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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1910)
The County in General I ho "Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. Shubert. Mrs, .! K. HIhiIh 11 wtti> ftlioppln" in Knits City Monday Miss Marie Riggs spent Sunday in Uarada with friends. Rev Sapp nf V malm 'isiled fri• • 11 tl here the latht part of the week. Editor Dnlby spent it few days last week with relatives in Kails t'ity Mrs. Henry Kishburu returned homo front lii■ visit sit Strowil, Oklahoma Tuesday Mrs. Ro-s and family spent a few days last week visiting relatives in Kails Kit' . Mrs. ,1 ,\l Evan entertained her parents, Mr and Mr - Rieliill drum of foliage flrovi Sunday Mr. and Mrs Tliomas Lilly are the proud parents of a fine baby hoy who arrived October 12. Mrs. .1. K. Shulellbelg, Mrs Lewis! and daughter Maggie were shopping | at Nebraska City Tuesday. Miss Smith Downs of Pori land,! Oregon arrived here Saturday for an extended visit with relatives. II II Woodriug and wife of Ohio precinct spent Sunday here with their daughter, Mrs finis. Shtilotiberg and family. Miss Floy Stoil returned to her studies at Peru Monday after spend ing a few days here with friends and home folks Dr Haskett of Salem filled the vacancy of Dr Shooks for several days last week. Dr. Shook spent the time with relatives in the western part of the stam oh:o Lola Sturms was on the sii k list this week. (Mamie Yocum anil wife were guest* of Mrs. N IV. k Sunday. Edna Shaffer spent a few days with Mrs. IV Splekler this week \ugust Whit reck and sister spent Sunday with Mrs. \Ym. Ilorstinaii. Guy l.iehty and wife spent Sunday evening witli llenuan lleaeiiy and Wife. Charles Hishire eatne down front Lincoln last wei k to visit his mother. Allen Gilmore h ft last week for Wilber, Nebraska to stay with his parents. Mrs. Meyers of llehron, Nebraska is visiting iter sister. Mrs. .Milton Strauss. Everett Higgins and wife wen* the guests of George Sturms and tamlly on Sunday. Mrs. O. .1. Ilnrt^n of Holton, lias., spent a portion of tlte week with her sister, Mrs. Sturms. Ben Morgan, wife and daughter Mrs. II C Barton spent Sunday at the homo of Ed Morgan. Mrs. Harry Wills and mother, Mrs. Poor were guests of Mrs, Anna El shire and family Sunday. \ Ketteror ami family of Whiling, Kas . spent last week with Will Huettner and other relatives. Mrs. J. Slump of Kails City spent Saturday with her daughters, .Mrs. \Y. Nod row and Mrs P. Randolph. Malilon Peek and Lydia Dowty wen to Morrill Kansas Sunday to visit relatives and attend the district meeting. H I Prichard, Krcd Whit rock. kt Kiiumel and others went to < ity la t week to attend the live stock show. 'Vos NVdrow and wife entertained at (heir home Sunday, II. .!. Prich ard and family. Ed Kim no 1 and K. M Shaffer and their families. Her man Beachy and wife, Guy Lichty and w-f , Mrs Lutz. Mrs I S Stump Mrs. N. Peek and daughter. Einnta Wetzel ami Nannie Knick rhoek' r an Mr. Lape. About sixty yo mg people assembled at tii home e Mrs N. Pe, k last Saturday evening and enjoyed the evening playing som erset and various other games An oy. ter supper was served about eleven o'clock and all returned to their homes each declaring they had a fine time and wishing for another such occasion. BARADA II. Smith made a business trip to the fruit farm Tuesday. Misses Dodds and Hansen were shopping in Falls City Saturday. George Davi. and wife of Shubort visited relatives re Sunday. Charles Sma,an has gone to Lin coln, where lie lias employment it. Dean and family from Verdon visited here the first of the week. LO. E. Bole jack made a business trip to tlie city Saturday morning. •I. I. Martin, C. H. Martin and wife spent a few days in St. Joseph last week Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. o. Bridgeman on Saturday. October 15, a girl Mrs. E. A. Thompson and Mrs. Mattie Cheeseman were up from Falls City Saturday. Special meetings at the Evangelical i Inm li wi re cloned cm Monday even liu: to re-open in about three weeks. J. A W alker and Byron Jones of Howe. Idaho visited the first of the week with Mr. Walker's relatives, the Martins. Ralph Nelson came in from Daven port, Nele, to join his wife and little on who were visiting here. After spending a few days till returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 13. 