The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 23, 1910, Image 4

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Tin* state fair was the most successful in the history of the
state in every way. The exhibits were largr and belter, and the
attendance exceeded all past records llv fully L’tUMIO, t ic street ear
handled more people, the railroads sold more tickets, and tin* fail* i
people came out with a bigger surplus.
All these things show the growth of Nebraska, and the popular!
ity of Lincoln. They disprove the arguments of tin* s »ggy-wets !
that a dry town kills a state fair. It is .just as well to ncknowl- |
edge that. Tin* State I'upital.
4c * * ♦ * *
We do not wonder that some critics have represented Mr.
Roosevelt's Western tour as a preparation for a presidential
campaign in 1912, because we have long ceased to wonder at
the appearance of the small-minded man who cannot conceive that
a public service is ever rendered without hope of a personal re
ward. Such men are to be pitied, not blamed. They are dull
not coiTupt. They have never felt a throb of personal patriotism
themselves and therefore cannot recognize it in another. That a
man may volunteer to render service to the state in time of peace
as well as in time of war is beyond their intellectual power to con
ceive.—From the Outlook,
1 ^^
Richard L. Metcalt lias been a leader in the democratic party
in this state for nearly a quarter of a century. He has enjoyed
to a remarkable degree the friendship and confidence of the men
who have framed the policies of his party and have conducted its
campaigns during all these years. When such a man declines to
follow the order of "party regularity” and in an open letter thru
the newspapers tenders his support to the republican candidate for
governor, then we can all understand that a new era lias dawned
in Nebraska polities.
Pile incident is made all tin* more significant by the lint that
Mr. Dahlman is not personally offensive to Mr. Metcalf. If lie
consulted his private wishes Mr. Metcalf would prefer to give his
support to Mr. Dahliiian. ll In* consulted his present comfort and
his political future In* would now In* supporting the democratic
nominee, lie takes tin* thorny road <>t' party irregularity 1..
lie sees in hte campaign tin* liigggest issue raised in Nebraska
in recent; years, 1 hat is whether tin* interests that struck down
governor Sheldon because In* would not follow its counsel and de
feated governor Shallenherger because In* would not go about the
state with the brewery chain about his neck shall now he given
the complete control of Nebraska.
Mr. .Metcalf declines to In* a party In tin* destruction of popu
lai government in his state, and at enormous personal sacrifice
volunteers to do everything In* can to ward off the threatening
danger and disgrace. It requires more, than moral courage to take
this step with the cool deliberation shown by Mr. Metcalf than it
does t,, walk up to tin* cannon’s mouth amid the thrill and exal
tation of a battle. Applause coming from the republican side may
la* ignored ys partisan ami not disinterested, hut a large section of
tin* democratic party eau be depended upon to give Mr. .Metcalf
his rightful place as the greatest moral hero thus far developed in
this campaign. Lincoln Journal
>1* a. .i. .i. .a.
In order to win the most sweeping victory that has ever
marked an electoral contest on any issue in the history of this state*
it is only necessary to let the people thoroughly understand the
question involved.
“It is not a question of personal liberty. That is a fareial
piece ot political imbecility. We arc eonfrondte with an assault on
the civil liberties ot every man and woman in Nebraska, including
even the wives and children ot tin* political debauchees who
would hand this state over as a social and economic prison-pen
for the standings of the brewery and distilery.
“It is not a question of home rule, for the brewers’ pet candi
date for governor wants home rule for his town only, and hell rule
tor the rest ot the state. My his own declarations In* would in ef
fect abolish a co-ordinate branch of the state government by de
priving it ot its legitimate functions of legislation and would pros
titute the veto power by strangling legislation passed by represen
tatives of the people elected expressly for the purpose of enacting
the law.
thus committed social suicide; Im lect a brewers' politial tool who
has declared with brutal frankness in advance that he will assume
more despotic powers than even the king of England would dare
assume in the present century, you are bound by his acts because
the people elected him as their governor. This would be true
enough it the intelligence and patriotism of the state open-eyed
Mut politicians sav if you e it is an unfortunate fact that th
ousands of blinded, ignorant dup *s w ill vote for any man regard
less of his position, fitness, or qualifications, simply because In
is on their political party ticket.
