The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1910, Image 4

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    Samuel Wahl’s entire Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes Damaged by Fire and Water will be put
on Sale in a Few Days—Look for the Announcement Later
Consolidations—Kails City Tribune,
Humboldt Enterprise, Hulo Record,
Crocker's Educational Journal and
Dawson Outlook.
Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12, 1>*>4, under the Act of Congress
on March 3, 187f».
Published every Friday at Falls City
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
Editor and Manager.
One year.
Six months..o'
Three months •'h*
The old year is fas drtawlng to a
close, and it is quite fitting that with
the (losing of the year old differenc
es and accounts be closed also. The
Tribune is putting forth strenous ef
forts to get tin' old books balanced.
Their are several reasons for this.
During the past year the personal;
of the Tribune office lma undergone
many changes. Necessarily this lias
given cause for changes in policy and
method, and a general readjustment
of business relations.
Kvery beginning lias iih cmneuiues
and the matter of finnnees is one of
tlie most serious. The office needs
the money tlint is outstanding. II is
needed to maintain the integrity of I
the business and for Improvements.
Our friends ami well-wishers will be
glad to contribute their part to*help
( an y this work forward successfully.
Then wo have a notion that Nebras
Kaus appreciate and enjoy most, wha I
they have already paid for. We are
meanly selfish enough to wish our
subscribers all I bo possible good they
can get out of the Tribunp. There
fore for their sukos as well as our
own we urge the advisability of the
prompt settlement of subscription du
es. It Is only a small matter for each
subscriber to meet bis portion, but
it amounts to a living with us. It is
the Commissary Department of our
fighting force.. And when subscrip
tions delay the outcome of our work
is jeopardized.
This may only be a foolish fancy,
nevertblcss the present management
is ambitious of establishing a 'one
price' print shop in Falls City. That
it, one rate for all. and special con
cessions to none. We are not blind
to the ugly fact that our efforts thus
far to do "the square deal" have lost
us valued patronage. However, we
shall fight for the integrity of our
rates and have assurance that all
fair minded citizens are with us.
Merchants advertising in the Tri
bune will prefer to find their trade
with the pay-as-you-go people. It is
a reasonable conclusion that the per
son who neglects bis subscription bill
will neglect other bills.
we loei that wt^aro doing our ad
vcrtising patrons a service in weed
ing out delinquent subscribers and it
should be some satisfaction for the
dealer to know that he is not adver
tising for undesirable customers.
We desire to bring our mailing lisl
strictly up to the requirements of the
IT. S. postal laws when they iusisi
only legitimate subscribers are eulil
led to receive papers at second clasi
rates. A legitimate subscriber is om
who pays regularly.
While tlie Tribune is sturdily tug
King at the yoke, will the good citi
zens not lay to occasionally and hell
jolt the car of public progress for
ward a pace or two. Do it now am
do it again.
The Santa Fe R. R. Company hn
sent notice to all its employees tha
they no longer desire the service o
men who persist in smoking cigarette
With the beginning of December tin
order became effective, already a nu
mber of men have felt its effects anc
received their discharge. And for in
other reason than that they persisted
iii their right to smoke the coffin
i nails. The company does not feel
' that it can compell a man to quit
smoking, but they do know that they
I can dispense with his service, and
that to good advantage
When one of the big railroads of
the country takes such a radical ac
tion it is time for common people to
take notice. They have learned that
smoking unfits a man for the trying
duties of rail reading. It beclouds
Ills mind, his eye is neither clear or
quick and sure, his nerves want stead
Iness and the whole man lacks that
indlsponslhle quality called tlependa
blenesH. Hereafter boys on the San
ta Ke must, cut the “nails" or lose
their Jobs. Which?
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy lias at
last sueoumed to what members of
her faith call error—or speaking
plainly death. Though a frail wom
an all Ilia- life, she has reached a ripe
old age and retained her powers of
mind to the last. She was truly a re
markable woman, and succeeded in
stamping her personality upon a
movement that has become world
wide. However wo may differ from
her in belief, we must honor and res
pect her for what she has accom
plished. She had the ability of the
true leader, ami was not only able to
gather followers about her and com
mand their willing service hut what
is more difficult, she was able to
hold them to the end. There arc I
thousands of Christian Scientists who
all but worship her. Now that she j
is dead and no longer the guiding j
genius of the church, her followers1
will be fare to face with a new era
in their organization.
* * *
The High School entertainment
course is meeting with much favor
with the citizens of the town. The (
first two numbers have not only been j
well attended but only complimentary
comments are hoard from those who
attended. We are glad of this.
It not only insures the success of the
course this year, but it also indicates
the citizens of Falls City are able to
appreciate good entertainnment and
will support it.
