The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country I-riends ^ and Neighbors. Barada Harve Wade is visiting at the home of Everett Howell. ,J. 1. Martin spent Sunday with his grand-daughter, Mrs. R. II. Dunn. Jas. Stephenson and John Ran dals, spent Sunday with relatives in the country. (L. Baker who has been quite ill with typhoid is now on the mend. He is still very weak. Mrs. Nellie White, who with her daughter Maude visited her mother Mrs. A. Orr and her brother Wilford. returned Sunda to her home at rising City, Mo. Honest Bill’s show proved to be all that it was advertised. The trained animals pleased all. Cupid the educated pony was a ► lone worth the price of admission. Last Thursday evening the many friends of Mrs. Herman Ludwig gathered at her home to help her celebrate the anniversar of her birth-day. A very enjoya ble evening was spent. Mrs. Ludwig received a large number of valuable gifts. The Evangelical Sunday-school met at the church at eight-thirty Sunday morning and went in a body to th(> Sunday-school Conve tiou for this district held at Sil ver Creek church. All felt mure than repaid for the trip and will look forward eagerly to the next Convention, which will be held in Shubert. Williamsville Eugene Dunn Went to Falls City, .Monday. Grandma Lippold is very ill this week. G. W. Duerfeldt and wife were in Falls City Saturday. t It. J. Dunn is picking and bar reling his apples this week. Mr. Arthur Duerfeldt spent Sunday at John Constantines. Mrs. Lottie Sailors is the proud mother of a little baby girl born last week. J. A. Dunn and family attend ed the convention at Silver Creek k last Sunday. Roseoe Rea came out from Falls City, Monday to visit his sister Mrs. Carrie Rea Dunn. E. E. Dunn and family attendi J (lie Sunday-school convention at Silver Creek, Sunday. Mrs. Marie Hallawav and daughter of St. Louis spent a week with their cousins George. Jake and Nick Arnold. Salem .John MeCool is improving. Squire Hrincgar is building an addition to his house. One of L. C. Mobley’s ehildren is sick with typhoid fever. An aching tooth caused VVillia c Davis to gn to Fall s < ity last Tuesday. Lei a Adams, who has been i quite sick for some time is conva lescing. Jess Hunker and wife moved to Dawson, Monday, where Mr. Hunker will run a Pantorium. C. H. Snyder, Commonly known as Doe, is on the jury at Falls City. Holiest Hill gave a trained dog and pony show in. town last Tues day evening. Some dozen Salem ladies atten ded the convention of the Loyal Neighbors at Morrill, last week. The Misses Althea and Carrie Pampell of Kansas City were vis iting their uncle Wm. Davis last week. Thomas Hrincgar has been hav ing much sickness in his family. At this writing the sick children are no better. •Tis hard to give them up, but there is consolation in the thot, that they are but flowers trans planted to a dime, where they shall bloom forever, and we shall see them again. The infant child of Prof, and Mrs. Domcr after an illness of a bout three days died and was buried, Saturday. The parents have the sympathy of the com munity in their bereavement. The dredge boats have stopped work for the time being. The boat between Salem and Dawson on the North Fork pulled up and moved out last week. The one dredging Company has sued the County for $42,000 damages. The work lias been held up on account, of a lack of funds. Humboldt. Patrick Walsh was a passenger to Falls City, Thursday. Mrs. Truman Putter'of Lincoln is a visitor in this city this week. Workmen are this week remod eling the residence of J. F. Wo/a Miss Caroline MeCready visit mi relatives in Pawnee City, Sun day. John Mehlin shipped stock to the S(. Joseph market. Wed nesday. I Veruie Hicks and family of Falls City are visiting Humboldt relatives. Joe Sneethcn spent several days of this week at Alliance, Nebraska. Orin Shrauger of Pawnee City wits in Ihis city a short time the last of the week. Mrs. Dave Nehr retunred Sun day from a visit with friends and relatives in St. Joseph. Edward ITodapp went to Lin coln Wednesday where lie will at tend the State University. (J. Hoppe and family went to Preston, Wednesday to spend a short time with relatives. Mr. Davis of Persia gave an in teresting address at the Presby terian church, Sunday evening. Mrs. Albert Smith returned to Superior after spending a few days with relatives in this city. The Komenian club was pleas antly entertained at the home of Fannie Ilynek, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. 