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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
THE COIRS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends ana Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. — Eat Sowle's Candy. —Dr. Wilson. Wahl's building. 1—The Caudy Kitchen for brick icu cream. David Reavis, -dr., came down from Lincoln to spend Sunday at home. Harry Hughes was over from Re serve, Kansas last Thursday on bus iness. Ed Burris came down from Peru last Friday and . visited here until Mqnday. Judge Wilhite was up town the first of the week after a weeks ill Iiess. Miss Ruth McMillan came down from Lincoln to spend Sunday tit home. Miss Rill Houston lifts been quite iff for the past week and is still un able to be up. Miss Gertrude Lyford came down from Tecuin8oh to spend Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCoy return ed Sunday to their home in Kan sas City. Gus Ruegge was down town Satur day for the first time after an illness of four weeks. Stanley Wicks of Riverton, Wyo, arrived Friday to visit relatives a couple of weeks. Miss Margaret Steele came down from Lincoln Monday morning to look after business matters. Rev. Watson closed his revival meetings at Hamlin last week and returned home Friday. George Fink came up from Texas Sunday night, for a visit with his sister, Mrs. J. R. Ramsey and family. Mrs. Frank Shields returned Sat urday from a short visit with the fam ily of her son, Milo in Fairbury. Mrs. Ida Mety of Sabetha, Kansas, arrived Saturday to visit over Sun day with the Powell families and otht r relatives. Mrs. L>. M. Davies and Sons, Paul and Lloyd, went to Lincoln Friday to visit over Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. 1>. G. Griffiths. Mrs. George Hester of Beaver City arrived last Saturday, called here by the death ot her sister’s husband, Charles Hanna. Ben Able returned last Friday to his home in Shoshone, Wyo., after a few days visit, wiht his mother, Mrs. Harriett Able. Mrs. Tom Ramsey came up from Kansas City Saturday to visit over Sunday with relatives on her way to her home in Sterling. Mrs. Nap DeMers and daughter, Miss Edith, went to Peru last Satur day, where they visited Miss Grace DeMers over Sunday. Mrs. William Love, who visited las week with her cousin, Mrs. Grant Sperry, returned Monday to her home in Camden Point, Mo. Mrs. Clyde Johnson of Superior came down from Tecumseh for a short visit with friends. She was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Reneker. Will Shaffer and Mike Shaffer, brother ard nephew of Mrs. Charles Hanna, came in from Beaver City Saturday to attend the funeral of her husband. A party of young ladies from Hia watha were over last Saturday and remained for the show in the evening. They were Miss Meyer, Misses Jessie and Anna Shephard. Miss Iva Kent was called to Mont rose, Colo., last Thursday by the death of Earl Shaffer, her brother in-law. She returned Saturday with the two children. For pains in the side or chest, dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain’s Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all drug gists. Mrs. Abasylla Powell arrived Sun day from Agency, Mo., where she lias been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dun bar and will visit here for'a short time with her sons, Jim and John Powell, Dr. C. L. Kerr left last Saturday morning for his home in New Orleans, I«a. Unfortunately his father's condi tion changed for the. worse just a few hours after his departure but it was impossible to reach him by tel egram enroute. Mr. ami Mrs. (’. H. Kerr ami Grace Cameron Kenworthy have been com ing up from Kansas City on tlio night train this week and returning on the early morning train and thus spend a few hours with their father. Herbert remained over Wednesday to look alter the affairs of the store and to he with his mother. Mrs. 1’. 11. Jussen went to Omaha I Tuesday morning to attend the mar riage of Miss Florence Olmstead and Mr. llenton C. McCloud which occur red that evening in the First Presby terian church. Miss Olmstend’s mother will be remembered as Miss Ilirdie Hurkhouser, formerly of this city. Men Stalder of Salem and Miss Helen Smith of Sabetha, Kansas were married in Falls City Thursday after noon, W. II. Wyler officiating. They left on the 4::»5 train east on their wedding trip. After their return they will be at home south of Salem where the groom has a farm. Mrs. Daisy King came home from Mississippi Tuesday night and will remain for some time. The "Nancy Co., No. two of which she was a no. .hers has been closed indefinitely that she may remain at home during the illness of her father, Dr. Kerr. The special services that wore being held at the Evangelical church closed last Sunday. The meetings were well