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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1910)
The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. BARADA. Mrs. W in. (Jolt is on llie sick lisi (irandnui Lippold is quite ill will « ropsy. I>r. li. S. Andrews made a businesi trip to Stella Thursday. Mrs. 1’enrl Met'lain of Shubert b visiting Miss Bessie Sunman. lira. Floyd Hendricks of Nebniski City is visiting relatives here. W. F. Butler and wife spent Sun day at tin borne oi K. K. Butler. The new heating plant was install ed at the school house Saturday. Miss Lizzie Zubrick is visiting ill the home of her aunt, Mrs. K. K. But ler. Mrs. Clem Barker who lias been ill with typhoid fever is now getting bet ter. Miss Dorothea Michels of Stella is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary lioll man. Mrs. II. II. Woodring was calling on her many friends in ibis vicinity last week Kev. Charles Cooper is holding a series of meetings at. the Christian church. Lizzie Buckholz has been out of school for several davs on account of sickness. Walt Morehcad has commenced the construction of Ids new dwelling house on Ids farm northwest of Bara da. The material used is cement, bloeks, Mr. and Mrs. Cluts. Martin enter tained at dinner Sunday in honor of visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. .1. V Martin, Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Dunn, and Kev. Kssley. Zelmu Black bus had to give up school work for the year owing to a nervous break down front over studious habits. I f he Ladies Aid Society will serve election dinner and lunch in the Sailor building ’on the corner of First and Main street, to be vacated by W. F. Ilutler. ^ Mi-v J. R. Shortledge lias placed on sale at W. K. Ilutler’s store a quilt on which she has been at work for so many months. The proceeds are to be devoted to the church fund. .VIIks Dodds entertained her Sunday School class of boys and Mrs. Mar tin's clara of girls at a merry wood land party. The supper cooked ove a camp fire was the best ever, so ti c young folks say. Rev. I. W. Martin of Dos Angeles, and K. Martin id' Dunbar spent last week at this place visiting their brother. .1 1. Martin and other rela tives. Rev. .1 \Y. Martin filled the pulpit it the lOvangi lii al church Sun day mot ning. Humboldt. . .1. T. Ad tins was on the sick 1 , ... wotk. . L F. .'.ur'.ir.rger was on the t i ,. w e .. . j. t: ;• y spot t Sunday w ith ftills ill i.l.i oili. Norris A; lor was a passenger to l.i vit e ('In Wednesdav. i Grandpa Frank visited with rela tives in Wymote this week. Val Kauch of Hureltard was in Hum* boldt the first of the week. -loliii Campbell of Omaha spent Sun day w ith friends in this city. A1 Shafer made a brief business trtlt to Wyrnore Wednesday. Hazel Harding of Talinage is visit ing friends in Humboldt this week. George .Tones and wife are the parents of a baby girl, born Thursday Kdward Seouten and wife are the parents of a baby boy, born Wed nesday. Elmer and Ada Frank of Table Rock visited friends in this city on Wednesday. W. IS. Alexander and family of Dawson were guests of Dr. Morris and family. D. C. Colhappe of Tecumseh spent part of this week with his son, E. C. Colhappe and family. S. A. Howard and wife of Fairfield, Iowa are visiting relatives in this vicinity this wreek. Misses Lillian and Elizabeth Fank haiiser returned Wednesday from a visit to Portland, Ore. Mrs. Roy Bain and little daughter, Helen of Table Rock spent Sunday | wiUi relatives in tins city. ■ | Joim l t licis and family of Elk 11 Creek visited wltn 1Heads in this | eily the first of the wet k. ■ Mrs. Mary ill&vaiy returned to her home in Lincoln yunday after spend 1 mg a f> w days in Humboldt. Mrs. Henry Wcers returned to her | home in biller Wednesday utter a I visit with her mother, Mrs. F. Gordos. The ladies of the Presbyterian j church are prepaiTing lo hold a i ba/.Hiir in Hi,' W atzek building Frl ! day. Milton King and family returned to ; their home in Lincoln last week, after spending a few days with relatives in 'this city. , I I Mrs. Liimie Snethcn, a student of | the Peru Normal, is spending this I week at tlio home of her parents, 11. Iteiinett and wife. The W. (’. T. U. has made arrange ments for a lecture to tie given at | the city hall Thursday evening by ! Mrs. A. (\ Zohner. Revival meetings are held each ev ening at the Christian church. Evan ! gt jists Harris and Ridenour are con ducting tin1 meetings. Miss Madge Ford left Thursday for ! Lincoln, where she will spend a few days with her brother, Herbert, who is attending