The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1910, Image 1

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    Your vote will count one for and one against—Your vote will count two. Vote Early. Every man will be expected to stand up for Nebraska.
—* Falls City Tribune
Arid R. F. Roach of St. Paul s, Lin
coln, Will Speak at the Court
House at 7:30.
Be on hand to hear the real issues
of the day from men who know
It gives us pleasure to submit to
Use voters of this county the opinion
expressed by the ministers of David
City, Nebraska relatives to the Hon.
Chester A. Aldrich:
David City, Nebraska, Octoberr 24,
3 9lit—To The People of Nebraska:
Ever since the beginning of the
campaign a great many stories have
been set in circulation regarding
Chester H. Aldrich of this city, can
didate for governor.
The Ministerial union of David City
on its own motion assumed the respo
sibiiity of Investigating the following
charge with reference to Mr.
Aldrich, and we believe it our duty
to report the facts to the voters of
the state:
1 That Mr. Aldrich has been mar
ried several times.
2 That Mr. Aldrich made himself
wealthy in the race horse business.
3 That nine years ago Mr. Aldrich
obtained a divorce for a New York
woman on perjury testimony.
4 That Mr. Aldrich failed in David
City and settled his indebtedness at
20 cents on the dollar.
3 That some six years ago Mr.
Aldrich sustained a broken leg as
the result of a brawl in a bouse of
$ That Mr. Aldrich is in the habit
of drinking, unfl of becoming intoxi
cated. -
We find that each and every one
of the above charges is absolutely
false and malicious and we believe
they are being circulated with a delib
erate purpose to cloud the issue, and
confuse and decieve the voters of the
state, with reference, to the moral life
»Dd good citizenship of our fellow
We believe further that we have
conclusive proof that these Btories
amanated from brewery sources for
purpose of scattering the church vote.
J. R. GETTYS, Chairman,
C. H. K LEI HAUER, Sec.,
Pastor Christian church
Pastor Cong’l church.
Pastor Baptist Church.
Mr. Benjiman Slagle and Mrs. Hat
tie Branum, both of this city, were
married, Wednesday, November 2.
1910 in St. Joseph, Mo. They were
accompanied to St. .Toe by Mrs.
Kdith Baxter, the bride’s sister. Both
the bride and groom are well known
in this community and have many
friends who join us in extending to
them sincere good wishes for a long
and happy life.
Mr. and Mrs. Slagle have gone to
house keeping in the east part of
this city and are now at home to
their friends.
i Mrs. T. J. Gist Elected President of
The Sxqte Federation.
Mrs. T. J. Gist of this city was
elected president of the State Feder
ation of Woman's Clubs at the meet
ing held in Tecuraseh last week. On
the first ballot Mrs. Gist needed only
four votes to have a majority. On
the second she made a gain of over
twenty votes and was declared the
choice of the convention.
We feel very proud that this honor
lias been conferred upon a lady of on
city and it is an honor to our city to
have as a resident the state presi
dent. of the Federation. The club
women are more than pleased and
realize that a truly capable and effi
cient president lias been chosen from
their midst. We join with many
friends in congratulating Mrs. Gist.
Meeting of Woman's Club.
The regular meeting of Woman’s
Club was held at the home of Mrs.
Julian Quiett Tuesday afternoon, with
a good attendance. The vice presi
dent presided. Mrs. William Wilson
gave an excellent report of the state
meeting, which was greatly enjoyed
by the club. Mrs. Aspenwall and Mrs
George Boyer were admitted to mem
bership. The following program was
Story of Tannhauser—Mrs. Chas.
Piano—“Song to The Evening Star’
by Liszt—Miss Anita Wilson.
Violin—Selections from Tannhauser
—Miss Alice Cleaver.
Owing to the absence of some of
the members the program was not
fully carried out. Mrs. Hargrave and
Miss Banks were guests of the club.
The next meeting will bo with Mrs
Chas. Davis, November 15.
In Honor of The Farmer.
'Die ladies of the Christian church
will place in the . fine new
church a beautiful window in hon
or of the farmers and their families.
The window will be a design that will
appeal to the farmer.
We have sent a letter explaining
the window to every home that we
could reach far and near, and when
you road your letter, will you call one
of the committee by telephone, or
write and tell them what you plan
to do. Now this is a big undertaking
but if you help us we will succeed.
