The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 30, 1910, Image 4

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Consolidations—Falls City Tribune,
llumboldt Enterprise, Rulo Record,
Crocker’s Educational Journal and ^
Dawson Outlook.
Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City. Nebraska, post otlice, Janu
ary 12, 1904, under the Act of Congress
on March 3, 1879.
Published every Friday at Falls City
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
Editor and Manager,
Oue year..-il.60
Six ip mths .76
Three months ... .40
Lincoln, Nebr.
Sept. 17, 1910
Hon. C. 11. Aldrich,
David City, Nebraska.
Dear Sir:
l intend to give you my sup
port in your candidacy lor the
office of governor of Nebraska.
1 have known your opponent,
Mr. .lames (Dahlman, for more
than twenty years, and would not
join in any personal disparage
ment of him. On the contrary,
1 respect him for certain sterling
qualities 1 know him to possess.
Hut his nomination was secured
through the active and notor
ious interference in democratic
primaries of the liquor interests
and he represents, admittedly, ev
erything the liquor interests de
sire in the way of legislation,
lie promises to approve a bill
repealing the eight o’clock clos
ing law and to veto a county op
tion bill, ami in every way stands
as the frank, outspoken champion
of the most obnoxious of all the
special interests.
It would be difficult to make
an issue clearer than the one that
has been forced upon the people
of Nebraska through the bold and
undisguised edict of the liquor
trust. It is a bigger question
than eight o'clock closing and a
more important one than county
option. Besides it the personali
ties of candidates sink into insig
nificance. “Shall the people of
Nebraska surrender political pow
or into the keeping of the liquor
trust ; shall they put the stamp of
approval upon that trust's execu
ted threat to destroy a governor
.who dared go counted to its wish
es? That is the issue as I under
stand it.
I respect every man's opinion
on this question, hut I am unnhle
to see it in any other light than
that a vote for Mr. Dalilman is a
vote to deliver Nebraska into the
merciless keeping of an institu
tion that is responsible for too
many tears and too much sorrow
to he entrusted with the govern
ment of this great state.
As a <1 emoerat who from boy
hood days has served his party, I
am reluctant to do anything that
would even temporarily separate
me from party organization. But
the democratic primaries recently
held were controllede by republi
cans, voting under the leadership
of the liquor interests, rather
than by democrats; and if we
must follow republican leadership
then 1 prefer to choose the sort of
republican leadership 1 am to
In the exercise of this privi
lege 1 choose you as my candidate
for governor and 1 am at your
Yours truly.
Richard L. Metcalf.
* ******
In a recent edition of the State
Journal the attempt is made to
show that the environment of
Mayor Dahlman’s early life is the
cause of his present position on
the liouor question. It is not
the policy oi The Tribune to en
ter into a mud slinging contest.
AVe believe a man of principal
and strong character can rise
above early environment and lie
come a capable and worthy lead
er when his country' demands.
Not Mr. Dahlman’s past environ
ment but his present principal we
0 o
o o
o Hon. E. J. Burkett, candidate for re-election as U. o
o S. Senator, Hon. W. A. Hayward, candidate for Con o
o grcss from the 1st District and Hon. C. H. Aldrich, can o
o didate for Governor, on the republican ticket will be o
o iu Falls City,Friday evening September 30. They will o'
o speak on the court house sq uare at 8:00. They will be o
o preceded by the celebrated Humboldt band. They will o
o entertain the crowd until the speakers arrive o
o o
must look nt. He declares virtu- Win. Fisher vs. Charles Fischer,
ally that no matter what bill iseontinued.
passed by the coining elgislature Mary A. Snethen vs Joseph S.
he will veto if unless it, suits Snethen, divorce granted,
him and his personal friends. Iloss (Joolshy vs. M. 1\ . K. Co.,
Fveil though county option wins continued.
in the legislature Daldman, if elec W. C. MeDermand vs. Mert and
ted, will veto it. That was his Sadies Me (iuire, default.
statement m rails t ity and else
where. Is that personal lilxrty?
Yes, and one person only. Is
it the voice of the people. Cer
i» inly not. It means simply that
Dahlman Will give the state of
Nebraska over to the brewers in
terests regardelss of the will of
the people if it can possibly be
If we must go back into history
to show Mr. Dahlman’s capabil
ity or qualification for leading
our state, need we go farther
than the Sioux ('ity lliver Con
ference. ? Nebraska was held up
to ridicule from one end of the
country to the other at that
time. Why? For the conduct of
a drunken representative of our
state at that congress. Will Ne
braska submit to such leadership?