“Hence the necessity of making dear the atmosphere of the
contest now on. It is not a contest, between the democratic and re
publican parties. It is politicalJ»ut it is not a partisan contest.
It is a square open tight between civilization and barbarism: it is
a death-grapple between the political hordes of a crime-breeding
man-destroying business and the unorganized army of morality,
progress and higher ideals of public and private life.
I mm a niisinoss standpoint, tin* sihhmlss of the brewers in ele
Nating their idol to the chief place of power in the state would be!
voiS(* than any tinaneial panic our state has ever withstood
The grasshopper plague of the sevuties would be a children's mer- j
ry-go-round compared to it. The blistering winds of the dry nine
ties would be heavenly zephyrs sweeping over the fields; and tin*1
uioial effect ot tlie success of the brewers' tool would umjuestion-!
ably result in multiplying the annual number of murders in Nehru
ska by ten. Business cannot thrive on immorality, vice and crime
toi the business man lias his home and family to proteet, and clean1
society and decent government to him are more than all the mon
ey in the world.
^ e must not let the dust of tin* gubernatorial contest blind
our eyes to the importance of the legislative tickets in every dis-l
tric-t. Look to your own district and defeat every brewers' tool
that is running on any and every ticket.
Licet (...hester II. Aldrich as (Joveruor and give him the
backing of a legislature which will he true to the intelligent andi
potriotic people of this great stat e.
F ASHION authority says: “No j
woman’s wardrobe is complete with- j
out a plain tailored suit. ’
In the wardrobe of every well-dressed woman there
should be at least one plain tailored suit.
To meet the need for a suit of high quality that is thor=
oughly practical and of a style that will be acceptable
for several seasons, we offer this Wooltex Business
Woman’s suit.
It will be useful for traveling, shopping, and general in =
formal wear, as well as for business.
The Wooltex label is your assujance that everything
about the suit is right from the style to the last bit of
finishing—and will stay right for two seasons.
When you examine the fine materials and the beautiful
tailoring, you will agree that the price is extremely mod
erate at $25.00.
Visit our suit department and see the beautiful display
of motor coats, evening wraps, dressy coats and suits
from $16 to $37.50.
! v v
The store that sells Wooltex
Consolidations—Falls City Tribune,
Humboldt Enterprise, liulo Record,
Crocker’s Educational Journal and
Dawson Outlook.
Entered as second-class matter at
r'allsCity, Nebraska, post office, Janu
»ry 12, l'*04, under the Act of Congress
on March 3,1879,
Published every Friday at Falls City
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing CompanA
Editor and Manager.
3ne year___SI.59
sis months .’>;>
Three months. 40
Rules For County Correspondents
All copy should reach this of
fice not Inter than Tuesday after
noon to insure publication.
Hereafter, we shall act on the
rule that what is worth doing is
worth doing right. Copy must l,e
eligible. Cor I ion copy and manu
script written with an impossible
pencil will find the waste basket.
He accurate, be sure, go to the
point at once. Avoid details as
much as possible. Get the news
| that is of general iuteerst. dont
use the paper to exploit the fam
ily. Observe the golden rule in
matters so apparently trivial as
the reporting of neighborhood
We want the news that is I
worth wlide. Discrimination is
a fine art. We would encourage
its cultivation by our correspond
ents. We appreciate the helpful
service rendered our news depart
ment by our excellent corps of
correspondeents. and it is in the
hope of adding to their efficien
cy that we call attention to these
A Good Position.
Can be had by ambitious young
men or ladies in the railway
or “wireless" telegraph service.
Since the eight-hour law became ef
fective, and since the extensive de
velopments of wireless telegraphy,
there is a shortage of about 10,000
telegraphers. Positions pay begin
ners $70 to $00 per month. We op
erate under supervision of Tele
graph officials and all graduates are
guaranteed positions. Write for
full details to the Institute nearest
to you. National Telegraph Insti
tute, Cineinnatti, O., Philadelphia. Pa.,
Memphis, Tenn., Columbia, S. C.,
St. Paul. Minn., Enid, Okla., Port
land, Ore.
