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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1910)
h ma JUST RECEIVED! Ladies' Velvets and Suedes Short Vamps— Buttons We can fit you NOW I Men’s and Boys' High Top Boots Tan and Black All sizes, all prices Aw a | uadi e* HINT* RIIY YOUR QHOFS AT A SHOE STORE We Ml1 the famous BALL BAND line of Rubber Goods, Overshoes, Leggings, Rubbers, Gaiters. Warm VALUABLE. nllMI. HUY TUUK 5HUL5 Al A anwc: Oll/rtc. Shoas Lined S|jpper. ,nd EVERYTHING NEEDFUL FOR WINTER WEAR. Don’t forget those Xmas Slippers THE H. M. JENNE SHOE STORE Falls City, Nebraska The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. BARAOA. Pearl Baker Ik on the sick list. Adam Fut.seIter's baby is quite sick with stomatitis. C. H. Marlon was in the city one day last week. C\ I«. Barker visited the county seat on Saturday. Jacob Peters is enjoying a \isit with itis sister, Mrs. Rockwell of Iowa. Z. S. Brldgeman and sous, W. O. and Frank were in the city on Satur day, Rudolph Fuller's oldest girl is quite ill suffering from influmalion of the bowels. J. A. Martin anil wife were guests at dinner Sunday at the home of Jacob Peters. Mr. and Mrs. \V. (!. Kuker return ed last week from Brownville where they visited Mrs. Kuker's parent's. Rev. Charles Cooper came up from St. Joseph and held services at the Christian church on Saturday even ing.” J. I. Martin departed Thursday for ids home at Paonin, Colorado. From there he expects to go on to Califor nia for the winter. Ors. Andrews and Miner performed a serious surgical operation on Mrs. A. \V. Reischlck of Arago precinct on Saturday morning. Charles Suruian. who has boon in Lincoln studying motoring and kin drod mechanics will enter the Shu bert garage in tin1 employ of Higgins Edwards. On Sunday the infant son of Her man Ruch was christened. William Herman George being the name be stowed upon the boy. Rev. Zeiko of ficiating Frank Burgess came over from Missouri last week with his family and will spend the winter here, lie lias entered into partnership with Ben Randall in black-smithing. VERDON. Will Mawerv was down from Stella last week. Mrs. C. G. Humphrey visited friend in Omaha recently. Miss Ethel Cook was a passenger to Falls City Monday. •lake Bloom was up from the Coun ty Seat last Friday. Will Box of Elk Creek was a pleas ant caller here recently. Ed Auxier received a ear of cattle from Kansas City Tuesday. Mrs. Zook has returned from a very pleasant visit at Angus Nebr. Miss Minnie Poland left for her home in St. Joe last Monday. Williard Goodlow of Stella was call ing on Verdou friends Tuesday. Miss Edna Parsons lias returned from a recent visit in Omaha. Mrs. Ed Kuker visited her parents in Palls ( :ty a few days this week. A. T. Parsons was transacting busi ness in St. .loo the latter part of the week. Miss Blanche llarlz roturued last week from a visit with friends at I’l'icn Miss Kathryn Maliza returned to her studies at the Conservatory at Lincoln Monday. J. W. Sloan of Wallowa Oregon ar rived in Verdon recently to visit old frieds. Ho loft Verdon sixteen years ago. Mrs. Clair Column entertained Mr. and Mrs. Atwood and Mrs. Trimmer of Stella one day last week. Hev. Itlchle of Bennett Nobr. will preach af the Christian Church in lids place Sunday December 11. 10. M Skinner arrived last week from Paola Kans. and will make li is home with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Estes. Hev. W. It. Payne returned Satur day afternoon from a week’s visit with home' folks at Oskaloosa Kans. Mr. and Mrs. John llalterinan an tlie proud parents of a little daugh ter that came to their home Nov. L’a. I.andon Vantls came in from Long Island Kansas last week for a visit with li is sister, Mrs. Wes Stump and family. Mrs. J. Harness ami Mrs. ,1. Skinne left Monday tVr their ii ee s in Si Joe after a brief visit with Mrs. C. W Oeamb. Mrs. Samuel llaneoek had tile mis fortune to fall last week and dislocate iter left elbow, which is causing her much pain. Miss Jennie Robinson arrived Tues day from Garden City Kansas where she spent the past two weeks with her sister. Messrs, and Mesdames James Ayers W. F. Veach, and Clms. Weaver made a pleasant trip to Kansas City in their autos last. Wednesday. Miss Alice Hasenyager left Mon day evening for her home at Santa Anna, Calif, after an extended visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Flemming Robb left Tuesday afternoon for Nebraska City where they attended the wedding of the former's brother on Wednesday evening, ret limiting home Friday. ”1 have been troubled with consti pation for two years and tried all of the best physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me,” writs Thos. K. Williams, Mlddleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me. For sale by all dealers. RULO. Principal Voegelein spent Saturday in Falls City. Mill Wetzel was a Falls City visit or last Saturday. Harry Marsh was a Falls City visit or Saturday. Little Howard Craig lias been quite sick for a few days. Mrs. John Hopkins was an Atchison visitor last Thursday. Henry Smith of Wymore was here transacting business last week. Howard Maze, of Canada, visited with Rulo friends last Sunday. Charlie Huber, was a St. Joseph visitor, several days last week. Elsie Wilson of Reserve Kansas vis ited with Rulo friends last week. Elizabeth Moore of Missouri is visit ing with Rulo friends this week. A. I). Larabee and wife of Preston, visited with his parents in Rulo, Sun day. Mrs. Brown and daughter of Falls City visited with relatives in Rulo last week. Stella Brit neck of Fortescue, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Noland. Misses