The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 11, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of Our Country Priends
and Neighbors.
Jake Hloom was up from Falls City
Silas Combs was over from llarada
Victor Hloom was a Falls City vis
itor Saturday.
(1 K. Hall has returned to his
koine in Franklin, Neb.
O. P. Heck of Falls City was in
town the past week
Max Mettz received a car load of
cattle last week
John Bower and l.afe Gilbert of
Stella were in town Thursday.
IIov Hcacock and Grant Windle of
Falls City were In town Monday.
Mrs. H. Otto Is home from a re
cent visit with friends at Auburn.
C I). Nixon of Auburn was a basi
n' ss visitor here Saturday afternoon
Mesdames G IV Knapp and 11 W.
Griffiths drove to Salem Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs Henry Corn were In
Falls City the latter part of the
K. K. Rwlng and niece. Miss Carrl
Hancock were Dawson visitors Friday
EH Carter moved His House nom |
goods to a farm near Stella one day i
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis are the proud
parents of a little daughter, horn Oct
.11, 1910.
Mrs. Bruce Nedrow left Friday for
Omaha for a visit to her daughter,
who Is still very HI.
Charley Smith returned home Wed i
■esday from a short visit with ( his
sister at Nemaha City.
John Patterson returned Tuesday
from a visit to his daughter, Mrs.
Belle Cornell, in Peru.
We failed to mention last week
rke arrival of a little daughter at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Kaper.
Mrs W H. Stovveell came up from
Garden City. Kansas for a visit to her
parents, Mr and Mrs. .1. M Robison
Mrs. Gibson is enjoying a visit fron
her grandson, Arthur Sallaway, who
arrived recently from New Mexico
Dr. Story, a specialist of St Joe
was « ailed hero the latter part of the
week by the serious illness of George
Mr and Mrs. \ M Voneh have re
turned from a visit to their daugh
ter. Mrs. John Strauss, at Abilene,
Mrs ,|, ssi-- Si;"' of I awson was in
liie city Wed in sday.
E. H. I tod o ( f ! ilk Ci'i ek spent last
S m.iay in this city
Delbert Pri. hard and wife were in
Fa!!* City Wednesday.
E,i < !i;t and wife returned Sunday
f :> trip in Oiualia.
"t sine MeCready spent last
K k. ni i a ' ■ f ity.
a ' nl>da bus been on
ti , a li t Ci week.
A. M Mann was a passenger to
K’.:i:a> City Wednesday.
Mis. Charles Paradise visited witl
fri> mis in Lincoln Wednesday.
Charles Summer attend* d to husi
lie. s in Falls City Wednesday.
R. (). Porak is now the owner of
a new Overland automobile.
Mrs. A. it. Cornelius visited with
relatives in Kansas City Wednesday.
Miss Hazel Harding of Tnlmage is
vis’ting relatives in Humboldt this
A. A. Sipley and wife of Dawson
visited relatives in this city this
Rev. .1. H. Hoenwald of Kansas
City was in the city the latter part
of tile week.
Mrs. O. I. Hall and son Virgil left
Wednesday for a \ isit with Mrs. .!.
Gird In Lincoln.
L. G. Agnew of Pawnee City attend
ed to business in this city the first
of the week.
Mrs. Rudolph Huizda of Table
Rock spent a short time with friends
in this city this week.
Mrs. .7. E. Robertson returned to
her home in Elmwood the middle of
the week, after a pleasant visit with
relatives in this city.
H. P. Marble came down from his
work at the Sante Indian agency, and
spent a few days at Ills home in this
Klmer Woods and family, accompan
ied by Charles Woods and wife of
Table Hock, visited at the home of
Mrs. Mary Mann Sunday.
1>. W. Neil, an old time resident of
this place, and now living in southern
Kansas spent part of the week with
friends in this city.
John Jack and wife, who formerly
lmrl a restaurant. Iti this place, but
who are now living at Laird, Colo.,
arrived in this city Wednesday for a
visit with friends
Miss Elta Davis was "sweet six
teen" Monday. The Junior class of
the high school, of which she is a
member, gave her a surprise party,
by gathering at her home to help
celebrate the day. A jolly good time
Is reported by all present.
The funeral of Maggie Schetz
was field from the German M. E.
church Friday afternoon. The young
lady had been In poor health for
sonic months, and died at her home
Wednesday morning. She was a
member of the German church and
was highly esteemed by all who
know her.