13. I loin jack drove over to Prairie I'nlon eemetn.ry Sat urday afternoon to attend the fune ral i"i \iem. of their nephew, Clyde liar] ' r’r son, who was brought down from Auburn having died of earl l fever. WILLIAMSVILLE. Mrs x. A. Arnold is cm the sick list. Win. Oetek spent Sunday nt I. A. Dunn's. It's, (ieick was a Falls City visitor last week. I A, Dunn unci wife Were in Falls City last week. (leorge Arnold was a Falls City visitor last week. Jamb Arnold was a Kails ('itv vis itor I lie past week. Ralph llulli r spent Sunday after noon III «lie home of I, A. Dlttlll, Carrie Dunn Hpetil Sunday with her friend, Verdie Williamson. ■laced) Mack and wife were guests of August Neuinolle-r and family on Sunday. cl. W, Duorfeldt and family spent i Sunday afternoon at tile home of I. A. Dunn. August Neuiuoller, who had his leg broken some time ago, is im proving nicely at tills writing. STELLA. Mis A Tynan was shopping in Vu j liurn l,’rlduy. A. M. Farmer drove to Peru Sun day to visit iiis hod, .lames and fam ’ il.v. .1 M. Gondloe and family spent Sunday In Verdon with the Gibson family. Mrs. II. 10. Clark of Kansas City is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. 10. Mound. Miss Long of Havelock visited her aunt, Mis. Keefer the latter part, of last week. Miss liyral Baldwin visited over Sunday In Falls City with her sis ter, Mrs. S H. Bailey. 10. A. Kroh sold Ids dray line Monday to Win. Curtis who assumed the management at once. Mrs. A .1. Baldwin spent Iasi week in Omaha as delegate to grand lodge of the Degree of Honor. Mrs. Angeline Paper went to Ver don Sunday to spend several weeks at the home of her soft, Charles. Grandma Thompson and daughter, Miss Jennie spent Sunday in the country with Mrs. David Steadman, Mrs. Mary Jones is making pre parations to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Noah McDowell at Red Cloud, Neb. The Misses Sargeimt of California visited the first of the week in the country with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Maek Farmer. L, G. Ciphers was in Topeka last week as a delegate from the Chris tian church to the National conven tion Mrs. Ciphers was intending to accompany him but owing to poor health was compelled to give up the trip. Mrs. I. L Plasters entertained the ladies ci the Christian church Aid Socif ty and the Living Link last Friday at an all day meeting. The ladies knotted two comforters and almost quilted a quilt besides work ing on numerous articles for their fair. There were forty-three pres ent ami not a man would stay on the faun Mr. Plasters taking his din ner with him. The dinner prepared fer the ladies was a most bountiful o n as all country dinners are. The ladies are all invited to spend the day with Mrs John Jenkins and Miss Ola one week from Friday. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable euros of colds, and ran always be depend ed upon. It is equally valuable tor adults and children and may 1)0 given to young children with implicit confidence as it contains no harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Wanted— Butter Fat 30 cents. Eggs 20 1 his price is good for the ballame of this month. 1\ II. Ilermes Phone 3o I HUMBOLDT. Willie Crawford of Table Rock was In the city Saturday. Klmer Woods and family were dow from Table Rock Monday. Mrs. 11. K. lioyd was on the sick list a few days this week. Mrs. Robert Kdie visited with rela tives in Dawson Wednesday. Miss Nettie Womb was on the : i.'k lint the last of the week. Janies linizila visited with rela tives in Table Rock Thursday. John Moellers and wife are the proud parents of a baby girl, bom Monday. airs. O. D. I uketVr was hostess to the Linger Longer club Wednesday aft< inoon. Mrs. Moss I »av is is visiting with n i son, I'eii JcColloch and family in Diucoin.» v bump Vv i ; lit of Marshfield, Mo., is a . i in i. tends in Humboldt in is week. i. t.. tiridh v and wife returned Monday frutn a visit with relatives In 1 ecuiuseu. Miss b loy Hummel made ti brief vi.-it to her home in Lincoln the last. Of file week. Miss Mary ii. I’etrashek of Table Ro. k vvtis u Humboldt v isitor Lite last of the-week. Miss lluttie Dorlnnd, vvlio teaches school in Nemaha county, spent Sun day in tins city. Jacob Bhroyer and grandson re turned Wednesday from a visit with relatives in Girard, 111. A reception for Rev. ltuc.h and wife was given at the Methodist, church Tuesday evening. The first number of the lecture course was given Saturday evening at tie1 Presbyterian church. Mrs. Dr. Dccrford and little daugh ter of Olatonia were recent guests at tin home of Win. Davis and wife. Mrs. Slitre and daughter, Miss Mablc of Dawson are visiting at the home of Mrs. W ill Waggoner and family. Mrs. Hay Miller and little daughter of Grand Island are visiting at. the home of her parents, it. P. Gravatte and wife. .1. W. Kovanda, wife and two child ren of Blue Rapids, Kansas came over from Table Rock Monday in thei touring oar, Mrs. Henry Davis returned to her home in tills city Thursday, after a two weeks visit with relatives in I loll county. Rev. Oardy returned the middle of the week from Nodaway, Iowa, where lie had been called