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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO. Fred Ball spent Sunday in Lincoln. Newton Hosford was In Missouri this week. Grace Cronin was in Falls City on Saturday. n Cecil and Mamie Kanaly were in Falls City Saturday. Esther Green of Preston was a Rulo visitor lasl week Mrs. Ed Duncan of Wymore is vis iting relatives here. Cecil McCutnber of Preston was a Rulo visitor Saturday. Bennie Arnold of Preston was a Rulo visitor last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Carpenter were visiting in Rulo last week. Ira Gaither of Oklahoma visited this week with Rulo relatives. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Robison were visitors in Missouri Sunday. Steve Cummings made a business trip to St. Joseph Wednesday. Mrs. George Ordfield li ft, last week for Auburn to visit a few days. John Vaughn of Denver is visiting witli friends In Rulo tills week. Mr. and Mrs. John Schooler of Kansas visited in Rulo last week. Albert Williams of Missouri visited relatives here the first of the week. Frank Vanvaulklnberg of Lincoln visited ids parents and little daughter Sunday. John and Peter Mahan were busi ness visitors to Kansas City last week. W. F. Gingrich, wife and children of Superior visited relatives in llulo Sunday. John Baclinmn left Monday for Florida, Imping the climate will bene fit his health. Dan Ratektn and family spent sev eral days last week with relatives in Kansas City. Mrs. Ted Majerus and children left Sunday for a visit with relatives In Leaven worth. Hen Ziegler and Jake Fickle were down front Auburn to spend Sunday with their families. Mrs. Wilhoit of Centralla, Kansas spent a part of last week with friends in Rulo and Preston. Essie Marsh returned to her work in St. Joseph Monday after a short visit with home folks. Mrs. Clarence Simon returned to her home at Chtlllcothe, Mo..last, week after an extended visit in Rulo. Mr. Chesnnt had the misfortune to fall from a ladder one day last, week, tearing the ligaments in his left wrist loose. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fackcral left for their home at Cripple Creek, Colo., last week, after a two weeks visit with Ruin relatives. Ella Carpenter, accompanied by Gladys and Howard Hart, came up from St. Joseph Saturday night for a short visit with relatives . Friends in this city have received announcements of the arrival of a •on at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Majerus in Monte Vista, Col., Thursday, October 27. A large crowd met at the home (if Mr. and Mrs. John Kanalv Monday evening of last week in honor of their daughter, Agnes' seventeenth birthday. Games conversation and music proved to make the evening very enjoyable. On Tuesday of last week as Will Story was driving home from llulo he met an auto, which frightened his team causing them to run. Eliza Mahan, who was in the wagon jump ed out and the wagon ran over her, breaking her collar bone. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate woman or the youngest child. The old and feeble will also find them a most suitable remedy for aiding and strengthening their weakened digestion and for regulating the bowels. For sale by all druggists. OHIO. Elmer Elshlre visited with Wilber Prichard Sunday. George Prichard, wife and sons spent Sunday in Falls City. Mr. and Mrs. Hahn spent one day last week with their daughter, Mrs. J. Rieschick. Mahle Elshire is home again after a week spent, in Omaha visiting. Irene Wachtel and Lena Kamel vis ited with Edna Carico Sunday. Anson Knisely and wife were the guests of Frank Shaffer and wife Sunday. Francis Stump and family were guests of Win. llartlett and wife oil i Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh of near Vcr don spent one day recently with Mrs. Elshire. Earl Shaffer and family visited ' with the former’s parents one day recently. Mrs. Lutz and Mrs. N. Peek and two children spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Elshire. Walter anil Will Gunn and John an Will Hutchison were guests of Ralph Nedrow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred llarkendorf of Falls City spent one day last, week with their daughter, Mrs. Fred Wit roe k. Guy Lichty and wife, Wes Nodrow and family, Simon Boadiy and wife spent Sunday with Herman IJeaehy and wife. Warren McDowell and family move to Falls City this week. They have lived on tlic Francis Shaffer f arm tills summer. Jl. .1. Prichard and wife and Ed Klinmol and wife went to Morrill, Kansas Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Porter Kimmel. Priscilla