The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1910, Image 8

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Henry C. Smith
-4U acres well improved, it miles from lfepot in Kas. Uooii spring iiest of terms. \\ intake
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1 % miies from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land tVill
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment
160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska. $ 12,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres ^-mile from Falls City high school.
64o acres, $8,U<)0 improvements Also 64(( acres adjoining. Will take 160ucres as part payment.
Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
.... ......*
■ ■HWUll ^ - ■'V"
All Cakes,
Biscuits, Hot Breads
More Tasty, Economical,
Absolutely Healthful
*Vhat Your Friends and Their
rrienas Have Been Doirii
the Past Week.
—W*> Sui» iv, b candy,
in ii ii.~.iiii. uaui H butioiug,
niiii Hjiiii u;is down from Dawson
over Sunday.
Tho jingle ol ilio sleigh bells cer
tainly was pb using music Monday.
Rev. Hailey went to Lincoln Friday
on business. He returned Saturday.
Miss lb ssie Arnold is chrking lot
V Q. Lyford during the holiday sea
See Idttinut s ad, and go at once
a d select your patti rn. Very choice
new giwids.
I n d S'bock "as in St toe M011
r.iii looking up Christmas novelties
leu ms stoi o.
M s. Finn r Hoc It< it a,id Mrs.
. r Freston were shopping in
t i :t a t Fi'day.
!. It aver returned Monday to
h i ,ii. . a, . " A i t a*' r a v isvit to
relatives in this'- city.
\. ii;ic,i .iatkson came up from St.
Tfn Sunday and spent the day with
lb- family of J. \V. Howell.
Dr mu! Mr, Call'si n came down
from Stel a Friday call'd here by the
►erloits illru , s of ititl Houston.
Miss .lonnie Fellers returned Sat
urday night to her home in Humboldt
after a i w dayt. visit with ,ii -lids.
Ribbon rale at U A Dittnusi s com
mencing Friday, December 9th. 50
to 100 Ribbons go at like to I’.sc
J. H. Miles returned Thursday night
from Delta l’u. where he spent a
week looking after business.
Miss Helen Jackson returned on
Sunday to her home in St. Joseph
after ten days visit with Miss Lola
John Boose and family arrived on
Tuesday from Pontiac, 111., to remain
until after Christmas at the home of
his parents.
Cecil McMahan came down from
Omaha Sunday night called homo by
the death of his brother Joseph at
his father’s home near Preston.
Mrs. Pierson has returned to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Keller after a months’ visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Gray in St. Joseph.
Cjuimby Heaver came up from St
Joseph anil spent Sunday with rela
lives in this city. On Monday in
for liis home in South Dakota.
Mis. Marlon Gray and little soi
j Mil 's of Los Angeles Calif, are visit
'tug her father J II. Miles and Hi
taniily of Steplu n It. Miles.
Mrs. L. C. ICdwards returned Sal
unlay night from a two weeks visit
with her mother, Mrs. Held and her
sister. Mrs. Max Werner in Nebraska
Mr and Mrs. Frank Mullens were
down from Humboldt Friday morning
with Miss Lena Waffles who appear
d in th. Justice’s court against Wil
lie Huberts.
Mrs. Susan Hose of Chicago who
lias bt>en visiting her daughter Mrs.
II Glenn, lilt I-riday lor her home
by way of Omaha where she stopped
for a visit.
Mrs. 151 wood Kenneday arrived her
Thursday night from her home in
Okmulgee, Okl. and will remain until
after tite holidays with her parents
Mr and Mrs I’ II .lussen
Mrs. Archibald Graham returned
l;t t Thursday from a two months vis
; wltii in r sisti r near Ottawa Can
Sin also spent two we< ks in New
Vork and lias had a delightful visit
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Korner return
ed last Friday from Pittsburg, Kas.
where they have enjoyed a delight
fit! two weeks visit at the home ot
their daughter, Mrs. Marry Morrow
Hoy Mastin lias resigned his post
tion with Dr. Miner and gone to Sew
aid to visit his parents, Kev. Mastin
and wife, lie will go to Chicago af
ter tlie holidays to attend school.