attended and the interest was unusually good. Ten new mem bers were added to the church as a result of the effort. Friends have received announce ments of the birth of a little daugh ter to Mr. and Mrs. Gail Thomas of St. Joe, Sunday, October 23. Their mny friends here congratulate them on the.happy event of the little one. Father Hoffman, Louie Wirth and Peter Kaiser were called to Burch ard Monday by the serious illness of Father Bex. George Fallstead took the party over in his auto. They ar rived before Father Bex died. Lou Ilowe and Carry Cooper came down from Humboldt in the auto Wednesday morning on political bus iness. They were accompanied by Mrs. Cooper, Miss Fellers and Miss Holeman. Mrs. P. H. Jussen, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Hill returned Thursday evening from Tecumseh, where they attended the State Fed eration meeting. Max Werner came down from Ne braska City Saturday night to spend Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werner. Mrs. D. W. Sowles and Mrs. Mary Mettz returned Sunday night from St. Joe, where they visited a week with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sowles and other relatives, Mrs. Lillie Paxton came up from Excelsior Springs last Saturday to visit her nephew, Frank Smith, on her way to her home in Fairmont. Rev. Bailey returned Monday after a weeks absence during which time be spoke in Sterling, Bennett, Pal myra and one of two other places. .1. 11. Miles returned last Tuesday from a visit with his family in Los Angeles, Cal., and will spend several weeks hero looking after business. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Mettz arrived last Friday from Newkirk, Okla., call ed by the deatli of Mrs. Mettz's sis ter, Mrs. Kimrael. Mrs. Dennis McCarthy and Mrs. Jorie Powers went to Burchard on Monday because of the illness of Path' r Pox. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas of Verdon visited the latter’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Miller on Wednes day. Mrs. R. Cooper Bailey returned cn Thursday night from a few days visit with friends in Bennett, Neb. Matt Kaiser returned last Saturday from Omaha where he has spent sev eral weeks with relatives. Mrs. Milo Shields and little daugh ter arrived Monday from Fairbury to visit relatives in this city. Miss Oddie Lapp was assisting in Dittmar’s store Wednesday during the absence of Mrs. Edith Baxter. Dan Hinds was down from i-lt >lla Monc’oy and was shown the sights of i (he city by Judge Wilhite. Harry Jacobs held a sale Monday and disposed of his household goods. ' The sale was quite a success. John Rieschick was down from ; Verdon Wednesday and was a pleas 1 ant caller at this office. i COMING TO FALLS CITY CHIEF OF STAFF OF THE HOT SPRINGS DOCTORS Saturday. November 19 At Union Hotel. Makes No Charge For Consultation Or Examination The Chief of Staff of the Hot Springs Doctors is making his annual tour of the state, visiting the towns and cities, (ailing on their patients in each community, and consulting with new patients who are desirous (£ the great treatment that cures all chronic and nervous diseases of men and women. The phenomenal success of tin- Hot Springs treatment is due to the fact that it removes from the patient’s system the cause of dis ease. The highest standard of quality is the only standard in the medicines used by the Hot Springs Doctors. These expensive medicines are es pecially prepared for each case, they are from the world's best laboratory, guaranteed by the pure food laws, eliminating all possibility of anyone taking into their system any poison ous drugs. A cure is sure and per manent as a result of taking the world famous Hot Springs home treat ment. Chronic and nervous diseases like rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, goiter, disease of the heart, blood and lung diseases, catarrh, gall stones epilepsy, kidney, stomach and bln I der I roubles, and female diseases must yield to the treatment as given by these noted Specialists. In their Lincoln offices are thousands of b i ters from people who have been re stored to health, in many instances these people could not have been cur were it not for the Hot Springs treat ment . The treatment that has cured these people and restored thousands of others to health is available to the people in this section, for it is this wonderful system that the Chief of Staff of the Hot Springs Doctors bring to us on Saturday, Nov 19th at the I'nion Hotel. They have hundreds of letters from cured and grateful patients, the fol lowing is a sample. Dear Doctor—When 1 began taking your treatment I could hardly get to my office. I had had two operations and had tried several doctors, but got no relief. A friend of mine told me of you. My case was so bad 1 was afraid you would not take it. I am so glad I came t<> see you, as I am feeling so well now. I will heart ily recommend you.