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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1910)
PRESTON. Corn shucking is over in this vicin ity. Ralph Randolph was the guest of George Vaughn and Ed Durfee Sun day. Will Each was a county seat visitor Saturday. A. J. Hackworth was in this vicin ity Sunday. 9 Will Strecker purchased a fine new buggy last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Oberst went to St. Joe last week. George Vaughan had business at C. Prichard’s Tuesday. Mrs. George Matthews was a Falls City visitor Saturday. E. E. Durfee and wife were Falls City visitors Saturday. Dora Zimmerman and brothers wer In Falls City Saturday. Grover Vaughn went to Humboldt t visit relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haeffele were Falls City visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Burk were in Falls City one day last week, Grace Randolph returned from For ♦escue Saturday where she visited •riends and relatives. M. J. Durfee, Charles McWain and Charles Pelcher were Preston visit ors Saturday. E. J. Durfee and wife spent Satur day evening and Sunday with his son, E. E. Durfee and family. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy bathe your feet in hot water before g ing to bed, and you are almost cer tain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by all dealers. DAWSON. McKinley is seriously ill with ty phoid fever. Mike Murphy was down to Falls City last week. Miss Kate O'Donnell spent Satur day and Sunday at home. Mrs. Glines went to Haddam, Kas., last week to visit relatives. Wanna Zimmerman and Sam at-1 tended church here Sunday. Walter Uttermohlen is recovering slowly from the typhoid fever. Lillian baffler fell and fractured her knee while skating Sunday. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiehen last Wednesday. Marie Crotty spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Bryan O’Connell. Theresa Armbruster was over from Shubert last Saturday nad Sunday. Garrett Quinlan was quite sick the past week, caused from eating fresh meat. Miss Clema Rousek was down from Humboldt and spent Saturday and Sunday at. her homo in Falls City. Miss Morris of Humboldt came down and spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Alexander. Curtis Ramsey who had his arm broken some time ago, is able to re turn to his school duties at Peru. Bridgie Kean is improving from the effects of the run away that she had the misfortune to be in two weeks ago. $1000 “ I wouldn’t take a thousand dollars lor the good VINOL has done me. I was told that Cod Liver Oil was the medicine I needed for my weakened condition and poor blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop erties of Cod Liver Oil without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made up my mind that was the medicine for me. I tried it and to-day am strong and well.” Mrs. J. T. Snyder, Greensboro, N. C. We fpiArantre the geniiincneii of the Above tostluioniul. We sell VINOL with the understanding that if it does noi give the purchaser per fect satisfaction, we return his money without question. Will you try a bottle un der these conditions? A. G. WANNER, Druggist, Here and There. If God ask a sacrifice, He will also make you able to offer it. Make it your habit not to be criti cal about small things.—Up. Phillip Brooks. The secret of success in life is to i>o ready for his opportunity when it comes.—Disraeli. Great opportunities come to all, but many do not know they have met them. The only preparation to take advantage of them is simple fidelity to what each day brings.—Dunning. The best meu are not those who have waited for chances, but who have taken them; besieged the chanc conquered the chance, and made chance the sevitor.—Chapin. 1 like to hear one pronounce the name of God with a subdued awe and to see the cast of thought overspread the features when eternal things are named. I like to see a delicate and quiet handling of sacred truths—as you speak the name of your mother in heaven.—T. T. Munger. Blessed is the man who has the gilt jf making friends, for it is one of God’s best gifts. It involves many things, but above all is the power of going out of one’s self and seeing and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another man.—Thomas Hughes. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneu monia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a baby as to a nadult. Sold by all druggists. PRICES CUT. PH0T08. Between now and December 16, I will make special low prices on Xmas Photos. See Oswald over Electric Theater. W. C. T. U. Abraham Lincoln said: “For thirty years I have been a temperance man Had it not been for my total-abstin ence principles in the early days of my temptation, I should probably gone the same way that so many of my companions went who lived drunk ards’ lives and are filling drunkards’ graves.” THE COMING YEAR. This is the fifth year The Slate fournal makes its Bargain week offer to accept subscriptions for the whole of 1911 for only $2 without Sunday, or f 4 with Sunday. This offer not good after the week of December 21 to 28 as after that date the regular prices of $4 and $2 will be charged. This year tlie legislative sessions will make The Journal especially interest ing and people who have never before read the paper will be anxious to get it to watch the doings of the legisla ture, because The Journal is not a fraid to print all that happens. The paper stops when the time is up. B. prints more state telegraph than any other Nebraska paper; has a vigor our Washington department and and is independent of factions. Its especially attractive to people who want to know what is really going on. If you should send in your remittance at once the paper will be sent from now until January 1, 1912, at this cut price. Address State Jour nal, Lincoln, Neb. For Sale Good show case at a bargain—Appl at the Tribune office. Werner, Mosiman &. Co. Headquarters for Buggies, Carriages, Wagons and all Farm Implements Gasoline Engines Gasoline engines a special feature in our large stock. Kngines of the best makes adaptable to all kinds of machinery. Jf Dairy Maid Cream Separators A cream separator is indespensable on a farm. \ We can supply you for we carry the best. ! The best and most durable machinery set up the quickest. Work guaranteed. Give us a trial. Werner, Mosiman & Co. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA | Salesmen Wanted. We want “I CAN” and "I WILL” men for our permanent sales force. This is an opening for the man who wants to be a REAL accident sales man. with exceptional money-making opportunities. If you believe in do ing business on a "100 per cent hon est basis,” if you want "success,” If your wishbone is not where your backbone ought to be, write us to day for full particulars. National Fidelity & Casualty Co., National Fidelity and Casualty Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. —Patronize home industries. Ben iamino Franklin’s old and up-to-date Magazine, The Saturday Evening Post, is now carried in Falls City by Lewis Wise. He asks the patron age of the intelligent reading public of Falls City. Read the Post it is good, and belongs to a home industry. NOTICE I have for sale the 40 acre trac belonging to Charles Portrey, lying North of the city and ad-, joining the Meyers land on the North, was a part of the Sarah Rhine land. Can sell the tract in 1, 2, 3, or 5 acre tracts to suit the purchaser. Can give 3 years time on twothirds of the purchase price. Mr. Portrey will have the land surveyed anil give a road from the city to each tract. This is a chance to get a nice piece of land for a home near town at a very reasonable price and on ex ceedingly reasonable terms. For further particulars call at j the office of I John \V. Powell., 1st. floor of new office building south of Court House square, i Falls City, Nebraska. Office Phone 252, Home 51. j The quicker the cold is gotten rid of the less danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Ilall, of Waverly, Va., says, “I firmly believe Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the markets for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me.” For sael by all druggists. *> I Ladies’ Suede and Velvet Shoes H. M. Jenne Shoe Store i The Central Credit Co. FALLS CITY, NEB. DRAWER NO. 12. REPORTS on financial standing and reliability of firms, corporations and Individuals anywhere. Domestic and foreign COLLEC TIONS given prompt and competent rtterrloi ■MOM .... D. S. flcCarthy • DRAT AND TRANSFER] Prompt attention jrlven to the removal of house- ' hold goodB. . PHONE NO. 211 ] H I I I I I .. Ft F\ FfOBFiFtTS IDEIN'FIS'F Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy Office Phene 260 Residence Phone 27] EDGAR R. MATHERS E> El N 'T 1© 'T Phones: Nos. 177, 217 Kam’i,. Wahl Building DR. C. N. ALLISON DE NT! ST Phone 248 Ovcrltichardson Count) Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA DR. H, S. ANDREWS General Practioneer t Calls Answered Day Or Night In Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. 3 BARADA. - NEBRASKA A. J. SMITH M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Calls answered promptly night or day. Salem, : : : Nebr. Phones, Mutual 53; S. E. Neb. 33. CLEAVER A. SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE WHITAKER > The Auctioneer Before arranging date write, tele phone or telegraph, my expense J. 0. WHITAKER Phone* 168-131-2161 Fall* City. Neb f ' I Isn’t Right Now of your financial condition ? a Good Tim*"to 1)l,ril^ th*-se yea™ ot Pr?s' - ... 11 ——— pn ity how much of your in Take Stock come have you saved? Per haps Very little, if any. Why not start right now by opening an account with the Falls City State Bank and conserve your income from now on? 1 his bank furnishes deposit slips, checks and pass books free and pays interest on lime Deposits and CPilLl) REN’S ACCOUNTS. I A Typewriter Test That Hearts Something blindfold yourself. Have ten typewriters of different make placed in a row—a Monarch somewhere among them. Try each keyboard in turn. The machine with the lightest touch will be the MONARCH LIGHT TOUCH and you can locate it every time no matter how its position be changed. JuBt as th© proper tools prodoce the best work, so does a nsitoi slve key action increase the efficiency of a stenographer. It saves her strength. Therefore, she has a better grip on her work, Is more accurate, more rapid, gets a greater quantity of work done. There is no "three-o’clock fatigue" where the Monarch Is used, and a few days’ trial will convince you of this fact. SEND FOR MONARCH LITERATURE Light Touch Honarchs are Sold on the Monthly Payment Plan A post curd will brintf full information. (JIVE US A TRIAL ORDER ON SUPPLIES. The Monarch Typewriter Company •111 South Street, Omaha, Neb. . j Shoes For All JJAVE THE HOME SHOE STORE IN MIND when in need of Shoes. We have Shoes for all the family at low prices. See our bi^ line of :: :: Overshoes and Felts at the lowest prices. We also have a first class Shoe Repairer and guarantee all work. Men’s Half Soles.50c to 65c Ladies’ Half Soles.40c to 55c The Home Shoe Store FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Three Doors South Richardson County Bank Try The Tribune I