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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1910)
READ THE TRIBUNE DURING THE CAMPAIGN. IT IS THE CHAMPION OF COUNTY OPTION IN SOUTHEASTERN NEBRASKA. ONLY FIFTY CENTS FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1, 1911. The Falls City Tribune FIVE CONSOLIDATIONS: FALLS CITY TRIBUNE, HUMBOLDT ENTERPRISE, RULO RECORD, CROCKER'S EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL AND DAWSON OUTLOOK. Vol. VII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1910. Number 36 THE WEEK’S SOCIAL EVENTS AS TWAS TOLD TO OUR SO CIETY EDITOR Various Kinds of Entertainment by Individuals, Lodges, Clubs, Churches, Etc. The crowning event in musi cal circles the past week was the charming affair tendered her guests by Mrs. Emerson Bowers, at her country home, northwest of the city. Mrs. Bowers was as sisted in entertaining by Mrs. Evan Owens. To lie a guest at the Bowers home is to enjoy the queenly grac lousness of a .most charming hostess, and is a pleasure that friends look forward to, what ever the occasion. lrpon this occasion the guests were pleas ingly entertained by musical numbers from leading musicians from both Yordon and Falls City. Those present from Falls City were Mesdnmes, T. L. Davies, I). M, Davits, and Misses Floy (Irin stead and Anita Wilson. A most unique entertainment was tendered about twenty of the friends of .Miss Lela Powell, at the home on Monday evening. The guests appeared as children, and right well did some of the participants carry out the idea. Children's games were in dulged in out upon the lawn and the “little folks” certainly en joyed themselves. Stick candy was freely indulged in, and a flash-light picture was taken of the group. Light refreshments were served. The out-of-town guests were. Miss Myrtle lloffnell Abilene. Kas., Miss Maude Shaek clton. Beatrice, and Miss Helen Jackson. St. Joe. An enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. R. P. Will. Wednesday, August 24, by the Sunny Slope kensington mem bers. A profusion of garden flowers brightened the rooms. Needlework and pleasant conver sation and music on the phono graph were features of the after noon, after which nice refresh ments were served, consisting of cake, fruit and watermelon. Mrs. Charles Will and Mrs. C. Weyand were guests of the afternoon. The next meeting will be hid with Mrs II. E. Will. September 7th. The annual mission festivities of the Lutheran church was held at the city park Sunday. The speakers of the day were Rev. A. Jurgenson of Netawaka, Ivas., Rev. Arndt of St. Joe. whose ad dresses were in English and Rev. Selniltze and Rev. liarlz spoke in German. A collection for mis sions was taken at the close of the meeting and the very liberal amount of $102 was taken in. Airs. B. Reavis entertained the members of the Tournament ; Whist club and the Married I Ladies kensington at her home on; Friday night. The event was in! honor of Airs, dames Pickett who; left this week for her new home in Boise, Idaho. Whist was the game of the evening and all en joyed themselves until a late hour. The hostess served dainty refreshments. Miss Louise Rule was hostess to a number of young ladies on Saturday afternoon. The gather ing was complimentary to Miss Shackelton of Beatrice. During the afternoon a number of vocal and piano numbers were thorough iy enjoyed by those present. Re freshments were served at an appropriate hour. A crowd of young people con-1 sisting of Misses Mable ami Lea i’oteet and Miss Titlow and Tom' I’oteet. Bob Wright and Earl Car-j ruthers spent a most pleasant day, at the Missouri lakes Sunday. The day, like their picnic dinner wasj ideal. The trip was made in Tom I’oteet’s ear. Tuesday afternoon the W. . C. kensington met at the G. A. R. hall. A pleasant afternoon was spent by the members. Lunch was served at 5:00 o’clock. This kensington meets twice each month and the afternoon is al w<$s Rooked forward to with great pleasure by the members. METHODIST PICNIC. Rulo the Scene of a Joyous Sun day School Picnic. The Methodist Church of liulo held a picnic for the Sunday school, Wednesday, August 31. A good sized crowd gathered at the park, and everyone had a good time until it began to rain. Rev. Brooks of Falls City made a short address in the afternoon and Frank Harrison of Lincoln spoke in the church in the even ing. There were two ball games in the afternoon. The hoys from White Colud winning the first and tile boys from the Methodist Sunday school of Falls City win ing the second by a score of 8 to 2. Some excellent plays were pulled off by the teams. We are promised a return game soon. Some of our boys have an eye on a berth in the Mink League and from the ability displayed on SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY. Salem the Scene of Animated S. S. Workers Sunday. From various sections of the county there gathered at the old fair grounds at Salem Sunday members and workers of the Christian Sunday Schools. The occasion was a rally of the Christian Sunday Schools of the county, and in every way was a most successful and enjoyable gathering. Falls City contributed a