THE QUIET HOUR The VacaJionless Devil “The Devil never takes a vacation,” Is the somewhat querulous plaint which has sometimes almost spoiled the vacation enjoyment of some good people. And yet, what of it? don't lie wish he could? There is no more real reason for following his example in this respect than in any other. While demonology is a somewhat obscure field of investiga tion, it is possible that if lie had taken more of them he would not he where he is. But, seriously, one of the flabbiest pieces of reasoning in the world is that which argues from the fact that the father and forces of evil are always busy, to the intimation that there is some doubt as to tin* justifiability of minister or laymen taking sever al weeks off annually for relaxation and general refreshing up. For a busy life there is no more profitable investment than a snmraer vacation—whether it cover several months, or is limited to a week or two. * * * ;fc sk * It may not be so much that he—or she—needs rest as change. Although, if he is a minister, and is aggressively as they say of the man in business ‘‘onto his job,” lie does need the rest. And then the congregation well, as the physician said of his garrul ous patient’s tongue -‘‘it. needs rest too.” Kvcn a “popular pas tor’s” influence will not suffer severely if he goes away and comes hack once in awhile. Almost anyone whether an occupant of pulpit or pew will go stale after awhile, if the unvarying routine is kept up too long without occasional breaks. The man who boasts that lie ‘‘lias not taken a vacation for twenty-seven years” hardly needs to announce the fact. 11is friends realize it and they devoutly wish he had. This delicately constructed human machine through which the soul works, is not intended to illustrate perpetual motion. Anyone can work until body rtnd brain rebel, and the nerves surpass Dante in portraying things infernal. He is the wise man and outstrips the other, in work actually accomplished ns the tor toise did the hare who lays as much emphasis on rest as on toil, lie gives a practical illustration of the old saw Unit “a moment of judgment is worth a day of energy.” He who comes to his task in pulpit, or study, or office, or shop, or anywhere else for that matter with the keen alertness of an unfagged brain will increase the quantity of his work im measurably. Any brain worker knows that there are times when his work has wings and when its performance is sheer enjoyment. And he also knows of times when every effort wrings out a men tal groan. The principle that explains tin* difference in the principle that underlies vacation days. •P T T T *!• T "P The essential thing in an ideal vacation is change—change of scene, change of mental—and that means bodily too—occupation; the making of new thought-ruts in the brain. The sweetest phonograph re*ord will get aerate by” after long use. So will every regulati m line of thinking. A vacation should bring change. If you spend from two to six hours a day with your books in your study, all the rest of the year, it is a question if a Chautauqua is the best place to spend your summer outing days unless you do. as you used to do in your college mathematics occasionally “cut the classes.’’ A week or two in the woods not necessarily in a tent with still collars and cuffs discarded, and a general relaxation from the tense strain of the year would be far more recuperative, and send you Imek, to your parish, with fewer notes of addresses and lectures, hut with your mental machinery in far better trim for turning out your own thoughts. On the other hand, for the man or woman whose busy, active life ordinarily crowds books out, a Chautauqua schedule may prove the very thing needed. There are vacations, as well as repentances, that “needs to he repented of,” and from which people have to come home to rest. Wise selection in the choice of vacation experiences is as im portant as the vacation itself. * * * * >'f $ 3|e Incidentally, and so far as the preacher is concerned, it is money in any congregation's pocket to send its pastor off for a month 's change of vision—even if they have to foot the bills. As Gladstone, or somebody else said of the orator and his audience lie gives them hack in the rain of eloquence what they send up to him in the mists of interested attention. The re sults will be in evidence in the matter and manner of his sermons, and in tlu* benefits derived by his people from his replenished stock of vitality, and his new angle of vision. * % * * Hi * * It is well to remember that vacations clo not stand being too much talked about. ^ e all recall Will Carletoti’s "Travelled Larson” whose con gregation expressed its appreciation of his fidelity bv raising a purse to send him to tiuropc and the Holy Land, and lived to re gret it, as tliey listened to liis never-ceasing references to*‘when I was in Jerusalem,” and “when I ascended Vesuvius.” This does not mean that the material gathered while on these vacation trips may not often be worked into a series of sermons to advan tage, It undoubtedly may. Lut, aside from this, tact will remind us of the fact that from the many, tied to their tasks, it is sometimes a little too much to expect^ unlimited enjoyment ot our pleasures from which they were debarred. A prince once gave his j. ster a stick and said to him: "if you ever find any one who is a greater fool than yourself, give him the stick.” Sonv„‘ years later the prince was ill, and was visited by his jester. As the sick man told him that lit- would soon leave him, the jester said: “And where are you going?” “To the other world.” “Will you return in a month's time?” “No.” “Will you return in a year’s time?” “Not even | then.’ “Hut when then will it be?” “Never." “What provision have you made for so long a journey, and for li\ing in the country where you are going?" “None at all." “What, none at all? In that case take my stick, you are just leaving for ever, and you have not even devised any means whereby you may live happily in the other world whence you will nev er return! Take my stick, for I, at any rate, have never been guilty of such folly as that!” CHURCHES AND THE SALOON Decrease In Number of Ohio Dram Shops Followed by Increase In Church Members. An analysis of the Presbyterian churches of Ohio in local option dis tricts. by Rev. Frederick N. McMil lan. chairmun of the committee on evangelical work of the synod of Ohio, shows a suggestive Increase du during the past two years in the num ber of communlcunts, says United Presbyterian. From this report it ap pears that the decrease in the num ber of saloons is followed by a nota ble increase In the membership of the churches. The reasons assigned are that when men are drinking they have no money to sufficiently clothe their wives and children that they may attend church with any degree of self-respect. The families of drink ing men are discouraged and lack heart to appear in places of religious concourse. Mr. McMillan says: "Re ligion and whisky will not mix. Drink ing men keep women and children away from church through shame, fear, poverty and want of heart. Many n woman says: ‘I haven’t the heart to go to church when my husband is drinking; he doesn't want us to go to church, and I will not go because my children and myself cannot dress as well as others.’” This want of heart is one of the most depressing conditions that can befall any one The sense of disgrace, on account of being the companion of a drunkard, has kept many a wife shut up in her solitary home, nursing the vultures that are eating out her very heart. The consolations of the gospel woidd give tier hope, but oh. the humility of it; tile human nature of it! The dread of appearing where her very presence would be an adver tisement of her own humiliation no doubt accounts for many sorrowful wives failing to identify themselves with any church. It requires no argument to show' that the average drinking man will not go to church. He takes no inter est in such tilings. His companions are not there. There is little in com mon between him and those w’ho wor ship (!od. He is at the extreme anti podes of society. His moral sense is benumbed, and the whole association of the saloon is to deepen and inten sify opposition to religion and purity of lifo. When God plants a church the devi! comes to plant a saloon nearby, if he can. He must hold his own converts, if he can. He must win over some of the church members, if he can. He must lay his fiery skew ers to burn t lie feet of tlie children, if lie can. The way to destroy the Influence of the devil over the lives of men and women, is to destroy the works of the devil The saloon system is the great harrier between the drinker and the church. Its destruction means saner moments for the drinker, when he can think more of tho tilings of the king dom of God. and the things too. that will promote the betterment of his home It gives his family an oppor tunity to take heart, to regain hope, and to look upon life with some de gree of joyfulness. There is no doubt but there would be a greater disposi tion on the part of the drinker’s fam ily. and the drinker himself, to at tend the public worship of God if he spent his money at home and for his home. A reformed husband and fath er means sunshine to the home, and the graceful family will have an espe cial reason for expression of gratitude to God by a public profession of his name. Every argument that supports the saloon opposes the church. Sarah Bernhardt and Women Soldiers. I remember when 1 first appeared ns the Due de Reichstadt. I thought to myself how little disadvantage sex is to a woman who wishes to play a dis tinguished part, not merely on the stage, but in real life. Women are only weak when their characters are weak. Surely Louis XVI. did not think women were weak when bat talions of them were surrounding his palace at Versailles. My experience has shown me that Frenchwomen are more resolute, more fearless, more competent than the women of other nations. They would not plead their sex in the face of tiie enemy. Just as Joanne d'Arc was a born military leader, so, in case of a crisis today, many women would be found who, if men were pusillanimous, would cry with Lady Macbeth: "Give tin the dag gers!”—Sarah Hernhardt in the Strand. Alcohol and Tuberculosis. Hr. Jacques Bertillon, the chief of the finger-print department of the French police, lias published an ar ticle on the connection between al cohol and tuberculosis. Dr. Bertillon says that of the causes which in France favor the development of tuberculosis the most important is the alcohol in beer and spirits. He de clares, however, that the best enemy of tuberculosis is wine. in the 28 departments which form the northern parts of France, where cider, beer, spirits—especially brandy —are much drunk, the deaths caused by consumption were 230 per 100,000 inhabitants in 1906, while the propor tion was 140 in the other departments of Fiance, where wine is the favorite I drink TENDENCY TO LIQUOR HABIT Effort# at Promoting Temperance Nec essarily Slow Owing to Cus toms of Ancestors. We must not be surprised at the great difficulty In promoting temper ance, not to speak of total abstinence, when we recall what a strong hold the habit of UBlng Intoxicants had upon our English and American ancestors It has not been very long ago since liquors were kept on the sideboard In almost every home where the family could afTord It, and were freely offer ed to every guest as part of the hos pitality of the day, says Temperance. It wasnot “good form” to refuse what was offered, and so the caller at sev eral homes In the course of an even ing was apt to find his head reeling and his feet unsteady as he left his hospitable friends and made his way to his own dwelling Not many considered it a