAS NEVER BETTER. If you want to purchase a really acceptable present you will find H in our dazzling display of Christinas Gifts Diamonds, Watches, Rings, Brooches, Necklaces, Lockets, Hat Pins, Stick Pins, Hand Painted China, Sterling Silver Novelties, Leather Goods, Umbrellas. R. B. Simpson The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. HUMBOLDT. John Holman attended to business in Falls City Wednesday. Miss Lilly Edwards was a passen ger to Falls City Wednesday. Joseph Stone attended to busi ness in Kansas City Saturday. Mark Williamson spent part of the week with friends in Falls City. The Farmers Institute was held in the city hall Thursday and Friday. George Cernohlavek of Falls City spent Sunday with friends in this city. Mrs. W. Tracy of Pawnee City was a guest of O. A. Cooper and wife Sunday. O. L. Unkefer, wife and son, Linn, returned Saturday from a visit to Lincoln. Georgia Billings is"«,ssisting in the Hackett Drug store during the Christ mas rush. Dr. W. R. Waggener spent the latter part of the week with rela tives in Omaha. Morton Youngman returned Sun day from a few days visit with Te cumseh friends. Will Gergens and wife visited with relatives in Pawnee City the middle of the week. Mrs. Roy Bain and little daughter visited with her parents, K. S. Cope and wife, this week. Mrs. Kovanda of Table Rock spent the latter part of the week with James Hnizda and family. Callie Edwards came down from Lincoln the last of the week and spent Sunday with home folks. H. 1*. Marble returned to his home in this city Sunday from his work at the Santee Indian agency. A. Wiggins and family left Wednes day for Vigil, Kansas, where they will make their home in the future. Miss Stella Finch returned to her home in Lincoln after an extended vis it at the home of R. R. Pbilpot. John Voellers and wife went to St. Joseph Thursday. Mrs. Voellers will receive medical treatment in a hos pital at that place. Champ Wright and wife have re turned to this city to make their home, having resided for some time at Marshfield, Mo. Mrs. John Powers returned this week from Omaha, where she had been spending some time with her son, John Powers Jr., and wife. The remains of the infant son of Benjamen Creed and wife of Pawnee City wa brsought to Humboldt Mon day and buried in the city cemetery. The basket ball game played be tween Tecumseh and Humboldt at the former place, resulted in the score of 13 to 27 in favorof Tecum seh. The Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church held a social at the home of Miss Helen Smith on Friday. Dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. A. E. Litchfield and little daughter, Elizabeth returned to their home in this city Sunday after spend ing a few' weeks with her father, Dr. Merideth in Ashland. Benjamen Ball, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Snoke Sat urday. Funeral services were con ducted in the M. E. church in Table rfock, Monday. The deceased was one of the early settlers of south east Nebraska and was eighty-nine years of age. BARADA. H. H. Woodring was in town Mon day. Harild Bolejaek was in Shubert on Saturday. .1. 11. Morehead was out from Falls City Friday. Emma Constantine is quite ill at this writing. Mrs. George Allen visited in Daw son last week. Blanche Sailors is just up from an attack of lung fever. C. H. .Martin and wife spent Sun day at the home of K. H.Dunnn. Bertha Karst is on tliosiek list. Dr. S. A. Van Osdel was in Falls City last week. John Whittle, who is recovering from typhoid fever is now suffering with pleurisy. Hiram Boggess and Floyd Orr and their wives went to Burlington Junc tion, Mo., Monday to visit relatives. Jeff Keyser and family of Wheeler County Nebraska are visiting Hen ry Siemering and other friends here about. A very pleasant social time was passed at the Woodman hall on Sat urday evening, when the Woodmen of the World entertained their families and friends at an oyster supper, Mrs. Anthony Buchholz spent last week in Grafton, visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Ludwig and her new niece. She also visited at Fairmont with the family of her brother, Gust Jorn. Rulo, David Anderson was visiting in Mis souri Sunday. George Ward left for Superior, Sun day afternoon. Tom Bowker was a Falls City vislto last Wednesday. Ike Adkins of Missouri was in Rulo one day last week. Oscar Loose of Fortescue was a Ru lo visitor last Sunday. Thomas Hays was a Missouri visito the first of the week. Will Graves was a Falls City visitor on business, Saturday. Grandp Larabee visited with bis son in Preston last Sunday. Roy Dicks was a Missouri visitor the fore part of the week. D. Varnaulkinburg was a Falls City ! business visitor Monday. John Mann of White Cloud was a liulo visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. James Ratekin was a Preston visitor the first of the week. T. J. Olllver of Falls City visited the public school here last week. Frank Van spent Sunday with his parents and little daughter here. Mrs. Harry Huber visited with rela tives at Preston the first of the week. James Larabee of Falls City visited relatives here several days last week. Karl Dicks and family, of White C'oud visited relatives in Rulo Sun day. Bill Brainard of Missouri was trans acting business in this vicinity last week. Teresa Itousselle returned last wee from a visit with relatives in South Dakota. Mrs. Dan Fickle went to Missouri Saturday for a few days visit with re latives. Harry Simon and Frank Vanaulkin burg were Falls City visitors one day last week. James Taguer and wife of Falls Cit visited with relatives in this vicinity last week. Bessie Anderson came home Friday ( veiling to spend a few days with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Ford and baby of Brownsville, came Sunday to visit i ; relatives. Harry Marsh now has his sawmill up. is ready to saw all kinds of ' building material. Tillie Dannecker returned home last ; week, from an extended visit with her sister in Oklahoma. Sophia Thomas returned Saturday from a visit with her brother and fain ily, at Du Bois. Nebr. Mrs. Henry Majeris and baby who hau been critically ill at her parents home are slowly improving. Several wagonloads of gypsies were in town Saturday; they were on the! way to St. Joseph where they expect i to encamp for the winter. The band boys gave a concert in , Hosfords Hall, Wednesday night of last week. The attendance was good i and every number enjoyed by the aud | ience. WILLIAMSVILLE. — Henry Butler spent Sunday at 10. ' K. Butlers. tl. W. Duerfehl was a Falls City ' visitor Friday. Jesse Dunn spent Monday with .1. , Martin in Barada. G. W. Duerfeldt was a pleasant | caller at Charles Weick's Friday. 10. 10. Butler and family spent Sun 1 day at the home of G. W. Duerfeldt. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Dunn were i pleasant callers at Tom Branseums last Monday. Frances Knisely, John Feicht and Ray Dunn spent Sunday afternoon on Barber lake. Mrs. Otis Sailors of Barada is stay ing with her mother, Mrs. it. J. Dunn, while her husband is absent on busi About thirty of Miss Ruth Wheeler’ friends gathered at the home of .laeol Mack last Wednesday and surprised her. About ninety of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Branseum's friends gathered at their home last Saturday night to welcome Mrs. llranseum. The evening was spent in playing cards and party games and dancing. Refreshments were served and at a late hour all returned to their several homes after wishing the happy couple many years of happiness and prosperity. PRESTON. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mcwain and Clarence were the guests of Mark Durfee and family Sunday. Sam Duckworth spent Sunday in on vicinity. Grover Vaugah was the guest of A. F. Hi ndolph and family Thursday e vening. M. .1. Durfee marketed hogs at Pres ton Saturday. Mr. F. C. Oberst is on the sick list this week lSd. Durfee and wife and drover Vaughan were Kalis City visitors Fri day. Boss Randolph was in Fargo Satur day A. .1. Dackworth had business in on vicinity last week. George Vaughan was a Preston vis itor last Saturday. Ed Durfee purchased an Edison pho nograph of Grover Vaughan. Boss Randolph was the guest of Ed Durfee and family Saturday. Drinegar passed away at his home near Fargo, Staurday morning Dec. 10, after a short illness, lie leaves to mourn his loss a wife two sons and one daughter, Jack and Henry Drinegar and Mrs. Charles Nit chie. They have the sympathy of the entire community. The winter industry seems to be trapping as every man and boy is at it. Mrs. Ed. Durfee, Mrs. (ieo. Vaugh an and Miss Etta Wayne entertained at the home of Mrs. Ed. Durfee Mon day afternoon. Six ladies took their fancy work and enjoyed a very pleas ant afternoon. Phonograph music proved to lie most entertaining, and in harmony witti the afternoon's work and pleasure nice and dainty refresh ments were served. Sam and Ed Oberst were business visitors at Preston Saturday. Charley Nole made a business trip to Falls City Saturday. Mr. John Helfenbrine and family wore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Durfee and family Sunday evening. A. F. Randolph and wife were the guests of their son Porter Randolph and family Sunday. John Helfenbrine and wife were guests of Geo. Wist and wife one day this week. John Helfenbrine and wife were Ri:< lo visitors last week. Charley Jackson was the guest of Gus llelfenbrine Sunday. M. .1. Durfee was a Falls City visi tor Monday. Clarence Mcwain