The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 25, 1910, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
— Eat Sowle's Candy.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl s building.
John Nusbaum of Verdon was a
business visitor here Friday.
Mrs. George Coon and daughter of
Salem were shopping; here Friday.
Fred Heineman aiid faintly of Ver
don were trading here Friday.
Miss Gertrude Lyford came dow
from Tecumseh to spend Sunday.
Wr. 1). Easley was down from Lin
. coin Monday the guest of A Graham.
Afy. and Mrs. Sam Stewart were ov
er from Reserve in the auto last
Friday. -K
John... Mosiman returned Friday
nig (ft from Omaha where- he spent
a few days.
j. A. Tipton of Albany, Mo., arrived
Monday to be present at the funeral
of Mrs. H. C. Davis.
Mrs. M. L. Wilson returned Mon
day from Humboldt, where she spent
a few days visiting.
R. P. Thomas of the Empire bridge
company returned Friday from a trip
up into -Wyoming.
VC G. Lyford was called to Downer'
Grove, 111. Monday by the death of
his brother, Charles Lyford.
Harry and Jean Cain came home
from Lincoln Wednesday to spend
ihe Thanksgiving vacation.
Charlie Falskin came up from Kan
sas City the latter part of last, week
for a visit with old friends.
Mrs. V. G. Lyford returned Satur
day from a five weeks visit with rel
atives in several different places in
Miss Disca Scott, who went to Col
orado last summer for her health re
turned the latter part of last week
very much improved.
Dr. Wilson reports the birth of a
little daughter to Prof, and Mrs. Rey
nolds. Sunday, November 20. Roth
mother and baby are doing nicely.
MisS Nina Tiehen and her guest,
Miss Waters, were down from Daw
son last Friday. Miss Waters took
the train here for her home in Ax
tel, Neb.
Amos W'alker of Pennsylvania who
visited a few days Iasi week with his
cousin, William Boose, left Saturday
for his home, stopping in St. Joe
en route.
Dr. Greene wont to Kansas City
last Saturday to visit, over Sunday
and bring back with him Mrs. Greene
and their little daughter who have
been visiting there.
Mrs. Margaret Maddox left. last
Tuesday for Montpelier, Ind., wli-re
she will visit until after the holidays,
ller daughter, Miss May, will join
her there at Christmas time.
Mrs. Guy Greenwald and little son
left Tuesday for Montpelier, Ind.,
where they will visit until after the
holidays with her mother and sister,
Mrs. Sue Maddox and -Miss Grace.
lien Linn and wife were guests last
Friday of Sam Prater and family.
They were on their way to their St.
Joseph home after a visit with their
daughter, Mrs. Joe Lord in Salem
who accompanied them to this city*
Mrs. John Hossaek, accompanied by
her brother, James Sinclair of Pres
ton and her sister, Mrs. G. \V.
Livengood of Wymore left Friday
for Kidderville, Kansas to be at the
bedside of their mother, who is seri
ously ill.
Mrs. T. „F. Gist went to Lincoln on
Friday to meet with the board of
state officers of the Federation of
Woman’s Clubs. At this meeting Hol
dridge was selected as the meeting
place for next year. Mrs. Gist return
ed home Sunday.
The report that Tom Palmer of
Geneva had had his foot, so badly
crushed as to lose his great toe was
somewhat exagerated. The flesh
was mashed off the end of the great
toe and the second toe was injured
but he is alright again and still has
enough toes to fill his shoes.
For Sale—Choice lot of big-boned
pure Barred Plymouth Rock cooker
ies $1.00 each pick of the flock goes
to the early buyer. Write me your
wants, satisfaction guaranteed.—Mrs.
Grace Anderson, Hiawatha, Kansas,
R. F. D. No. 1. It
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Edwards will
spend Thanksgiving in Nebraska
Farmers Sale For Memorial win
dow, Saturday, Dee. 3 at 10 o'clock
on Union Douse corner. Mrs. F. K.
Are you in arrears on your sub
scription? You know we need the
Mrs. Ferguson of Washington and
Mrs. A1 Pyle were up from Preston
Miss .loniiie Fullers was down from
Humboldt Tuesday to attend the fune
ral of Mrs. 11. C. Davis.