We believe not.
There is too much at stake. Our
homes, our boys and girls are
either to be given over to the
/control or defended from it
What stand can fathers and
brothers with love for home, for
mother and daughter take at
such a time. Mr. Dahlman’s eary
history has nothing to do with il.
He has shown himself lacking in
either courage or moral princi
pal at the present time and on
that line let us join to defend the
homes and our state form the
brewers interests he represents.
A A 6 :Ij
District Court.
The Septemhi r term of t lit1
District court convened Monday
imbruing with Judge Raper on the
bench. There is a very large
docket anil the east's that have
liei n disposed of up to the time
of going to press are as follows:
State \s Matt Shulenberg, con
tinued and bond given.
State vs. Andrew J. Helmiek,
continued and bond given.
State vs, Frank Curtis, continu
'd and bond given.
State vs, Jacob Hinkle contin
ued and bond given.
State vs. William Mowcry con
l inned and bond given.
State vs. Herbert llnldridgc,
grand larceny. $fi,00 fine.
State vs. (). Peterson, illegal
voting, fine •'f2.’».()0.
Floyd Sterns vs Joseph Hay, re
viver. death of defendant.
Gossett vs. lleineman & Holt,
Solon R. Wells vs. A. N. H. H.
and C. R. be . H„ dismissed.
W. J. McCray vs. Richardson,
County, judgment for appelant.
Drainage Dist. No. 1 vs. Thoma
Ryan, to he affimred.
A. K. Means being New Eng
land Jewelry Co., vs. M. 1’. Hill,
judgment for plaintiff.
Drainage Dist No. 1 vs. Richard
son County, dismissed.
M. Rnmby & Co., vs. J. E. Davi
et al, settled and dismissed.
State of Nebraska Ex ltel vs.
Drainage Dist. No. 1 etal, dismiss
Village of Shubert vs C. R. & (,>
H. R. continued.
Peter Frederick Sr., vs Hannah
C. Moran, judgment for plaintiff
less amount claimed by default.
Jennie Carpenter vs. E. J. j
Emigh et al, dismissed.
City of Falls City vs Josh Os-;
wald, judgment.
Joseph G. Forney vs. Louisa J.
Forney et al, continued. ,
Amamla Richards vs. Frank F.
Richards, dismissed.
Silas Hist vs. Joseph F. Pear
son et al, dismissed.
The case of MeMalin and Wal
ters for horse stealing is up and
being tried today, a jury being se
cured late this afternoon.
* * * * * * *
Kansas City Stock Yards,
Sept. 20, 1010. Cattle owners re
helled last week against the re
pression in prices of the previous
two weeks, and many of them
quit shipping. Receipts dropped
down after Monday, and the mar
ket responded to the treatment
nicely. By the end of the week
hoteliers grades of cattle were
selling lfi to 25 higher than Mon
day, killing steers 10 to 15 higher
hulls 25 to 40 higher. Total re
ceipts for the week were 74,000
head, about 5000 less than the
previous week. conditions last
week went far to show packers
that owners in native territory
will not accept reduced prices for
their cattle. The run today is
25.000 head. Some native steers
from Missouri sold at $8.10 to-day
Hog run here last week was on
ly 25,500 head, as compared with
40.000 same week last year.
Hardly enough are coming to fill
tin* fresh meat demand. In spite
of the short supplies, the market
lost. 21 cents for the week. Bri
ces were slightly stronger to-day.
Heavy hogs sold at $8.70 to $8.05
today, medium $0.00 to $0.25,
light weights $0.15 to 0.52. Ship
pers are taking all the hogs they
can get, and packers are getting
a smaller percentage of the slim
receipts than they got a year ago.
J. A. Rickart.
In Xew York state this week
Roosevelt completely routed the
"Old tfuard" and lined up that
stronghold of conservatism for
the progressives. The ground in
actual control of the reactionaries
is getting to look little eiioug!
A Good Position.
Can be had by ambitious young
men or ladles In the railway!
or “wireless” telegraph service.
