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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1910)
The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO. Si Hunker of Wisconsin was h Rulo visitor Monday. Charlie Cessna of White Cloud was in town Friday. Alta Gilbert returned to her school i work at York Sunday. Bert Billot of Montana came home last, week for a visit. Rav Beley was a business visitor at Falls City, last Saturday. Fred Dempsey of Preston was a Ru lo visitor last Thursday. August Johnson spent Sunday with his family in Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs Fred Brown are the proud parents of a baity girl. Floyd long spent the past week, with relatives near Hiawatha. R. W. lairabeo and wife visited wit relatives in Preston last week. Rev. Pickett and family have start 'd bouse keeping In the parsonage. George Seley canto home from M’y ■nere Friday for a few days visit. Mrs. Thos. Joliusou of Knapp, Wis consin visited in Rulo last. week. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John McFry spent Thanksgiving with Rttlo relatives. John Story of Hiawatha was u itu lo visitor a couple of days last week. Carl Frederick returned from a lew weeks visit, with liis brother at Diller. A1 Dixon returned from Wymore, Friday to finish the work across the river. Coon Thomas and his family moved back on Ids farm north of town last week. Dr. .1. C. Shepherd vvenl III St. .10-| . soph Tuesday for a short visit with re Intives. F!o\ il True visited several days the1 t latter part of tit" week with friends i in .Salem. J '■.ink (iardnet of West Bend, Iowa 'd/ til ait-: week with «<ltl friends at this place. Win, Shepherd of Lincoln spent the Thanksgiving holiday with Ids par ■;t ; In Itulo. Mr. and Mi lames Haller visited with relatives in Salem otic day ot last. week. Crandpa and (tramhiia Burke came down from Falls City recently to vis 'd fri nds here. Mr> I • vu .VuiilUiiitnirg Is visiting h. : I, 'It M 'Ivin Rinehart it ifh Ci a'. t, Kanass. Far I Licks at'd fnmily of White Clot d visited with relatives here the las', of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Heorae Oldfield re ("!■’ rl from :i three weeks visit ill Auburn Wednesday. Mr Lari Orcttt r. turned Saturday • *1 ft att i-\l tided visit with ■ - iat; > s near Falls City. " a t I M* tiny Williams and ba by ■< M Thai i sg'ving with Mr. Wil frm n.itin■ r at Fortescue Mo. Ward was a Kansas City vis if' r ' for tin' purpose of se-1 I <! >' • 1 ■’ ■ fi.r I is Christmas = <t si. ; an l'til- ■ ' ti d iii ids school a mi it! Mo ’a eft a short vacation spent with his parents at this place. Mrs. I losford moved to this place from the eountn the last of the week S!’e now oieupi s e tc of the Belpier houses lately vacated by Mr. Ross. duth Kanaly ft turtu d from a! visit with relatives near Monte Vista, ( olorada Saturday. Site was accom panied home by Mrs. Henry Majents and little son. HUMBOLDT Art Freeman was a Dawson visitor Wednesday. Rev. K. J. Cardy was in Falls City Mondav. I A son was born to Ralph Philpot and wife Monday. Mrs. J. K. Liggett was a Falls; City visitor Tuesday. A son was born to Charles Goddard I and wife last week. Delbert Prichard and wife were passengers to Falls City Friday. Mrs. C. L. Hummel visited with friends in Stefting Thursday. C. L. Hummel returned the last of the week from a trip to Texas. H. L. Fent spent part of the week with friends at Red Cloud. Mrs. Frank French visited a few days with relatives in Salem this week. Callio Edwards oi Lincoln spent a few days with relatives in this city this week Mrs Blanche Jones and children of Table ltock visited with relativees in Humboldt (his week. Miss Emma Frank of Lincoln is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Meyers. Maine Patterson of Table Rock was a guest of Miss Winnie Mann the last of the week. Miss Faye Sanford of Verdon was a guest at the home of Otis Fnkoe fer and wife this week. Mrs. Blanche Jones and children of Table Rock visited with relatives in Humboldt this week. The ladles Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met with Mrs, Guy Cooper Thursday. Miss Eleanor Williamson spent hfBt Sunday at the country home of her uncle, Rock Williamson and wife. Linnle Snethen and Anna Marmot returned to Peru Monday, after a weeks vacation spent in this city. Mrs. Polm Powers Sr., was in Omaha Thanksgiving, the guest of her son, John Powers Jr., and wife. A company of young people were delightfully entertained at the