The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 09, 1910, Image 4
THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Consolidations Falls City Tribune, Humboldt Enterprise, Kulo Record, Crocker's Educational Journal and Dawson Outlook. Entered as second-class matter at Palls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu ary 12, 1***4, under the Act of Congress on March 3, 1M7**. Published every Friday at Falls City, Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company W. H. WYLER, Editor and Manager. One year _ .fl.nO Six months —. • ■•* Ttircc months.. *W TELEPHONE 226. Laffolette carried Wisconsin in tin* recent election for the I’rog ressives 4 to 1. Wisconsin is now more strongly insurgent than Kansas. ******* •Judge Trou11 of Omaha lots issued an order requiring the the recounting of the Douglas county Primary vote. Omaha is usually able tosec to il that she gets what she goes in for. ******* dim Dahlman may he frank and outspoken. Hut blindness is not necessarily a deisrable qualifica tion for it prospective occupant decency and mother wilt are of the governors chair. A little decency and mother wilt are also to In* desired. ******* The County Committeemen of both parties have had their meet ing. aud have perfected their or ganizations, preparatory to open ing up tin* fall campaign. I n til the matter of the democratic candidate is filially settled it is difficult to outline the line of ad vance. That Local Option will he tin* popular issue no one who has his ear to the ground, doubts. Never were farmers more will ing to lie idle ami let nature have her way than this fall. The wan wet weather is raising the aver age corn yield higher every day. We may not he permitted to re alize a bumper crop this year, hut there will he corn. Nebraska is certainly a remarkable country. This year at least we have lit erally wrested a big corn crop from what had all the appearance of being a failure. The people who are leaving the state to im prove their conditions do not re alize what they are leaving. * * * # * * * Hours of work have been re duced in many of the schools in Germany. By the new arrange ments. forty-five minutes is the maximum time for a subject, thus allowing 1lic treatment of six sub jects in the school day. It is ordered that the shortened hours in school he made up in home study and that as little school work as possible he done out side the school proper. “The child derives more benefit.!' the educa tors think, “from its play and from the study which it does voluntarily than it does from the grinding. Self-imposed mental work is of the greatest benefit to the school child, and the attain ment of this is possible only when the child has several hours daily of absolute leisure.” Kx. sj< He / $ l\t i§« Jjc Secretary Mellor of the state fair asked his hired man to write something about the state fair, and this is the result.! “When the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder in the shock; when the thirsty politician is so dry lie ear not talk; when the cow and lit tie eowlets donot journey to tin fair or airships rise in glory and go sailing through the air. Whor Jim Dahlman takes to water am Bill Patrick takes to booze, Bryai joins Joe Cannons party, rum for office, win or lose; when tin eat comes hack like Jeffries am Jack Johnson turns to white when the ships that pass in day light are still passing in the night when saloons shall close forcvei and the hack doors he closed foi g. . ood ;good ; when saloons out it West Lincoln make a quiet neigh horhood; when our governor get: in better with the folks in Omaha when they shout with loud liozan nas o or the famous closing law when St. Paul and David Cit\ furnish governors for the state and republicans in office volun tardy abdicate; when the dona upon the state house shall b< painted fiery red; when Bill Prie quits playing martyr and is quid bered with the dead; whenin fae all this has happened as it mai some future day, then you can ii justice from the state fair stm away. ******* J. B. Whipple, Poland China hoi Bale, November 19, 1910. 0 ooooooooooooooo oo ooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 SAVING SMALL ECYS. o o o o Important as he has always been individually, the small o o boy has until recently held a place of relatively minor im- o o portance in the general social scheme. Eut of late he has o o been looming larger in the public concern. The business of o o saving boys l as commenced to rank with that of conscrv o o ing trees and reealiming deserts. And the keynote to the o o success of this new interest lies in the tact that the boy o o has beer? studied from the boy's standpoint. This is the o o “new idea of the boy"—an idea involving sane applica- o o tion of boy-power and "gang" energy; an idea that con- o o trusts sharply with previous theories of boy life and of o o corrective methods. o o The originator of this idsa and the pior.cer in its prac- o o tical application is Homer T. Lane, superintendent of the o o Boy's Home and Arcambal Association of Detroit, Michigan o o —a man known to every stve it boy in that city. The o o Home, a private philanthropy, is the capitol and executive o o mansion of the Ford Republic. It is a social sanitarium; a o o laboratory devoted to the study of hoy psychology. o o Ford's is a seventy-three-acre boy's republic; halfway o o house between the juvenile court and the state punitive o o institution. Its citizen population, semi-floating for the o o greater part, consists of some fifty-five boys, alleged incor- o o rigibles, who have bobbed up with a none too gentle jolt o o against the strong arm of the laws of their ciders. Anar- o o chists every one, they are what the sociologists politely o o call ‘‘unsociables.’’ Were it not for the republic, many of o o them would long since have been consigned to a "reform" o o or an industrial school. o o At Ford’s the boy’s conception of his relationship to the o o law is investigated; the law's relationship to him is dem- o o onstrated The phenomena of self-respect, self- o o reliance, and self restraint and the three R’s o o of boy salvation—are reduced to terms of boy understand- o o ing. Boy natures are dissected and weighed and compar- o o ed, and then put together again to be molded into confor- o o mity with desirable standards. In this remolding lies the o o story of the republic of Ford.