The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 23, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
11. K. ('lark of Kansas City is it
town on business.
Gene Plasters anti Carl Baldwin;
spent Sunday in Auburn.
L. O. Ciphers and wife were
Shubert visitors on Monday.
Mrs. Cabal Bryant of Omaha is
visiitng her sister Mrs. •!. M.
Mrs. Byral Day of Long Beach,
Cal., is visiting her mother Mrs.
Wm. .Mooer,
M. W. Knapp and wife were
Stella visitors Thursday, and took
in the picnic.
Miss Allen of Auburn is visit
ing her cousin Dr. A. W. Mont
gomery and wife.
Mrs. Thomas Hale and children
are spending the week with rela
tives at Rock Port Mo.
.Jewel Clieeuy and wife arrived
Monday form New Orleans and
will spend some time visiting old
friends in Stella and vicinity.
Mrs. W. Lytle and son Simon
of Lincoln are visiting old triends
in Stella.
.John Timerman of Sahetha Kas
was visiting his brothers the lat
ter part of last week.
Mrs. DouRliiTty, unu little
daughter from St. Paul visited in
Stella several days last week.
.laeob Swihart and wife return
ed last week from their summer
visit in Kansas and Colorado,
with their children.
(i. F. Ailor returned Friday
from a months visit with relatives
,u| utuiJl.ii4\ |su \\ pmt i»ihiHji4\ u;
was sick all the time he was away
Howard Plasters went to bin
eoln the latter part of last week
and will again enter the I Diversi
Mart (loolsby and wife and
grandson Tom Coolshy ol Falls
City visited Stella relatives last
Mrs. .lohn Henderson and Miss
Willa visited in Shubcrt Sunday
at the homo of doe Henderson.
A. d. < ’urtis has purchased the
residence of VV. II. Ilogrefe where
Mr. 1‘ixley lives and will move
there the first of the month.
Miss Virginia Ailor of Auburn
spent Sunday with her grandpar
ents Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ailor.
Mrs. 10. Wither lias been visit
ing relatives in Kansas for sever
al weeks but is expected home
this week.
Irene Wilson ot mnnmi was
quite sick with diphtheria Hie
and Mrs. Percy Montgomery.
Wiley 1 lodge and wife arrived
Friday form California t<» visit
their parents Mrs, Mattie Hodge
past weeeks. She is at the home o
her grandmother Mrs. M. Hodge.
Mrs. Townoumker and dnughte
Lola of Beatrice are \ Biting her
sou Li* Kov (irilliths and lamil\.
The L. 11. II. gave a surprise at
the home of Mrs. K. AA heeler last
Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs
A. L. Adams. She was persented
with a souvinier spoon with the
initials L. II. 11. engraved on it.
sherbet and cake were served by
the club.
Alls-- Iva Chaney returned Sat
purday from Kansas City, where
she had been visiting her sister.
Airs. Alary Foster of (luthrio.
Okln. is at the home of her pa
rents Air. and Airs. Win. Moore.
D. AY. Bryant and wife are no\y!
settled in their new home in the
south part of town.
A. L. Adams moved his house
hold goods to Omaha the lirst M
the week and will hereafter be a
resident of that city.
The electric light plant chang
ed management last Thursday.
John Brenner and Joshua Curtis
will have charge.
Little Alildred Wixon died at
the home of her foster parents Mr
AVes. Nedrow and Frances
Saturday, Sept. 17. The remains
were brought to Stella, Alonday
morning and the funeral was held
at the Lutheran church in the
afternoon. She was buried at
Prairie Union. She was six years
of age and was the youngest
daughter of tVm. Wixon. She
had been in the Stanley home
since the death of her mother
when she was a babe.
The Stella pienie hist Thursday
was a decided success. The
weather could not have been bet
ter had it been ordered. The
crowd was the largest ever at the
annual pienie. There was plenty
of free amusement for every one
A hall game in the forenoon lie
tween Hrock and Stella resulted
in a defeat for Hrock 10 to 2. In
the afternoon the game between
Falls City and Teeumseh was one
of the best ever played inStella,
Falls City winning the game, 1 to
<). Wolf of Atchison, Kuns. vis
ited with friends this week.
Miss Mary Kigs of Shubert was
calling on friends here, Sunday
R. II. Dunn and family spent
Sunday at the farm with home
Mrs. M. S. dim meson and chil
dren of McCook are visiting her
father, das. Stephenson.
Mrs. Nellie White and daughte
Maude of Folk <’o.. Mo. are visit
ing the family of Wilford Orr.
Walker Butler and S. F. Butler
and .Mi’s. Brace Fletcher of Ills.,
visited this week with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Butler en
tertained at dinner. Sunday, the
families of K. Butler, M. M. Hen
dricks, II. Martin, A. H. Butler
and .1. A. Martin in honor of vis
it ing relatives.
