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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1910)
Henry G. Smith LANDS & LOANS v _ J r 240 acres well improved, li miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres 1>4 niiies from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and laud. Vt ill take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 160 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000. 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres K-mile from Ralls City high scbool. 640 acres, 98,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 160 acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. Money to loan. ^ ___i AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE DR MORSMAN TALKS OF CAS TOR OIL AND ITS SUE Castor Oil is a familiar family remedy, very widely used and es pecially for children not old enough to dictate to their el ders. The oil is obtained from the castor bean by pressure. The plant is called Uieinus Communis or Palma Christi and it is extensively cultivated in this country. The “cold pressed” oil is nearly colorless, thick and vis cid. It hasn’t very much taste, but what it has, isn't good. In manufacturing oil by the cold pressure process, the beans are freed from_ hulls and clean ed, then very slightly heated and placed in a hydraulic press and heavy pressure applied. The re sulting oil is high colored and rank and must lie cleaned and pit ified by repeatedly mixing with warm water and skimming. This removes the impurities among which is on emetic principal, which cannot he absolutely re moved tluit causes tlie slight feeling of neaiisea which is apt to follow n dose of Castor Oil. This is the only process used in this country for the preparation "I high grade oil but, a cheap oil is made by boiling tile beans in water and skimming off the nil that rises to the surface. \o‘ rare is taken with this cheap product and it is only used for lubricating purposes. <treat cart* must bo taken in llie manutaeture of high grade •'asittr oil. Overheating or slight rancidity will spoil the produet. In medical practice Hit' oil has been largely used as a eartbartie lor so long a time that we are unable to say when it was first used and it is still in high re gard among medical men. It is the best and most effective SIM ITjK purgative known and finds its greatest beneficial effects in the treatment of the diseases of children. It does not act upon the liver lint stimulates the mus cular coats of the intestines and ■‘he intestinal glands. In some conditions it -is almost the only laxative that can he used even for adults, hut. its special adap lion is to childhood. I he No. 1 ( astor Oil of com merce is n very good article and does very Well. A little finer oil sold as medicinal castor oil can also be had and the aromatic eas ’o” oi| sometimes called “tastc • i tor oil is most excellent. I ' is aromatic oil is put up as ' "ts under various names sin'1' • s • Cnx-'d", “('astro-lax.,f It is medicinal castor oil sweetened with sacelumiiie (sugar can not be us ’ and flavored with aronudi s. An emulsion can be made with sugar and flovor ings that is very easily taken lug the dose has to be greatly in creased. I lie greatest drawback to eas-‘ tor oil is the taste and slight nausea it produces. This is prc'tv well overcome in the aromatic preparation. Castor oil can also be taken easily in milk or imt collet*. It is quite often RP08( •I'*tl!AV CJKUOq.llt.) HI U,)>H*J water1 at tin* fountain. t apsules ot castor oil have not been very successful. The dose is too large for capsules and Kit inol * >rape" a patent medi cine claiming to contain castor Oil in capsules has something else to increase its activity. Probab ly njoin. tin* active uyineiplo of aloes. , Ik i no «lose of eimtor oil an adult is»iml| an ounce *ir one birge tabelspoonful; Tor amiild of t‘o !r nr five yearr oner teaspoon Pd. It is not necessary to be \ cry accurate children hear eas +°r Oil much better than adults iind it is all eliminated and is not dangerous. Castor oil be comes rancid if exposed to the air but will keep for a Jong time in well corked bottles. Keep your boftle Avell corked for a very little rancidity develops a rank taste. The aromatic castor oil docs noS become rancid readily. This is very much the best preparation to use. A. MORSMAN, M D. THE COMERS AND GOERS HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. —Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building. —The Candy Kitchen for brick Ice ■ream. W. I). Kssley was down from Lincoln to spend, Sunday. Miss Anna Sell of Farragut la. is visiting the family of J. A. Ilill Miss Lois Spencer returned Saturday from a visit with friend in Lincoln. Harry