'T"" Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS acres wen improvea, it mnes irom uepot in tt.as. uooa spring nest ot terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres miies from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land. VI ill 1 take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. 812,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres ^-mile from Falls City high school. | 640 acres, $8,000 improvements £lso 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160serf's as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. ' A . E . J A Q U E T ^ A KING JP in tlie morning is made easier } if you have a :: :: :: :: :: • ; “JAQUET Alarm Clock From the small clock ior Si.00 to tlie large striking alarm clock you are sure of perfect satisfaction far ever> clock is backed with the .1 A< H'lCT Guarantee. The Old Reliable Jeweler and Optician ANOTHER BELIEF UPSET Dr. Morsman tells of Glycerine and incidentally jolts our old time faith. From the packing house and the soap factory Glycerine comes to the pharmacist Glycerine is made hy decompos ing fats and oils. It belongs to the class of chemical compounds called Alcohols and is so classi fied hy chemists. The Germans call it Oelsucss, which means oil sweet. When it was first discov ered in 1781) it was called the sweet principal of oils. It can hardly he said to exist in the nil or fat hut il is formed hy a com plex chemical change which talus place when they arc decomposed or saponified. It is made from fat hy decom position in the presence of steam under pressure and it is also a by-product in the manufacture of soap, and much of the glycerine on the market, comes from the soap factories, hut it is just as pure as that obtained from any source. in sapomrying lai lor soap me chemical changes are the same as in tlie direct manufacture of glycerine. The glycerine * thrown out. In fact hard soap from oil or fat cannot lie made until the glycerine is first remov ed. tilycerino cannot he saponifi ed. that is, it will not unite with 1 h alkaline base of the soap. It f"il ■ s therefore that “(-Jlycerine ^ mp’ is a trade name only. There is no glycerine in it. It is on tin lable and that is all. There is a transparent soap made that contains a little'glyc erine. .Manufacturers claim d:> ) :! per cent, hut this is excess ive. It proha lily does not exceed • ) per cent. Such a soap would absorb moisture from the atmos phere and get sticky. Pear's glycerine soap is transparent hut it contains no glycerine. Nor is glycerine of any value in soap. Hoing soluble in water if there was any glycerine applied to the skin from the soap the water would immediately wash it off. Hut it isnt there. 1 am sorry to expose another pleasant delusion, Imt truth has no respect for beliefs. Glycerine is a thick Syrupy liquid between nil and water. It is sweet to the taste. It feels oily out is not. It mixes readily with water, alcohol and many other liquids. It is a great sol vent and increases the solubility of many drugs that do not read ily respond to water or alcohol. For this reason it is often used as a menstrum, that is to hold other medicines in solution or to extract medicinal principles, such as pepsin for instance. It is a permanent liquid. I mean by that it does not ferment or change, in fact it is an anti-ferment, be ing feebly germicidal, and syrup mixed with .sufficient, glycerine will not ferment. It will absorb moisture when exposed to the air and get less syrupy but its prop [erties remain the same except for the dilution. The glycerine on the market, is of very fine quali j ty. All that is interior, so that it i brings a lower price on the mar i ket, finds a ready »ale for technic j .'ll purposes. .Much of it goes to {tin* nitro-glyeerino factories. 