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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
The “Readydo- II ear ' St on is the right hin t to buy yi Its tor ex'erv member o) the tarn Hr The ' 'Reaefy-to-11 ear " Store has the right goods at the right /rices. See our Hue before you buy Xmas Gift Buyers The store that leads with the proper things for Christ mas gifts. Our store is the right place to do vour Christ mas shopping. Articles that make useful aiul acceptable presents for the Mother, Young Lady or Old Maid; for the Father, Young Man or Old bach elor. Also for the Children and I iny l ots. Yes we are anxious to please the giver as well as the acceptor of the gilt. When you think of Christmas pres ents stop at this store first. ' Ready-to-Wear Store i The Popular Trading Place. The store that is growing fastest without a complaint. We serve the people with what they want and at prices they want to pay. We have established our reputation as real bargain givers. People are learn ing every day that this store does give better values. Our capital is small, our stock is not large, but our trade is a big one. Watch the store that rea lly does things. We are simply demonstrating what can be done with good values and right prices. Silk Petticoats Silk Petticoats make an ideal Christmas jjilt. \\ e are exclusive selling agents for this territory of S <v K Petticoats. Made by pt*tti coat specialists of all silk taffeta counts t o r some thing. When you see one of our petticoats you will readily see why our petti coats are better, at. 1 Knible row insertion, extra wide, with pockets; black old v. Fxtra wide Black Petticoats, made for stout peo ple ; Black Messaline, Fancy Persians and Colored Silks, all with pockets, and at the same d* 4 OR popular price; .«P W’e have other Silk Petticoats at $2.98 ami $»?.98 also o'ood values. Cotton Petticeiats from 4t)C to $2.98. Kid Cloves Kill (doves please man, woman I and child. ( Ladies Kid Gloves Max Mayers celebrated New \ ork gloves, the kind that {gives satisfaction. Our introducing price, all staple colors Z and sizes, s i. o<» values. . . v/v ^'5':,hu:s 98c \Y e are anxious for you t<> trv this glove at qSc. Compare it with other s i. j 5 gloves. We want your opinion. Children s Kid Mittens Fur top and outing lined, special. ^ srn ( doves and Mittens for men, women and children Good Dolls ■ Santa Claus was liberal with our share of Dolls. Deleft some ftW ■/ 0|VE ver.V pretty ones. They are the rap) SOMi: op rlTf 1 )ependoii line. I he kind that fl11 Sl^ looks good and lasts long. ' ' Ww '.'V'' ‘ Dressed Dolls all complete s',-"?',' • ‘ from 10c up. We call your special attention to the very good values at 25c, 40c, and 08c — some worth double this price. Autocliffe Silk Scarfs Persians, fancy stripes and plain colors Qfir* extra good values at. Other good values at.50C Linen Pieces $2.25 and $2.50 values.. .$1.08 51.75 and $1.98 values. 1.50 Very good for presents. Handkerchiefs Three extra special lots: 5c each, values to 10c. 4 for 25c, values to i2p2C. 2 for 25c. values to 20c. Pocket Books We are headquarters for bargains in Pocketbook. Any price from 'J.'c up. Jabots and Collars .lust new from the collar factory in Boston; mostly -uc. rljirc A Most Acceptable I U I o ““ Christmas Gift We earrv popular priced furs. If you want to be right sure of giving the right thing at the right time give a Fur Set. Black and Brown Fur Sets q I lie large Barrel Pillow Muff, large tur pieces and satin | ^ f A lined, per set.v 1 w*3U Black Sets $2.*)o up to $ 10. Popular styles and qualities. Separate Pieces l ur pieces, Marmout, Oppusum, Coney from up. Childrens' Sets Fur and Astrachan — just the article to please the little one, 40c and up. Fleece Lined Kimonas A kitnona will make a g o o d Christmas present. Fleece lined, heavy kimona cloth. All the popular styles and prices. Yes they are warm and pretty. Patterns that are bound to please. Striped fleece lined, long knnonas, sheered back QQ _ and satin trimmings. . .701* Moral patterns in outing cloth with belts and | AfX empire styles, only 7 Fancy floral and stripe effects, satin trimmed and scolloped edges, only. Childrens' Kimonas Hoys with Teddy Hears.$1.25 Girls with Arctic scenes .... . y8c Dressing Sucques 49c, fleeced, every day style. Dress Styles 98c, Outing Kimona Cloth. Floral patterns and fancy collars. Extra good values, sold regular at SI.7.' and 551.ds, special $1.50. Christmas Hosiery Santa Claus is the stocking hun ter. He is a good indge of stock ings. Ask him about our 1 Iosierv line. We fit men, women and children with good wearing and good fitting stocking. Men's Hosiery Two pairs in box, fine silk < lisle, sol ill colors, per box. Ladies' Hose $1.50 black silk, heavy double sole, QO^ high spliced heel, special per pair. Childrens' Hose Wool, cotton anil fleece lined. For boys, ^ ankee Hoy, heavy rib.15c For girls, Our Marvel, tine rib.15^ 25c Woman’s Hose, nothing bettter at the price. Santa Claus is a friend of ours. Me always gives us the preference. That ; why our presents are better. Lithograph Pillow J tops 2 for a quarter. Trading here once is trading here always. That is the reason our trade is growing. Give us a trial.