Craig is now (deriving fo t lie MeM illan I)rug < 'o. Amos Yodder is now employed in the grocery department at K. A. Dittmar’s. Mrs. Alivsilla I’owell left Mon day for Sabetlia, Ivans, to v isit her daughter, Mrs Met/,. Miss Anna Fiel of Farragut. Iowa is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. R. ILII Miss field arrived Saturday from Lincoln and is again in her place in tin* 11 igh School. Miss Kli/.aheth l’l'aun left Sun day for Nebraska City for a week visit witli her parents. Hen lleichcrs came over from Craig. Mo. to spend Sunday with his parents. Alvin and Frank Porr of Hum boldt were down to spend Sunday wit b Falls ('ity friends. Mrs. N. K. Thomas retnnlpd Friday to her home in Omaha aft er a weeks visit with the Misses Keim. Kay Patterson of Kansas ( ity paid a week-end visit to the family of II. Xorthdorf, returning to the (‘ity Sunday Charlie Shafts left Sunday for Colorado where he will locate if lie finds the climate agrees with him. Mrs. (luyer Yates returned Saturday to her home in Omaha after a visit u it h her parents I. I'. Mead and wife. Mr. and Mrs. X. |’>. Sharp wore railed to Omalfci Monday lieeause of the illness of their son-inlaw, Mr. McFarland. Miss Nellie Kerr of St. Louis arrived last Friday to trim for Miss Hannah Anderson of the Mon- Ton. Miss Walters of Chicago Heights arrived last Saturday ami will teach music and drawing in the public schools. Miss Mamie Mitchel returned Wednesday to her home in St. .ho alter spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. tieorgo Moyer. Misses Klizaheth, Ihirthy, and Marjory Steele returned, Friday from a visit with their aunt, Mrs. Samuclson in Lincoln. -'Iins t atlierine Maddox lett last I lui.sday tor Mead. Xebras l;a where she " ill teach during til eomming vea r. •>l \ . 11 ill of Sionx t 'ity and Kay Zimmerman of Hiawatha were guests over Sunday of W. L. White's family. Mr. Kay Could eaine down from Omaha to spend Sunday with his family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I*. S. Ueaeoek. Mrs. tleorge Shields and her soi Berline, returned Sunday from a weeks visit with relatives in Fair hurv.Xehr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber of New York left Monday for their home after spending the sum mer with Mrs. Barber's parents Mr. and Mrs. . A. Dittmar. Miss Battles of Miles City, Mont, teacher of Unglish in the High School arrived last Friday ready for the opening of the Fall Footwear FOR EVERYONE H M. Jenne Shoe Store. ' schools, Monday. ? Miss Myrtle Bowers roturnnrd last Friday from Gridley, Ills, where she spent the summer with relatives. Mrs. Huntington is having a va cation from duties at the Penee Hittle store and is visiting with relatives in Superior, Fremont an Omaha. Mrs. ('a roly no Tanner returned I Saturday from a two weeks visit with her son, Will Tanner and I family in Arapahoe. .Miss Jessie Lang came from her homo in University Place last Friday and will teach 4th. grade inCcntral School the coming year. Miss Kfale Brown Came up from Kansas City last Friday and will teach domestic science in our schools. Mrs. Claud Fordyce left Thurs day for her home in Broken Bow after a three weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mad* dox. Mrs. Cooper was called from her home in Itoekport, Mo., last Thursday by the serious illness of her father, Charles Uhlig. Hov. Day was quite ill the lat ter part of last week and unable to preach Sunday, lie is much improved at this writing. L. C. Manger and nephew, Davi < -row.returned Friday from a trip to Colorado where they were mem hers of a camping party at Ward Colo. Mrs. Manger remained on a longer visit. C. II. Kerr left Friday for Iola, Kansas, to see his sister Daisy KerrCamcron in ‘Nancy’. From there he went to Hannibal Mo. to join the Company of which his wife is a member. Miss Frances Lookabill came down from Beatrice, Saturday and again has charge of the 7th. Grade, Central, and is also Prin cipal of that school. Mrs. Willard Sears returned Saturday from a visit with her mother in Beaver City, Nebr. It. . Reelhorn of Chicago is as sistant to Prof. Darner in the business college. Miss Grace Thayer who will teach 7th. and 8th. grades in the' High School, arrived in our city last Friday. Miss Minnie McDonald returnee Friday from Council Bluffs,Iowa, | whore she spent several weeks with the family of her brother. ] Miss Nellie Ride came home last Saturday from St. doe where she visited her aunt, Mrs. Glen Curtis for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Corat hers re turned Saturday from their wed ding trip and after spending Sun day at tlu* l’otoet home left for Syracuse, where they will make their home. WATCH TALK THE HAPPIEST BOY IS THE ONE WHO