Woodring came out from Falls City Friday evening and spent Saturday and Sunday with her par ents. She was accompanied by Miss Namiinga of Falls City. Mrs. Charles Zentncr was remem bered by many of her friends on her birthday and was given a postal show er and also a handkerchief shower. A company of about sixty were pres ent and all had a fine time. ‘T am pleased to recommend Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy as the best tiling I know of and safest remedy for .coughs, colds and bronchial troub le.” writes Mrs. E. R. Arnold of Denver, Col. “We have used it re peatedly and it lias never failed to give relief.” For sale by all druggists. WILLIAMS VILLE. \V. F. Butler ami family spent Sun day at 10. G. Butler’s. 1. A. Dunn and wife were Falls City visitors Saturday. Miss Fanara Prosser spent Sunday with Miss Carrie Dunn. Mrs, Ilienko and Pete Shilling were Falls City visitors last week. Mrs. 1. A. Dunn and son, Jesse were visitors in Preston last week. Little' Scott Wissinger is able to be up a part of the time. Ho is slowly recovering. N. A. Arnold spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. liarn liardt near Salem. The infant daughter of It. Faller’s who was bitten by a rat some time ago is doing nicely under the care of Dr. Andrews. “I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, writes Mrs. Francis Turpin, Junction City, Ore. This remedy is also un surpassed for colds and croup. For sale by all druggists. Why. Falls City Wants Hayward. Kails City wants a federal building and wants it bad enough to go after it if she can find out where it is hid ing. Somebody got us an appropriation of $6,000 for a site. Burkett says he is it. Maguire likewise claims the credit. But the six thousand appropriation is of no consequence because it isn't enough and nobody seems to want it. Now on the question of a new post office, who is most likely to get it for us Hayward or Maguire? Maguire is a democrat; the next house of congress is sure to be re publican. To which one would a republican congress be most likely to grant a favor, Hayward, republican, or Maguire, democrat? Frank Hitchcock, now the postmas ter general, was the chairman of the national committee and appointed Will Hayward secretary over the protest of Senator Crane, Speakei Cannon and a whole raft of old timers to whom a western progress ive didn't look good. Hayward Is today one of the clos est personal friends Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock has. Twice has he offered Hayward the office of First assistant postmaster general, but each time the office lias been de clined because Hayward prefers to represent this district in congress. Maguire has in several speeches bit terly attacked the postmaster general saying that, "Frank Hitchcock is not fit to hold the office of postmaster general.” When Hitchcock comes to pass on tile places entitled to a new poatof fice building and advise with con gioss concerning it, who is lie mosi likely to favor, Hayward, his friend, or Maguire, nia enemy . Look at it Lom another angle. Lin «otu has hugged the congressman foi yours, and as a result lias been given about all Uiu tavors going, 'i lit; man wno does not live in Lincoln must nave the united support of tho out side eountit s or lie can’t bo nomi nated for congress. Lincoln has recently been given several hundred thousand dollars for a new post office, more recently stilt she was given another large appro priation to beautify the building and grounds, and now Lincoln demands further appropriations to improve and enlarge her new postoffice build ing. Maguire lives in Lincoln. Iiayward lives out side of Lincoln. With a contest between Lincoln and Falls City for an appropriation, and only one appropriation can come to tills district, which do you think Maguire would favor? The answer is easy. There is today but one city in the district entitled to a post office building that lias none, and that city is Falls City. Lincoln, Nebraska City and l’lattsmouth are provided for. Lincoln wants more and she wants tlie congressman so she can get more. Falls City wants a building and she will get it if Hayward is elect ed and she will not getitwithin the t ext two years if he is not elected. That's why Falls City wants Hayward Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leo spent Sun day in Kansas City with friends. t B RBMPITT ; i r:j N y h [. \ c:\U-V ..\ /f P^ “S-B a he i Jij .