Maggie and Sophia Pierce were passengers to St. Joe Saturday morning. Mrs. John Miller is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Low Snell at Boise Idaho. Cus Johnson visited witli his family at Nebraska City, the first of the week. Clyde Duncan of Wymore visited with reltaives in Rulo, the first of the week. Olncv Craham spent several days this week, with his brother at Pacific Junction Iowa. Mrs. M. .1. Le Banc left for Kan sas City Kans. Sunday morning to vi sit her daughter. Frank Bingham and family visited with relatives in St, .loeseph. sever al days last week. Tom O'Hara of Falls City visited with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Danean, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will True are the har py parents of a baby boy, who came to their home December 1. Mrs. Frank Morehouse and daugh ter returned from a visit with rela-j fives in Wymore the first of the week Mrs. Frank Costello, and little son of Atchison, Kans. returned home last week after a few days visit with her parents here. Kay MeVoy returned Sunday from a visit witli St. Joseph relatives, lie he was accompanied home by little Howard Hart. Henry Majerus returned Saturday night, from Colorado, with his stock ami household goods. They will mo-e to Kansas in the spring. Mr. Ross has bought Mrs. Swern furth's place. Coon Thomas being tlie late resident, and has moved his family into the aforesaid. John Lynds of White Cloud secur ed the contract for hauling the rock and brush for the rip rap north of the river bridge, and has a large force at work. Tom Hudson and gang of Wymore, were in Rulo a short time Friday morning,from here they went to Don aphan, Kans to do some work on an iron bridge. Humboldt. Lew Sogrist attenedd to business in Elk Creek Saturday. Geofge King attended to business in Falls City Wednesday. Rudolph Porak returned Saturday from a business trip to St. Joe. Mrs. Rudolph Hnizda of Table Rock visited Humboldt relavties Sunday. Frank Hnizda of Jvansas is visit ing relatives in this city this week. Charles Watzek returned to Omaha after spending a few days with home folks. Wenzel Skalak lias been looking af ter land interests in Kansas this week. I,. J. Sogrist disposed of liis lum ber yard Friday to O. E. Zook and Ashford Edie. i Mrs. Mable i nland and Miss Lulu iioss visited with friends in Lin coln this week Hr. Emma Boose Tucker gave an in teresting address at the Christian church Tuesday evening. The regular meeting of the W. C. r. L. was held tit the home of Mrs. Ashford Edie on Tuesday. S. M. Pliilpot returned Wednesday from a visit with Ids son Harry and family near Table Rock. Mrs. Emma Grinstead and Zora of Lincoln spent a few days this week with friends and relatives in tills city. Lloyd Reid came down from Lin coln Sunday and spent a short time at the home of ids parents, Ike Reed and wife. Mark Williamson came down from Lincoln and spent tile latter part of the week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ella Williamson. Misses Mattie and Virgil Reber of Nelson arrived in this city Wed nesday for a visit with their aunt, Mrs. .1. C. Segrist and family. Miss Pearl Garver returned to her home in this city Wednesday after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs Beyer and family in Mitchell, S. 1). The Senior class of the High School took advantage of the fine sleighing Monday evening and enjoyed a bob sled ride. Mrs. John Johnson returned to her home in Omaha Wednesday, after a short visit with her son. Will John son and family. Mrs. Hay Gowning and children of Omaha came to this city Wednesday having been called here by the seri ous illness of her mother. Mrs. Pres. Reiser. Joel Reid, who has been spending the summer at Elwood, returned to his home in this city Sunday and will conduct a bowling alley here during the winter. The ladies of the Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs. D. E. Smith Monday afternoon, where they packed a box to be shipped to Mont icello, Arkansas, to be distributed at Christmas time among the pupils of a colored school. If you want to reach the people wh buy advertise in The Tribune. No Flour Equals PURITAN “Bigger-Whiter-Lighter- Loaves’’ grinds the s a in e h i *4 h* ■ . grade of milling mixture. We separate our fl mr int » twenty W different “stocks, tin- 1 bk-'ui it ^ t<> get in every sad; the srientih rottpi’t combination of nutritious bread-making qualki *s. Your ^ ' V“*"M bakin'/ simply r>ntn /. if wMi / Puritan flour. Welis-Abbott- Nieman Company The Puritan AT '-er* Schuvler. Nebraska Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Salt, Stoneware, Nuts, Popcorn, Oilmeal, Apples, Matches, Soap, Swift’s Pride Cleanser and Brooms. Write or phone for prices. Heck 8c Wamsley LAND That Will Make You Rich The greatest combination of industrialism and farming, now rapidly developing, is to be found along the Burlington Route in the vicinity of SHERIDAN, WYOMING, HARDIN AND BILLINGS. MONT., AND IN THE BIG HORN BASIN where large, deeded, alfa ranches that have made millionaires of the owners, are being divided into small farms, and where Goy eminent irrigated homesteads and Carey Act lands are available. A WONDERFULLY RICH COUNTRY-You can get hold of an irrigated farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal, natural gas, illuminating oil, building materials, fast growing towns that have varied industries. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS —On the first and third Tuesdays 1 personally conduct landseekers’ excursions to these lands. e 0 WH|TF0RD Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. OMAHA, NEBRASKA