A dunce was given In Hosford's hai
•Vodm tduy evening.
Mrs. .1. M. Pope was quite sick
several days last week.
dins. Hlekel was a business visitor
in St. Joseph last week.
Newton Hosford was a Humboldt
visitor one day last week.
Katie and Agnes Kaual.v visited
friends at Preston Sunday.
Donate Anderson spent Saturday
and Sunday with home folks.
Tom Hays and wife went to Fortes
cue Saturday to visit relatives.
Wm. Hinton of Falls City was a Ru
lo visitor one day last week.
Clarenee Johndrow was a St.
Joe visitor one day last week.
Rev .1 \V. Ktnbre. preached at the
M K einirch Monday evening.
\rthur Lytle was a Falls City busi
m■;: \ ■ Jit one day last week.
Mrs. Frank Cage is spending the
week with relatives in Lincoln.
Ray itird of Missouri visited with
Ruin friends (lie first of the week
Miss Thompson spent Saturday and
Sunday at her home In Falls City.
Mrs. Oss Daniels spent a few days
ta.e week with friends at Humboldt.
James Stewart of Highland visited
relatives in Rule the first of the week
Mr. I.owdtn of Mound City was a
jit!, s visitor in Rttlo one day last
Mrs Park of Skidmore. Mo , spent
List \vt i !; with Iter daughter, Mrs.
toy Williams.
Mr. and Mrs, I V Osborne and sot
M* rill wore St. Joseph passengers
Monday morning.
Alice Gilbert spent Saturday and
Sunday at home.
Ray Soley spent a few days at
Sparks. Missouri with relatives the
first of the week.
Mrs Anna Coupe and son of Effing
hum. Kansas visited her father a
short time last week.
Mesdames .1. C. Huber and .1. W.
Lankin visited recently with rela
te*., ,v Waterloo. Iowa.
Frank Vanvalkenburg of Lincoln
spent a couple of days with home
folks the last of the week.
H. M. Edgecombe and wife spent
last week visiting with relatives at
Hiawatha and Highland. Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pangburn and
little daughter tire spending the
week with relatives In Tecumseh.
Hr. Slepherd returned Monday
from 1 'rnoln where he had spent a
couple of days with his son, William.
Rev J. M. Keith preached his last
sermon at the M. E. church Sun
day night and went to Pawnee Mon
Miss Emma Smith gave a party at
her home Monday evening. Music,
games and conversation filled the
evening hours.
Edward Hollnell and wife of Abi
lene, Kansas, returned to their homo
the first of the week, after a visit
with relatives in this city.
A1 Dixon of Wymore came down
last week to run the pump used in
washing the hank across the river,
preparatory to riprapping
The ladies of the Dorcas Society
served oysters in the Carpenter build
ing Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
of last week. They cleared about $20
in the two evenings.
Mrs. John Hosford gave a party at
her home Monday evening. The
rooms were nicely decorated with as
paragus, autumn leaves and berries.
A lunch of doughnuts and cider was
served. The little ones report the
best time ever.
Misses Hansen and Dodds spent
Saturday in Peru.
M. M. Hendricks and wife were in
the city Saturday.
C. H. Martin and wife were Falls
City visitors Saturday.
P. D. Oushard was in Falls City a
couple of days this week.
C. F. Kuker and H. J. Kelly made
a trip to Nims City one day last
Mrs. Jacob Peters and (laughter.
Mildred, returned this week from
their Kansas visit.
Miss Lizzie Zubrlck is over from
Verdon visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. E.
Harry Shaffer and family returned
last week from nothern Nebraska.
They made the trip overland.
C. C Merritt of Odessa. Missouri
preached at. the Christian church
Sunday morning and evening.
Miss Anna Langmache who was
visiting at the home of E. Michaels
returned to her home in St. .Joseph
H. 11. Dunn and sister, Hazel were
in Omaha a couple of days last week
purchasing their holiday line of
Big Money—We want an agent in
every town; salnry and commission;
references required; for full particu
lars, address subscription Dept., Na
tional Sport man, Inc-., 75 Federal St
Boston, Mass. 45-4t.
Sheriff Fenton was in Dawson Fri
McKinley Bodkins is improving at
this writing.
Michael O'Connell visited E. C.