-amj:, POWDSR p That Makes tho Baking Eatisr Failures ate almost impossible with ? Calumet. J W<* know that it will give you l otter l Wf know that the baking will be purer H| — mot -? wholesome. K We know that it will be more evenly gj raised. PI A ml we Know that Calumet is mote [W :i -mu al, both in its use and cost. M We know tli things because v* ps have pat the quality into it we h.-n • fa seen it tri d out in every way. It ; ja used now in millions of homes and its SB s.iles are growing daily. It is the ff modern baking powder. m Have you tried it? M Calumet is highest in quality— B moderate in price. ff Received Highest Award— mm * World’s Pure Food Exposition. J&r HAYWARD A I &3RESSIVE Commended As S.ich By Senator Cummins of Iowa HIS RECORD PROVES THE FACT Progressive republicans in the First district of .Nebraska and all people who approve the Roosevelt policies in the nation, both those already en acted into law and those still awaiting congressional action, find an honest and sincere answer to their hopes and wishes in tho candidacy of William Hayward for congress in the First district. William Hayward is a progressive republican, not by proclamation of a favorable press bureau or the declar ation of prejudiced personal friends for election-day purposes, but by vir tue of the acts of his entire political j career and the record of things accom plished in his years of struggle for progressive policies and progressive public oflicials In .Nebraska—years through which he fought for these is sues and principles without thought of the effect of such a course on his personal fortunes and without thought of himself becoming at some future time a candidate for public office. In fact, at the time William Hay ward entered into man’s estate and be gan to take a part in public affairs as a working unit in the political par i ty of liis hereditary training and [ choice, no field of personal advance j nient looked more barren and forbid ding, no course of personal action held [ our surer promise of defeat ami retire ' nient to political oblivion, than an al liance with the small band of progres sives who fought for the control by law of the great and arrogant corpora- ; tions and all special interests which, | through the iron hand of political su ; premacy, exploited the people* either through the forms of law or by the absence of regulatory statutes com pelling a “square deal” between them and the people. But Hayward did not hesitate to choose because the fight, for the right looked disastrous io future personal ambitions. That it was right, that it was for the people, was.enough and ne "enlisted for the war,” letting con sequences care for themselves. This is the public record of Wil liam Hayward, written indelibly in the history of the republican party in Ne braska In the years of the recent past. That it Is known, and appre ciated at home and abroad is well proven by an event of recent occur rence. On Thursday, October HTtb, Senator A. B. Cummins of Iowa, one of the acknowledged leaders of west ern progressive republican thought and action in the Senate of the United States, spoke on the issues of the pending campaign iri Lincoln. At the very beginning of Ills address Senator Cummins paid a sincere tribute to the candidacy of William Hayward for congress in the following words: “I want you to understand that no word shall come from my lips that does not come front my heart, and 1 find it a very keen pleasure to speak for the republican party In the district which has nominated for high office that fine example of American young manhood, that man of high ideals and j of splendid service to his party, a man who will confer honor upon any post- j tion in which he may be placed, and I can not begin without expressing the hope that when the shades of Novem ber 8th rhnll have fallen upon Nebras ka it will lie discovered that my friend. William Hayward, has been trium phantly elected to the House of Rep resentatives.” So spoke this leader of republican progressives and the foundation of his faith was laid deep in Hayward's rec ord known to him. Back in 1895 Hayward wrote and in troduced the resolutions in the re publican convention of Otoe, his home j county, pledging the party to fight rail- ; tvay discriminations and rebates, the j free pass evil and (o support other re form and progressive policies which culminated in that splendid document —the republican stale platform of 1909—every promise of which was re deemed by the republican legldature of 1907, as a result of which the peo ple of the state gained the first sweep ing and complete victories against the i intrenched corporations of Nebraska, placing on the statute books the con stitutionally sound and unassailable anti-pass Jaw, railway