Mrs. Marion Vaughn returned on
Saturday from a visit with relatives
in Sabetha, Kansas.
Mrs. S. L. Kedwood and daughter,
Miss Elia returned Saturday from a
visit with Omaha friends.
Mrs. Byerly and son of Denver,
Col., arrived last Monday and are
the guests of Mrs. Fernanda Keim.
Miss Mary Frank who visited Miss
Clara Tanner last week, left Friday
Take h bargain-wturn you can get
it. Thus is a bargain. 2ue superior
toilet siap for 10t per box at Mors
man s.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Dalboy were
called here from Shubert Sunday by
the death of the former's sister, Mrs.
H. C. Davis.
Finest scented Venetian toilet soaps
a variety of oders, regular price
25c per box. At Morsmau's Friday
and Saturday 10c per box.
A big bargain on a household nec
essity, 25c Venetian toilet soap at
10c per box Friday and Saturday at
Morsmau’s drug store.
Frank Knickerbocker and wife of
Savannah, Mo., arrived Tuesday for
a visit with tlit* family of their son.
I,. Knickerbocker.
VV. S. Korner and wife left Wed
nesday for Pittsburg, Kansas for a
Thanksgiving visit with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Harry Morrow.
Miss, McDonald, Miss I.ookabill, H
K. Hurst and Supt. S. 11. Wood were
among the teachers from here who
attended the Teachers' Association
at Lincoln this week.
Guy Greenwald went as far as St
Joe with Lis wife and Mrs. Margaret,
Maddox last Tuesday when they^start
ed on their trip to Indiana.
E. E. James moved the first of the
week into his new residence at the
corner of 19th and Harlan Sts. His
family is now enjoying one of the
most convenient new homes in the
1 *.
i'10. R. Hays was down from
Lawson Sunday.
I Hilo Paulino Harnack Is- over
from Hiawatha to visit lior grand
parents. Piter Kaiser and wife for
two weeks while her nun her is in
Kansas City.
Quimby Beaver came up from
St. .loo to spend Sunday with his
mother. Although he has had a can
cer cut out recently lie is still taking
treatment of Hr. Fast to he sure no |
trace of the cancer Is left.
Relatives received word the latter
part of Iasi wet k of the birth of a
little daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Messier of Fairbury. They have the
congratulations and good wishes of
all their friends.
Dr. Francis Tucker and Dr. Emma
Tucker with liieir children went} to
St. Louis Monday to spend Thanks
giving with the doctor's people who
are holding a family reunion.
Miss Pauline Haggard of Kansas
City will be a guest of the family
of .1. R. Cain the latter part, of the
week and will assist Mrs. Julian and
Mrs. .1. R. Cain. Jr., her aunt, with
their concert next Friday night.
The’ ladies of the Episcopal church
will give a tea at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hutchings in Boulevar
addition Thursday. December 1, from
five until eight, o'clock. A very
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Hilly Cas< y wishes to thank all
those who helped so willingly and
well Iasi Monday evening when the
house he occupied burned. He says
he appreciates their assistance and
is very grateful. Hilly says he only
carried $150 worth of insurance and
it will not begin to cover the loss.
It. A. Dittniar has a good offer for
you iu this issue of the Tribune. He
lias the goods and you wilt find his
prices just what will please you.
Read tin* ad if you are thinking of
buying a tailored suit or coat. You
will find quality all that you desire.
Dr. Boose reports the birth <f a
couple of little girls this wr'ii. A
little girl arrived at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Irvin Sausman Monday, No
vember 21; and also a little daughter
at the home of E. Kauffman and
wife. Wednesday, November 25.
"Just Out of College" was seen at
the Gehling Tuesday night and thor
oughly enjoyed by a good sized and!
ence. play is surely funny and
keeps the audience iu roars of laugh
ter from start to finish. There were
several good characters in the com
pany and taking them as a whole
they arc- capabel and jolly entertain
Great Special
hour Wool Dresses, blues and diagnal stripe,
small sizes.
One black Voile, size 36.
All new Fall patents, only in the store about
30 days. You can’t afford to miss this bargain.
Regular $12.50 anti S/5 values. $0 CA
This week special.^
Petticoats 69c
q8c Skirts, in gray checks, novelties and black.