COT A WATCH FOR XMAS OR ON HIS BIRTHDAY A Watch from Our Store Will Bring Happiness to Anyone, the Boy or Girl the Man or Woman. No other store offers you such a large assortment of fine watches to select from. Look 'em over. DAVIES & OWENS JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Miss Inez Waehtel left last Fri day for Blanchard, la. where she will teach in the public school du ing the coining year. T. D. Ilinuuelreich went to Om aha, Tuesday to meet eastern salesmen and buy for the A. K. Dittmar firm, lie went to Lin coln also, to set1 the display made by several eastern houses at the state fair. Harry Pence went to Lincoln Friday night taking with him a supply of plants from the green j house for the Siamonton & Pence display. Mrs. Pence and son Ted went up Sunday to remain with ! Mr. Pence during the Fair. Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. Brink j left last .Saturday for Apple Riv i er Ills, where they will make thoi ; home. Their household goods wer shipped last week. The doctor ex | peets to open an office at once an i continue his practice of medicine. Tl.iey have the best wishes for sue As usually treated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three or four weeks, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the in jury is received, and observing the directions with each bottle, a cure can be affected in from two to four days. For sale by all druggists. Diarrhoea is always more or less prevalent during September. He pre pared for it. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effectual. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all drneeists. ~■ I MARKET LETTER. ent at Kansas City. Letter From our Regular Correspond Kansas City Stock Yards, !)-•>, 1910. Last week was satisfactory to the seling side in the cattle market, the general market mak ing a net gain of 10 to 15 cents, after a bad start Oil Monday. Demand was strong from all the killers, who filled big orders, tho protesting that stocks of dressed beef are heavy. The run to-day is 22,000 head, moderate for a liol idayin September, but held down somewhat by the fact that to-day is labor-day. The hog market advanced 33' cents net last week, which makes a total gain of *1.25 per cwt., on an average, in til'd last four weeks Heavies have gained more than that, and lights less. Huns aro.soi light that packers have no time to fight the markdt, hut have to scramble to get a decent propor-j tion of their orders filled. Wild predictions aiv being mud^. as to September markets, some going so far as to saV top prices last,spring will again be reached. At pres ent the market is as high as any time since last April. Run is 3500 to-day, market 5 to 15 highci j light bogs at $9.(50 to $9.77, me dium weights 9.50 to 9.70, heavies $9.35 to 9.55. W. C. T. U. Temperance puts wood on the. fire, meal in the barrel, folur in the tub, money in the purse, con tentment in the home, credit in the country, clothes on the back, vi«*nr I will pay for Butter Fat.29 cents Hens. 10 cents Spring Chickens.11 centi Fresh Eggs.16 cents Bring your Cream to me. L. L. ALDRICH, Falls City V. G. fejjford Falls Citp Nebr. Newest Models in Corsets The new styles in W. B and Warners' Rust Proof Corsets are in. These makes need no introduction, their merits have been proven and you know you are getting the highest measure of wear by any Corset. Prices from 50 cents to $5.00. Sweaters will be wanted We have anticipated a large demand for Sweaters * and bought a full assortment direct from one of the lar gest makers. Whites, Browns, Greens, Reds and Combi nations. Very special values at $2.00, $2.50 and up to $5. Also, Misses and Children’s at 50 cents to $2.00. Mendels House Dresses and Wrappers and Kimonas ""■■■ .. 1 .. - I I We do not often name a maker of lines we carry1 but there are so many inferior and poorly made gar-? ments of the above sorts that we wish to call your at tention to the make and to assure those who have noti bought them, that Mendel’s brand is as well made as our) $25.00 suits whether it be a Dressing Sacque at 50J cents or a House Dress at $3.50. The prices are low, the fabrics are all reliable. j Suits, Dresses, Coats, Skirts ■——-—* * s •Our Ready to Wear Department is full of new g'aiF me»ta,.; We handle no ctyea^ made, sweEtT~*'Shop stuff. Shipments are coming in daily'afffl^a'^''the: strike ln”<l#ew York Oity has been settled we shqll soon have our orders all filled complete. Do not delay your buying "as th* first choice is always the best Rugs, Linoleums, • ' Carpets, Mattings ’ i — At no time in our career in Falls City has this de partment been so complete in its assortments. Do not pass us in your looking. ^ f a---.-1 ii.’a#i»i| ’ ... ,