The committee is:
Attend Party in Hiawatha.
Quite a number of ladies from this
city went to Hiawatha Wednesday
afternoon where they were entertain
ed by the Duplicate VV'hist Club at
the home of Mrs. Graham. They were
met at the station with automobiles
and taken to the Graham home where
they found the house beautifully deco
rated with cut flowers and potted
plants and had the pleasure of spend
ing the afternoon with many of Hia
watha's most estimable ladies.
Considerable time was spent play
ing duplicate whist. At five-thirty
o’clock excellent refreshments Were
served by the caterer.
The remaining hours until the ev
ening train arrived was devoted to
an informal reception, which gave the
visiting ladies every opportunity to
become better acquainted with the
newly made friends.
The ladies will long remember their
cordial reception in Hiawatha as
among the most pleasant experiences
and wilf hold many happy thoughts j
of this most pleasant afternoon.
The members of the party were
Mrs. Himmelriech, Mrs. Ewalt, Mrs.
Jussen, Mrs. Hutchings, Mrs. Heacock
Mrs. Powell, Mrs. White, Mrs. Har
grave. Mrs. Dittmar, Mrs. Neitzel,
Mrs. Towle, Mrs. C. F. Reavis, Mrs.
D. D. Reavis.
Unfcrc ficfcfte fallen auf den Ulilicu
utifcrcs Uolkes bcrulten!
Gs ift ciit guter alter unb fteute afl»
genteitt ancrlanntcr ©riiubfafi unferer
llfcpitblif, baft biejcitigen Viirger, tueldie
bie ©teuerit (Tarcit) bcjaftlett, and)
eittett Vntfteil ait ber 'Jtegierung—refp.
ale ©ttlumgeber—ftabett fallen.
Tie iHegulirung unb tf ontroUirung
I Dee ©etrditfeftanbelS ift eittee ber fdpuie*
; tigfteu '^robletne, tael die bae amerita
1 nifcftc Volt ju lofcn pat.
llnfer gegcutudrtigee X?i,jenS = Oiefep
gibt alle Montrolle iiber bae VJirtl)
fcftafteiaefen in bie .vidnbe ber Vetaoft*
i iter ber Stable nub Toiler.
3ft re iHetftt, baft nteftr ale bir
ftiilftc ber Vurgcr uujrrre Staatre
in birjrr ftofftiuicfttigcn, jrbr gfaittilie
unb jrbrn rinjrlnut Vttrgcr brriift:
rrnbrn tfragrn iftrre Vurgrrretftte
brranbt fiub r*
GS tnirb nun ber Vorfcftlag gcntadftt,
rineni jebeit ©tciierjaftlcr eiiiee Gountti'e
bae fttedit ber Sclbftregiernng in biefer
grage ju gebett.
3ft ce brnn ungrrriftt, baft, tair
ftfton brtiirrft, ber bir Strnrrn be*
jaftlrnbr Vurger bae flirtftt ftabrn
foil, jn brftimtttrn, auf tarltftr HOeife
- unb ntofur—bit Strurrn, bir rr
brjaftlt ftat, arrauegabl rarrbro fob
Gitt „Gounti) Option"-©efeft alS
fold)ee, fdilieftt feitte Saloons;—unb
uiadftt, ale foldjcs, and) leinrn ^anbeS
tfteil „trocfen“.—Gft gibt cittfad) ben
Surgern bee ganjen Gouutft’8 bn3
'Jtecftt, iiber bie grage abjuftiinmen. —
'Jiicftt nteftr unb nidftt meniger.
3uttt Veifpiel: Ge tuirb in eittem
Gouttti) abgefiintutt. UDettit eitte 9M)r»
fteit fiir bus jeftige ©efeft ftimrnt, fo
bleibt bie Sacfte einfaeft beittt VIten. —
SBcnti cine Vieftrfteit „trocfen' ftintmt,
fo toerben bie Saloons gefcftlojfen.
Tic ©egiter ber „Gountt) Option"
geftett bon ber Tfteorie auS, baft bie
SBirtftfiftafte * (Saloon) = igrage bie
{lamer, Stcuerjaftlcr, rinfadj gar
nitftil angeftt. 3ft bae 'Jtecftt?