commission law, two cent fare law, terminal taxa tion law, express rate reduction law, freight rate reduction law, direct pri mary law and other progressive meas ures of the utmost importance to the people. These great reforms did not come by chance. They came as the results of the untiring efforts, the loy al struggle for the people's rights, made throughout Nebraska in the pre vious years by William Hayward and many other patriotic citizens of his tjfpe. scattered in the towns and on the farms and fields of the state. They were and are the progressive repttt* licans of Nebraska and among that militant band which carried to vic tory the banner of the people’s cause no man's record is clearer or more complete than William Hayward's. On these established facts was based the sincere approval of William Hayward voiced so recently by the eminent senator of our sister state of Iowa. He knew also that Hayward's progressive principles have not been cast aside in this campaign to win votes. That Hayward lias declared his unalterable opposition to Cannon and Cannonism in every form. That he elands for a permanent tariff cororn'i sion to gather exact facta to the end of further revision in exact accord with the promises of the republican platform. Tlint lie favors the election of senators by direct vote of the peo ple having been, years ago. a delegate appointed by Governor Sheldon to a conference called by Governor Cum* mins to further this movement. That he opposses the ship subsidy, favors lawful and effective control of common carriers through increased power granted the inter-state com merce commission and continues to support the Roosevelt policies of con servation of natural resources. Wil liam Hayward lias well earned the title of a progressive and is entitled to the auauort of ail progressives. One of the Tell-Tale Letters. TXT is£l*:J fi wokio kubush;sg C<\ *».... r. - — 1 * .Inline u. ■nvifc'WK friii'p THE CUorud-HeR^^d* Si C 30, 1§55* <■ mksohal. ' Hon. Jos. s. Bartley, V State Treasurer, Lincoln, Neb. Coar Sir: Heferrlng to conversation with you X beg to sc^ that I would HKe to rcaV.e out new notee as follows: One due n^ptember 1, $200 , one due October 1, 100 , One du“ November 1, 100 One due December 1, , 100 One due January 1, 1S<)6 500 The latter I might asK to have extended In part. The others’ would be paid at maturity with interest, will ofcourse pay the In terest on present, note. t Will this be satisfactory? yourft^rulv. HITCKCOCK-BARTLEY. We reproduce above a copy of one of the letters between Congressman Hitchcock and Joseph Bartley, which have caused such a big political sen sation. Edgar Howard, one of the most prominent democrats in the state and editor of the Columbus Telegram, produced photographic copies of a number of letters which passed be tween Mr. Hitchcock and Mr. Bartley, while Bartley was still holding the of fice of state treasurer, and relating to money transac; ions. Bartley turned out a defaulter to the extent of over half a million dollars of state funds, and served a tern: in state prison for the offense. It 1 as always been a mystery where the money w'ent. It will be noticed that the letter is ad dressed to Bartley as treasurer and not as a banker or an individual, and ip dated during the time that he was treasurer of the s:ate. Other letters and telegrams have been published, which passed between Hitchcock and Bartley at this time. While Hitch cock claims that the money he bor rowed of Bartley was Bartley’s private funds, most of the newspapers of the state have scoffed at this explanation. SENATOR BURKET ENDORSED BY INSURGENT SENATORS. The progressives among the repub lican senators are coming to the aid of Senator Burkett in his fight for re election. Certainly thcs% senators are in a position to ' now of the work of our senior senator, and their judg ment ought to be ; cepted by the hon est inquirer. Senate' Bristow. Last week S ; u* Bristow, the in surgent Senator m Kansas, said of Senator Burkett: “I should he vr: • much pleased to render any ass' 1 > I could* to Sen ator Burkett, but [ have spent so much time out r Kansas already that I cannot at oncer neglect the Kansas campah n. “While upon a : mber of votes Sen ator Burkett and 1 i:id not agree, yet he was of especial value to the pro- j gressive cause, not only in the tariff | fight in behalf of a genuine revision, j but also in the tight for effective and efficient legislation regulating the rail- j roads, he rendered fine service. “Wishing you success, I am “Very truly yours, “JOSF1PH L. BRISTOW." Senator Beveridge. And now comes Senator