—Mrs. C. D. Robertson, 11711 S. Ninth Street, I An coin, Neb. Dear Doctors I had catarrh of the whole system for several years. My throat, stomach and bowels and kid neys bothered me all the time; was not at all times able to do a days work. Your medicine has done me | so much good that 1 would advise all suffering with catarrh and catarrhal conditions to take advantage of your treatment.—Jolt11 M'Shane Hen 1 Del., Omaha, Neb. What may be a slight ailment, now may in a short time be incurable. Op portunity knocks at every man's door once and if he does not answer goes away. Your opportunity is now. If you are suffering with any chronic disease and desire to be restored to health, vigor and happiness, don’t fail to call Saturday, November l!Hh, at Union Hotel. The permanent offices of the Hot Springs Doctors are located at 14th and O Streets, Lincoln, Neb. Card of Thanks. We take this way of expressing our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our many kind friends and neighbors who assisted us. at the time of the death and burial of our dear son and broth er, Henry. We especially thank those who sent the many nice flowers. May you each, if ever in the same trouble, he shown the same sentiments of sympathy.—Mrs. Rena Utermohlcn and Family. Walter Veach and wife, John Hall, Mrs. B. F. Veaeh, Emerson Bowers and wife and F. W. Robb and wife and Mrs. W. C. Sloan were down from Verdon Wednesday to see the “House of a Thousand Candles.” Grand Christmas Prize The Monarch Typewriter Company of Syracuse, New York, has just sent us one of their latest model Visible No. 2 Typewriters. It is a $100.00 machine, writes three colors and has all the lat est improvements. This machine will be given to the person winning in the "Grand Contest" now being started in Richardson County. The con test is open to everybody. No Lottery! No Guessing! Full par ticulars will appear in The Tribune. Write or call up The Tribune office and get in the game early. You can see the Typewriter any time by calling at The Tribune office. Don't miss next week's issue. AT DITTMARS IT Of will Imd a-complete lint.1 of 1 >rv Goods, and the best that is made, See our V \v i• ■.! Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Dninet Flannels, Shaker Flannels, Fleece 1 ined and < hitingjComforters, Wool and Cotton Blankets, Underwear for men, women and children, all wool, half wool and cotton; you will find any si/e von want. Corsets, 11 osier\ and Notions; Silk and Wool Dress Goods with trimmings to match. Ladies' Tailored Suits and Cloaks We handle the "STYLE CRAFT, " best on earth. Be sure you see these Suits before buying. SKIRTS Just received, a new lot of Dress Skirts, strictly the latest. I hey will please you. ROOM RUGS All sizes, will promise to save vou a few dollars on a Rug: See them. SHOES For men, women and children. When you buy a Shoe marked 'Ti ters vou will have the best. GROCERIES You will always find the host the market affords, and strictly fresh new goods: and always receive full weight and highest price loir your produce. Kindiv visit our store. R. A. DITTMAR - Falls City, Nebr. The metal sheetiag is now being put on tiie Wright Lumber Co's build ing. Work on the yard is progress ing rapidly. The new office is now ready for the plasterers and ere long the Wrights will be occupying the finest quarters in this section of the country. The “Dutch Market,” held by the ladies of the Episcopal church last Monday evening was a decided suc cess. It was quite a novel way of securing supper and seemed to ap peal to the large crowd who attended. Something over $40 was cleared. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lichty, Miss Lichty and Dale Waggoner were over from Morrill Wednesday night for “The House of a Thousand Candles.'' I). D. Reavis was called to Hurchard Tuesday to take charge of the body of Father Bex. Dr. and Mrs. Trotter left Tuesday for Marwell, Iowa, where the doctor expects to open an office and practice medicine. Mrs. Helen Martin and daughter, Miss Helen, have closed their house here for the winter and gone to Coun cil Bluffs, where they will spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. Miss Helen will take a position in the Martin Bros.' job printing office. Shoes For All JjAVK THE HOME SHOE STORE IN MIND when in need of Shoes. We have Shoes for all the family at low prices. See our big line of :: Overshoes and Felts at the lowest prices. We also have a lirst class Shoe Repairer and guarantee all work. Men’s Half Soles.50c to 65c Ladies’ Half Soles.40c to 55c The Home Shoe Store FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Three Doors South Richardson County Bank