'I'hcre has been a heavy ad vance in the price of glycerine due to the advance i'n pork and beef. Druggists buy it by weight and three-fourths of a pint weighs approximately one pound. Artificial glycerine (synthetic) lias been made, but it is expen sive. In internal medicine glycer ine is little used except as a sol vent or vehicle for carrying other medicines. It is used in place of syrup when syrup is undesirable and to good advantage because it does not ferment, in the stomach or intestinal canal. Taken inter nally it is laxative but not suffic iently so to be of much value Some persons are inclined to “shy" at glycerine as an unclean substance because it comes from the packing houses and soap fac tories. That is a mistake. It is one of the cleanest of compounds, kike alcohol cleanliness is inher ent in it. Physicians once regarded it as a potent remedy for consumption, diabetes and gall stones, hut it is recognized now that it lias little or no value. In the form of en eniata (injections), or suppositor ies it acts very promptly on the lower bowel and is much us d in habitual constipat ion. It finds its greatest use as an external remedy. It is emmoli ent, soothing, softening, and non drying. With the advantages of oil it has none of the disadvan tages, and is much more effective. For chapped skin, excoriated sur faces. rough skin, and many skin discuses it is exceedingly useful and it is a component of many skin preparations. It is also used as a poultice combined with Kao lin (purified clay) and boric acid, and it is this preparation that is sold under the names Antiphlo gistine, Anti-inflamatus. terraline, Denver mud, etc. They are all the same as the official Catanhis m.'i Kaolini. The*‘Denver mud" story ot several years ago was a fake cleverly exploited and tin1 newspapers and doctors gave it1 free advertising. It was quite n! joke on the doctors. We dont ex pect much from the newspaper man, he is the victim of all kinds of fakes. A. Morseman, M. D. Morsm&n Drug Co. THE COINERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. —The Candy Kitchen for brick ice •cam. A. . Keim spent Sunday in Table Heck. Dr. Henderson was up from Ru* lo Wednesday. Henry Dappen was down from ihiv. son Saturday. L. Bant/, manager of the Hum boldt brick plant was a business visitor here Saturday. Chris. Lionberger of Humboldt visiti d W. Ivieschiek's family the latter part of Ia.%t. week. Mrs. John Jones went to Au burn last Saturday to visit her daughter. Quinhy Heaver went to St. Joe last Friday where he will take medical treatment for some time. Mrs. II. M. Steidley of Ft. Col lins, Colo, arrived last Saturday to visit the family of her father, Francis Schaffer. Clyde Davis’s auto was auction eered off the street last Saturday eered off last Saturday on the street for $800. Hurt McGuire was the purchaser. .Mr. ('has. Hanks of Decatur 111. spent a part of the week here with his wife and daughter. John Crook returned Saturday night from Minnesota where lie spent a few with the “Queen of Beauty, ’ ’ ('ompany. THE HAPPIEST BOY IS THE ONE WHO COT A WATCH FOR XMAS OR ON HIS BIRTHDAY A Watch from Our Store Will Bring Happiness to ' j Anyone, the Boy or Girl the Man or Woman. No other store offers you such a large assortment of fine watches to select from. Look ’em over. DAVIES & OWENS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY. NEBRASKA I1 j ----J _ I Wm. Steward and wife of Rulo visited their daughter Airs, llenry Mosiman last Saturday. Air. and Airs. Jess Shrimpton were down from Salem for the 101 Ranch Show. Miss (iraee Mueller is at home from a visit ot several weeks in Elkhart, Ind., with relatives. Fred Sehold was down from Omaha a few days the first of tin week on business. Will Hinton of the B. & AI. wa ter supply force spent Sunday here with his family. Aliss Alary Seaulan who has spent the summer here with her aunt. Airs. Bacsbeas, will leave Sunday for her home in Iowa. Airs. Belle Alulligan and son returned Tuesday from a three weeks visit with her grandmother Airs. Sinclair in Jctmore. Kansas. Airs. Jule Ruegge and little Ka therine went to Lincoln last Friday. Her cousin, Aliss Fnland will return with her. Aliss Ella Nulk of Danbury, Nebr. who has been visiting re latives here for the past two months returned to her home last Saturday. Rev. O. L. Xeide is in Nebras ka City this week attending the annual Convocation of the dio cese. Aliss Julia Fraunfielder of Ver don visited relatives here the lat ter part of the last week. An Italian orchestra was on the street Tuesday'. They make good music and never fail to draw a good crowd—and a good collect ion. Miss Corinne Henry will leave Sunday for her home in Prankfor Ky. after a visit of several weeks j with friends in this city. Miss Lois Keeling left Wednes day for Aurora Ills, where she will remain until Christmas with her uncle George Keeling. Airs. Wither and son who stop ped off for a day with her par ents Mr. and Airs. Hossack on her . way from .Jetmore Kas. left for 1 her home in Stella Wednesday. j Airs. Archibald Graham andj