is husking corn for Mark Durfee this week. DAWSON. Nellie Briscoe went down to Fulls City last Saturday and returned home Sunday. James Cluncy bus been on the sick list for a few duys. Fat Kelly returned Sunduy from a weeks visit with relatives in Burehard Marguerite O'Donnell spent Satur day and Sunday in Falls City. Hattie Kitting and Jermetta Kelly of Falls City spent a few days visit ing Father Lourghau and Alex Tiehon Sr. Winifred Uyan spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister Mrs. Rd Mur phey in Shubert. Miss Margaret Ryan spent Suturda and Sunday at. tier home, Father Lourglmn went to Ifaradu • Sunday. There was no mass in Duw i son. Miss Vesta Lively spent Saturday | at her home in Falls City. I Miss Nina Snow spent Sunday with 1 her parents in Humboldt. Will Fenton was up from Falls City I attending to business Monday, j Three of Ike Bodkin's children an ■sick now. Dr. Waggoner of Humbold has been making daily trips to see them hut is not eertain whether they have typhoid or not. Ruth McCoy spent Saturday and Sunday in Humboldt. ■ Elas I.nfler, and family returned ' home from Wyinore where they had been visiting for a few days. Walter Utermohlen is still improvin from his seige of the typhoid fever. •Miss Daisy .Morris of Humboldt lias been visiting for the past week with her sister Mrs. Alexander. Will Albright and wife spent Satur day and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jo Tieln n. Tim Cummings returned home from Hurehard last week. Mike and Cieo Cooper have been sick for several days. I’at Clancey spent Saturday and Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Sam Zimmerman. William Fenton and wife returned J homo Monday from a visit to relative in Haddam, Has. Mrs. Jerry Kean went to Shubert Wednesday to visit her mother and | father. She returned home Sunday. Mrs. George Allen of Barada is vis ! iting Mrs. Susan Allen in Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rease are visit | dig Joint Beutler and family Saturday. VERDON X. I!. Judd was on our streets last Friday. El. Randolph was up from Falls ('it on business last week. Miss Jessie Griffith was a county seat visitor recently. F. B. Cornell spent a portion of Iasi week at Falls City. Deputy Sheriff Me Farland was in town on Wednesday. Juliu s Ayers ami wife were shoppia in Falls City Saturday. Mr. mul Mis. Josh Bloom visited re lutives in Falls City Tuesday. Dr. Halm was up from Falls City ou business one day last week. T. I,. Hall of Diucoln was trans acting business here recently. Mrs. Corn Andrews of Stella was calling on Verdon friends recently. M. A. Vouch has returned from a recent visit to Seneca Kansas. Clarence Clark am) wife of Kansas City spent a few days of last week here. Quinton Stump shipped a carload of cattle to Kansas City Tuesday li vening. Mart Stewart and wife of Pawnee City visited relative* here the pasi week. Miss Anna Frnuenfeldcr came up from Falls City lo spend Sunday with home folks. Sol Bloom and brother- in-law left the fore pari of the week for Fair bury Nebr. Mrs. Hull and daughter Miss Flor ence spent last week with relatives at Iiarada. Miss Opal Smith came down from Nemaha City Monday evening for a visit with her father. Mrs. Jess Waggoner arrived Satur day morning from Dan rain Nebr. for a visit with home folks. Lnndon Ymitis lias returned to his home' In l.oiii; Island Kans. after ;i short stay here with relatives. Mrs. .1. Shiilleiilierger and son ('Inis of Shubert were guestesof Mr. and Mrs. Krunk Dietrich Friday. Homer Young returned to his home at Heaver City Nebr. Monday after a short stay lore with his uncle. Miss Nellie Hossack and friend Miss St umbo of Falls City visited re latives here the first of he week. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Marsh returned home Tuesday afternoon from a visit with friends at Monmouth and Lin coln Nebr. Mrs. Martin Miller and sons Asa and Harry left Monday for Kansas Ci ty to be at the bedside of Charlie Miller who is very ill. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Estes, l-aird, Colo. Mrs. Estes was formerly Miss Chloe Wil kinson of this place. * Will llasenyager and Charlie Geb haft are enjoying a visit from their nephews, Arthur llasenyager and Wa ter Gebhart who arrived recently from Long Island Kans. George W. Foutch of Rockport Mo. died at the home of his sister, Mrs Mary Steward of this place Tuesday evening, Dec. 6, aged 85 years ft mon ths and 2!) days. Funeral services to be held at the Steward home Wed nesday and ihe remains shipped to Rockford Mo. MONEY TO LOAN—Have a few sums of private money, fifteen hun dred dollars and upwards to loan on good farm land. If you wish to bor row write, or call on me.—Henry C. Smith, Falls City, Nebraska.