>1. I. Martin returned, Saturday
Irom a two weeks visit at various
Iowa points.
(\ II. Martin marketed a load
of hogs in St. doe the first of
the week. 0
Saturday .Mrs. H. K. Butler and
Miss Kiltie Butler entertained
their Sunday s.•'Iioel classes at the
country home of the former. The
children were conveyed thither in
carriages and a most delightful
.. was enjoyed by the little
ones. Delicious refreshments
were Nerved.
Kdgar Brine of Shenandoah. Io
wa, is visiting friends and rela
tives here.
A meeting for the organization
of a heading Circle for the teach
ers and all who are interested,
will he held in the Barada school
house Friday evening Sept. .'10.
Scotty Weissinger is quite sick
with typhoid fever, but is do
ing as well as can he expected.
Bernard Duerfeldt is carrying
his arm in a sling. Blood poison
ing was threatened. Dr. Van Os
del who is treating the arm an
ticipates no serious results.
Dr. VanOsdel reports a girl
at the home of Otis Sailors, horn
the lath. Also a little gild at
the home of Moses Barr.
•lolui Vaught and wife of Stella
visited with \V. F. Butlers.
Tlie .Misses Way Were guests
of Nellie Knisely, Sunday,
Miss Otn Fisher was a guest of
Mrs. (). |». Prichard Saturday.
Alison Knisely and wife were
guests of Lloyd Knisely mid wife
•Mrs. Sailors of near Barada \v, 3
the guest of Airs. Chester Stump.
Monday, afternoon.
Lewis Hunt and family spent
Sunday with P. K. Shaffer and
Wesley Ned row and Franeis
Stump and their families were
entertained at the home of Wallie
Stump and family. Sunday.
Marseilles and .Marvel Stump
of Falls City visited at Lewis
Hurts one day recently.
•John Reisehiek and family
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Meyers.
\ era Shatter is spending this
week assisting Airs. Chester
Stump in her preparations to
move to Hastings.
Mrs. N. Peek and two children
were guests at the home of F. M.
Shafer and family.
Manley and Lulu Stump return
ed from Manley this week where
they have been visiting.
II. .1. and O. It. and Geo. Prich
ard and their families spent Sun
day near Verdun at the home of
Kd Auxier and family, Coon
Prichard and family weer there
Willi amsvi lie
Kiltie Scott Wissinger is ill wit I
typhoid fever.
Miss Amanda Duerfeldt has re
turned from Omaha, where she ha
been working for Mr. Hanson.
I. A. Dunn went to Kails City
one day last week.
Mr. Henry Butler spent Sunday
at home returning to Humboldt
again on Monday.
Eugene Dunn, who went to Lin
-«M JlHJ .l|»JS -M|| pU.>4|t( 04 U[0.)
turned to his home last week.
M. M. Hendricks bought a bunch
of cattle of R. d. Dunn, recently.
G. W. Duerfeldt was in Falls
City , last week.
Oust Neimoler gave a card par
ty to his many friends Saturday
Deter Shilling and Mrs. Annie
were Kalis City visitors last week
Miss Ella Wissinger has been
on the sick list,
luads uosiiiin||i,w ’'pj’i.V SS'!IV
Sunday at I. A. Dunns.
N, A. Arnold and family spent
Sunday at ('has Steinhrink's, nea
E. E. Butler and family spent
Sunday in Barada at the home
of W. K. Butler.
Miss Kurile Koso spent Sunday!
'll |’,.h|’,,1(I '*) ‘k-'TC l'»w '-MV P{ i
11a 11>li Stabler was in town
Sunday night with his auto.
William Gentry and family
went to Kalis City, Saturday.
William Tiehen was severely
burned in an explosion of gaso
line. Monday night.
Mrs. W. Spurlock was called
to Kails City, Wednesday by the
illness of her uncle, I. L. Mead.
•I. lx. Ilegester of Bogard, Mo.
was the guest of his grand son
K. W. Boyd a few days last week.
Miss Myrtle Kasley left last
Tuesday morning to attend the ag
rieultural college at Manhattan,
Mrs. I). W. Scott. Mrs. M. B.
Miller, and George Mieheals and
family of Morrill visited the fam
ily of K. W.Jloyd last Sunday.
Mrs. George Jennings was up
from Kails City the first of the
week keeping house for her fath
er during the absence of her
mot her.
Mrs. d. K. Campbell spent a
few days the first of the week in
Sabetlia, th ■ guest of Mrs. Brooks.
I’lie Outlook printing plant was
moved into the old storeroom of
Shildneek Bros. Saturday. A
copy of the new “Standard”
was also handed round.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Knuiiert,
who have been in California since
spring are hack again. They ex
pect to leave again soon for Okla
homa where Mr. Kmmert has pur
chased property.
Miss Dorothea Wittwer left for
Bern. Monday where she will at
tend school.