Since the eight-hour law became ef
fective, end since the extensive de
velopments of wireless telegraphy,
there is a shortage of about 10.000
telegraphers. Positions pay begin
ners $70 tp $90 per month. We op
erate under supervision of Tele
graph officials and all graduates are
guaranteed positions. Write for
full details to the Institute nearest
to you. National Telegraph Insti
tute, CincinnattK Q , Philadelphia. I’a.,
Memphis, Tenn., Columbia, S. C.,
St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Port
land, Ore.
“I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for
I have used it with perfect success,”
writes Mrs. M. I. Basford, Poolville,
Md. For sale by all druggists.
Diarrhoea is always more or less
prevalent during September. Be pre
pared for it. Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
prompt and effectual. It can always
be depended upon and is pleasant
to take. For sale by all druggists.
As usually treated, a sprained ankle
will disable a man for three or four
weeks, but by applying Chamberlain’s
Liniment freely as soon as the in
jury is received, and observing the
directions with each bottle, a cure
van be affected in from two to four
days. For sale by all druggists.
From our special correspondent.
Dr. H. M. Hamill will lecture a
county Sunday-school convention
at Humboldt, Tuesday October 4.
Dr. Hamill is one of the biggest
men in hte Sunday-school world.
It is only by a fortunate coinci
dence that we secured him. His
themes while in Humboldt will be
The Superintcndant and his
Formative and Reformative.
Dont fail to hear him at both
sessions. His next appointmen
after Humboldt, is Chatanooga,
Drainage Eonds Sold.
I’lie sale of the bonds of
IV.,inage District No. 1 was
finally eon.sumated last Tuesday,
$205,000 worth of bonds being
sold. Wordin, McNear & Moore
of ‘ liicago being the heaviest
buyers. 10. S. Towle of this city
and Mrs. Alice Spurlock of Sa
lem wore the only county invest
ors. Ali bonds sold at par and
bear six per cent interest, pay
able semi-annually, bonds of
$1,000 denomination.
Struck By Lightening.
During the rain storm Sunday
night tiie tower of the High
School building was struck hy
lightning and a goodly supply of
shingles torn off beside splitting
some of the sheeting. The phones
were also burned out. This is
the third time this building has
been struck, although the damage
each time has been slight.
Beautiful Floral Display.
Due oi the prettiest sights in
the city Wednesday was tin* flor
al display in I). W. Soules win
dow where Simanton & Pence dis
played the prizes they were of
fering for prize winners at the
horse show. A twenty-four inch
horse shoe of red roses and fen
and huge hoepiets of both the
American beauties and pink ear
nations were shown with quanti
ties of cut folwers.
Six cord good dry wood, oak or
dry elm perferml. Call or phone
Tribune office.
-—\'7e are buying apples, poaches,
and plums at the warehouse near ttie
mill. T ot us 'mow what you have to
offer Call phono 396 or 318a.—Hock
Are You
Like This?
Tired all the time, not much
good for anything, hardly able to
drag around, just all run down.
If you are, we guarantee our VI
NOL will help you. It has helped
many people around here who were
in this condition.
Now look here, just try one bot
tle of VINOL, and if you are not
satisfied that it did you good, come
back and get your money. It will
be returned without question. That
is a fair proposition and shows our
faith in VINOL, and that we do
not want your money unless you re
ceive benefit.
\\ e know what we are talking
about because we have sold VI
NOL for years, anil have seen how
much good it has done among our
VINOL is not a patent, secret
nostrum, but an honest, tried and
true body builder and strength crea
tor of world-wide fame, delicious
and easy to take. Come in today
and start your cure at once. You
take no risk.
A. G. WANNER, Dntggist,
Falls City, Neb.
Fall Footwear
H. M. jenne Shoe Store
Claude Peterson was over from
Reserve Thursday.
Butter Fat 20 cents, Eggs 20
I This price is good for the ballancc
of this month.
| P, II. Hermes Phone 25
Physician and Surgeon,
Calls answered promptly night or
! Jay.
Salem, : : : Nebr.
Phones, Mutual 53; S. E. Neb. 33.
For Sale.
Standard bred team of driving
mares 5 years old, nicely broken.
Inquire of A. Essley, Maple Grove
; Parsonage, Phone Ind. 1212 L.
Falls City.
May, 1910, Term. Lincoln, Neb.