rural home of Miss Roxie Wells Friday ev ening. Harold Davis and sister, Mrs May belle, who are students of the State University sp<nt the week with home folks. Miss Caroline MoCready was absent from tier school duties Monday on ac count of the death of a relative in Pawnee City. The infant son of Joseph Graves and wife died Wednesday morning. Funeral services were held at the family home Thursday. Will Uoyd and family, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Huston of Salem syent the last of the week with H. E. Uoyd ami family in this city The basket ball game played be tweeii Humboldt end Seneca, Kansas, Thursduy resulted in the score of 11 ■ I t J In favor of Humboldt. Mi.-s Hattie Dorhtnd. a prosperous tea In r in Nemaha county, spent Thanksgiving at the home of her mother. Mrs. II. 1,. Dorland. Btlbe Wilson and family left the first of the week for Texas where they will r side in the future. His broile r Art and family, left Friday for the same place. Gtir. Fnkefcr. who tins for several years been connected witli tho Se urisl I .umber Co. lias accepted a pos ition with a hank at Fllmore, Calif., and will move to that place as soon a • irra.ngeu.ents can he completed. _** i have been troubled with consti pation for two years and tried all of th best physicians in Bristol, Term., a id jliey could do nothing for me,” writs Tims. E. Williams, Mtddleboro, Kv. "Two packages of Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me. For sale by all dealers. PRESTON. Henry Gerlt was in this vicinity on Friday. Little Blanche Durfee is on the sick list this week. Charles Nolte had business at Ed Durfeo's last week. E. .1. Durfee spent Sunday at the home of George Taylor. Grover Vaughn spent "Saturday and Sunday in the hills. Ralph Randolph was the guest of Daniel Waggoner Sunday. Frank and George Reiger shelled corn for Ed Durfee Wednesday and Thursday. E. J. Durfee, M. .1. Durfee and E. E. Durfee and wife were Falls City visitors Saturday. Dan and Ruby Waggoner returned to Peru after spending a weeks vaca tion with their parents. George Vaughn and wife and Mrs. E. E. Durfee spent Sunday with R. D. Waggoner and family. Grover Vaughan will start a barber shop in Fargo December 1. ’ Fargo is in need of a barber shop. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Durfee delight fully entertained a company of friends at their homo on Thanksgiving night. They are royal entertainers and there was nothing left undone that! would add to the pleasure of their guests. Jake Wissinger and wife and Grace Durfee were the guests of Mrs, M. J. Durfee one day last week. Miss Ethel Jackson and Joseph Or chard were married at the home of the hride, Thursday, November 24. Every family lias need of a good, re liable liniment. For sprains, bruises, soreness ot the muscles and rheuma tic pains there is none better than Chamberlain's. Sold by all druggists. DAWSON. McKinley Bodkins is still very ill. Fay Price was a Humboldt visitor Thursday. Mrs. Andrew Sippley visited in Humboldt last week. Joe and Alex Tlehen were in Humboldt between trains Thursday. Mrs. Elmer Dorty is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Bodkins. Blanche Armbruster visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Jerry Kean. Mrs. Della McCoy spent a few days last week in Table Rock with relatives, Walter Utermohlen is improving very fast, lie has had the typhoid fever. Elina Barlow was over to Verdon visiting Miss Carrie Hancock a few days last week. Mrs. Thomas Kean, Blanche Arm hruster and Mrs. Jerry Kean were in Falls City Saturday, Beatrice Neeld returned home from Lincoln Sunday where she en joyed a visit with relatives. James Clancey, Fat Clancey and Thomas Ryan were down to Falls City Saturday and paid this taxes. Beatrice Ryan returned home from Kansas City last Wednesday where she has been visiting friends. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Happen that were so sick are to bo out now. They were in town last week. Mrs. James O'tlradV and daughter, Mrs John O'Grady and Mrs. Martin Riley were down to St. Joseph on Friday. Mrs. I’at Burke and Kitty and Mary Ryan went down to Falls City to attend tlie Mission at the Catholic church. Sam Zimmerman and wife .were down from Humboldt Friday and at tended the funeral of Mrs. Pat O'Brien. The Dawson teachers returned home from Lincoln Sunday where they have been attending the teach ers’ meeting. Pat O’Brien and Walter O'Brien and wife were called home by the death of their father. Pat O'Brien, lie was buried Friday. Mrs. Maggie Quinlan and her moth er, Mrs. Pat Quinlan were down to Falls City and attended the mission from Friday until Sunday. Mrs. John Rothenberger was call ed to Dawson on account of the death of her father. She lives in Creighton, Neb. Charles Cooper and family returned home Friday from Pawnee where Mr. Are You Like This? Tired all the time, not much good for anything, hardly able to drag around, just all run down. If you are, we guarantee our VI NOL will help you. It has helped many people around here who were in this condition. Now look here, just try one bot tle of \ INOL, and if you are not satisfied that it did you good, come back and get your money. It will be returned without question. That is a fair proposition and shows our faith in \ INOL, and that we do not want yopr money unless you re ceive benefit. W o know what we are talking about because we have sold VI NOL for years, and have seen how much good it has done among our customers. \ INOL is not a patent, secret nostrum, but an honest, tried and true body builder and strength crea tor of fame, delicious and easy to take. Come in today and start your cure at once. You take no risk, A. G. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City, Neb. I Cooper's father has been very ill. At the time they left he was better but Sunday he was tailed back as he grew suddenly worse. Curtis Ramsey, who is attending school in Peru w as so unfortunate as I to break his arm a few days ago. He will remain at home until he can use the Injured member. Misses Bridgio and Kate Kean and a cousin from Omaha was going from John O’Connell’s to their home when the team became frightened and ran away. The girls were thrown from tlie buggy and received severe bruises i Miss Tlrldgie however, was hurt the1 worst. BARADA. C. II. Martin was in the city Satur-1 day. I George Burgess was in the city on | Saturday. I’. It. Oushard spent the week end j in Falls City. / Henry Leslie of Shubert was in town several days last week. W. A. Cox and wife w'ere visiting their new grandson Sunday. J. C. Wileman returned last, week! from a trip to Minnesota. C. F. Kuker and family were shop ping in the city one day last week. Fritz Slagle visited at the home of his brother, W. E. Slagle last week. The childi^ n of Rudolph Caller are having a siege of the whooping cough. Otis Spickler and wife returned this week to their homo at Council Bluffs. Dr. (!. M. Andrews of Stella spent Thanksgiving with his brother at this place. A. E. Itutler and wife were the guests of Mr. and Airs. O. M. Mar tin on Sunday. John Hutchison and lady were up from Falls City for the box sup on Friday evening. Dr. Andrews reports the birth of a boy at the home of Jacob Arnold on Saturday, November 26. Mr. and Mrs. George Sailors enter tained a large number of guests at dinner on hTanksgiving day. Tin small son of Karl Mangold lias been suffering from hemorrhage of the lungs due to whooping cough. K. M. Williams and wife entertain ed their children and grand children at dinner on Thanksgiving day. Miss Hattie Killy was down from Peru taking in the box supper and visiting her many friends here. J. Silas Whitebread and wife are rejoicing over the birth of a son. Dr. Van Osdell brings the report. Miss Amanda Duerfeldt was up from St. Deroiu where she is teach ing and spent the week end with her people. Henry Kelly received internal in juries from horse back riding last week. Dr. Andrews reports him im proving. .\ uiimner ot nurnuu sportsmen seeureed their bird for Thanksgiving dinner at the shooting match held by Bridgman and Leslie. Irvin Kicker was threatened with typhoid. I)r. Andrews was called but; found it to be an attack of gastritis, Irvin is on his feet again. The Ilarada Reading Circle last week completed the hook on peda gogy at their meeting this week and will now take up "The Evolution of Dodd.” Revival services are in progress and much interest is being manifest ed. Rev. J. R. Naiiniiiga of Falls City presents the truth in a forcible j manner. Dr. VanOsdol was called last week to set a fractured arm for Grandma A'heeler who was so unfortunate as io-fnll from the porch, thus receiving :he injury. Dr. Van Osdel reports the birth if a son each at the home of R. II. Dunn, born Thursday, November 24, and at the home of A. .1, Kelly lorn Friday, November 25. Judd Brown, who lias suffered so severely from a dynamite explosion low has the use of what is left of sis right arm, that member being lealed up. Mr. Brown will soon be iblo to be about on crutches. Clem Barker tried to stop a corn I shelter with his thumb in the cog i wheels Wednesday. He brought the suffering member to Dr. Andrews who thinks lie will have something j left resembling a thumb. T* k BECAUSE — N\ sfictly^^b it makes more lorvss tf Lrea.l per s ick—by 1 l’p ‘b* gviarn: (|,e baking t its ard Letter, xcbiter, lighter titu t flavor 1 i.r t.i.i i .our. loovea than a.iy oi’.er clour they can ,lu You n ay use ^kMiV r o . . ome taste of tne Xtiaiw buy. Liecauaa t ey have com- , •. 