Beveridge, the fighting insurgent senator from Indiana, who last week wrote to the chairman of the republican state com mittee ns follows: “I am very sure the people of Ne braska will return Senator Burkett to the senate. The great progressive movement that is sweeping over this country needs every man of progres sive tendencies. Generally speaking, the politicians now in control of the Democratic party are not putting up such men. The whole tendency of the cabal of dominant politicians now in control of that party is reactionary. One haB only to consider the domi nant influences in that party from New York and Ohio to Texas and Georgia. "I am exceedingly sorry that the engagements already made will pre vent my coming to Nebraska, for I Ex-President Roosevelt. In n speech at Omaha on September 2nd, 1910, ex-President Roosevelt said: "Senator Burkett was one of the men on. whom I especially relied when 1 was president, both while he was in the House and in the Senate. 1 was able to accomplish what I did in Washington only because of the way I was backed by men like Senator Burkett, and as we have a guest from Iowa present, let me say, like Senator Doiliver.” What right has one to criticize the results of an election if he doesn't yoUT should like very much indeed to be of any possible assistance that I could in the re-election of Senator Burkett. He should be returned; and I have no doubt he will be returned. “With kind regards, “Sincerely, “ALBERT ,J. BEVERIDGE." Senator LeFollette. Senator LaFollette’s Magazine, in an article reviewing Senator Burkett's work said: “To get the truth about Senator Burkett, you must get close. You must study his record. When you do this, you will see that he is a progressive progressing. You will find that dur ing the railroad legislation of 1906 he took strong strides in the people's cause. You will find him forging ahead with the merest handful of re publican senators in support of the amendment to provide for the physical valuation of railroad property as a basis for the regulations of railroad rates, an amendment that was anathe ma to the ‘system’ leaders of the Sen ate. You will find him springing for ward to the support of an amendment to protect the railway employees and to fix a just liability upon the rail roads for their injuries incurred in this hazardous service. You will find him afterwards charging the ramparts of the ‘system’ in behalf of the rail road company employee's liability bill. You will find him again voting consis tently, roll-call after roll-call, while ‘system’ senators were ‘ducking’ into the cloak rooms to avoid the vote, to put to passage in the Fenate the hill to promote the safety of the traveling public and the employees of railways by fixing a reasonable limitation on the hours of railroad employees en gaged in tlie operation of trains.” Senator Cummins. In a speech a! 'Lincoln on last Thurs day Senator Cummins of Iowa said: "I am here, however, as most of you know—my chief purpose at -least in visiting Lincoln at this time, is to contribute, if 1 can contribute with the little influence that my words may have, to the re-election of my as sociate in the Senate of the United States, and my friend, Elmer J. Bur kett. I have known him well; I have known him long. * * ik I say to liis fellowmen, and fellow townsmen something that is altogeth er unnecessary, that I believe, as hav ing witnessed his work in two of the severest struggles that have ever been i seen in the Senate of the United States, that Elmer Burkett does what he believes to he right and votes as his conscience tells him he ought to vote and no more than that can be asked of any man. * * * He has served you with not only great fidelity, hut I think he has served you with conspicuous ability, and we who have ( I hope you will not think me egotistical when I say this) some definite idea of what should I be done in the future, and intend to accomplish it in every way that we can, (honorably can) want Elmer Burkett in the Senate instead of Gil bert Hitchcock in the Senate, for the reasons which I shall attempt in the plainest and simplest way to state.” Senator Cummins in his speech at j Chicago *ays nothing is to be gained j by trusting either house of Congress | to the democrats. He has seen some of them at close range. When you think how dull business j was when, the democratic party was last in power, isn’t it a big risk to try it again? Ex-President Roosevelt is having great sport chasing opponents out of the jungles in darkest New York. After next Tuesday the candidates’ troubles will be over, but will yours?