The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 11, 1910, Image 1

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    Aldrich’s Victory is the Entering Wedge. Will You Help Drive the Wedge Home? The Tribune Stands for Home Rule, and the Development of Home Industries
The palls City Tribune
The Public is Invited to Visit The
Poultry Plant.
A visit to the National Poultry Ac
Egg Co’s, plant, at the south end of
Stone Street would probably surprise
a great many people who have not
given much thought to this enter
prise which has been located in our
city less than a year.
To begin with, the plant as it now
stands is by far larger than it was at
first expected to be. Within the
last month the contract was let for a
Si,200 cold storage and in he spring
a milk feeding station will ho added.
.Mr. Marr informs us that Falls City
is considered a very advantageous
business point and the company will
continue its improving and enlarging
their plant here.
The plant is not running up to full
capacity at present, only sixteen or
twenty people being employed. The
output is about 20,000 pounds per
week, dressed fowls, it is very in
teresting to go from the killing to the
packing room which is kept at 3a
degrees. Here the fowls are packed
according to their classes, extra,
choice and fair, one dozen fowls to
a box. The fowls are kept in a cool
ing room a few hours before being
taken to the cold storage and boxing
Eggs are shipped by car loads and
the manager informs us the supply
has been abundant this fall.
Mr. Alurr invites the public to in
spect the plant and takes pride in
.-bowing visitors about, that they may
have a better idea of this line of
business. It is worth the walk to go
through the plant.
A Bunch of Bells.
There has been quite a few lit
tle bells arrive this week, and as a
result there is general rejoicing over
th* arrival of the little ones.
A little daughter at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Redwood, Sunday
A (laughter arrived at the home of
Mi and Mrs. Paul Green wald, Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whitaker are
also the proud parents of a little
daughter, born Sunday.
Sunday saw a new daughter at the
home of Clarence Saville and wife
living south of town. The stork sure
ly had a busy day Sunday but left
all well and happy.
Iir. S. A. Van Osdel of Barada re
ports a baby girl at the home of
Omer Sailors and wife, born Thurs
day. November 3, 1910.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis of Verdon are
happy because of the arrival of a
little daughter. She came to make
her home with them October 31.
Charles Raper and wife of Verdon
are the parents of a daughter, born
on Thursday of last week.
Lonesome 7 to 1.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.G.
Price last Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Harriett Stump.
The Lecture Course.
Emanuel Vance Cooke will be here
November 21, if a few more people
tak' season tickets right away. Mr.
Cooke is the first ntimber on the
School Entertainment Course. So
many tickets have already been
pledged that it will ge a great disap
pointment if the remaining number
j/annot be secured. Some no doubt,
who are interested in the success of
this course have not yet been seen.
Remember that high class entertain
ment for 1910 arid 1911 sncli as the
j Chautauqua furiii lies depends upon
' advanc' season tick't pledges and
these must be made right away. The
school people havn't a great deal
«of time to devote to the matter but
they are all supporting it in every
possible way.
S nson tick' ls, mx numbers, adults
SI.BO. Buy now and encourage hte
School Entertainment Course.
The Newcomers Are Discouraged
At The Prospects In
Falls City
is it possible that after all the
years Falls City has worked to se
t-use the Missouri Pacific Division
that now, since it is an established
fact tlie people do not,appreciate it
or have they failed to realize that
some provision must be made to ac
commodate the hundreds of new peo
ple the division is bringing here?
There were not many vacant houses
when the first work on tho yards
was started. Those, tor tin- most
part, were rather inferior dwellings.
Immediatelv the rent on these va- j
w is i Used to unreason
able prices. This was not just and
the railroad people had a right to
complain. A reasonable raise was
expected but the unreasonable came j
at a time when our citizens should i
have extended a hand of welcome and
not turned on a damper.
