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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
The Falls City FIVE CONSOLIDATIONS: PALLS CITY TRIBUNE, HUMBOLDT ENTERPRISE, RULO RECORD, CROCKER'S EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL ANP DAWSON OUTLOOK. Vol. Vll HALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, IVIO Number 50 THE MISSOURI PACIFIC DIVISION What It Really Means to Falls City and a Few Good Things That it Brings With It. i or many, many years it was the, hope and aim of our citizens to get I the Missouri Pacific division located he»e and something over a year ago it became and established fact, the ambition of years was to be realized. The company asked little of the city—less than fifteen acres of land.i To buy this the city was bonded—it j is the best investmen we ever made, i The company agreed to put in a cer >s.'* number of miles of trackage, aj twfive-stall roundhouse, repair shop etc, and it was estimated that a pay roll of about $100,000 per year would be maintained. .lust how far this has been enlarged upon may as t'i» sh some people for it. is safe to tween the round house and the repair shop. This is a monolithic concrete building built in keeping with the other yard buildings. in the boiler room are two water tube boilers of :'.<><» HP each. In the engine room we find two electrical units, one of 100 K. W. and one of 50 K. VV., these furnish all the electricity used for lighting and t lie various motors. There are two large service pumps, pumping from driven wells ahd sup plying water to all parts of the yard, including a fire protection system. This service is through a tank pres sure, carrying a supply of 00,000 gallons. There is also a large air compress there are fifteen large, convenient office rooms including the offices of chief despatcher, division superintend ent, traffic manager, yard master, etc and their assistants. The rooms are j light and airy, equipped with a per fect system of electric lights and hells and in finish and furnishing are an exceptionally finee arid handsome. Probably one of the most remark able equipments at the yards is the Holman patent coaling station of 400 ton coal capacity and 100 ton sand. It works automatically, five buckets oh either side carrying the coal up or down by the simple pressure of a button, in coaling tin engine the supply may be stopped instantly -it The Round House From the Southeast. say only a small percent of our peo-1 pk really understand just what the1 Division is bringing to us. "here was no delay in starting the j wjrk. As soon as the location was! secured, actual work began. One of th< first changes \Vas made in the si?.<’ of the roundhouse which is twenty-four stall instead of twelve stall as originally intended, and is on* of the most convenient and best equipped buildings of its kind In a radius of a hundred miles. Repair shops have been added and an now under construction as is also tip power house which is double the cfze originally intended. • making Falls City tile main div ision point between Omaha and Kan sas City instead of a sub-division, it required a large and complete office building to furnish quarters for the txlra large force, thus the office building is another addition to the original plan,all of which means more and better things for Falls City. Ad ditional land was purchased by the company for the site. In the round house every effort has been made to use all the best ap pliances known for round house work. The heating is taken care of by an Induced Circulation installation, con sisting of a series of heating coils through which the air is drawn by a large fan, then discharged through a series of ducts into all parts of the building, giving an even temperature at nil times. The building is well lighted by electricity. Drop pits are installed to take care of all small repairs keeping the shop clear for the heavy repairs. K complete system of piping is in I stalled giving water, air, and steam to each stall. From each stall is a blow-off line leading to ttao hot well, situated just, outside he round house. This is a reinforced concrete tank .'!0 feet in diameter and 20 feet deep. Steam, water and electricity is sup plied by a power house, placed he or which supplies compressed air at at 100 lbs. used to operate all the boiler makers tools, for forge blasts, and for the repair tools in the round house, pipe1 lines being installed to all parts of the machine shop and the round house. Connected with the power house we find a reinforceed eoi crete stack. 