Will Build
You Up
and Make
You Strong
Old people, tired, weak,
run down people, delicate
children, frail mothers, and
those recovering from severe
illness, this is a fact.
Thousands of genuine tes
timonials from reliable peo
ple prove this claim, and to
further support the fact and
prove our faith in what we
say, we unhesitatingly de
clare that any one who will
try a bottle of VINOL will
have their money returned
without question if they are
not satisfied that it did them
LaiiiiBiiaiiiiiaiB^HiiilB^HBnr*'' •vx<MKrn..r^..
THERE’S a lot of money
here and in this vicinity. f,
Possessors of t hat money |
read this paper; they swear 1 y
it. They want to he shown.
If your goods are right, they I
want to buy. This paper f
talks to that money at regular |
intervals. It’s money that j
talks nack and t.Jks hack j
strong. Get your share—do \
your talking thru; h our ad- jj
vertising column. |
Ucnatta&r.u • - msxxi *r; -t ■vhk*raaj fJ
<Oupy right. JA. i • '
£##Y*»6ht my
0fOA»( 5 roHiuH
Miller Bros. 101 Ranch, Real Wild
West, in Falls City, Sat., Sept. 24
Community Interests
_____ _ »
Did you ever stop to think how much we all depend upon one
another. As St. Paul said, “Different members, but all of the
same body.” if the eye, or the hand, or the foot refuses to do
its work the whole body'is hampered, and hence one cannot say
to the other, “I have no need of thee.” The same is true with
the varied interests of this community where we live. The
farmer, the merchant, the doctor, the'lawyer, the banker all
depend on one another, and for any one of the number to refuse
to recognize this is to throw’ our whole business machine out of
joint. In anger a man says, ”1 can do business without you ”
Perhaps he can, but not so good us with “you.” To buy goods
away from home, or to send your money away from home for
deposit is to ignore the claim the commpnitv has on you. As
bankers we wish to acknowledge this claim always and feel that
"turn about is fair play.” Your money on deposit with us aids
in building up and making more prosperous this community in
which you live, and general prosperity always means individual
prosperity. \Ve shall be glad to see your name often on the tail
end of our checks.
Farmers State Bank
is expected. Can't have it tho
without careful painstaking as
to your person. The first care
to be considered is
Bad teeth and foul breath are
synonymous. Steer clear of
both by patronizing these den
tal parlors. We assist nature
and work wonders in assisting
to beautify and preserve the
teeth. Work is guarranteed.
Dr. Yutzy, Dr. C. E. Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska
if it comes from here. Even
our most inexpensive trinkets
have a beauty above the comon.
carelessly as you will you can
not fail to he impressed with
its evident good taste and ar
tistic excellence. We have
plenty of pretty things you
aught to see. Come and have a
look at them.
R. B. Simpson.Falls City
Of the Big Horn Basin and the Yellowstone Valley
are today the garden spots of the country. Several farms are now
ready to homestead, and the Government Surveyors are laying out
more new farms for new settlers who are lucky enough to get on the
ground in time to get the choice ot these new locations. Our new
literature just frcm the press tells how you can homestead these
b irds and repay the government the actual cost of the water right
in ten yearly payments wituout interest.
Carey Act Lands—Several thousand acres of Carey Act
Lards just opened for entry—only thirty days residence required.
The settler buys these lands from the State and the perpetual water
right Ire in the irrigation company. Long time given to settlers to
pay for these lands and water rights.
Join our personally conducted excursions the 1st or 3rd Tues
duv of each month.
Specially Prepared Wyoming Literature just off the
press. Write*for it today.
■' aw—WMC—
D. CLESV! DEAVER, General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Ncbr.
Let Us Figure With You
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13— Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. ir..
No. 43— Portland Exp.10:17 p. m.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. m
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m
East Bound
No. 14—St. J., K. C & St. L .7:38 a. tn.
No. 44—St. J., K. C. & St. L .3:37 a. tn
No. 10—St. J., K & St. L. .4:22 p. tn
No. 42—St. J , K C. & St. L. .4:35 p. m
No 122—From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p m.
E. L. WHITFOKD, Agent.
— Eat Sowle’s Candy.
Missouri Pacific
Trains East
Tr. 104—St Louis Exp. 2:10 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas Cit3r Exp.. 3:40 a. m.
Tr. 132—K. C. Local.*7:30 a. m.
Tr. 102—Local Freight.*9:40 a. m.
Tr. 138—Omaha Local, ar. .*9:00 p. m.
Trains West
Tr 103—Omaha Linco’n Ex. 1:50 p. m.
Tr. 105—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a. m.
Tr. 137—Omaha local.*7:15 a. m.
Tr. 191—Local Freight.*1:20 p. m.
Tr. 131—Kansas City Lo. ar.*8:15 a. m.
*Dail)r excert Sunday.
E. E. MARK. Agent.
A good farm for sale, north of Falls
City. Enquire of W. H. Maddox.