to ded icate the church of which his brother is pastor. Mrs. Del Parsons joined her hus band in York, Sunday. The young people will make their home in that city, Mr. Parsons having embarked in business. Dr. George Gandy and bride ar rived in this city Saturday, having spent some time on their return from Europe in the eastern part of the United States. Mrs. Will Davis left Friday for a short visit with relatives in Olatonia. From there she will go to Lincoln as a representative of the Rebecca lodge from this place. The families of Frank and Fred Butterfield, accompanied by Mes daines O. E. Zook and R. L. Hoff at tended the National convention of the Christian church held in Topeka this week. The annual horse show held in this city Saturday was a success in every way. The day was delight ful and tlie crowd immense. The animals exhibited wore fine and made a good showing Charles W'ednt r, who in company with his wife, left a few mouths ago for Missouri in the hope of bone fitting liis health, was brought to tins city Monday in a serious condi tion, having been struck by lightening while using (he telephone during a thunder storm. Sunday morning a run away team of mules caused the wagon in which Ed Lynch anil Fred Schenk were driv ing to go over a high embankment. The result was rather serious and t!u> young men were immediately brought to town and their injuries were attended by Drs Waggoner & Waggoner. RULO. Mis .1. \ Hinkle was in Falls City Monday. Henry Robinson of Wathena was in Unlo Monday. Ray Hire! was a Falls City visitor the past week. Charles Tagnev of Falls City was a Unlo visitor Sunday. John Kanalv was a Falls City visit or one day last week . J. A Osborne and little son wore Falls City visitors Monday. \\ m. Prater and wife are the par ents of a little daughter. Joe Kimmel of Goodland, Kansas was a Rulo visitor last week. Johnson spent Sunday in Ne braska City with his family. Sarah and Anna Fickle left foi st. Joseph one day last week. •hick Neitzel of Preston was a Rulo visitor one day last week. Stanley Crook of Salem was a Itulo visitor oik- day last, weeek. Charles Tagne.v and wife are the parents of a little daughter. Charles Scott of Hiawatha was a Itulo visitor one day last week. Will .Jacobs lift Sunday afternoon for his home at Dorchester, Neb. .Mm Rhodes of the big lakes was a Itulo visitor the last of the week. Hill Barnard of Missouri was a Rulo visitor tin- first of the week. Frank Bdgeooinb of Geneva visit -it with ills father in Rulo last week. Charles Cessrnan of White Cloud was a Rulo visitor the first of the week. Chari- s Ross went to Quinton Sat urday for a few days visit with rel atives. Win. Harding of Salem visited with relatives in Itulo the first of the week. Worth Anderson and family of Kansas spent Sunday with relatives in Itulo. Mrs. Williams of Forteacue visited with her son, Roy in Itulo the first of the week. Mrs. John Hopkins and three chil dren were Atchison visitors last Sat unlay. Jehu Kimmel of Morrill, Kansas visited with relatives in this county last week. Mrs. Henry Mosier of Fails City is spending the Week with her par ents in Rulo. Ike Jarrott of Goff, Kansas came last week to attend the funeral of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Fox and little dau ghter of Baltimore are visiting rel atives in Rulo. Harrj Simons and Frank Vanvaul kinliurg were Hiawatha visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simon of Chillaeoth spent last week with rela tives in Rule. I>. Anderson returned Saturday from a hunting trip in the western part of the state. Mrs. Will Cunningham returned the lust of the week from a visit with relatives in Iowa. Karl Kicks and family of White Cloud visited with relatives in Uulo the first of the week. Mrs. Lottie Nichols of Kansas City came last week for a visit with her mother. Mrs. Hosford. Mrs. Melvin Rinehart of Smith Center, Kas., are visiting with the family of D. VanValkenhurg. Rev, A. M. Keith of Falls City preached at the M. E. church lsat Sunday morning and evening. Frank I’.lair, wife and children of Highland, Kansas visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Edgeeomb last week. Mrs. Claude Yoeam returneed to her home in Falls City Saturday after a ten days visit with her mother. Marion and Viola Jarrott came up from St. Joseph Thursday to attend the funeral of their father. L. Jarrott and family of LaPlatte, Neb., came last week to be present at the funeral of George Jarrott. Little Lucille Cunningham received a very nice present last week. It was a pony, harness, cart, sleigh and saddle. Ur. R. G. Henderson and wife took a trip to Falls City, Salem and Ver don one day this week in their new automobile. A large crowd went out to the home of Miss Emma