During all the summer months the
Missouri Pacific officials have tried
to impress upon our people the nec
essity of houses to accommodate their
people, yet how many have been
built? Not enough to house a dozen
families. There must be almost two
hundred workmen here by the first
of the year, and the officials who
were here during the past week say
tlie only prospect for housing them is
to bring box cars up and derail them
so these people may have shelter, at
least during the winter.
Isn't this a rather serious reflec
tion upon oui city? It looks \ery
much like the child who cries in
cessantly for something and when it
finally gets what it wants misuses or
throws it aside. The railroad has
brought to our city more than double
what it. promised. What is the mat
ter with our people that they have
made no attempt to meet tnemr < an
anybody explain it?
There are plenty of moneyed people
here who could put up houses in
plenty. The railroad people are not
the only ones who are complaining.
Strangers come to this office con
tinually and ask for help in getting
houses. They want to locate here.
Docs a self satisfied feeling
among the moneyed people ever make
a town grow or prosper? Not much,
and if Falls City ever gets out of
the time worn rut some kind of a c ur
rent must be turned on to wake up
some of these fellows who are walk
ing in their sleep and whose snores
cau be heard even above lite progress
of the strangers who seem destin
ed to be the moving spirit in our city.
The moneyed class, in building to
accommodate progress are not asked
to go down into their pockets and
contribute anything to any thing. It
:s riur°iy a good investment, for those
houses will be rented almost as soon
as the ioof is on.
Won t m mebody wake up and get
ousy? It makes us feel just a little
ashamed to think strangers are made
to fee’, they are not wanted in our
city unless they want a box car or
goods box home. We are for a good,
better, best Falls City but we can’t
grow and prosper if a self-satisfied
feeling continues among those who
could make it possible for the stran
ger to come here and find aroof to
cover their heads an da spirit of wel
come among our citizens.
Sarah Schultz was married to Wm.
tlanika Thursday, Nov. 3, 1910 at the
Lutheran church north of this city
by Rev. Schultz at. 3:00 ]>. m.
\hout eighty friends witnessed the
r- remony and at 5:00 p. m. a lovely
supper was served. They received
many beautiful and useful presents.
We join their many friends in extend
ing congratulations.
As stated in our last issue, tlie
funeral of the reviered Father Bex
was held from SI. Francis Homan
Catholic church at 10:00 o’clock on
tlie morning of October 27, 1910, ills
deatli having occurred at Burclmrd,
Nebraska. Monday, October 21, at
5:30 p. in.
The Right Rev. Bishop Bonieum
held Solemn Requiem Mass, Father
Freeman, Dean of the Wymore dlstric
and Father Hoffman of tills city be
ing in the sanctuary.
Twenty-eight visiting priests sat in
tlie congregation together with
many personal friends of Father Bex,
whose different religious opinions did
not prevent them from knowing and
appreciating a, good and worthy
Father Bex tame to this parish
about sixteen years ago, and al
though never demonstrative and al
ways opposed to personal publicity,
the good he has done and the remark
able work lie ltas accomplished in
the parish could not fail to attract
the attention of the public.
Father Bex was born in Holland
on the 22iid of June 1849 and at the
time of his death had readied the age
of sixty-one years, four months and
two days. He was ordained a priest
at Lies limit. Province of North liar
bent oil July 24, 1877. After serv
ing six years as a priest in Holland
ho came to the States in 1884 and
took up the mission work. His first
parish was Cheyenne, Wyo., where
he remained a year and was then
sent *o Basin, Wyoming, and after a
few months he went to David City
where lie resided eight years, then
came to Falls City in January 1895.