* * •
The effort to give the fire boys
some compensation for their work
and especially for the losses they suf
fered is to be commended and should
receive generous support.
• • •
Read the President’s message on
another page. It contains food for
reflection. it is not for the primary
purpose of pleasing and offers sugges
tions that will keep congress busy un
til spring.
* * *
Tims far the English elections have
been goign in favor of the Liberals.
It. is worthy of note, that when Par
liment was unwilling or unable to pas
needed legislation that august body
was dissolved and on election called
all within the short space of a few
* * *
The Tribune desires a correspond
ent in each school district in the
county. This offers an excellent op
- poortunity for wide-awake boys and
1 girls to cultivate the art of diserim
i inate correspondence. Send your
name and address to The Tribune,
• wo will give you the necessary in
■ structions.
Christian Church Notes.
I The Foreign Christian Missionary
Society of the Christian churches is
sending out seoretrays and a com
pany of returned missionaries from
1 foreign fields over the United States
: and Canada on a mission of mission
r ary .education . E. W. Allen of Cin
• cinnati, Ohio and three or four mis
- sionaries will be at the l’resbyctrian
- church, tonight, Thursday, with a
world wide message. 7:30 moving
i pictures, curioes and maps. All free.
Public Sale.
Bankrupt Stock of Furniture and
Embalming, Falls City, Nebr.
Commencing Dec. ltj, 1910 at ten
o'clock a. m. and continuing until tin
■utire stock of furniture, carpets,
tc., of the bankrupt estate of Ed war
oandrlgan is disposed of.
Tin property will be sold in the fol
lowing order:
Friday morning, Dec. 10, commenc
ing at 10:00 o'clock—chairs and rock
Friday afternoon, couches, tables
and stands.
Saturday morning, Dec. 17—com
mencing at 10 o’clock—bed room fur
Saturday afternoon, writing desks,
china closets, dressers and chiffon
Monday morning, iJee. 19th— rugs,'
and miscellaneous articles.
The said property may be inspect
ed at "Landrlgan’s” furniture store
on any business day prior to the sale
between the hours of 10 a. m. and
3 p. m. The trustee reserves the
right to withdraw any of said prop
erty from sale unless it shall bring
tit least seventy-five per centum of
the appraised value.
ltids will be received on said stock '
in lots or as a whole, subject to the
approval of the trustee.
Terms of sale cash. No goods re- J
moved until settled for.
This is a fine new large stock, no
old shop or shelf worn goods.
Remember the Dates. 2t
Samuel Klinmel, Trustee.
.1. G. Whitaker, Auctioneer.
Presbyterian Church Notes
It was a matter of sincere regret to
us that our splendid organ was put
out of commission last Sunday owing
to a break down at the garage where t
tin- current for the motor is gen-1
erated. All is well again now and '
we expect a good day next Sabbath. |
Tlie pastor will preach morning and \
evening and we will have special |
music at each service.
(in Thursday evening. Dee. 15, Dr. |
Francis F. Tucker will deliver a splen
did stcreoptican lecture in the First'
Presbyterian church on “China, a
Field of Opportunity.” Knowing Low
thoroughly competent Dr. Tucker is
by education and by experience litis
lecture and these pictures will ap
1 peal to all. A small charge for
admission will be made and the pfo
| coeds given to the building fund of
j the new church. You cannot afford
j to miss this.
During the time ot' the exhibit of
j Chinese and Japanese curios in the
; First Presbyterian church lately, a
| number of people expressed a wish to
buy some of the articles seen. I am
i glad to say that the Drs. Tucker
; have now consented to put a display
of these articles in the basepient of
our church on Friday and Saturday,
December 16 and 17 and offer for
sale at preies that will make them
sell fast. Furthermore, these good
people will donate all the proceeds of
this sale to the building fund of their
new hospital in China. Therefore one
will not only g et an opportunity to
buy nice unique Christmas presents,
but will also be helping to send the
Christmas spirit to far away China
where it is more needed.—R. Cooper
Bailey, Pastor.
Basket Ball.
In iho basket ball gaum atTeeum
seh last Friday night honors again
fell to our girls' High School team.
They clearly out-classed the Tec urn
soli team and had things about their
own way. The score was 41 to 6.
All the girls played a fine game nad
it would be almost an injustice to
mention any individual play because
good work was the order through
out. The girls say the Tecumseh
girls are good to play against.
Die line up this year is as follows:
Lucille Leyda, first center. Camille
Leyda. second center; Florence Parch
en, right forward; Bertha Stumbo
left forwaard; Ituth Messier, right
guard, Grace Reavis left guard; Con
stance Lyford, substitute.
