The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 02, 1910, Image 5

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What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
The Past Week.
Miss Nellie Sehock is visiting
friends in Bine Springs.
Tom Ryan was down from
Dawson on business Tuesday.
L. C. Edwards was a business
visitor in Humboldt Tuesday.
John L. Cleaver was in Hum
boldt on business Friday and Sat
Enter the first fall month—
glorious September — sometimes
Mrs. Gwyre Yates of Omaha is
visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
I. Mead/;
Mr. and Mrs..George Morris at
tended the street fair at Shubert
this week.
Mrs. Delia Sanford is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Carl Schaer,
at Superior, 'T?b.
The New lephone directories
are now co’ leted, call at the
office and £. one.
The New . lephone directories
are now completed, call at the
office and get one.
Mrs. J. R. Cain and children of
Stella, were guests of relatives
in this city Tuesday.
Miss Linbaugh and friend, Miss
Cope, of California are visiting
Mrs. Amelia Spence in this city.
Walter Knickerbocker and wife
returned tin rst of the week
from a visit friends in St. Joe.
Mrs. Clen irebaugh will re
turn the las the week from a
weeks visit 1 datives in Omaha.
Miss Mam Hutchings return
ed the first of tlm week from a
visit to her sister at Nelson, Neb.
Mrs. Jacob Arnold and daugh
ter. Miss Bessie and Mrs. Beachel
left today for Excelsior Springs.
Mrs. Thompson of Kansas City,
formerly Miss Bess Hol ler of this
city, is a guest of Miss Mary
G lines.
Max Werner came down from
Nebraska City and spent Sunday
with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mrs. P. S. Heacock and (laugh
ter, Miss Kate, were business vis
itors in Kansas City the first of
the week.
Mrs. Hattie Branuum moved
this; week to tin* suite of rooms in
the Jussen building, recently va
cated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Miss Mary Seliaible came down
from Omaha this week to attend
the wedding of her niece, Miss
May Maddox to Mr. Reynolds of
Mrs. Maude Wigton and son,
Dorrington, left for Council
Bluffs tin* first of the week to
visit tin' former’s sister, Mrs. Jno.
Mrs. Ruth Dennis and childrenj
will arrive today from California
and will make tlndr future home
with her mother, Mrs. Martha
The Miss— McCormick arrived
this week f Hatesville, Ark.,
for a short it to their sister,
Mrs. (1. L. i !e. They will go
from hero tc lorado.
8. 1». Hof 1 and family re
turned the first of the week to
their home in Abilene, Kansas.
They have spent several weeks
in this county with relatives and
old friends.
Mrs. Carrie Sclmible and
daughter, Miss Edna, returned on
Wednesday to their home at Ox
ford. Nebraska, after a pleasant
visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Myrtle .Mulligan, and other rela
A young ladies chorus class was
organized by Miss Anita Wilson
this week. The chorus will meet
at her home every Tuesday even
ing. The young ladies start out
with very flattering prospects.
Mrs. Katherine Hoppe, and Mr.
and Mrs. fielding moved into the
Hoppe property in the east part
of town this week. They spent
the past year in Clarinda, Iowa.
Mrs. Holding will be remembered
as Miss (trace Hoppe.
Dr. Claude Fordycc came down
from Lincoln Tuesday to attend
the Maddox-Reyuolds wedding.
He was .accompanied home by his
wife, who has been visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Maddox for several days.
John Wilson came down from
alias, S. 1)., to call on his many
old friends. Ilis two daughters.
Bessie and Ruth accompanied
him and will attend high school
in this city another year. They
all like their new' home, in Da
Dr. and .Mrs. A. Reynolds
and Dr. and .Mrs. 1. ('. Reynolds
drove down from Lincoln in their
ear and were guests of .Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Gist while in the city.
They also attended the wedding
at tiie Wes Maddox home.
Only a Dollar Now.
The Lincoln Daily Journal lias
cut the price to a dollar from
how until January 1, ID 11. with
out Sunday. The big Sunday
paper will be added for only a
'quarter extra, therefore most peo-i
pie will no doubt take the $1.2o
worth. This makes an exceeding
ly low price during a specially
interesting time, as nearly every
family will want a Lincoln paper
during the next few months. The
State Journal’s reputation as a
free, independent, clean newspa
per will prqvc of special advan
tage during the warm campaign
now begun. The paper stops
when the time is up without any
notice from you whatever, so
that you see it is no plan to get
you started and then “force the
paper on you.
