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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1910)
Kindness Pays. A beautiful German story re lates how one day a little girl, named Jeanette* witnessed a great army review. Thousands upon thousands of spectators crowded around the stand before which the emperor was to watch the passing regiments. While J< anuette was seated in the st in '. she saw an old, feeble woman trying ver\ hard to geet where she could set The little German girl said to herself, “It is not light for me 1.* sit here, when 1 am string and well and can stand, wild; that poor, feeble old can see nothing. I ought to honor old age, as I want some one to honor me when 1 am old. Then she gave up her seat to the old woman, and went and stood in the crowd. But while Jean nette was standing upon her tip toes, trying in vain to see, a courtier of the emperor, covered with gold lace, elbowed his way to her side, as lie said, “Little girl, her majesty would lx* pleas ed to see you in the royal box.” When the abashed child stood before the empress, she gracious ly said, “Come here, my daugh ter* and sit with me. I saw you give up your seat to that old woman, and now you must remain by my side.” So God honors those who honor his servants, and no act of kindness will go un rewarded.—Our Dumb Animals. zo 00000000000 000 O 0 o DO IT NOW o o Settle lip all arrears and o o get the Tribune free from o o now until January 1 1911. o o o OflOOO 0 0 000000000 Butter and Butter Substitutes. T1h> majority of people eat but ter anil much prefer it to any of the substitutes which have been put upon tbe market. However, a great many people must use a substitute on account of the high prices which prevail during cer tain months of the year. Oleomargarine is the most com mon substitute for butter and millions of pounds of this product are consumed each year. The dif ference in cost of production be tween oleomargarine and butter is'so great that when butter is retailed at forty cents per pound, oleomargarine may be retailed at twenty cents per pound at as great a profit to the dealer. The person who chooses to pur chase the substitute should he al lowed to do so and he should be required to pay only the price of the substitute. The difference in price between the genuine pro duct and the substitute is so great that dealers are tempted toj sell the latter for the former. On ly by requiring that the consumer may differentiate between the two articles can honest traffic in the substitute be insured. This was contemplated by con gress when the present internal l revenue tax of 10 cents per pound was levied upon “artifieally col-] ored oleomargarine.” Many peo ple think that all oleomargarine is taxed ten cents per pound. It is not a fact. Oleomargarine that1 is artifieally colored so that the consumer cannot distinguish it from butter is the only oleo-i mragarine that is thus taxed.' When it is put upon the market in its natural color it is only tax ed one-fourth of one cent per lb. It is only when the product is made to look like butter so that it may he fraudulently sold as butter tlial a burdensome tax is • imposed upon it. The imposition of the tax is not to suppress the sale of oleomargarine or to make it more expensive to tbe consum er, but to prevent fraud in its sale. National Dairy Union, St. Paul, Minn. A Good Position. Can be had by ambitious young men or ladies in the railway or “wireless” telegraph service. Since the eight-hour law became ef fective, and since the extensive de velopments of wireless telegraphy, there is a shortage of about 10,000 telegraphers. Positions pay begin ners $70 to $110 per month. We op erate under supervision of Tele graph officials and all graduates are guaranteed positions. Write for full details to the Institute nearest to you. National Telegraph Insti tute, Cincinnatti, O., Philadelphia, Pa., Memphis, Tenn., Columbia, S. C., St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Port land, Ore. Digestion and Assimilation. It is not the quantity of food tak en but the amount digested and assim Hated that gives strength and vi tality to the system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigor ate the stomach and liver and epablc them to perform their function*' nai urally. For sale by all druggist*. Chum With Your Opposite. It is a fine idea for the busi ness girj to churn with her oppo site. It' you are inordinately in clined to gayety or laziness. a serious, intellectual friend will tone you up. If you need toning down iu the way of n tvcs and a too strenuous ambition, find a friend who loves physical exer cise, jokes, dressmaking and housekeeping. If you are a natural horn an chorite, try to hobnob with the girl who gives fudge parties and sees the world from another an gle. That’s the sensible way to lower the average, don’t you think so.’ Boston Herald. Cosmopolitan Magazine. Wanted, Cosmopolitan Maga zine requires the services of it representative in Falls City to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by spec ial methods which have proved unusually sucesst'ul. Salary com mision. Previous experience de sirable hut not essential. Whole time or spare time. Address with references, II. C. Campbell, Cos mopolitan Magazine, 178!) Broad way, New York City. Legal Notice. To Charles I’. Hillyen, or Charles T. Hillyer, or C. L. Hillyen, and Will iam Tynan, or Wm. Tynar, and George A. Kennard Grocery Company and to the unknown heirs and devi sees, if there be any, of the said Charles P. Hillyen, or Charles T. Hillyer, or C. L. Hillyen, and William Tynan, or Wm. Tynar, non-resident defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 30th day of August, 31* I*>, Clarence 11. Wiltse, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Richardson county, Nebraska, against you, the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title to Lots No. one (1), two (2), and three (3), in block No. twenty three (23), in A. R. Nim's addition to the village of Humboldt, Nebraska. in the plaintiff, and to remove any cloud upon said title of said plain tiff, which may be due to, or may exist by virtue of any mortgage or deed which may be held or claimed by any of said defendants upon, to or covering said real estate, and to cancel any mteresi or claim which any of said defendants may claim in and to said premises by virtue of any of said deeds or mortgages, and for a decree of said court, finding that said Clarence H. Wiltse, has, by himself and through his immediate grantors, had peaceeable, open, notorious adverse, and exclusive possession of said real estate for a period of more than ten years im mediately preceding the filing of said petition, for a decree of said court forever quieting the title of plaintiff to said premises and for ever barring and enjoining any and all of said defendants from claim ing or asserting any title or inter est therein and confirming the title in the plaintiff herein. You, and each of you, are requir-j ed to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of October, 1910. j Dated August 30, 1910. CLARENCE H. WILTSE. Hy JOHN WILTSE, Attorney. First publication Sept 2, 4 times. HEAT develops the exqui site flavor of pepper. Always season food witli ? Tone Bros.’ Pepper while i cocking; the aroma and flavor \ of the dish are much im proved. Tone’s pepper and all are three times the strength of common spices. At Your Grocer's—10c. or send us a dime for retail pack age and “Tone’s Spicy Talks.” TONE BROS , DES MOINES. I0W* Bimuns Of Emuuus Old Goloio Coffee —We arc buying apples, peaches, and plums at I'ne warehouse near the mi'll. Let us tnow what you have to offer Call phone 396 or 318a.—Heck & Wams'ey “I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success,’’ writes Mrs. M. I. Basford, Poolville, Md. For sale by all druggists. Notice. Mail to he dispatched ou the night trains must he in tlm post office hy eight o’clock u. m. :54-:{ t. (i. J. CROOK, P. yf. Legal Notice. Ill the District Court For Richard I sun County, Nebraska. | A. D. Annis, Plaintiff, , vs. C. I!. McColm. N. E. McColm, whose real and first names are unknown, and William .1. Nelson, Defendants. The above named defendants, C. j il. McColm and N. E. McColm, whose | real and first names arc unknown, and William J. Nelson will take no | tire that the above named plaintiff j on the 18th day of August, 1910, filed ; Itis petition in equity in the Rieh | ardson County District Court against them, tlie object and prayer of which are to foreclose a e >rtain mortgage given by said defendants to one Wal lace Benjamin on July 1, 1909, se curing a certain note for $2,750.00 I given to said Benjamin on said date, j which said mortgage and note were j duly assigned to the plaintiff hero in on the 23rd day of March, 1910, I which said assignment is recorded In 1 Book 41, page 13, of the records of I said county, said mortgage being up* on the north half of the northeast I quarter, and the northwest quarter land the southwest quarter, except