—Everybody’s. o o / o ooooooooooooooo oo ooooooooooooooo REACHING OUT FOR THE COURTS. Tin* thoughtful address of President Woodrow Wilson ot Princeton to the American Par Association was an example of the deeper consideration which the people are giving to tin* courts. Lawyers for the bench “who can think in the terms of society itself" are especially needed for this time. President Wil son said. Other, and variant, evidences of the attention to courts art I the demand of the two Kansas platforms for the election of fed eral subordinate judges and the suggestion in various states that the recall be applied to judges as well as to other officers. Mr. Roosevelt’s repeated insistence upon tile need of estab lishing closer touch between the habits of thought of the jiuliei 'ary and popular sentiment found'd upon popular need are further jdemonstrations of the same thing. All these whether all defails are to be commended or not are to he differentiated from th' likewise admirable and hopeful move toward a reform of judicial procedure. Studious leaders of thought as well as the thinking populace are applying the obvious principle that a lawyer continues to [he a man after he gets on the bench. And some political facts not quite so obvious, arc being more closely appreciated. People are learning, for an instance, that an important law is not enact ed in these days merely by being passed by the legislature or con gress and approved by the governor or president. It is not put into effect until the courts say that it may be—and frequently they say that it may not be. So people who realize that this is our constitutional system and approve the principal of the court’s guardianship arc also appreciating that it is quite as important to I put men on the bench or get them put there--who are tempera mentally in sympathy with the people instead of with the spec ial interests as it is to exercise the same discrimination with re gard to United States senator, to congressman and to bumble legis lators and executives. i lo discriminate thus wisely the* people are looking to tin* rec ords of judicial candidates, where the courts are elective. They are also scanning records of applicants for appointment to .judi cial places. They oppose machine politics when brought to hear for either elective or appointive judgeships. They believe that neither machine politics noreorporation influences should mark the al libations of members of the courts. They believe in these things because they are convinced that .judges' as well as all other groups of men, continue to see things from the angle Irom which they are used to viewing them. And this whether they are personally incorruptible or not. It does not make so much difference from a social viewpoint whether a man has to be corrupted to favor the politicians and special interests against tin* general welfare, or whether be is just naturally and tradi tionally wrong without being corrupted. I lie courts, as being the most important one-third of the gov ernment, arc now being made a more intergral part of the peo ple’s political life. Kansas City Star. '•» ’i* *i» >)« ',s .]! Newspaper writers in Nebraska are all on “tender hooks'as it wei-e. I lie cloth has all been fulled and hung out on the i ranics to dry, but no one ran tell what the texture will lie. When it is taken dow n it still may lie wet, ami the editors do not exact ly know what to say, that is, all except the populist editors. Pop ulists have a set ol principles that guide them through all the storms o| polities and that makes the path before them plain and distinct. 1 hey w ill not support Dahlman for governor. They .have been lighting the interests for more than a decade. They, make no distinction in the interests that try to run the gov ernment ol the states and tin1 nation, and when one of these I interests tries to get control of a political party, whether it is the railroad interests, the whiskey interest, or any other interests, 'I the populists are against it to a man. By a persistant educa tional campaign that lasted for years, they drove the raidroads i out ot politics and the whole state has been rejoicing ever since, They will do the, same thing to to the liquor interests. Osceola i I'cmoerat. o o< : o Post Cards oi o Help boost your home o< • o advantages instead of those < ■ o of some other locality by o< ; o using Post Cards of home o< o scenes. We print them to oi o order. Be a home booster, oi ■ o o lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ever attended. < nouneed it the best fair that he< State Fair last week. lie pro-< O. Staldei . 1 tend J the lov, 1 0 We are making up a o new list of subscribers, o Only the names of paid-up o subscribers will be entered o on this list. When done c the Tribune will have a o strictly clean list of subscr- c ibers. There will not be a o dead name on it. If you o are in arrears kindly give o this matter your prompt o attention. o o 000000000000000 Fifty Years the Standard SB ./' , CREAM Bums Powder Its use a protection and a guarantee against alum iMwrtom A Remedy for Some Forms of Selfish Legislation HOW MR. ROOSEVELT KNOWS. It is a mighty good thing to know men, not from looking at them, but from having been one of them. When you have work ed with them, when you have lived with them, you don’t have to wonder how they feel, because you feel it yourself. Every now and then I have been much amused when great newspapers in the East, which I will say are not always friend ly to me, after having prophesied that I was dead wrong on a certain issue, have then found out that I was right and then wondered how I was able to find how people were thinking. The fact is that I am thinkink that way myself. I know how the man that works with his hands or the man on the ranch is thinking because I have been there, and I think that way my self. It is not that I divine how they are thinking.—Theodore Roosevelt at Sioux Falls. Public Sale! I will sell at public auction at the farm described below, on MONDAY, SEPT. 12 1910, at 2 o’clock p. m., the following real estate: Southwest Quarter Sec. 7 Town I, Range 18 Situated in Richardson County, Neb. The above land is located 1 mils northwest of Rulo, Neb., and contains the following buildings and im provements: One 7-room dwelling, in good condition; one 3-room dwelling; good barn, 40x50; good corn crib; scales and windmill; 2 wells of splendid water. The land lays good and all good black loam soil. Is one mile from churches and schools and one mile from the B. & M. depot and grain elevator. TERMS OF SALE One-third cash. Some time on balance. My reasons for selling are due to the fact that I have purchased land in Colorado and moved on the same. John J. Majerus 1