The boys lost their first game of
the season to the Teeumseh team,
of 22 to 27. This is their first con
test game and their team work w as
not so strong as it should have
been. Most of the players are new
and in this game they found their
weak places. But for all that they
put. up a fine game and their score is
a credit to them. The lineup is
Robert Mason, center; George Apel,
right guard; Robert lleck, lert
guard; Frank Kanaly, left forward;
Leon Norris, right forward; Jim
Hutchings, substitute.
There were three lively rooters!
along in the persons of Frank j
Reavis, Jr., Frank Gist and Phil
Briggs, and they certainly rooted for'
Falls City.
The teams were royally entertain-'
ed by the Teeumseh young people
and they enjoyed the trip immensely.
He Compliments Dr. Morsman On His
Articles, Views Them as Practical.
The following will show that Hr.
Morsman’s paint articles arc read and
appreciated by those who understand
the necessary qualitf s and the use of
good paint. We are pleased to give;
the opinion to our readers.
I have road with interest Dr. Mors
man's articles on paints, oils, etc.
His article relating to the mixing
of a batch of paint is well wortli!
some serious consideration by thej
beginners or the would-be painters of
today as they contain many valuable t
hints as to the mixing and method of
application, but if the doctor will stop
and consider he will remember that
to those' who have kept in touch
with tlie modern methods in house
paints and painting these suggestions
only serve to refresh our memories
as to the facts as set forth, as we
were called upon to deal with them
ten or twelve years ago. As the
writer of an experience of thirty-two
years of house painting I can truly
say to the amateur house painter,
that the doctor lias given some ex
cellent and practical advice which
the beginner will profit to adopt to
themselves and their patrons. How
ever, permit me to say from experi
ence that the use of driers is un
known to me in house painting, tur
pentine only in limited quantities on
certain classes of work, the condi
tions of the surface determining the
amount required . In all of my ex
perience I have never had one square
foot of painted surface to chip,
crack or peal. You ask how do I
overcome it? Thus- plenty of brush
ing, raw oil primer, very little lead,
just enough to make a good filler.
Don’t spare the brushing, brush wel
on both coats; it pays. Don't hurry
your work thereby slighting to your
own and to your patrons detriment.
Haste always causes waste. For pitch
pine, hemlock, spruce, and all gummy
woods each must, have a special treat
ment as all surfaces differ. The up
to-date house painter must be able to
recognize these different conditions
as he comes in contact with them,
with as much skill as the family
physician exhibits in coping with the
different diseases which he is daily
called upon to successfully treat. No
one man has ever attained that posi
tion whereby he can truly say, I
an learn nothing more, as long as wo
exist this little world in which we
have lived remains to us unexplored
only so far as life hs permitated us
to forge our little way.
There constantly appears before us
new methods by which the same re
sults may bo accomplished thereby
simplifying the methods formerly pur
y Alum in food must therefore act as a poison.” V Q
' 'jj —Prof. Johnson, Yale University.
i Read the label. Buy no
I baking powder unless the
K Cream of Tartar guarantee /
is given, Z'
Baking Powder
A straight, honest, Cream ot Tartar
Baking Powder. Made from Grapes.
Makes better, more healthful food.
Sold without deception•
ii~—yminr1 iwpirf»vwm.:z'v»vn»'gM>t» —■scmn^mvi*LJumvnmmm>w* vvmui^irivjiiu
mm } £"+
1 w
where good gifts come from.
DIAMONDS. Our stock of dia
monds is larger, better and
more complete than ever. It
comprises of rings, brooches
and cuff links of various prices.
in tilt* newest and
most attractive
75c to $20.00
Distinctively new de
signs in Ladies’ and
(dents’ Ring's.
Ladles' Rings $2 50 up
Cents' Rings $4 00 up
We also have some verj
nice boys’ and pirls’ stone
and signet rings at low
Hat & Clothes
Silver Toilet Sets,
M i litary Brushes,
I etc. in Sterling Sil
ver and ?|uadruplc
Solid Silver f',uv;-,,irls!,u',''s
--- twenty designs, plain and
gilt bowls. Among those with buildings engraved in
the bowls will be found the new Christian and Pres
byterian Churches. 75c to §2.50.
^TMWI —■■Ir
The Old Reliable JEWELER and OPTICIAN
Opposite Post Office
sued by us. In short keep posted J
on the latest things transpiring each
day relative to our individual needs.
L)r. Morsman's articles tend toward
the betterment of the craft in general.
C. C. PRICE, M. P.,
R. F. D. No. 4 Falls City.
Basket Ball.
Don't fail to attend tlie basket ball
game between Nebraska Cly and
Falls City at the Jenne opera house
Saturday evening, Dec. 10. Encout
age our girls ?md help our school
by attending.