delega tion numbering over a hundred teachers and scholars—the great est delegation in attendance. I here were delegations present from Humboldt, Yerdon and Falls City, and these with the co-opera tion of the Sunday School# of Sa lem, swelled the attendance to a goodly number. The Sunday School session was presided over by Mr. Klmer De Jarnett, of this city, and was made up of a song service and the THE DORRINGTONS WITH US Three John Dorriugtons Are Now Guests in The City. John W. Dorrington, an old time resident of Falls City, but now of Yuma, Arizona, is in the city visiting his brother, W. E. Dorrington and family, as well as numerous other relatives. John Dorrington, No. 2, of Sparta, Wisconsin, is also a guest of numerous relatives in this city and is enjoying a visit with his father, W. E. Dorrington, and renewing acquaintance with many old time friends. And John Dorrington, No. 3, of Dos Angeles, Cal., is here, the guest of Reavis Gist. It is a mutual pleasure to the visitor and the visited in this ease, and the only regret is that our old time residents and their children, and their children’s children, do not abide with us al ways. Possibly the only one who FALLS CITY’S PIONEER MERCANTILE HOUSE Away back in 1883, 27 years ago, Samuel Wahl started in the mercantile business in Falls City, and by those legitimate methods invariably followed by the successful merchant—honesty, and reliability—has always enjoyed a generous patronage from all parts of the county, and even beyond tile confines of the state. Mr. Wahl, as a buyer for his store, has always leaned toward “the best," and so closely has he followed this precept that it has become a common expression that while he does not al ways sell the cheapest, he nevertheless sells “the best," and when one stops to consider, is is a xpelndid reputation to have acquired. The Wahl Store has not always occupied the splendid quarters it now occupies. It was onl> by assiduous attention to business, by making cadi year's sales top the previous year’s sales that that platial mercantile establishment now occupied, was attained. In the present commodious quarters Mr. Wahl is enabled to stock his shelves and counters with dry goods, clothing, shoes and ladies furnishings, as well as everything in the ready-to-wear line. .V portion of the second floor is occupied as a carpet and rug room, and for ladies suits. Ordinarily Mr. Wahl employs eight clerks, hut in the busy seasons this force is augmented by an increase of the force. The second floor also furnishes accomodations for offices and a business college. The third floor is given up to lodges, three different orders using the seine. Mr. Wahl is one of those useful citizens, one of those successful merchants, who is satisfied with Falls City—Falls City to him is the one place in which he is interested. A siren might sing long and in tones alluring of the golden harvests of some other land; of its sunshine and flow ers, its fruitage and wealth, but Mr. Wald is one who pins his faith in his quiet and unostentatious way fo Falls City and old Richardson county. Falls City has reason to be proud of Mr. Wahl and of the splendid edifice that bears hi name, as well as the business which lie so ahlv conducts._ Wednesday, they will be no dis-j credit to such a team as soon as Father Time has stretched them up and out a little. THE “QUEEN OF BEAUTY" | Launched on The Sea of Musical Comedy Wednesday Night. A generous supply of cheek, a, modicum of brass, well sprinkled with gall, and embellished with! scant and tawdry raiment, is, it seems, about all that is necessary! in order to launch a musical com-! edy upon the sea of amusement. | The piece at best has little to recommend it to an enduring public, and as staged here, is, little short of procuring money under false pretenses. The “peachiest chorus” was in' evidence and “electrified” the audience. In the hands of a capable com pany the piece would savor of “punkiness;” in the hands of its present interpreters it borders onto rottenness. carrying out of the regular school program. The morning preaching service was in charge of llov. Adams of Humboldt; the afternoon service presided over by Rev. F. K. Day of Falls City. The lug picnic dinner was, or course not the least among the pleasures of the day, for all good and cheerful Sunday school work ers are “good feeders”—a dys peptic possibly, would not prop erly enjoy the story of Jesus’ en try into Jerusalem, and the song of “Hosanna to the Son of Da vid.” In Christian Sunday School circles it was an occasion long to be remembered, and in many ways contributed to the furthering of the work in the county. A generous contribution was taken up, the same to he tendered to the state Sunday school fund. Good Roads. There will be a good roads meeting in the oourt house Fri day night, September 2. Come and help boost for good roads. would object to this latter ar rangement, is the postmaster three .John Dorringtmis receiving mail through the same postot'fice has a tendency to make the I*. .M. look wild-eyed. Nebraska State Fair. Sept. 5 t o 9 are the dates of j the state l'air at Lincoln, and tin* 1910 fair is the greatest ever attempted to be held in the state. The attractions comprise' the best races, four flights each! day by the Wright aeroplanes/ tour great concerts each day by Lombardo s Symphony Hand and Grand Opera Ooncert Co. of six ty-eight people, the great Hatter son Shows and night entertain-' inents consisting of three run-: ning races, concert, vaudeville and a stupendous fireworks dis play on the 5th, Oth 7th and 8th. In addition to the amusement features there will be the best agriculture exhibit shown at any fair in the world in 1910 and the second best live stock show. All these facts should appeal to the j pride ot' every Idj&ll Nebraska oit-i izen. Let’s go.