the university, i Mrs. Myrtle Healey returned to her ( home in Omaha Sunday after spend ing n few days with Mrs. Laura M. j Campbell and other friends in this city. | .toe Morris, who has been locat ed in Beaver City for some time, ar rived in tills city the first of the week, and is now employed in the E. It. Crane jewelry store. STELLA. (i. i'\ Ailor transacted business in Auburn Friday. Mrs. Kaebuck of Auburn visited her sister, Mrs. M. Shafer last week. Mrs. Bessie Haskett of Auburn vis ited Stella friends part of last week. Miss Hutchings of Falls City visit ed her cousin, Mrs. B. Wheeler over Sunday. Win. Lichleiter of Auburn and Miss Yates of Howe visited Stella friends Sunday. Mrs. i. Parish and children of Te eutnseh are visiting Stella relatives for a few days. ('apt. Evans and wife are visiting their children at Tecuniseh for a couple of weeks. Marion Peeke was called to Hum boldt last, Wednesday to attend the funeral of his brother's child. Plxlv y and wife moved Friday and are now occupying the Grant house in the cast part of town. frank Mason, wife and baby of El It no. Ok la irv visiting, Mrs. Mason’ | parents. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Hinkle. Theodore Weaver went to Rush-j vllle, hid., last week with a horse belonging to Hick Curtis that will be .1 amed mere. .>u.c nail movui from Vo^don Iasi i'i loay and is now living in the Sar v is moms. Stic began work in Uars uers store Monday. Miss .Neva Cowell of llowe came [down Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. E. A. Kroh and attend the Hallowe’en parties at the Wagner and Cain horn t Mrs. J. R. Cain Sr., and son, Julian, ■ of Falls City and Mrs. Sue Julian of Long Beach, Cal., visited the first of the week with their sou and brother, J. R. Cain, Jr. Vera Bars tier, who has been very sick for the past two weeks, was taken to Omaha Monday morning for an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and .Mrs. John Bremer return ed from their wedding trip to Den I ver last Wednesday and now have roroms at the Holland home until they can get a house for housekeep j ins Miss Bertha Wagner gave a llal ! lowe'en party to about forty of her young friends Saturday night. The home was beautifully decorated with oak leaves and Jacko’lanterns and all corners, were filled with ghosts. A number of games suitable to the sea son were played. Luncheon of dough nuts, pumpkin pies and cider was served, and Sunday morning found the young people going home and 1 wishing the evenings were longer. Mrs. J. R. Cain, Jr., entertained the young people of the Christian Bible school at a Hallowe’en party Monday evening. About forty guests were present and a jolly evening enjoyed. •Mrs. Cain was assisted by Mesdaines Gilbert, Summer and Plasters. The 1 evening was spent in playing games, ; guessing contests and playing jokes on the other fellow.’’ Mrs. Julian ren ' tiered several readings which were ! very much appreciated by the young, ^ Nice refreshments were served. Mrs. John Jenkins was hostess to l the Living Link and Ladies Aid Soei | '’ties of the Christian church last Friday, at an all day meeting. The ladies were very busy on quilts and j comforters. At one o'clock an ele gant dinner was served by Mrs. Jen kins and Miss Ola, assisted by sever ’ al neighbors. There were present thirty two Indies and seven children, M. H. Vandevcnter was the only man who had the courage to venture among us. The needles flew and so did the tongues until five o’clock, at which time till returned to their homes, each wishing they might go to the country often. VERDON. Miss Inez Griffiths spent Friday in Peru. inn. Wear was down from Peru last week. A1 Randolph was tip from Falls Cit Tuesday. John Lichty was up from Falls City Saturday. T. L. Hull was down from Lincoln last week. F. W. Robb was an Omaha visitor a few days ago. Don Gridley was over from Hum-j boldt Saturday. Frank Veach was a Kansas City | visitor last week. Ed Dowty was up from Preston lastj week to visit friends. .Messrs Stump and Estes spent last Sunday in the country. W. F. Veach and Tom Hall were Salem visitors Tuesday. George hum and .Mrs. Julia Hall ar among our sick people this week. Hollis Hronsoti returned to his studies at Doane College Monday Mrs. Ann Gibson returned Friday j from a visit to her son in Auburn. Mrs. E. ('. Chase and daughter! spent Tuesday with Stella friends. Mrs. Dr. Griffiths came down from j Omaha Monday for a visit to relatives Governor Shallenberger of Lincol visited J. H. Hall Tuesday evening. I Laura lleinzelman returned home from a visit with friends in Peru Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Dietrich spent Tuesday in the country the guest of iter dau ghter. Mesdames G. M. lleinzelman and F. F. Dietrich wore Falls City visitors Friday. Joe Lewis and family visited Sat urday and Sunday with Shubert rel atives. George Abbott of Falls City visit.