daughter Aliss Maude left Mon day for New York City, stopping at Niagara Falls enroute. After a months visit in the city Airs. Graham will go to Canada where she will visit her sister living at Montreal. Miss Graham will vi sit friends in Philadelphia and Washington D. C. Friends have received cards this week form Airs. J. Crook who is with the “Queen of Beauty,” Company. They will spend next Saturday at Aberdeen S. I). Th play and also the company has I been changed considerably since I they played here and they seem I to be quite successful. —"Anyone wishing to buy new and exceptionally good blood, should attend the Poland China hog sale of Bert AVise & Son. Read their ad on page seven of this issue. 40-2t. Air. and Airs. L. C. Edwards, and Air. and Airs. Robert Neitzel went to Kansas City Sunday to attend the Alissouri Valley Fair. They returned home Wednesday of this week. Miss ()ra (Irook was on t he sick list the first of the week. .Miss Josephine Mahan of Rulo was shopping here Saturday. Henry Keiger and daughters of Preston came lip Saturday to at tend the circus. ('has. Prihbens and family were up from Preston Saturday for the circus. Robert Saylor and wife were over from Morrill last week on Saturday. Miss Grace Pronin of Rulo visit ed her sister, Mrs. L. Leeds last Saturday. James Jaquet went to Horton, Kans. last Sunday, returning on Wednesday. Mrs. S. L. Redwood returned last week from a visit with rela tives in Aurora, Ills. Misses Edith and Ellen Roper returned Sunday to their home in Sabetha after a visit with their grandmother, Mrs. J. S. Branam. Lou Howe, county chairman, < aim? down from Humboldt Sat urday ostensibly to talk polities —1-ut mere yvas a circus in town. The City Federation will meet Monday afternoon Oct. 3rd at 3:00 o’clock in the club rooms. A large attendance of all mem bers is requested. Dr. M. L. Wilson reports a ten pound baby Imy at the home of John Dean and wife. The young man arrived on September 23. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Branam are the proud parents of another lit tle daughter who arrived at their home Monday morning Sept. 26, 1910. Bert Wise yvas over form De serve Tuesday advertising the Po land China hog sale to be held Oct. 8 in this city at the Farmer’s Feed Yard. Mr. Edwin Banks arrived from ( hieago last Saturday to visit his mother and sister. 11 is yvife who has been their guest for several weeks returned home with him. Mrs. D. Cooper Bailey returned Thursday from a three months visit to relatives in England. She has enjoyed a delightful visit and has had a fine voyage both going over and on the return. lx. C. James was down from O malia Sunday to visit old time friends. Mrs. Marie Engle of Horton Has. is visiting her father, George \V. Morris this week. Dr. Johnson of Pawnee City was in this city Saturday look ing over the political situation. Our old friend, Joe Geiger, of Independence, Mo., was visiting friends here last week. Richard Dittmar left Monday for It Idea, X. Y., where he will resume his studies at Cornell I Iniversity. John I owell is building a ten ant. house on the lots he pur chased of Mr. Whitaker on Mor ton street. Mr. and Mrs. Seymore of Fair fax Mo. arrived last Friday night to visit their daughter, Mrs. M. Giannini. Mrs. Earl Carothers returned last Thursday to her home in Sy racuse after a short visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Poteet. Guy Greenwald spent the latter part of last week in Hastings on business. He * was looking over plans for his new residence. The ladies of the Christian church served lunch on the street circus day, clearing a good sum from the effort. NOTICE I have for sale the 40 acre tract belonging to Charles Portrey, lying North of the city and ad joining the Meyers land on the North, was a part of the Sarah Rhine land. Can sell the tract in 1, 2, 3, or 5 acre tracts to suit the purchaser. Can give 3 years time on twothirds of the purchase price. Mr. Portrey will have the land surveyed and give a road from the city to each tract. This is a chance to get a nice piece of land for a home near town at a very reasonable price and on ex ceedingly reasonable terms. For further particulars call at the office of John W. Powell. 1st. floor of new office building south of Court House square. Falls City, Nebraska. Office Phone 252, Home 51. C. S. Primrose Presents ‘Under tha Harvest Moon” Cehling Theatre, Thursday, October 6 , , , t