Hill Thursday.
F. I’. Page was a Falls City visit
or Saturday.
Joe and Sum I Miner are here visit
ing their mother.
John Klima purchased a fine new
piano last week.
Ralph Hummel was down in his ear
front Humboldt Friday.
Miss Anna Rcade is here visiting
her sister, Mrrs. Henry Happen.
Miss Nina Snow visited her home i
Humboldt Saturday and Sunday.
Hryun O'Connell and his father
were down to Falls City Tuesday.
Martha Heim and Idixie Fisher of
this city were in Falls City Friday.
Mrs. Hr. Candy of Humboldt spent
Sunday with Maine and Nell Riley.
Mrs. H. K. Watson and two daugh
ters. Carrie and Agnes, were Falls
City visitors Friday.
Miss Carrie Hancock and E. E.
Ewing of Verdon attended the enter
tainment Friday evening.
Violet Smith spent Saturday and
Sunday at her home in Pawneee, re
turning Monday morning.
The entertainment given by the
girls' chorus Friday evening was well
attended. A large crowd was pres
ent and everything went off fine.
Hon O’Grady, accompanied by Nell
and Maine Riley and Tom Ryan at
tended the funeral of Father Bex in
Falls City Thursday.
Dr. A. E. Burger and wife left for
Chicago last Tuesday where Hr. Bur
ger will study for some time. Dr.
Foutz will look after his practice.
Mr. Pliits is here visiting Barney
and William Riley. He lias been in
Missouri visiting his father and is
on his way to his home in Alliance.
John O’Grady, Ed and Tim Cum
mings, O'Connell, Martin Rilev. Maine
and Joe Miller and Father Lourghan
attended the funeral of Ftlier Bex in
Falls City Thursday.
Mr. Foster passed away at his
home Sunday evening about four
o'clock. He died with the typhoid
fever. He leaves a wife and ten
children to mourn his death.
Mrs. Samuel Wahl of Kails City vis
ited Saturday with Mrs. Frank Wolf.
Mrs. Dan Hinds and little daughter
came home from Council Bluffs Sun
Win. Rife and family of Humboldt
spent Sunday with John Mann and
J. M. C.oodloe and family and Miss
Amret Hart visited in Verdon Sunday
John Jenkins wife and baby are
here from South Dakota visiting
their parents.
Mrs. Jess Shrimpton of Salem spen
Saturday afternoon with her sister,
Mrs. A. J. Baldwin.
Mrs. Prouty and daughter of Califor
nia are visiting Mrs. Prouty's brother,
M. H. Vandeventer.
Shelby Yates and wife moved to
the country last week, where Mr.
Yates will husk corn.
Glen Jenkins and wife of Humboldt
spent Sunday with the former’s moth
er. Mrs. John Jenkins.
Mrs. Jennie Shelenberger has re
covered from her sickness and was
able to attend church Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Wheeler is able to
be about the houes after being con
fined to her bed for several weeks.
Rev. A. L. Ogden was called from
here Monday to go to Salem to
preach the funeral of Miss Lola
The first number of the lecture
course was given Saturday evening
and was much enjoyed by a large
audience. The Trier Sisters Quin
tette was the attraction.
The ladies of the Degree of Honor
went to Nemaha last Thursday and
spent the day with Mrs. M. W. Knapt
All had a good time and partook of
an elegant dinner.
Word was received here Monday
that Miss Ollie Pain, a former Stella
girl, had died at the home of her
parents in Kearney of typhoid fever.
She was for several years a teacher
in Richardson county.
Vera Parstler, who was taken to
Emanual hospital at Omaha the
first of the week, died Tuesday at
three o'clock, after an operation. The
body was taken to Nebraska City for
burial Thursday afternoon. Six little
Stella girls went up to act as pall
bearers. Site will he greatly missed
at school as well as home. The fam
ily have the sympathies of the entire
John Hutchison spent Sunday in
Calls City with relatives.
Miss Sebring of Salem was a guest
of Pearl Fields Sunday.
Ethel Peck and Wanda Shaffer vis
ited Wilma Nedrow Sunday.
II. J. Prichard and wife were guest
of Coon Prichard and wife Sunday.
John Talbert, wife and daughter vis
ited at the home of John Fields on
Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan of Mound
City spent Sunday with John Fields
and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Nolte of Falls City
visited one day recently with their
soli. Martin and family.