Miss Clara Loose returned Satur
day from near Areo, Idaho, where sin
has been living on the ranch with hei
brother, Frank Boose. The family o
Win. 1 loose will hold a reunion here
in the near future.
A1 Burchard left Monday with hit
ear of household goods and farm ini
plements, stock, etc., for Lebanon
Mo., where he has purchased a farm
and will reside in the future. Mrs
Burchard with their children left
Wednesday for the new home.
Mrs. Jim Downs and children of Og
den, Ctah, who have been visiting
Mrs. D. W, Downs and .Miss Nellie,
left last Friday for their home ac
companied by the senior Mrs, Downs,
who will spend the winter with her
son's family.
Miss Maude Graham returned home
Wednesday from a visit of three
months in the east during which time
she was the guest of friends in New
York, Washington, Philadelphia and
Pittsburg. She visited for a short
time with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Graham
j in St. Louis.
Knight, the photographer, has re
j eently placed in his case a fine
I picture of the family of Mr. and Mrs.
1 John Hailey, who were here for the
Golden wedding celebration. For so
; large a group the picture* would be
hard to beat.
The tea given by the ladies of the
| episcopal Church at the home of Mr.
I and Mrs. John Hutchings, cleared
| them $20. There was a large crowd
! to enjoy the splendid supper and to
make the evening a social success as
At the special sale of candy at the
Candy Kitchen last. Saturday over
100 His of butter scotch was sold and
late in the afternoon it was found
necessary to make another large
Delicious 50c per lb Chocolates
will he 25c per lb. at the Candy Kit
chen, Saturday, Dec. 10, only. Don't,
miss this. Also Chocolate nut fudge
only 10c per. lb for Ibis day only.
Dr. Hoose reports the arrival
j son at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Stelnbrlnk, seven miles north
enst of town Friday, December 2,
C. F. Reavis went to Nebraska City
Saturday night, where on Sunday lie
delivered the Klk’s memorial address.
Bud Page was down from Dawson
Dr. ii. D. Burcliard was up from He
serve Friday.
Dr. VanOsdel was down from Bara
da Friday.
Walter McKiever spent Sunday in
St. Joe.
Miss Agnes Murphy was a Hulo
shopper here Friday.
Mrs. Dennis McCarthy visited over
Sunday with Hulo relatives.
Ambrose Tiehen and sister were
down from Dawson in their auto last
Del Harbaugh was down from Daw
son over Sunday the guest, of J. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Todge McKiever are
the parents of a baby girl, born on
Thursday of last week.
Miss Louise Peterson is seriously
ill and it is feared she will have to
undergo an operation.
C. ('. Dwyer of Danburry, Neb., vis
ited tlie latter part of last week with
his uncle, Ben F'ostor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buchholz are hap
py over the arrival of a little daugh
ter, Monday, December », 1910.
Miss Helen Neseladeck and Miss
Prewitt of Hiawatha were week end
guests of Mrs. Mary Mosiman.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphrey of
Verdon visited over Sunday with Mrs.
Humphrey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
A little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. George Wist Sunday, Dec.,
ember 4, 1910. Dr. Boose reports all
parties doing nicely.
Our Motto This Year is—“THE BEST YET.”
- ————— ■■■■— — ■ —1 . ■ ■■■ ■ i
Have been stocking up just about every day since we talked to
you last.
Are fast getting things to our liking.
This week we have added something particularly classy in
Watches and Brassware,
Cut Class and Silver Toilet Sets,
Hand Painted China, Silver Mesh Bags
And still there is more to follow. A LOT more.