1st a sack or . .. r . , , , , "biter, i • • t , T8Wls pari d it and found M*¥ >• i .. i ... i„ n:i re . '1 u it does .(Kf liglitei loaves mane l ot ri a* h y u rixpec- its resulU 1 happy cen- AW from Puritan Flour lias tatioti • if it dots not k**t to those ob- hrovght about its exrlu tn.ike tl.e very best bread, gHL tained wilhother JnW rive use in the best Ne cake, biscuit or pie crust that flours. fSTT braska homes. So great is the you ever bale,! if it does^Wk £gff demand for our flour that we net do all this, 1 rii- ; the rest \BWk jfJmp have g-awn in a few years from of the sack hack and your grocer mS!? a 200-barre!-a-day-mill to our will refund you your money. We present output of 2,000 barrels. That want you to trv this flour at is putting on the ciphers fast, but the risk see are just that positive of^gShajy largest increase is yet to come. There is your approval and steady patronage therebut .a one-word reason for this exceptional after. success—QUALITY. Wells-Abbott-Nieman Company The Pu ritan Millers—Schuyler, Nebraska A Pretty Face is marred by poor teeth. No matter how perfect the features may be, they are not attractive if the teeth are not regular and even. Part of Ouu Dental Work is to straighten crooked teeth and to repface protruding ones with teeth that will match the others. If you a afraid to smile on account of one or more ugly or uneven teeth, come and see us. We can fix them. Dr. Yutzv, Dr. C. If. Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska IN THE SUNNY SOUTH: Every first and third Tuesday very low homeseekers' excursion rates are in effect to the South with 25 day limits, and every day the winter tourist rates are in effect with all winter limits. TO CALIFORNIA: Daily excursion rates with attractive condi tions, limits, stop-over privileges, side tuips, etc, are in effect. The annual winter movement to Southern California by thousands of Americans who desire to escape the rigors of the north is now under way. COLORADO: A two or three weeks so jura in the winter climate of Colorado is recommended by physicians as one of the best up-building tonics available. * The great National Western Stock Show is held at Denver, .January 1(3-21. The Burlington takes excellent care of you to California, either in through standard or through tourist sleepers with conductors in charge;- via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake (,’itv. WESTERN LAND PRODUCTS EXHIBIT will be held in Omaha, .January l*th to 2Mh. All new western localities should be represented; all farmers and prospective farmers should see this instructive exhibit. E. G. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Envelopes OUR SPECIALTY THAT IS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF PRINTING THEM CORRECTLY Let Us Figure With You Burlington Route West Bound No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m No. 13—Denver Exp. (Local). 1:40 p. m. No. 43—Portland Exp. 10:17 p. m. No. 41—Portland Exp....2:25 p. tr. No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City.4:30 a. tr. East Bound No. 14—St. 3 , K. C. it St. L .7:38 a. in. No. 44—St. J., K. C. it St. L. .3:37 a. m No. 16—St. J., K C. it St. L..4:22 p. m. (Local) No. 42—St. .1,, K C. & St. L. .4:35 p. m No. 122— From Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 8:43 p. tn. E. G. WlUTFOKD, Agent. Missouri Pacific Trains East Tr. 104—St Louis Exp. 2:10 p. in. Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp.. 3:40 a. m. Tr. 1.32— K. C. Local.*7:30 ». m. Tr. 102—Local Freight.*0:40 a. m. Tr. 138—Omaha Local, ar. .*9:00 p. nj. , Trains West Tr. 103—Omaha-Linco’n Ex. 1:50 p.m. Tr. 105—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a m. Tr, 137—Omaha local.’7:15 a m. Tr. 101—Local Freight.*1:20 p.m. Tr. 1.31 — Kansas City Lo. ar. 5:15 a.m. * Daily excert Sunday. E. E. MARK, Agt nt. A good farm for sale, north of Falla City. Enquire of W. II. Maddox.