“1 have a world of confidence*-in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
I have used it with perfect success,”
writes Mrs. M. I. Basford, Poolville,
Md. For sale by all druggists.
—We are buying apples, peaches,
and plums at the warehouse near the
mill. Let us 'tnow what you have to
offer Call phone 396 or 31Sa.—Heck
! __
! May, 1910, Term. Lincoln, Neb.
Saturday, September 17, 1910
Court opened pursuant to adjourn
ment, there being present:
Judge, Presiding.
. in the matter of
SELENA KITT, et al.,
This case coming on to bo heard
upon motion of lsnam Reavis, solic
itor for piaintitfs, for service by pub
lication upon defendants Charles .1.
, Plant, Rosa C. Plant, and Louis Plant,
aipi it having beta shown to the
court that said defendants diaries
J. Want, Rosa C. Plant, and Louis
I’ftiwt are not inhabitants of the dis
trict of Nebraska, can not be found
within said district, and have not
entered personal appearance in this
cause, it is ordered:
I hat said defendants, Charles .1.
Plant. Rosa C. Plant, and Louis Plant,
he, and are hereby, directed to ap
pear and plead, answer or demur, to
toe i om|iln,mints' bill, on or before
tlie 7th day of November, 1910, and
that in default thereof an order lie
entered in this cause taking the said
bill pro eonfesso.
n is turtiier ordered:
1 hat a copy of this order be pub
lished in the Falls City Tribune, a
newspaper published at Falls City in
the Nil id district, once a week for
six consecutive weeks, beginning on
the 24th day of September, 1910, and
that the clerk of this court mail a
copy of tins order instanter to last
known place of abode of the said de
fendants Charles J. Plant, Rosa C.
Plant, and Louis Plant, in said dis
trict, and a copy thereof to said Louis
Plant sit the town of Cement in the
slide of Oklahoma ami a copy there
I of each to Charles .1. Plant and Rosa
j C. Plant at the city of San Diego,
Dated: September IT. 1910.
.1 udge.
Geo. H. Thummel, Clerk, by ,1. H.
MeClay, Deputy.
Vnited States of America,
District of Nebraska. ( SS.
Lincoln Division.
I, Geo. H. Thummel. clerk of the
j Circuit Court of the United States
: tor the District of Nebraska, do here
by certify the above and foregoing
to be a true and correct copy of an
order entered upon the Journal of
the proceedings of said court in the
above entitled action on the day first
above written, as the same appears
of record in said office.
WITNESS, my hand and
the seal of said court, at Lin
coln in said district this
17th day of September, A. D.
Legal Notice.
To Charles P. Hillyen, or Charles
T. Hillyer, or C. L. Hillyen, and Will
iam Tynan, or Win. Tynar, and
George A. Kennard Grocery Company
and to the unknown heirs and devi
sees, if there be any, of the said
Charles P. Hillyen, or Charles T.
HfUyer, or C. L. Hillyen, and William
Tynan, or Wm. Tynar, non-resident
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 30th day of
August, 39JO, Clarence H. Wiltse,
plaintiff herein, filed his petition in
the district court of Richardson
county, Nebraska, against you, the
above named defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to quiet
the title to Lots No. one (11, two (2),
and three (3), in block .Yo. twenty
three (23), in A. R. Nim’s addition
to the village of Humboldt, Nebraska,
in the plaintiff, and to remove any
cloud upon said title of said plain
tiff, which may be due to, or may
exist by virtue of any mortgage or
deed which may be held or claimed
by any of said defendants upon, to
or covering said real estate, and to
cancel any interest or claim which any
of said defendants may claim in and
to said premises by virtue of any of
said deeds or mortgages, and for a
decree of said court, finding that
said Clarence H. Wiltse, has, hv
himself and through his immediate
grantors, had peaceeable, open,
notorious adverse and exclusive
possession of said real estate for a
period of more than ten years im
mediately preceding the filing of
said petition, for a decree of said
court forever quieting the title of
plaintiff to said premises and for
ever barring and enjoining any and
all of said defendants from claim
ing or asserting any title or inter
est therein and confirming the title
in the plaintiff herein.