These goods were purchased especially for the Holiday trade and
you will find them new in design and attractive and desirable
in every particular. I
We can show you just where our Holiday offerings are different
and WHY if you will let us
It isn’t a minute too soon to get acquainted with what’s Here. An
early acquaintance is an advantage.
Because it assures shoppers that completeness of selection which
is so essential to their satisfaction.
Be an early caller.
Davies & Owens
Reliable Jewelers and Opticians
Mr. Shremati of the M. I’, survey
ing crew went to Kansas City Mon
Wayne Axtcl and Harry Burkett
were down from Lincoln over Sun
dyu viisting friends.
C. B. Chandler of Hiawatha was
over from Hiawatha for “The Cli
max" at the Gehling Monday night.
Hurst Freel of Goff, Kansas spent
Wednesday in this city, the guset of
his uncle, John Hossack and family.
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Tucker and
children returned Wednesday from
St. Louis where they have been visit
ing relatives.
Mrs. John Eiehoff returned Mon
day from a short visit to Stella.
■ bringing with iter, her father, who
has been veryf ill.
Miss Nola McCool and Virgil Grin
stead of Salem were guests of Mrs.
Robert Rule Monday evening. They
came down to attend “The Climax”
at the Gehling. 1
Delicious .‘.Oc per lb Chocolates
"ill be J.'ic per lb at the Candy Kitch
en, Saturday, Dec. 10 only. Don't
miss this. Also chocolate nut fudge
only 10c per lb, for this day only.
Rev. Day went to Auburn Wednes
day morning.
Miss Elizabeth l’faum was called to
Nebraska City Wednesday by the seri
ious illness of her mother.
Mrs. H. Nothdorf has been
among the grip victims this week.
The club ladies of this city are in-;
terested in selling the Red Cross
stamps. The proceeds go to the fund
for fighting tuberculosis. Have you
contributed your mite in this worthy
cause by buying stamps.
Miss Adelle Parchon will arrive
Saturday from Helena, Mont., to
spend the winter with Mrs. W. A.
Greenwald and the family of Ferd
Chas. M. Wilson's
The largest stock, and best
assortment in the county of
Cut Glass,
Fancy China,
Dinner Ware
and everything that makes a
complete China stock. We are
making some low prices to the
Christmas buyers and special
prices on all our
Cut Glass
See the stock and get our
prices before you purchase.
Don’t forget the place.
Chas. M. Wilson’s
* (
Norsmaix Dr\ig Co. j
Dr. Kerr’s condition seems to be ini
proving which will be good news to
his friends.
Mrs. John Dowty has been suffer
ing with gripp this week.
Oppie Ross bought the J. D.
Spragins property east of the laun
dry and Monday moved his family
Harry Pittock returned Friday from
a visit in St. Joe. He has resigned
his position in Dr. Wordson's sani
tarium and will work here with Dr.
George Fallstead returned Wednes
day from Garden City, Kansas where
ho was called last week by the illness
of his brother, Will. He'reports his
brother some better.
Elder C. Forney of Reaver City
was in town Monday afternoon visit
ing E. L. Yoder and others, returning
to his home that night. He was call
ed to preach the funeral sermon of
Mr. Hale at St. Joseph, Mo., a lead
ing member of the Brethren church
In St. Joseph.
MONEY TO LOAN—Have a few
sums of private money, fifteen hun
dred dollars and upwards to loan on
good farm land. If you wish to bor
row write, or call on me.—Henry 0.
Smith, Kails City, Nebraska.
South Side Sunday School.
•Bible School—3:00 to 4:00 p. m.
Evening Service—7:30 to 8:30 p. m.
All who have no convenient place
to attend, and desire to study the
word and worship in a plain and in
formal way, are invited to attend.
We are little but we are growing.
Come and help us grow.—W. H. Wy
Hr. Emma Boose Tucker arrived in
the city Wednesday morning from an
extended trip and speech making ex
perience, and left again on Wed
nesday afternoon for Auburn where
she addressed the Presbyterian Wo
men’s Society in Hie evening.