very great disgrace to be under the influence of liquor, although hard drinkers were npt to speak with contempt of those who had a limited capacity and were speedily overcome. Far back beyond those early days, In the old country our ancestors made free use of beer and spirits. These beverages were taken as matters of course. The consumption of beer in an ordi nary home was enormous, Besant in his "London” tells of a family where 21 quarts were taken daily, nearly 3 quails for each person. “We must remember that there was no tea, that people would not drink water if they could get anything else, and that small beer was the national beverage, taken with every meal and between meals, and that the allowance was at each one's own discretion.” As late ns 1770 the men in a London printing of fice look a pint of beer before break fast, a pint with breakfast, a pint be tween breakfast and dinner, a pint at dinner, another at 6, and a sixth pint when they stopped work. The pota tions were sometimes continued du ring the evening. Ale was also used In large quantities. Wine was used, but not so freely because of its great er cost. Drinking in England in the 18th century was a general habit among all classes. The clergy, merchants, law yers, judges, tradesmen and working men all drank. In 1736 there were 7,044 gin-shops in Ixjndon and over 3,000 other places where gin was sold, so that one house in every five was a resort >>r drinkers, to say nothing of the vast quantities of beer, gin, wine and other intoxicants consumed at home. Gin had grown to be the favorite tipple, especially with the work peo ple. some of whom spent much of their wages in the fiery stuff that brought speedy intoxication. When we think how extensively in toxicants were employed and how' the old-time usages of ihe mother coun try were transferred to this land, and how general during the colonial pe riod and for many years later here was the free use of liquors, we must not be discouraged at tfje slow prog ress of efforts at securing sobriety. DISMISSAL OF THREE CADETS Official Action of Naval Academy Officers Will Meet With Gen eral Approval. The dismissal of three cadets from the United States Naval Academy in their graduating year because of drunkenness, will meet with general approval everywhere, says the St. Louis Star. If there is a single place In the public service where total ab stinence from liquor ought to he made compulsory it is in the naval service, where officers have responsi bility for the lives of thousands of men and safety of ships whose value is not reckoned by the cost of their construction, but by the possible con sequences of not having them in time of war. It is difficult to prevent drink ing by enlisted men of either the army or navy, and not of so much im portance, but it can be prevented in the case of officers, on pain of dis missal, and few officers would prefet liquor to their commissions. The navy has lost much in life and ships through drink, and in efficiency, and the army has lost in efficiency, and is still losing, through the same cause. Some day it might be of tremendous importance. Annapolis and West Point are good places to start the offi cers on the total abstinence road as well as to impress them with the truth that regulations are made to be obeyed, and that an officer who can not himself obey is not fit to command others who must do so. Glasgow a Soberer City. The Glasgow chief constable in a report issued recently comments upon the remarkable increase of sobriety in the city. Apprehensions for drunk enness totalled 14,1 GT. a decrease of considerably over 4,000. While lack of money has no doubt contributed to Increased sobriety, the chief constable states that the growth of temperance has been a great factor. A great deal of money has been spent on amuse ments, which was just as available for spending in drink. Compared with two years ago the apprehensions for drunkenness showed a decrease of nearly 7,000. INTER-STATE Live Stock and Horse Show ST. JOSEPH,: MO. Sept. 25th to Oct. 1st Prize Live Stock Farming Implements Machinery Automobiles Automobile Flower Parade, on the streets of St. Joseph, TUESDAY, SEPT. 27TH. It will be worth a trip to the city to see this gorgeous spectacle. Miller Brothers’ 101 Ranch Wild West Show will be camped on the Live Stock grounds, and will give Street Parades and free entertainment features each day, and a regular performance every night. Cheap Railroad Rates Ask Your Local Agent ONLY THE BEST! That has always been our policy in the handling of Farm Implements Clover Leaf Manure Spreaders in two sizes—50 and 70 bushels Dairy Maid Cream Separators None better on the market Buggies, Surries, Spring Wagons One Car Weber Wagons One Car Newton Wagons No eomment is necessary as to the worth of these wagons their reputation is made. Remember, we handle only the best implements and Farm Machinery, and our Prices are RIGHT. Werner=Mosiman Co. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Artistic PRINTING OUR FORTE Book and Commercial Work Handled in a Manner Pleasing to Particular Patrons THE BREWERS SHOW THEIR PALSIED HANDS The brewers used every artifice known to the trade to nominate Dahlman. They have failed, if indications are true, as a careful re-count and equally careful scrutiny of certain documents in Omaha are likely to show. A small army of men have been employed to go up and down the various counties for the past three or four months to ‘ get out” Dahlman‘s vote. We believe that were he the candidate on the Democratic ticket in November he would be defeated by a majority that would leave no question re garding the attitude of Nebraska toward the open saloon. The fact that after practically combing the state with a fine tooth comb the brewers were not able to muster a big vote for their ‘‘cowboy” candidate speaks volumes, and we are most decidedly encouraged by this test.