Why not try a dollar’s worth
at this cut price.
The Telepost.
Omaha, Aug. 31—With the
transmission of a message from
Mayor Dahlman to Mayor Brown
of Kansas City, felicitating with
him on the establishment of a
new, more economic and more
rapid means of intercourse be
tween the two cities, the Telepost
system of automatic telegraphy
was formally inaugurated this
afternoon between this city and
Kansas City, Sedalia, Mo., St.
Louis, Springfield, 111., Chicago,
Terre Ilaute, Indianopolis, and
Annexation of Corea.
Japan formerly announced the
annexation of Corea, August 23.
Corea is now a part of the Japan
ese Umpire.
Legal Notice.
To Charles P. Hillyen, or Charles
T. Hillyer, or C. L. Hillyen, and Will
iam Tynan, or Wm. Tynar, and
George A. Kennard Grocery Company
and to the unknown heirs and devi
sees, if there be any, of the said
Charles P. Hillyen, or Charles T.
Hillyer, or C. L. Hillyen, and William
Tynan, or Wm. Tynar, non-resident
You and each of you are hereby
notified that, on the 30tb day of
August, HU 9, C larence H. Wiltse,
plaintiff herein, filed his petition in
the district court of Richardson
county, Nebraska, against you, the
above named defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to qui.t
the title to Lots No. one il), two (3),
and three (3), in block No. twenty
three (23), in A. R. Nim’s addition
to the village of Humboldt, Nebraska,
in the plaintiff, and to remove any
i loud upon said title of said plain
tiff, which may be due to, or may
exist by virtue of any mortgage or
deed which may be held or claimed
by any of said d fendants upon, to
or covering said real estate, and to
cancel any interest or claim which any
of said defendants may claim in and
to said premia* s by virtue of any of
said deeds or moi tgages, and for a
decree of said court, finding that
said Clarence H. Wiltse, lias, by
himself and through his immediate
grantors, bad peaceeable, open,
notorious adverse, and exclusive
possession of said real estate for a
period of more titan ten years im
mediately preceding the filing of
said petition, for a decree of said
court, forever quieting the title of
plaintiff to said premises and for
ever barring and enjoining tiny and
all of said defendants front claim
ing or asserting any title or inter
est. therein and confirming the title
in the plaintiff herein.
You, and each of you, are requir
ed to answer said petition on or
before the 10th day of October. 1910.
Dated August 30, 1910.
By JOHN WILTSE, Attorney.
First publication Sept 2, 4 times.
M2ml 1
V «. n tmmiuwywmwjL—jjL
x Abcmt Pepper
FI EAT develops the cxqui
£ site flavor of pepper.
Always season food with
Tone Bros.’ Pepper while
cocking; the aroma and flavor
of the dish are much im
proved. Tone’s pepper and all
are three times the strength
of common spices.
At Your Grocer’s—10c.
or send us a dime for retail pack
age and “Tone’s Spicy Talks.’’
B:tmin? of Famous Old Goloih Coffu
— - . ' ~~ •
—We are buying apples, peaches,
and plums at the warehouse near the
mill. Let us 'mow what you have to
offer Cal! phone 396 or 318a.—Ilcck
& Wams’ey.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court For Richard-j
son County, Nebraska.
1 A. D. Annis, Plaintiff,
C. B. McColm, N. K. McColm, whose
real and first names are unknown,
and William J. Nelson, Defendants.