You, and eacli of you, are requir
t'd to answer said petition on on
before the 10th day of October, 1910.
* Dated August 30, 1910.
By JOHN WILTSE, Attorney.
First publication Sept 2, 4 times.
Legal Notice,
In the District Court For Richard
son Cbunty, Nebraska.
A. D. Anuis, Plaintiff,
C. I!. McColm, N. E. McColm, whose
real and first names are unknown,
and William J. Nelson, Defendants.
The above named defendants, C.
R. McColm and X. E. McColm, whose
real and first names are unknown,
and William .1. Xelson will take no
tice that the above named plaintiff
on the 18th day of August, 1910, filed
his petition in equity in the Rich
ardson County District Court against
them, the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage
given by said defendants to one Wal
lace Benjamin on July 1, 1909, se
curing a certain note for $2,7."0.00
given to said Benjamin on said date,
which said mortgage and note were
duly assigned to the plaintiff here
in on the 23rd day of March, 1910,
which said assignment is recorded in
Book 41, page 13, of the records of
said county, said mortgage being up
on the north half of the northeast
quarter, and the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter, except ten
(10) acres in a square out of the
southwest corner of said south
west quarter, all in Section nine (9),
and the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter except three and
a half (31-) acres out of the north
west corner thereof, and the south
half of tne northeast quarter, and
the northeast quarter of the south
east quarter, and the southeast quar
ter of the southeast quarter except
three (3) acres thereof owned by
Robert Bodle, all in Section eight (8),
and the east twenty-one and sixty-two
one hundredth (21.62) acres of the
northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of Section Sixteen (16), all
in Township three, (3), Range seven
teen (17), containing six hundred
and five (605) acres more or less, in !
Richardson County, Nebraska, said
mortgage being recorded in Book 35,1
Page 593 of the Mortgage Records I
of Richardson County.
You will answer or otherwise plead
to said petition on or before the 3rd
day of October, 1910, or the allega
tions therein 'ontained will be taken
as confessed and a decree entered
in accordance with the prayer of
said petition.
A. 1). ANNIS, Plaintiff.
Att'ys for Plaintiff.
First, publication Aug. 26, 4 times.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that the
Falls City, Nebraska, has been this
day incorporated, with its principal
place of business at Falls City, Rich
ardson county, Nebraska; the gen
eral nature of the business to be
retailing and wholesaling of lumber
and building supplies; the amount of
capital stock authorized is twenty
five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) di
vided into shares of one hundred
($100.00) dollars each, the same to
be paid for in cash, or in property
of the fair equivalent there
to, at the time of the
issuance of said stock; said corpora
tiui to commence August 15. 1010
and terminate August 15th, 1935; the
hr.'.nest amount of indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation is
tit any time to subject itself is fixed
at two-thirds of the capital stock
issued and paid for; and the affairs
of the corporation are to be con
ducted by four (4) directors select
ed from among the stockholders, and
by a president, vice-president, sec
retary and treasurer, selected from
among the directors.
August 15, 1910.
0 0
o The Tribune Boosters o
° o
o The Tribune is organiz- o
o ing a system for more o
o effectively advertising our o
o home industries, products, o
o and scenery. We ask in- o
o terested parties to meet us o
o half way in this work. We o
o are prepared to print post o
o cards of local views, when o
o proper cuts are furnished, o
o We desire to run a first o
o page local feature in The o
o Tribune each week. All o
o we ask is that parties wish- o
o ing to have their views o
o printed furnish suitable o
o cuts. We are also contem- o
o plating the publishing of o
o an illustrated manual of o
o Richardson county in the o
o near future. We are on- o
o ly hindered from going o
o ahead more rapidly by the o
o initial cost of the work. If o
o each one will contribute his o
o mite it will be possible to o
o produce something that is o
o worth while, and that will o
a awaken a proper appre- o
3 ciation for the things at o
3 home. Get a half tone cut o
3 of your home or business o
3 and join the line of boost- o
3 ers. o