-' ed his daughter. Mrs. C. G. Humphry, recently. Mrs. Eliza Goolsby and Miss Stacy Allenbaugh drove to Falls City on Monday. Ed Shubert came down from Shu- j bert Sunday for a visit with Verdon j friends. Rev. A. E. Hussong has returned to I his home in Red Cloud after a short , stay in our city. Rev. and Mrs. Payne were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Robinson during their visit here. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shafer of Shu bert were the guests of L. S. I.ueas and family Monday. Han .1. Griffiths was down from Crete for a visit with his parents a few days, returning home Monday. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones returned the latter part of the week from an ex tended trip through Nebraska. Mrs. Mart Miller met with a painful accident Monday afternoon. She in company with her husband were re turning home from town, and when they arrived at M. J. Kelly’s place, Mr. Miller got out of the buggy and went to the house, leaving Mrs.Miller to hold the horse. The horse sudden ly became frightened, turned around and upset the buggy throwing Mrs. j Miller out. She was carried into the house and a doctor called. It was | I , found she was badly bruised, but no bones broken. I I DAWSON. •Joe and Alex Ttehn went to St. Joe Sunday on business. t art Brown died at his home last Wednesday morning. McKinley Bodkins has been very sick for a few days. Neal Thornton was visiting the Dawson people Sunday. lames Baggett and wife were up to Humboldt last week. Hr. K. it. Hayes spent a few days in Falls City last week. Viable Shire was in Humboldt visit-! ing a few days last week. Robert Murphy and wife are here1 visiting E. C. Hill and family. I>r. A. E. Burgher and wife were ! down (o St. Joseph Monday, Joe Foster is very ill and it is believed he is taking typhoid fever. .Miss Beatrice Ryan went to Kansas City Friday morning to visit friends. Mrs. George Schlosser is here visiting her sister, Vlrs. John Waller. Helen and Tom Kanaly of Falls! City are visiting Mina and Ambrose! Tiehen. Mrs. 10. W. Cummings, Mrs. James O’Grady and Winifred Ryan went to St. Joe Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meliza were] ovei from Verdon Sunday visiting Dr. A. E. Burgher and wife. Terry Kemist lias been absent for about t wo weeks. He has been vis Ring bis parents in Illinois. The base ball game between Table Rock and Dawson was postponed on account of the cold weather. Dr. Will Waggoner and wife of Humboldt visited at Mrs. Waggoner's mothers’ in this city Sunday. Max George and family returned on Thursday from Germany, where they spent some time with relatives. Mrs. Joseph O'Grady went to Kan sas City last. Thursday morning. Mr. O’Grady met her there and they re turned home Friday. Mrs. Joseph Heim is visiting her daughter at Justice, Neb., and help ing care for Mr. Shively, who is suf fering from typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dappen’s three smallest children are very sick. The baby died fast Sunday. It is thought they are all suffering from the same disease, Mrs. I. Heim and two children, Ros anna and Teddy, were taken serious ly sick Wednesday. The doctor is of the opinion they were poisoned from something they had eaten. Charlie Fisher and wife returned home last week from Germany where they have been visiting friends and relatives. They were absent for three months and report a splendid time in the old country. Henry Utermohlen passed away at his home last Wednesday morning at one o'clock. He had been ailing for a long time before he was bedfast. He has been very sick for about four weeks. He was buried in the German cemetery cast of Verdon. Thomas Murphy and wife arc here visiting their daughters, Mrs. E. C. Hill and Mrs. Alex Tiehen. They arc on their way home from Okla., to Curley, Neb. They have been at the bidside of their son, Dan, in Oklahoma, lie has been very low with typhoid fever but is improving at present. After Grippe or any Sickness Vinol Creates Strength HERE IS PROOF “ After a long attack of Grippe, Mrs. Vaught seemed unable to re cover her strength. She was very weak and had no appetite. VI NOL rapidly improved her condi tion and restored her to health. I sincerely recommend its use during convalescence or any run down condition.” Judge C. N. Vaught, Huntsville, Ala. Miss Adelaide Gamm, of Water town, Wis., writes, "After a severe attack of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took V l NOL with the best of results, and it made me feel better and stronger than I have been for years.