On the 24tli of July 1902 the friends
of Father Bex planned for him a sur
prise in honor of the twenty-fifth an
niversary of his priesthood. Several
visiting priests were present end
High Mass was celebrated at eight
o'clock. In iiis address Father Roach
of Fairbury gave a historical sketch
of Father Ilex’s life and work. In
speaking of the work and good a<j*
complished he said "It will not he
necessary to erect a monument to
Father Hex; lie lias erected liis own
monument in the hearts of the peo
ple." How true that is. tint in this
city the convent and new church will
always stand as memorials to the en
ergy and perseverance of this good
man, whose one ambition, for so
many months, was not. realized, name
ly to say one Mass in the new
His memory will always he dear
to his many Falls City friends, and
may he be rewarded by the just
and alwise Father for the good he
has done in his thirty-three years of
The visiting priests were:
Rt. Rev. Bishop Bonacum; Very
Rev. .1. C. Freeman, Celebrant of
Mass, Wymore; Rev. Barnard Sproll,
Beacon. Rulo; Rev. David Cronin,
Sub-Deacon, Harvard; Rev. .Ino. lloft
man, Master of Ceremonies, Falls
City; Rev. Michael A. Shine, Arch
Priest, Plattsmouth; Rev. Joseph Ross
Steinauer, assistants to the bishop;
Very Rev. Gerard Boll, V. V. F., York
Rev. Wm. F. Bradley. Lincoln; Rev.
Engelbert Boll, Assumption; Rev. T.
Borden, Tecumseh; Rev. Charles
G. Becker, Geneva; Rev. Charles Cro
ikltnski, St. Marys, Neb.; Rev. Wm.
Crowe. Frienn; Rev. Casimer Dietrich.
O. F. M , Lincoln; Rev. L. A Deni
phy, Sutton; Rev. Eugene Feeney,
' Auburn; Rev. James F. Gilroy, Heart
will; Rev. John F. Il'-nnesay, Alver
j no; Rev. J J. Lottghran, Dawson;
| Rev. Antoue Lutz, Shelby; Rev. Wal
I t#*r McDowell, Exetf r; Rev. Adolph
I Master, Odell; and Rev. Sixtus Meier,
! <’. p. p. S., Nebraska City.
Mrs. I. C. Maust lias issued invita
tions for a whist party on Friday af
ternoon complimentary to Mrs. Ftt.a
Schoenheit of Kansas Ciyt.
Dr. Emma Boose Tucker Addressed
A Large Crowd Sunday Night.
1 ir. Funma Boose Tucker was greet
ed by a very large assembly of old
friends and interested admirers of
her work when she gave h<^ Talk on
China at the Presbyterian church last
Sunday evening. Naturally, Falls
City people are very partial to, and
proud of Mrs. Tucker as she is in
every sense a Falls City product,
having been educated in out’ public
schools, grew to womanhood here
and after finishing the State Uni
versity was married here before pro
ceeding to Chicago to finish her
study for Medical Missionary, which
I)r. Tucker, also was taking.
And well might wo he proud of
Mrs. Tucker. Wo have had many
lectures on China by missionaries and
other travelers but never has the
subject been handled more clearly or
thoroughly. Mrs. Tucker undoubtedly!
is interested. Naturally a close obser
ver of character and customs, her llfo
and work among these people have
accentuated these characteristics and
made her adundanily able to speak
clearly and comprehensively of tills
interesting country and people. Wo
will not attempt to give even
sketches of Mrs. Tucker’s talk for
ft pould prove a failure. Those who
missed hearing her missed a great
and those who heard her hope for
another opportunity of hearing’ her.
It is the general wish of all that Mrs,
Tucker give another lecture before
leaving Falls City. She certainly gnv
the assembly at the Presbyterian
church last Sunday night an address
long to be remembered, full of inter
esting and beneficial Information of
missionary work being done, of the
life and customs as well as the poli
tical situation of the Chinese people.
The little intimate sketches of dom
estic and business life were clearly
illustrated and give one *u better
idea of the fast rising above the cir
cumstances and customs that have
hound them for centuries.
Dr. anil Mrs. Tucker will take post
graduate course hi medicine in Chi
cago before returning to China next
There will be an exhibition of
Chinese curios, collected by Dr. and
Mrs. Tucker at the Presbyterian
church next Friday and Saturday
evening Which is well worth seeing.