The above named defendants, 0. j
li. McColm and N. 10. McColm, whose|
real and first names are unknown, j
and William J. Nelson will take no-j
lice that the above named plaintiff
on the 18th day of August, 1910, filed
his petition in equity in the Rich
ardson County District Court against
them, the object ami prayer of which
are to foreclose a certain mortgage
given by said defendants to ome Wal
lace Benjamin on July 1, 1909, se
curing a certain note for $2,750.00
given to said Benjamin on said date,
which said mortgage and note were
duly assigned to the plaintiff here
in on the 23rd day of March, 1910,
which said assignment is recorded in
Book 41, page 13, of the records of
said county, said mortgage being up
on the north half of the northeast
quarter, and the northwest quarter
and the southwest quarter, except ten
(10) acres in a square out of the
sputhwest corner of said south
west quarter, all in Section nine (9),
and the northeast quarter of the
northeast quarter except three and
,a half (3l/£) acres out of the north
west corner thereof, and the south
half of the northeast quarter, and
the northeast quarter of the south
east quarter, and the southeast quar
ter of the southeast quarter except
three (3) acres thereof owned by
Robert Bodle, all in Section eight (8),
and the east twenty-one and sixty-two i
one hundredth (21.62) acres of the
northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of Section Sixteen (16), all
in Township three (3), Range seven
teen (17), containing six hundred!
and five (605) acres more or less, in
Richardson County, Nebraska, said
mortgage being recorded in Book 35,
Page 593 of the Mortgage Records;
of Richardson County.
You will answer or otherwise pleau
to said petition on or before the did
day of October, 1010, or the allega
tions therein contained will he taken
as confessed and a decree entered
in accordance with the prayer of
said petition.
A. 1). ANNIS, Plaintiff.
Att’ys l'or Plaintiff.
First publication Aug. 2d, 1 linns.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that the
Falls City, X* braska, has been tliis
day incorporated, with its principal
place of business at Falls City, lileh
anjson county, Nebraska; the gen
eral nature of the business to be
retailing and wholesaling of lumberj
and building supplies; the amount of
capital stock authorized is twenty
five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) di-1
vided into shares of one hundred
($100.00) dollars each, t ho same to
be paid for in cash, or in property!
of the fair equivalent there-j
to, at the time of the1
issuance of said slock; said eorpora
ti( n to commence August 15, 1010
and terminate August 15th, 1935; the
highest amount of indebtedness or
liability to which the corporation is
at any time to subject itself is fixed
at two-thirds of the capital stock
issued and paid for; and the affairs
of the corporation are to be con
ducted by four (4) directors select
ed from among the stockholders, and
by a president., vice-president, sec-;
retary and treasurer, select* d from
among the directors.
August 15, 1910.
Notice of Referee’s Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an order of sale, issued out
of the district court, in and for Rich
ardson County, Nebraska, on the
3d day of August, 1910, in a suit
for partition wherein William Fischer
is plaintiff, and Charles Fischer, Geo.
Fischer, Emily Herschberger, Louis
Fischer, Annie Smith, Lizzie Peabody,
Fred Fischer, Rosina Walruff. Myrtle
Fischer, Alice Fischer, Fred rick e C.
Fischer, Mary Fischer, John Iierseh-'
berger,George Smith, George Peabody
Julius Walruff, Annie Fischer, Win.
Fischer, Lydia Fischer, Albert Fisch
er, Louisa Fischer, Frieda Fischer,
and Walter Fischer, are defendants,
directed to me as referee, in said
suit for partition, 1 will as such
referee, on the 5th day of September,
1910, at one o’clock p. m., at the*
west front door of the courthouse in
Falls City, Richardson County, Ne- i
braska, sell for cash the following
described premises towit: Lots Nos.
nineteeen (19), twenty (20), twenty
one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty
three <23), and twenty four (24) in
Block No. (93) ninety-three, all of
said lots situated in the city of
Falls City, in said county and state,
according to the official plat and sur
vey -of said city.
Terms of sale cash.
Dated at Falls City, Nebraska, this
3d day of August, 1910.
J. R. WILHITE, Referee.
First publication, Aug. 5, 5 times.
Grand Opening
The New Zimmerman Music
House has thrown its doors
wide open, and in the fullest
sense are now ready to serve
the public in their line.
A full line of all kinds of
Musical Instruments will be
carried, together with exten
sive assortment of Sheet Mu
sic and musical supplies.
TWO CARLOADS High Grade Pianos just re
ceived and now ready for inspection.
Will be sent to all new subscri
bers from now until January 1st,
1912, for regular price
The Tribune from now until
January 1st, 1911, and The Ne
braska Farm Journal, one year
SSWHSt m m m S ; : J 1
To any subscriber accepting
either proposition who sends
us 50c and name of neighbor
desiring Tribune, we will send
Kansas City Weekly Star FREE
for one year—52 times.