ten 1(10) acres In a square out of the I southwest corner of said south I west quarter, all in Section nine (9), land (lie northeast quarter of the northeast quarter except three and a half (3 Vi) acres out of the north west corner thereof, and the south half of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the south east quarter, and the southeast quar ter of the southeast quarter except three (3) acres thereof owned by Robert Bodle, all in Section eight (8), and the east twenty-one and sixty-two one hundredth (21.G2) acres of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section Sixteen (10), all in Township three (3), Range seven teen (17), containing six hundred and five (605) acres more or less, in Richardson Comity, Nebraska, said mortgage being recorded in Book 35, Page 593 of the Mortgage Records of Richardson County. You will answer or otherwise plead to said petition on or before the 3rd day of October, 1910, or the allega tions therein 'ontained will be taken as confessed and a decree entered in accordance with the prayer of I said petition. A. 1). ANNIS, Plaintiff. TINLEY & MITCHELL, REAVIS & REAVIS, Att'ys for Plaintiff. First publication Aug. 26, 4 times. Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that the WRIGHT LUMBER COMPANY of Falls City, Nebraska, lias been this day incorporated, with its principal place of business at Falls City, Rich-: ardson county, Nebraska; eral nature of the business ; to'' bo retailing and wholesaling of lumber and building supplies; the amount of capital stock authorized is twenty five thousand dollars ($25/»,oOO.OO) di vided into shares of one hundred ($100.00) dollars each, the same to be paid for in cash, or in property of the fair equivalent there to, at the time of the I issuance of said stock; said corpora-! tic n to commence August 15, 1910 and terminate August 1.5th, 1935; the hi',best amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself is fixed at two-thirds of the capital stock issued and paid for; and the affairs of tlie corporation are to be con ducted by four (4) directors select ed from among the stockholders, and by a president, vice-president, sec retary and treasurer, selected from among the directors. August 15, 1!(10. BURT .1. WRIGHT, ED. A. WRIGHT, ROBT. G. WRIGHT. Notice of Referee's Sale. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of sale, issued out of the district court, in and for Rich ardson County, Nebraska, on the 3d day of August, 1910, in a suit for partition wherein William Fischer is plaintiff, and Charles Fischer, Geo. Fischer, Emily Herschberger, Louis Fischer, Annie Smith, Lizzie Peabody, Fred Fischer, ltosina Walruff, Myrtle Fischer, Alice Fischer, Fredricke C. Fischer, Mary Fischer, John Hersch berger,George Smith. George Peabody Julius Walruff, Annie Fischer, Wm. Fischer, Lydia Fischer, Albert Fisch er, Louisa Fischer, Frieda Fischer, and Walter Fischer, are defendants, directed to me as referee, in said suit for partition, 1 will as such referee, on the 5th day of September, 1910, at one o'clock p. m., at the west front door of the courthouse in Falls City, Richardson County, Ne braska, sell for cash the following described premises towit: Lots Nos. nineteeen (19), twenty (20), twenty one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty three (23), and twenty four (24) in Block No. (93) ninety-three, all of said lots situated in the city of Falls City, in said county and state, according to the official plat and sur vey of said city. Terms of sale cash. Bated at. Falls City, Nebraska, this Rd day of Afigust, 1910. J. R. WILHITE, Referee. First piibltfat&n, Aug. 5, 5 times. ^TTTur waw*., i mi inn ii i [i^Hiiiiiiiiiu^iiiiiii iiiiiimi sai ■! The New Zimmerman Music House has thrown its doors wide open, and in the fullest sense are now ready to serve the public in their line. A full line of all kinds of Musical Instruments will be carried, together with exten sive assortment of Sheet Mu sic and musical supplies. TWO CARLOADS High Grade Pianos just re ceived and now ready for inspection. Zimmerman house FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA I ,M. -T: " Will be sent to all new subscri bers from now until January 1st, 1912, for regular price The Tribune from now until January 1st, 1911, and The Ne braska Farm Journal, one year 50 Cents To any subscriber accepting either proposition who sends us 50c and name of neighbor desiring Tribune, we will send Kansas City Weekly Star FREE for one year—52 times.