Injured by Dynamite Explosion.
A very serious accident occurred
near Barada last Sunday morning at
about seven o'clock which came near
costing Jud Brown, aged sixty-three
iiis life and in which Arthur Nixon
was also hurt. The men were pre
paring a dynamite charge on the
hanks of the Missouri river when it
exploded prematurely. Mr. Brown’s
right hand was blown off, a deep hole
torn in his left thigh and thethigh
bone broken, deep gashes torn in the
lower limb besides being badly burn
ed and a gash torn on the face.
Mr. Nixon's face was burned and a
bad gash torn in his limb, .lust how
tiie accident occurred nobody seems
able to tell, it came so quickly and
unexpectedly. Mr. Nixon was about
five feet from Brown who was pre
paring hte charge and Herman Kelly,
still farther away escaped uninjured.
Brown was taken home and Dr.
Andrews of Barada was called at once
It was seen that a nop eration was
necessary and Dr. Bun-hard of this
city was called. The arm was ampu
tated just below the elbow, the thigh
bone set and the other injuries given
proper attention. Dr. Andrews in
forms us today that Mr. Brown is
getting along surprisingly well. Mr.
Nixon's injuries were dreessed at
once and lie, too, is getting along
very well. Both men feel they had
a very close call.
For Sale
Cood show rase at a bargain App:
at the Tribune office.
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
The City Federation of Women's
Clubs met in the club room in regu
lar session November 7th. A good
number was in attendance. The chau
InuquH salute was given our towns
woman, Mrs. Gist, our new state
president, tlie club being justly proud
that. suoIl sin honor litis conic to our
little city and to a leading eltid wo
man. Sewerage iinil tile city water
was ably discussed by a number of
our representative housewives ami
the feasibility of appointing com
mittees to rotifer with the council wa
considered The Federation decided
to place on Bale in our city the "Red
Cross" stamps, proceeds from sale
of same to he applied to fund for
the extermination of tuberculosis. Mrs
.Tussen, delegate to state convention,
gave a very interesting report of the
meeting. Reports of committees word
made after which Hie Federation ad
journed subject to call.
The Five W's were entertained last.
Friday afternoon by Miss Ruth
Sclioek at her country home south
of town. The ladies went out in
hacks and upon arriving at the
Sdiock home found the house bounti
fully decorated in their honor with
chrysanthemums and autumn . leaves
and vines in georgeous colors. Music
and games formed the principal
amusements for the afternoon though
many fingers were busy with dainty
needle-work At five o'clock dainty
refreshments were served in two
courses. The ladies lingered until
late in the evening before they re
turned to their homes loath to bring
such ;i happy afternoon to a close.
The guest list included Mrs. R. I!.
Simpson, Mrs. George Wahl. Mrs.
Tillis, Misses Facile Mettz. Helen
Hurchard. Zetta Camblin, Mildred
Rowers, Anna Mason and Miss Fran
ces A rut of West Virginia.
Mrs. .). L. Slocum was hostess to
the L. li. T. club last week and made
the afternoon most enjoyable for
them. Needlework occupied most of
their time, with a continual flow of
pleasant conversation. A splendid
supper was served tit five o’clock
Mrs. II M. .lenne assisting her moth-j
er in serving. The ladies tarried un
til late-fn»ifcv evening having spent
the hours most happily.
Mrs. Ulmer Kuhn entertained the
Sunny Slope kensington Wednesday,
November U, in her usual charming
manner. The weather being ideal
many were present to enjoy the so
cial treat prepared by the hostess.
Mrs. K. Martin was taken into the
society. Nice refreshments consisting
of coffee, cake and jello was served.
Mrs. George Kuhn of Salem invited
the ladies to meet with her Novem
ber 1C. Mrs. Charles Weyand was u
guest of the club.
Miss Nellie Sehoek entertained at
a kensington last Tuesday afternoon
complimentary to her cousins, Mrs.