-’ We have never sold in our store a more valuable health restorer for weak and run down persons than VINOL, and we ask such people in this vicinity to try VINOL with the understanding that their money will be returned if it does not do all we claim for it A. G. WANNER, Druggist, Falls City, Neb. | All Nebraska Women Uphold Puritan fP^, Wc strictly The dif t gu a ran t ee tmet flavor Puritan Flour the uhole You ntay use ...une taste of the half a jack c.r r, whiter, more and if it does aves”made not reach your expec- from Puritan Flour has tat ion.i it ii dioj not brought about its exclu make there ! ; thread, r.ivs use in the best Ne cake, biscuit i ■ crust that braska homes. So great is the yhu ezrr /<, J if i do demand for our flour that we not do all tlu>, I ! the res* have g'own in a few years from of the sack back and your grocer a 200-barreLa-day-mill to our will refund you your money. We present output of 2,000 barrel . That want you to try this flour at our is putting on the ciphers fast, but the risk we are just that positive of large t increase i; yet to come. There is your approval and steady patronage there- hut a one-word reason for this exceptional after. success—QUALITY. Wells-Abboit-Nieman Company The Pu ritan Millers—Schuyler, Nebraska NO ONE IS TOO OLD to be indifferent to their teeth. In fact the older the person the more necessary is it that the food be properly masticated. GOOD HEALTH AND TEETH go together. You cannot have one without the other. We sup ply teeth for persons of every age and condition. All opera tions are painless and all charg es arc extremely moderate. C ■» 15*1 J Dr. Yutzy, Dr. C. E. Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska NOVEMBER BULLETIN TO THE SOUTH —Homeseekers’ excursions will continue dur ing the winter to the South arul Southwest; winter tourist excur sions are in effect every day to southern resorts; these excursion rates offer an excellent chance to escape the northern winter in looking over the land and recreation possibilities of the new south HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS —On the first and third Tues days to the new lands of the West, including the Biff Horn BdSiO, which country today otters the greatest combination of indus trial and farming resources at the cheapest rates that can be found in the country. TO CALIFORNIA—E very day excursion rates with choice of routes, going and returning, to include the whole Pacific slope. Thousands of Americans, especially invalids and elderly people, have selected Southern California for their permanent place for a winter sojourn. Through tourist sleepers to California via l>enver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake—the all year route. Send for Burlington publications, “California Excursions,” “Pacific Coast Tours." Let me hefp you plan the tour of the greatest attraction at the lowest rates. E. 0. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent L. M. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. OMAHA, NEBRASKA East Side Hardware ART MONOGRAM BASE BURNERS FOSTER COOK STOVES ILLINOY HEATERS Look at our line and get prices R. Bachstein, Falls City, Nebr. Burlington Route West Bound No. 13—Denver Exp.........1:10 a. m. No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. tn. No. 43—Portland Exp_10:17 p. in. No. 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. m No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City.4:30 a. m East Bound No. 14—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:38 a. tn. No. 44—St. J., K. C. & St. L- .3:37 a. in No. 16—St. J., K C. & St L. .4:22 p. m (Local) No. 42—St. J , K C. & St. L. .4:35 p. m No 122—From Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 8:45 p m. E. G. Whitford, Agent. Missouri Pacific Trains East Tr. 104—St Louis Exp.2:10 p m Fr ;2o-5a??a“ Ci{y ExP 3:40 a. m. I r. l'L K. C. I^ocal. .,*7;.'{() h ni £r- Frei«ht.*9:40 a.' rn.‘ J r. 138—Omaha Local, ar. .*9:00 p. m. Trains West Tr. 103—Omaha Lincoln Ex. 1:50 p. m. Tr. 105—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a. m. Tr. 137—Omaha local.*7:15 a. m! Tr. 191—Local Freight.*1:20 p. m! Tr. 131—Kansas C’ityLo. ar.*8:15 a. m. *Daily excert Sunday. _E. E. MARR, Agtnt. A good farm for sale, north of Falla City. Enquire of W. H. Maddox.