A clean up of odds and ends, mostly long AQr*
lengths. , This week special.
25c Specials
Child's Black Jersey knit Leggins, sizes 2 to 7.
50c qualities. Now on sale 25c.
Women’s Overgaiters. Black jersey, all sizes.
()ur price 25c a pair.
Boy's Caps
Medium weight, with ear flaps, extra good
values at 25c.
Knit Scarfs
Black and white Knit Scarfs on display at 25c.
Fred H. Schock
“Readv=to=Wear Store”
Falls City, Neb.
Extra Fine
Venetian Toilet Soap
Per Box
Regular Price 10c per Cake. Now
Three Cakes for 10c. Violet, Lilac,
Rose and many others.
Friday &. Saturday Only
Don't Fail to Take Advantage of
these Remarkably Low Prices
Corn Shucking Good.
This hi liie harvest time of corn
shuckers. Every man or part of a
man willing to go into the field can
can get all the corn to gather lie lias
the courage to tackle. The crop in
Richardson county is variable. There j
is much good corn, some moderate
and some quite poor. Tile lateness
(it the si«son made early gathering
Impracticable. As a result farmers,
are anxious to have the crop harvest
ed before severe weather begins.
A prolongation of the present ideal
conditions will be a great boon to
corn growers and will not be per
mitted to pass without being mad
the most of.
Shuckers are receiving three and
four cents according to locality and
the condition of the corn. The wages
are good and help very much in de
mand. There is absolutely no excuse
for anyone standing around idle,
with pleasant and remunerative work
calling so loudly for volunteers.
Report of the Condition
of lIn*
Falls City State Bank
of Falls City, Nebraska,
Charter No. 159, incorporated in the
Stale of Nebraska, at the close of business,
Nov. 25, I9l0.
KKSOt’KC i s.
Loans attd Discounts .$153.f,ll.73
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 915.93
Banking house furniture and fixtures.
Current expenses and taxes t>aid . 4,121.33
Due front nat'l, state and private
batiks and bankers.$l4,2ol.*2
Checks and items of exchange 1,313.83
Gold Coin.5,5°0.00
Silver, nickels and cents. 1,714.80 2tt,3l8.4*»
Total. 201,470.41
!.l AIUI.ITins.
Capital stock paid in.$ 50,000.00
Sin pi us t und 10,
Undivided profits. 11,*<90,72
Individual deposits subject
to check.$89,696.53
Demand certificates of de
I cs t.. . 36,011.13
Ceititi -d checks. 550.00
Due to naCl.xfate and private
banks and bankers. 3, 422.00 129,679.72
Total. 201.470.44
State of, l
■ ss.
County of Richardson. I
I. W. A. Greetiwald, cashier of the above
named bank, do hereby swear that the
above statement is a correct and true copy of
the report made to the State Banking Board.
W. A., Cashier.
i.i v r. ('.kkf.nwali). Director.
T. J. Ci 1st, Director
Subscribed and sworn to before me tliis 19th
of Nov. 1910. Jolts W. Down l,
da\ Notary Public.
M \ commission expires November 24, 1915.
Germania Cafe
Post Office Block
Bili of Fare
Steak, Plain.25<;
T Bone.30c
Sausage.25c j
Bacon and Eggs.25c
Liver and Onions.25c
Ham and Eggs.25c :
Kish.25c i
German Fry.10c
French Fry.10c
Cottage Fry.10c ;
Hashed Brown.10c i
Augrotine.15< i
Apple.. .. 5c
Cranberry.5c ;
Sent tub led.15c
Club House . ..25c
St. Paul. 10c
Fried Oysters.10c
Hamberger. 10c
Boston Cream.10c
—Patronize home industries. Ben-j
jamine Franklin's old and up-to-date j
Magazine, The Saturday Evening i
Post, is now carried in Falls City
by Lewis Wise. He asks the patron
age of the intelligent reading public
of Falls City. Read the Post it is
good, and belongs to a home industry.
George Rogers of I .os Angeles, Cal.
was the guest of Mrs. Kent and
daughter, Miss Iva. the latter part
of last week.
REMEMBER that every added sub
scriber helps to make this paper bet
ter for everybody.
Do you want soap? Just see whal
The Morsntan Drug Co. offers you.