Unfer Gountp (Vbam8) ftat bereiti
$4000 auSgegeben jur Veftanbluttg fei
ner Trunfenbolbe in ber ftaatlieften
5Erinferȣeilanftalt in Sitncoln. Tie
©tcuerjaftler beS ganjen Gountp’8 be
taftltn biefe ©umme.—Unftre gamer
be,pillion illicit Slntljeil im ©erholtuifj
pi iljreit Stcueru.
3|t e3 redjt, baft bcr farmer bieje
Stcuerlaft mittranen tiiu|, oljnc ein
Dfedjt pi tiabcii, iiber bie Wotrafttefraflc
uiitpijtimiiien ?
3m Wefttiiflnifs pi .vmftinn* jifit ge
ncumdrtin ein ©faint, meidjcr eincm
iifcllner tit cincr Inefiflen SHirthfdjaft
beinaljc ben £ats abfcijnitt. Ter ©faint
mar betruitfen. Tie Wcridjtotoften in
bicfent fyalle merben fid) mol)l iiber
$UUOO belatifeii. ('.’Inhere crnfle fyol
non nor nid)t pi bcriibren).
Ultfere {farmer otenerjaljler merben
iljrett 'Jlutljeil pi bepihlcu Ijaben oljne
in biefer nrane ftinimberedjtint pi feiit.
Ta3 man ia f° redjt feiit. Vllirr ill eS1 i
Ufiele Jhiminaljallc uttferer Wericbte
fiitb bic biretten nnb inbirelteu (folflett
bon Truttfenljcit. Tiefc Tbatfadjctoirb
bon ©ieniaitbent bcftrittcu.
Tie baratis entftebenbeii WeridjtS*
f often: ill id) ter, Wefcbmorene, ©efattfl*
! nifpoartcr, Sheriff, IMbbofatcn etc. etc.
merben ou3 ber ((omit I)’Mafic be*
| pi hit.
Tie Torfer nnb Stdbte bebalten bie
i I'ipnS-Welber. 2Da3 bel)dlt ber {far
I titer? often—nidjtS al8 Soften. Ville3
I biefes man flcrect)t feiit. — tflber ift
Tie 3nitatioe tutb IHefercnbiim mer
ben non alien politifdjeu 'ffartcien ,iit
; boffirt". Ta3 ©oil foil nfitnlid) in
! 3ufunft ba3 l){cd)t ^abett, Wefepe, fo
mie 3ufdhe ptr .ffonftitution be3 totaa
te3 borptfchlanen uttb bariiber abpi
ftimmeit. Vlud) bic bolt ber ^eflislatur
erlaffenen Wcfepe Ibttitctt bent ©oltc pir
©nttuhme ober ©ermerfuttfl unterbreitet
tocrbett. (Sin ,,(£ountq Option"*
Wefcp brruljt flan} gtnau auf beu«
frtbcn ©rin}ip.
Ter {farmer ift bic ^anptfttibe bet
ntenfchlichen Wefetlfdjaft. Ter Ut'ohl*
ftanb uttfereS StaateS bertthe auf bcr
&anbmirtf)fd)aft.—3” ©nbetradjt bie
fer 2tl)atfa^en barf fid) geroift eitt jeber
Silrger ©ebraStd’S bie {fragc Porleflen,
at tl «ed)t fti, baft unfere {farmer
nidjts mit}ureben ^aben fiber tint
Rraat, mtldje in tintm fa iutimtn
©trqaltnifft }u btnt flnan} itlltn unb
ttyifdjtn Qfoitfihrittr unftrtB ©olfca
3. T. (Sbanl,
Rtnefato, S?ebra8ta.
'translated by M. Brugger, of Columbna, for ths Nebraska State Capital)
We are disappointed this week in not being able to offer a whole
page of Herman matter as was originally intended. Unfortunately at
the last moment we were unable to get the supply as the demand wak
too great. It is truly a disappointment to us.
Kimmel. Hanna.