0. T. Little was called to Hastings, Monday by the death of her brother-in-law, F. W. Raney. Cary Cooper. N. C. Campbell, Lou Howe and Frank Butterfield made an auto trip to Falls City, Wednesday. Miss Lizzie Warton of Weeping Water arrived here, Wednesday and spent a few days with Miss Alice Wall. Herbert Jones and wife of Ami ty. Oregon are visiting at the home of the latter’s aunt, Mrs. S. M. Philpot. Mrs. A. M. Reirners returned to her home in Dorchester Nehr. Wednesday, after a visit with re latives in this city. George (’lift and wife returned Saturday from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Guy Williamson, and family in Omaha. Mrs. Mary Kotalek returned to her home at Bernier, Nebras ka. after spending some time with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. E. II. Linn returned to her home in Lincoln Wednesday, having been called here by the death of her brother J. II. Smith. Miss Cora Boss returned to this city, Wednesday from Oma ha, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Pool. Apple pickers are in great de mand and command high prices as buyers are here from all points The yield is good and the quality fine. .Joe Morris a former Humboldt boy, who is now proprietor of a jewelery store in Beaver City, is spending the week with home friends. Rev. Bounds attended the M. E. Conference held in York, Nebr After which he joined his wife who had been visiting relatives in Lincoln during his absence. Word received by relatives states that Charles Wedner who had gone to Southern Missouri in hope of benifiting his health, had not proven benificial as anticipat ed and he will journey to the Gulf. Samuel Beutler Sr., one of the wealth.! farmers of the west end, died at Excelsior Springs, at an early hour Sunday morning. He has been in failing health for a bout a year. Particulars are not obtainable at this time. Irvin Shirley, Henry Schwass, Dr. Will Waggoner and Otis Du ke for are in the sand hill coun try shooting ducks or anything that the law will permit them to “lay in" for their winter meat supply. Consequently eliiel en raisers in this vicinity join in wishing them success. Stella Joseph Curtis went to Auburn. Thursday. Ernest Morgan of York is making his parents a short visit. J. A. McDowell presented his family with a new piano last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hinds went to Omaha last week for a short | visit. Miss Sybil Mann is entertain ing her cousin from Auburn this week. Cleve b’udy of Atchison. Ivans, is visiting his sister. Mrs. Joseph Elehert. Fred Hind of Kansas visited his aunt Mrs. M. II. Van Deventer last week. Miss Nevada Hay went to Oma ha. Tuesday for a short visit v\ it'n friends. Miss Hvdia Harstler was quite sick last week but is improving at this writing. Frank Wolf is making arrang ments to open a clothing store in 1 he < 'lark building. A large number of our citizens attended the Wild West show at Falls City, Saturday. Mrs. John Noah went to Koek port, Mo. last Friday for a short visit with relatives. Mrs. Elva Hinkle and little daughter Ktlud visited last week with relatives in linrada. Misses Helen and Caroline Cain visited over Sunday with their! grandparents at Falls City. Key. Ogden of liethauy, visited in the country at the home ol 101- [ iniT I'ugli, while here, Sunday. Thco Weaver and wife visited j over Sunday at the home of John ! Hossiek and wife of Falls City. Mrs. Martha Weaver spent last week in the country with her daughter, Mrs. Fijank Alleniond. Miss Alma Plasters returned t/i her school work in the State Fnversiity the first of last week. Kev. Shirk was absent from the Lutheran pulpit Sunday having gone to lieatriie to attend Synod. Miss Carrie Young who has been absent ill the west for the past year returned home the lat ter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Kindley took M. II. VanDevontor and w ife a pleasure ride to Humboldt in I heir new auto last Wednesday. John Henderson and wife were at Shubert. Sunday to visit Mrs. Henderson's brother who is very sick;, with cancer of the stomach. Itev. Hinkle was absent all las week to attend Conference. It is not yet known whether lie will he returned to his work here or ass1;;ned to some other <• hare Ira Martin is making another land trip to South Dakota and on his return will stop at Omaha and get himself another Rush