Danneeker one evening last week and enjoyed them selves until a late hour. Sterling Mendenhal had the mis fortune to be thrown from a horse one day last week and sustained a broken collar bone .and a fractured rib, besides several other bruises. George Jarrot, who had lived in Rulo a number of years died last Tuesday at Kearney, Neb., where he had been working for some time. The remains were brought to Rulo Friday morning and the funeral was held in the afternoon at the Holi ness church, conducted by Rev. Orr. lb’ leaves a father, mother, and sev eral brothers. Lame back is one of the most common forms of muscular rheu matism. A few applications of Chamberlain’s Liniment will give relief. For sale by all druggists. TRADE MORAL—If we were all mind-readers we would have no trouble in learning what merchant's goods are best. About one in every 1.000 of us is addicted to mental tele pathy. To reach the other 999 of us. Mr. Merchant must advertise. Persistent adver tising in this paper will make those 999 buy. The telepath ist will buy anyhow. TRADE MORAL—The difference between business and success is advertising. Inquire about our rates. Your Baking Cannot Fail If Ye u Use Puritan Flour Because Ft’s the Purest Because Ii*s the Finest CA\ * vV O iousand || f finest— ■ purest flour vie, leaves our ills daily and it is early all consumed , Nebraska. That's roof enough of what Nebraska thinks of Puri tan. Thousands upon thousands of the state’s best families are using it. Is yours one of them? ' I PURITAN * The \«3r h r e a d made from Puritan f lour is whiter and lighter, the loaves larger, than from Jwv an-v °flier fl°ur. It’s ’ V the highest grade quality through and through, sold to you under a positive money-back guarantee. Try Puritan Flour and if you do not like it, take the sack back and get your money. Weiis-Abbott"Nieman Company The Puritan Millers, Schuyler, Nebraska Puritan Flour Prize con test extended to Nov. 1st. 5 NO ONE IS TOO OLD to hi1 indifferent to their teeth. In fact the older the person the more necessary is it that tlie food be properly masticated. GOOD HEALTH AND TEETH go together. You cannot have one without the other. \Ye sup ply teeth for persons of every age and condition. All opera tions are painless and all charg es are extremely moderate. Dr. Yutzy, Dr. C. t\ Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska OCTOBER BULLETIN THE HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS on tin* 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to the West, Southwest and Soutli offer an excellent oppor tunity for a journey of inspection or pleasure, during the autumn and winter, through these fast growing localities where land is constantly increasing in value. THE CHEAP ONE-WAY AUTUMN RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST are in effect this year only until October la. Go early and escape the ffnal rush for sleeper accommodations. Every day round trip Coast rates are in effect this winter; general basis $90.00, and $13.00 higher via Shasta. THE DAILY WINTER TOURIST RATES to Southern resorts be come effective about November 1st. These rates with their desirable routes and privileges, together with the out door and hotel attractions of the Southland, should appeal to many looking to avoid the rigors of a northern winter. E. G. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent L. M. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Printing Envelopes 1 1111 1*11 l^s% OUR SPECIALTY THAT IS WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF PRINTING THEM CORRECTLY Let Us Figure With You Burlington Route West Bound No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m. No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:10 p. m. No. 43—Portland Exp-10:17 p. m. No. 41—Portland Exp.2:2.7 p. m No. 121—Lincolu Loc. via Ne braska City.5:00 a. m East Bound No. 14— St. .1 , K. C & St. L .7:38 a. m. No. 44—St. J., K. C. & st. L- .3:37 a. in No. 16—St. J.. K C. & St. L. .4:22 p. m. (Local) No. 42—St. .J., K C. & St, L. .4:35 p. nt No 122—Frotn Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 8:45 p m. E. G. Whitford. Asrent. —Eat Sowle’s Candy. Missouri Pacific Trains East Tr. 104—St Louis Exp.2:10 p. m. ' r !!lKr ^'lnsns t;ity Exp 3:10 a. tn. ,|,r- llh E- 0. Local....*7:30 a. tn. rn‘"- ' !“L,oc;\1 h rel«ht.*9:40 a. m. I r. 138—Omaha Local, ar. *9:00 p. m. Trains West Tr 10.3—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 1:50 p. m. Tr. 105—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a. m. 3 r. 137—Omaha local.*7:15 a. in! Tr. 191 —Local Freight.*1:20 p. m! Tr. 131—Kansas City Lo. ar.*8:15 a! in! Daily excert Sunday. __K- K. MAIIR. Agtnt, A good farm for sale, north of Falla City. Enquire of W. H. Maddox.