Lila Fry Kimmel, wife of C. R. F. Charles A. Manna died at his home
Kimmel, died at her home in Morrill, in this city Friday,October 2X at 6:30
Kansas, Thursday, October 27 at 4:00 a. in. after a very brief illness. For
p. m. unite awhile he suffered from severe
Mrs. Kimmel underwent an opera-stoma- h trouble but while attending
tion for cancer of the stomach last his -• gular duties Thurrsday morning
spring, which was unsuccessful. She he was ov ercome by what seemed a
rallied however, and during the sum-stroke of paralysis. Friends assisted
mer visited relatives here. Her last him to his home and very soon he be
illness was of only a few days dura-came unconscious in which condition
tion. lie remained up to the time of his
Lila Fry was born on the Fry farm, death.
south of this city September 14, 1874
She was married about ten years age
to Mr. Kimmel, who with their four
children survive her. She also leaves
two brothers, Clayton and Bmery Fry
who live south of town and three sis
ters, Miss Beulah, who resides with
her brother on the old home farm,
Mrs. Garth Mettz of Newkirk, Okla.,
and Mrs. Irving Smith of St. Johns.
Wash., who just recently returned
to her home after visiting Falls City
Though enduring the pain and con
sciousness of an incurable disease,
Mrs. Kimmel was always cheerful
and lovable, a devoted wife and
mother, a kind and loyal friend
She will be sadly missed by those
who know and loved her and to the
family and friends who mourn her
goes out the sympathy of hosts of
The funeral was held Sunday at
Morrill and the interment was made
in the Morrill cemetery. Samuel
Kimmel and family and several other
relatives from here went over to
attend the funeral.
To the husband and motherless
! children, and to her other relatives
is offered the sympathy of the com
; ntunity.
Frank Sneathen and Cass Atwood
| were down from Humboldt Monday.
The deceased was born .Inly 26,
1855 In Ohio and came with his par
ents, John Hanna and wife, to this
city in 1864 and most, of his life
since that time has been spent here.
He was married in March 1886 to
Miss Sarah Shaffer. Two children
were born to them. Guy. the eldest
son. died a few years ago, and Ray
the youngest is left to comfort the
wife and mother in her Borrow. He
also leaves a brother, R. R. Hanna
and a sister, Mrs. Ollie McLean of
his immediate family.
The funeral was held Sunday after
noon at 2:30 conducted by Rev.
Brooks and was attended by a great
many friends, many of whom fol
lowed the remains to their final rest
ing place in Steele cemetery.
The sorrowing family have the
sincere sympathy of friends.
Dr. Kerr's Condition Critical.
It is with regret that we must say
there Is no change for the better in
l>r. Kerr's condition. Last week he
held his own remarkably well though
at no time was his case very hope
ful. Since Saturday he has had sev
eral sinking spells from which he
' rallies, but he is noticeable weaker.
Mis children with the exception of I)r.
(’. Ti. Kerr, who left Saturday morn
ing, have been with him this week.
Mrs. John A. Crook No Longer With
"The Queen of Beauty.”
Friends of Mrs. John A. Crook will
no doubt bo glad to hoar that she
is no longer with “The Queen of
•leauty” company, but lias received a
ompliment to her ability by having
been given one of the leading parts
in " Twelfth Night.' in the best Shakes
perinn company now playing the larg
est cities in Canada on the great
I'. I’. Walker Cireut. It was while re
hearsing a new play in Minneapolis
that Mrs. Crook's work attracted the
attention of a business manager for
the Walker Circuit and he Immediate
ly offered her a part with the Shake
speriau company which has been out
several months already this season.
We know this line of work will suit
her much better than her part in
"The Queen of Jhauty."
“House of a Thousand Candles.”
“The House of a Thousand Candles'
was this week’s offering at the (lehl
ing and drew a large house. The
company was an exceptionally good
one and the special scenery lias sel
dom been equaled in this city. The
strongest scene is tho wonderful
storm scene in the act where (lie
specially constructed scenery is one
of the bust features. It is one of
tho cleverest, bits of work yet shown
Richard Cotton plays Bates, the but
ler, which is far the strongest char
acter in tiie play, and lie is particu
larly good in the part. Mr. Walsh
makes u good Irishman and his work
in the third act was well worth men
tioning. Miss Hampton and Miss
Bell more were both good nad made
friends witli the audience at once.
With few exceptions the company
was good, the audience was apprecia
tive, which .Always has a notlcable ef
fect upon the production.
"The Burgomaster.