runabout to replace the one lie sold last week to John Mason. Mrs. Hell Wilson and son re turned here last Tuesday after a visit at Chicago, Kansas City Madison and Ivaiikokee. She will visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. K. Mouod for about ten days when she will start for her home in ■ western Canada. HOG SALE OF 40 HEAD OF POLAND CHINA HOGS WILL EE SOLD AT THE FARMERS' FEED YARD IN FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, Saturday, October 8, 1910, at I p. m. Cols. James W. Sparks, C. H. Marion & Frank Peck, Auctioneer. This offering is of last spring farrow. The big heavy boned, pro lific kind that make good either on the market or in the show ring, because they have size and quality combined, as was fully demonstrated at the late Brown County Fair where we won six blue ribbons and three red ones, winning three out of four cham pionships, with six Poland china herds represented winning in every class in which we showed but one. The combined weight of our herd, consisting of one boar (Wise’s Hadley) and four sows, which won the Breeders’ Stakes was right around 3,500 pounds. Wise’s Hadley is one of the very best sons of Big Hadley the 1,000 pound hog. Wise’s Hadley was 1st in the one year and over class. Was also sweepstake winner over all classes and breeds. Pie and four of his get also won sweepstakes. Now, about 90 per cent of this offering h:\$ been sired by him. At this sale you can get some new and mighty good blood. Dont put off buying until too late and have to buy just whatever you can get. Pedigrees will accompany each animal sold. Free entertainment to buyers from a distance at the National Hotel. TERMSAmounts under $25.00 cash. Ninety days time on sums of $25.00 and over at 8 per cent, interest. Bankable note required BERT WISE 8c SON, Reserve, Kansas Nebraska Women Have the Choice of the Finest Flour in the World The If you demand am among for Puri- the minority tan Flour is who have not so great right tested Puritan inourown state flour you had best of Nebraska, that make the experi it taxes the capaci- ment today. Why ty of our mills to sup- stick to that merely ply it. Knowing Puri- ordinarily good Hour? tan quality as we do we Bread made from the aver keemy regret our inabili- ago flour is part waste, part ty to meet tire orders from impurity and only part food, far-away points—we would Bread tirade front Puritan flour like to make it possiblefor * Is all good - all pure — everybody to enjoy those “bigger all white—all light. —whiter—lighter loaves” that are We guarantee every sack of it and made from Puritan flour alone. 1 have instructed our dealers everywhere would he our delight to know of to return your money if you do not find every woman’s husband saying — “My Puritan just what we ay it is—the dear, how your cooking has improved best flour you ever used—the finest— since you have used Puritan flour. ” I'his the most nourishing—the most satisfactory is an everyday remark in Nebraska. in all respects. Wells-Abbott-Nieman Company The Puritan Millers, Schuyler, Nebraska Puritan Flour Prize con test extended to Nov, 1st. INTER-STATE Live Stock and Horse Show ST. JOSEPH, IVIO. Sept. 25th to Oct. 1st Prize Live Stock Farming Implements Machinery Automobiles Automobile Flower Parade, on the streets of St. Joseph, TUESDAY, SEPT. 27TH. It will be worth a trip to the city to see this gorgeous spectacle. Aliller Brothers’ 101 Ranch Wild West Show will be camped on the lave Stock grounds, and will give Street Parades and free entertainment features each day, and a regular performance every night. Cheap Railroad Rates Ask Your Local Agent iwy^—n——aawww——MiBWMBMB—>sl a'lXttflHmnBanWBKMi Removal Sale We must vacate the rooms in which our wagons are stored. For the next 10 days we will give a discount on all Wagons Spring Wagons, Top Buggies, and Carriages. It will pay you well to take advantage of this sale while it is on. Remember, we handle only the best implements and Farm ! Werner=Mosiman Co. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA ____________ ak-sar-ben CARNIVAL AND PARADES OMAHA Sent. 28th ta Oft. 8th. 1910 D,G J01_LY CARNIVAL EVERY DAY -~r tt- '£„ «b«.,v«- -ssssr »T co •»li "“Grand Military Maneuters Etory Day by U. S. Troops. REDUCED BATES OB ALL RAILROADS. E-10W YOURSELF A GOOD TUBE—YOU’LL HAV*. LOTS OF-_ Artistic Book and Commercial Work Handled In a Manner Pleasing to Particular Patrons