! DuPutran of Lincoln and Mrs. Tru
| man of Denver, Col. Although needb
j work was in evidenenee, guessing
•games and otiieer amusements were
I provided for the entertainment of
I the guests. Dainty refreshments
were served at five o'clock. The af
ternoon was passed most pleasantly
| by all.
Mrs. Charlie Hargraves entertained
I the Thursday Bridge club this week
1 and*all tile ladies report a very do
jlightful afternoon. Two hours were
! devoted to playing bridge, tile con
test though spirited resulted in being
quite evenly destributed. Splendid
refreshments wore served at five
t o’clock. This was one of the most en
joyahlo sessions of the club.
The Thimble club of tlu> Christian
church wore entertained lust Monday
evening by Miss Stella Knickerbocker.
Quill* a little was accomplished on
the articles Intended for the bazaar.
(James were played also and although
industrious, the young ladles were
very sociable. Dainty refreshments
were served at a suitable hour.
Mrs. I. C. Mansi entertained a few
friends Informally on Wednesday ev
ening for Mrs. Sehoeabeit. Six band
five-hundred was played until a Into
hour when the hostess served tempo"
lug refreshments. The evening was
a very pleasant one.
(Crowded out last week)
One of the jolllest of Ibis season’s
parties was given Tuesday evening,
November 1, nt home of Mrs, Kate
Schock, when the Methodist Social
Circle, their husbands and friends,
were entertained by tin- Misses Eliza
beth Jones, Schock and Florence
.ludd The> giiesls were greeted at
I he door by three gobbllns who blind
folded them and led them Into the
parlor where they were introduced to
guests already assembled, and all
were given a hearty Methodist band
shake. •— 1
After all guests bad assembled var
ious games were heartily enjoyed, the
chief attraction being the witches cor
ner in the cellar, where a real for
tune teller told Interesting facts
about the future.
The dining table was a real witches
camp, with the tripod of brush and
iron caldron In the center, and block
ents, skulls and bats about It. Cider
was served from the caldron during
the evening and refreshments of
doughnuts and coffee, apples aud
home-madf candles were enjoyed.
The cuui'ng was brought to a
close by various extemporaneous
ghost sio*.'«•». the prize story being
given bv Andrew Cameron.
Sorosis met in regular session on
Wednesday afternoon, November ft at
the home of Mrs. Jussen. The pres- <
ldent. Mrs. Fa 1 loon not being able to
attend. Mrs. Moreliead, vice president
oceupied the chair Fourteen member
answered to roll call, which brought
out many sayings of children, some of
them naive to the extreme. The
response was given in the form of a
paper by Mrs. (list, “The Relations of
the Mother to The Child." The sub
ject was dealt with in a manner that
elicited attention and was enjoyed by
all. All enjoyed the report of the
state federation by Mrs. Wilson. Re
freshments were served at five p m.
and the club adjourned to meet Nov.
.'10th with Mrs. Korner.
Champion Corn Huskers.
A party of ladies of the Christian
church went to the home of Bert Mc
Guire southwest of this city on Wed
nesday and spent the day husk
ing corn. Mr. McGuire told the
ladies he would give them a load if
they picked it. H C. Marion took
them over and cooked the camp fire
dinner for them. They picked forty
two bushels for themselves which
Mr. Marion promptly bought for 35c
per bushel. Mr. McGuire then vol
enteered to give them 3c per bushel
for si 11 they picked for him. They
got busy and picked forty bushel
and not only had a full day of fun
in da fine outing but made about $10
for the new church.
Tlie C. 10. Society of the Christian
church, through the committee in
i barge, wish to thank the managers
of the Rlectric theater for their eour
tes.v itt extending to the society the
us! of the theater on the evening of
November S, 1010. Also wish to
j thank the Misses Wilson and Leyda
for their kindness in helping with the
Henry Mosiman,
Claude O. Stumbo,
Stanley B, Dixon.