Wallie Stump and family were en
tertained at the home of Wes Ned
row and wife Sunday.
Priscilla Woodring came out from
Falls City Saturday and visited over
Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. E Kimmel and Mrs. H. J.
Prichard were guests of Mrs. George
Prichard one day this week.
The little children of James Hurt
of Falls City spent Sunday in the
country with their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hurt.
Six ladies went to the home of
Mrs. H. J. Prichard Tuesday afternoo
and assisted her in preparing some
things to be used in a missionary
way for the poor.
Charles Stump came down from
Omaha and spent a few days with rel
atives and on Saturday he returned
home accompanied by his wife and
baby who have been visiting here a
few weeks.
John Stump was given a birthday
surprise last Thursday evening by
about seventy of his friends at his
home and a royal good time is re
ported by those present. Nice refres’
monts were served.
Cass Jones was up from Rulo Fri
No Flour Equals PURITAN
Every Sack of Puritan Flour
Is Guaranteed
',!‘rUse half a sack or more and if it does
hi m ihoict not make the best bread, cake, bis
j it-inter cuit or pje crust you have ever
wheat—tht fin- made—if it is not absolutely
mran hrj that _. satisfactory in every es- _
f Huy the
finest the
purest flour
you can buy—
is aery bit pure— sential—your deal
er will refund
rur";:" your money
make s lighter, whiter, J . .
tastier loaves bv actual bah- I AVI til Oil t
ing tests than any other flour Ilf £11“
you can buy. No other mill merit,
grinds the same high A
grade of milling mixture. Wo
separate our Hour into twenty
different “stocks." then Mend ii
to get in every sack the scientifically
correct combination of nutritious
bread-making qualities. Your
baking simply cannot Jai! with
— ^
Wells-Abbott-Nieman ^
The Puritan Millera
Schuvler. Nebraska
A Pretty Face
is marred by poor teeth. No matter
how perfect the features may be, they
are not attractive if the teeth are not
regular and even.
Part of Ouu Dental Work
is to rtraighten crooked teeth and to
replace protruding ones with teeth
that will match the others. If you a
afraid to s.nile on account of one or
more ugly or uneven teeth, come and
see us. We can fix them.
Dr. Yutzy, Dr. C. E. Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska
That Will Make You Rich
The greatest combination of industrialism and farming, now
rapidly developing, is to be found along the Burlington Route
in the vicinity of
where large, deeded, alfa ranches that have made millionaires of
the owners, are being divided into small farms, and where Gov
ernment irrigated homesteads and Carey Act lands are available.
A WONDERFULLY RICH COUNTRY-You can get hold of an
irrigated farm within a radius of a few miles of excellent coal,
natural gas, illuminating oil. building materials, fast growing
towns that have varied industries.
third Tuesdays I personally conduct landseekers’ excursions to
these lands.
E. G. WHITFORD, Tickct Agent
L. M. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt.
I ' .. . S
Printing Enve|°pes
I 1111 %I1 1^^ OUR SPECIALTY
Let Us Figure With You
Burlington Route
West Bound
No, 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local). 1:40 p. m.
No. 43—Portland Exp..10:17 p. m.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc- via Ne
braska City.4:30 a. m
East Bound
No. 14—St. J., K. C. »v St. L. .7:38 a. m.
No. 44—St. J., K. C. «& St. L. .3:37 a. m
No. 10—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:22 p. m.
No. 42—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:35 p. n>
No. 122—From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p m.
E. G. WuiTFOhD. Asrent.
Missouri Pacific
Trains East
Tr. 104—St.Louis Exp. 2:10 p. in.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp. . 3:40 a. m.
Tr. 132—K. C. Local.*7:30 a. m.
Tr. 102—Local Freight.*9:40 a. m.
Tr. 138—Omaha Local, ar. .*0:00 p. m.
Trains West
Tr. 103—()tnaha-Lincoln Ex. 1:50 p.m.
Tr. 105—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a.m.
Tr. 137—Omaha local.*7:15 a. m.
Tr. 101 — Local Freight.*1:20 p.m.
Tr. 131—Kansas<"ity Lo. ar.*8:15 a.ui,
’Daily excert Sunday.
E. E. MARK, Agent.
A good farm for sale, north of Falls
City. Enquire of W. H. Maddox.