5 feet in diameter and 150 feet high. Repair shops are also of monoleth ie concrete with flexible glass dome and when complete will likely be the most handsome building at the yards. Within the repair shops are four locomotive repair pits, a complete boiler re pair shop, a complete forge, master mechanics office, brass room, etc. It is equipped with steam and compressed air lines extending to all parts of the shop, which also operate various tools and machinery employed All the floor tools will be driven by electric motor. This building also will be steam heated and fan venti lated. Every modern improvement and convenience lias been installed, and the equipment is as complete as in shops many times its size. About 200 men will be employed in the shops. The office building, modern in ev ery respec t, would be a compliment to a city of 50,000 inhabitants. In .'ill is not necessary to empty a wnoie tun whether that amount is needed or not There is positively no avaste coal and it will result in a saving of at 1< ast 15 per cent in coal. A button places the sand buckets in operation and four on either side carry the sand from ears to bin. It is automatical ly sifted, every particle of gravel and coarse sand is removed before it is stored and only the best is carried back again by the buckets to the ten der of the locamotive. The coaling station, too, will he operated by elect ricity but until the power plant is complete an engine is employed to furnish power. The cinder pit c lose by is also constructed along newest and most impioied lilies and is a big saving in both labor and material. The yards are fully a mile and a quarter long, and 10 tracks wide. A hoat twelve mil's ol' trackage have been laid including two ladder tracks, the six tracks necessary for storing coal, coaling locamotive, taking them in and out of the round house, three for repair tracks which accomodate about 120 ears and two tracks to the power house and shops. A complete and perfect sewerage system takes care of every drop of waste water and sewerage throughout yards. There is more than a iniic of ten Inch sewer pipe in the main yard* Which carries all scwn,',e to the ten Inch conduct pipe which empties Into the lateral ditch a mile away. The buildings and equipments an so much more extensive than original ly planned that now. in order that the different forces and crews insv locate here and make this at once the main point of operation, it lias been at the .yards the pay roll has aver aged ?8,000 per month. The enlarged force of men brought here menus a pay roll much larger than was estimated last year. These people become residents of our city, consequently it means more and bet ter business for our merchants. It will invite othei' lines of business and more people. Thus one good thing Tin* stranger will find Falls City - people disposed to be just and fair. We have a lilgli opinion of the rail road people; they must he a desir able class of citizens ('Iso they would not he holding such responsible posi tions. True, not. all aro office men, but during the past year we liavo lmd some experience with the con struction men and Falls City has felt no ill effects. z.___• • ... .. ...>.....-—I The Office Building. found necessary to make many tem porary arrangementh for lights, vra tertanks, pumping station etc. The recent snow and cold weather was bad for the eoatraetors having the work in charge tint the ideal fall and early winter weather were all in thdfjavor. lt%|4ay he surprising to many to know that for the past ten months | brings another and we predict for ! Kails City such growth and prosper ity as she lias never known. | We are glad to welcome to our Icily these strangers. In due time 1 ample accommodations will be provid ! < d for them, strictly modern houses J for those who wish them, less expen j slvo dwellings for those desiring them. Realizing tin' many good things the Division brings lo us, the good tilings Hint have sprung up in our midst dur ing III10, our ambition id’ Hill is har mony, peat e and progression within our city no the strangers coming among us may feel they have joined a happy, enterprising family and will unite witli us in making Falls City lie- very best town on earth. The Ho'man Patent Coaling Station. P-pair Ship—Unfinished. -AfjLdki aumr n*. graft ?.<•» o Ti i—iHf<r <ap>vtkA'.' k.jucZiA.*£tJtfPfiMK*.AC*.’--" ■>■ • 1 -'■ v “The Very Best We Could Ui'wBBBc* i w i ii rrpa^AM’:rarfaaty.''TOBfflEae>rtfSBaDK.*«£■* rMXWMUMtiflHMKMx <<xzr;~ gr:1 v * =.-: * ' □y Walt Mason. Said Abe, (the Nation’s greatest {man): "I do the very best i can; ■ and if my course is erring quite, no argument can make it right, and if in righteousness I’m strong. no sophistry can make it wrong; so. be tile critic, for or friend. I'll do my best until the end." The fact is galling to relate, but some of us can i not be great; our ways obscure we'i hati to triad, and hurtle lor our daily bread; our pictures never may be sr1 n lii Who's Who book, or maga zine; lint if, upon the I lay of Doom, tie come cavorting from the tomb when sounds the final trumpet’s notes tie wont lie herded with the goats if wo can say (and make it good); "We did the very best we could." 'Hi making of a town depends on the citizen tint can either make i lie ;ik i ,\!> eeiliiull is that ov* < ;man wornc and child should in ■ niiii «-:r inn r st themselves in tho ■ r, i. nail improvement of the town. Kv. ry per in ran do a little if noth ing moi' than hurrah, and speak a good woi'd and help push it along. Ii you waul to kill yourtown keep 1 constantly kicking and nagging at I something or somebody. The best Jilting for such a person is, move out, ! and give place to some one that is j more congeniei. it. A. LMttmar. >■ ■■■■ ■— 1 1 ' - .— ) iwMW—wmammMsreafM The Round House; also Power House and Repair Shop in Construction.