One of the best things seen at the
Uehling this season was “The Burgo
master’’ which sliowed here last Sat
urday night. Although Saturday is
a poor show night here, a large crowd
greeted Gus Weinburg and his ex
cellent company. “The Burgomaster”
hns lost none of its old time popu
larity or entertaining features. The
music is always catchy and there is
a world of fun from beginning to end.
Gus Weinburg is a show himself and
it is easy to see that as the Burgo
master he injects a good deal of wit
and fun that are not in the line of
the play. He had considerable fun
at the expense of some of our eity
deficiencies for which we forgive
Perhaps the most attractive bit of
music was the Indian chorus, “We’re
Civilized Now.’’ It was fine. The
Kangaroo ehorus is always pretty and
catchy and like the former called for
repeuted encores. The Bowery girls
surely made a hit. There was plenty
of good specialty, the dancing of the
Lockhart sisters being among the
best features.
The company throughout was good
and many other clever artists might
be sighted. “The Burgomaster” will
be well received if it comes to our
city again.
The services for the Christian
church will be held Sunday mornings
in the Court House and Sunday even
ings in the Electric Theater until
further notice. REV'. E. E. DAY.
The Kaffee Klatch was entertained
last Saturday by Miss Mable Dyford.
A very pleasant afternoon was passed
with needlework and music. Dandy
refreshments were served at five
o'clock, Miss Mable being assisted by
her sister, Miss Gertrude, who was at
home from Tecumseh for a few days.
The afternoon was made a most pleas
ant one for all present.
Died at Durchard, Monday Fune
ral From St. Francis Church
in This City Thursday
A message arrived Monday morning
announcing the serious illness oC
Father Bex. Several friends left at
once in automobile or by train and
reached Ilurehard quite a little while
before he passed away at 5:30 p. m.
at. tiiu age of sixty-three years.
The news of liIh death brought great
sadness to this city, where the Iter.
Father had lived so many years, and
made many friends, not only
among ills own purlshoners, but In
the community at. large.
Father Hex was well loved in this
city, lie was a good, kind and char
itable man with a kind word and
helping hand for all who were ia
trouble and need. He made friends
by his kindness and once made he
never lost their friendship.
His untiring efforts have brought
Ursullne convent up to its splendid
standing among sectarian schools.
Fooling tile growing need of a better
and larger church for bis congre
gation, Father Bex inaugerated the
plan to build a splendid edifice with
out making it a burden upon his
people. Several years ago lie started
tlie yearly assessment plan, oach
communicant being asked to contrib
ute yearly, according to his income
or salary until the amount desired
was raised. Each year the money was
Invested to good advantage, the inter
est always going to the building fund.
Last year the foundation of the
structure was built just north of the
convent and the corner stone was
laid with elaborate ceremonies. It
was hoped to finish the building early
this year but Father Hex's ill health
somewhat retarded the work. After
a serious illness he was sent south
to regain his health and further work
was put off for a time.
When lie returned from Florida it
became evident that the extensive
work of this parish was too heavy for
him and he asked to be relieved and
sent to a smaller charge that he
might rest At Bimhard, too, he
found himself unable to continue act
ive work and for some time past
has put the affairs of that parish in
the hands of his assistant
Father Hex has been a sufferer
from Bright's disease. He lias mad*
a brave fight and to relinquish his
work after years of faithful service
was no light thing for him to do.
He lias been building a borne near
the convent, and upon his last
visit here said in conversation with
friends that lie hoped to be settled
before cold weather set in that ha
might rest.
The new church, which Is now un
der construction, and though larger
than originally planned, It will stand
largely for the Indefatigable efforts
of Fnther liex, and his name will b«
linked in loving memory with it.
The body was brought from llurch
ard Wednesday afternoon and laid in
state in St. Francis Homan Catholic
church until 10:00 o'clock Thursday
morning when Solemn Requiem Mass
was said by Bishop Honicum, assisted
by Fathers Freeman, Dean of the
Wymore district.
The church was filled to overflow
ing and a long line of carriages con
taining friends followed the remains
to their last resting place in the
Homan Catholic cemetery.
DIPHTHERIA—The home of A. X.
Cook was quarantined against diphth
eria. his son, being the victim. The
child has been sick about a week.
His ailment was first pronounced
tonsilitis, the more serious symptoms
developing Sunday. Today, Thursday
he is reported better and it is believ
ed now he will recover.