Saturday, September 17, 1910
Court opened pursuant to adjourn
ment, there being present:
Judge, Presiding.
In the matter of
This case coming on to be heard
upon motion of Isliam Reavis, solic
itor for plaintiffs, for service by pub
lication upon defendants Charles J.
Plant, Rosa C. Plant, and Louis Plant
and it having been shown to the
court that said defendants Charles
J. Plant, Rosa C. Plant, and Louis
Plant are not inhabitants of the dis
trict of Nebraska, can not be found
within said district, and have not
entered personal appearance in this
cause, it is ordered:
That said defendants, Charles J.
Plant, Rosa C. Plant, and Louis Plant,
be, and are hereby, directed to ap
pear and plead, answer or demur, to
tiie < ompli> intuits' bill, on oi before
the 7th day of November, 1910, and
that in default thereof an order be
entered in this cause taking the said
bill pro eonfesso.
It is further ordered:
That a copy of this order he pub
lished in the Falls City Tribune, a
newspaper published at Falls City in
the said district, once a week for
six consecutive weeks, beginning on
the 24th day of September, 1910, and
that Hi" clerk of this court mail a
copy of this order instanter to last
known place of abode of the said de
fendants Charles J. Plant, Rosa C.
Plant, and Louis Plant, in said dis
trict, and a copy thereof to said Louis
Plant at the town of Cement in the
state of Oklahoma and a copy there
of each to Charles J. Plant and Rosa
C. Plant at the city of San Diej o,
Dated: September 17. 1910.
Geo. 11. Thummel, Clerk, by J. IT.
■MeClay, Deputy.
United States of America,
District of Nebraska, ( SS.
Lincoln Division.
I, Geo. H. Thummel, clerk of the
Circuit Court of the United States
for tilt' District of Nebraska, do here
by certify the above and foregoing
to be a true and correct copy of an
order entered upon the Journal of
the proceedings of said court in the
above entitled action on the day first
above written, as the same appears
of record in said office.
WITNESS, my hand and
the seal of said court, at Lin
coln in said district this
1Ttli dav of September, A. I).
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
No Alum, No Lime Phosphate
Fruits /A.
of adver- L4 ^
tising in this ^ r
paper will give
you a pleasanter sur- j
prise than when She said Yes. I
(Copyright, 1800, by W. N, U.)
Puritan Flour Prize Contest
Hxtended to November 1st.
I The manufacturers of the Pur
itan Flour so! ! through grocers
land local dealers in this vicinity
have announced that they will
continue the Prize Contest under
I which they are giving away 240
sacks of Puritan Flour free from
September 1st. to November 1st.
| All lending grocers and dealers
j know about this contest and have
| literature explaining the exten
sion of time which they will be
l glad to extend to our readers, or
i write Wells-A bbott-Nieman Co.
! .Millers, Schuyler, Nebr.
The Kansas City Star.
The Kansas City Star is de
cidedly the greatest and most in
fluential paper in the west. By
special arrangements we are en
abled to offer our readers one
year’s subscription to the Kan
sas City Weekly Star (52 issues)
absolutely free of any cost. Get
your neighbor or friend to sub
scribe for The Tribune under
either of our offers, and we will
have the Star sent to your ad
dress one year. It will only cost
him 50c, and lie will get in ad
dition the Nebraska Farm Jour
nal one whole year, and you will
get the Kansas City Star 1 for
fifty-two weeks. You will never
come nearer getting something
for nothing than you will if you
take advantage of this offer.
Don’t put off the matter, but
do it now. The offer is too good
to stand long.
Rules For County Correspondents
All copy should reach this of
fice not later than Tuesday after
noon to insure publication.
Hereafter, we shall act on the
rule that what is worth doing is
worth doing right. Copy must b
eligible. Corbon copy and manu
script written with an impossible
pencil will find the waste basket.
He accurate, lie sure, go to the
point at once. Avoid details as
much as possible. Get the news
that is of general inteerst, dont
use the paper to exploit the fam
ily., Observe the golden rule in
matters so apparently trivial as
the reporting of neighborhood
We want the news that is
worth while. Discrimination is
a fine art. We woidd encourage
its cultivation by our correspond
ents, We appreciate the helpful
service rendered our news depart
ment by our excellent corps of
eorrespoiuleents, and it is in the
hope of adding to their effiscien
cy that we call attention to these
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