-if AFTER THE PENNANT. Falls City’s Team Pulling For The Coveted Rag. ! ^ - Tlu» base ball season is on the! wane. Next Wednesday the sea-' * son closes, dust now it is a! 'pretty close race, as the teams come clattering down the home stretch, nones apart in some in stances and “hopelessly out classed’’ in others. For its initial year the Mink League lias made a most enviable reputation. To succeed in estab lishing a base ball league is no easy matter, as base ball history records. There have been many failures in groups of cities that far outnumber in population the towns composing the Mink League, Among the towns composing t'.i ■ Mink League none have been more loyal to its club than Falls Ci y; we excel iii attendance, we excel in enthusiasm, and our loy alty to the men composing the team has been much commented upon. It lias been an uphill light lor Falls City's contondors for many weeks, attributed largely to acci dents among the members, .lust now we are in striking distance and have a chance to land the coveted rag the pennynt. Today, Thursday, throng hav ing lost Wednesday's game at Au burn, Falls i itv trails behind the leaders one game. Clrainda not having played Wednesday. To day, the weather permitting, the two leaders begin a series of two games here, and then a succession of transferred games with Au burn and Shenandoah, which clos es the season. It is a closoraee. The team lias been much stren gthened by the addition of Mc Neill at third, and the switching of Van Tappen to second, which gives Falls City as classy an in field as one sees outside of the big leagues. And the hoys are hitting the ball—that is the one reason of our winning a series of eighteen games out of twenty-two. Taken all together Falls City's first year of league base ball lias been most satisfactory. Those behind the movement have shown good business sense, and have given the patrons their money’s worth; have given them clean en tertainment, free from rowdyism and have attracted an attendance from among the best classes of of our citizens, and in so doing have paved the way for a gener ous support next year. The Tribune extends its best j wishes for clean, wholesome base ball, and for the success of tin-! Mink League. Don’t Cry, Little Girl.” Alexander the Great wept, ’tis said, because there were no more worlds to conquer. Possibly Alexander's griel' was no more poignant than that of a fuirdnm-| sel who was barred out of the $10,000.01) beauty chorus of the! Beauty (juccn musical potpourri, who are just blossoming out here to startle the world, because she eoidd neither sing nor jig. Alas, poor maiden! The world is full of people who can neither sing nor jig, and are compelled to stand in the back row and simply carry a spear and look pleasant But if you'll save your shekels little maiden, it may yet come to pass that you can give them what is known in base ball par lance as the horse-laugh, for there is nothing in the world . so gloomy, so depressing, as to hej miles away from home, out in the cold world, minus ear fare. Don’t cry, little girl, don’t cry. A Workman Injured. K. .1, Brigman, a young man,I who recently moved here from St. Joe, was injured Tuesday forenoon while working at the new < 'hristian church. At the time of the accident he was wheeling a harrow or mortar, and when passing under an as cending box of tile, a 17-ineh tile was dislodged from the box, and tailing struck young Brig man on the hip. • ,'r: i While the injuries proved to be exceedingly painful no serious results are apprehended. ■ j SEEKERS AFTER KNOWLEDGE OFF FOR THE STATE UNIVER SITY AND THE COLLEGE. Exodus of the Students—Falls City Well Represented at State University—To Teach. This is the season of the year when our population decreases; the season when the colleges and tlu> universities claim no small numbers of our sons and daughters who are seeking after knowledge and who go forth to impart knowledge. Each year Falls City is well represented at the state universi ty, and at numerous institutions of learning throughout the middle west, for along educational lines Falls City ranks high, and her sons and daughters are given those ml vantages that the wise and ambitious parent accords to his children. .Miss Ethel Wide, a last year’s student at the high school, will this year attend Brownell llall, Onduia. Miss Neide won the schol arship which entitles her to eu | t rance at Brownell, hy her meri torious work in the high school last year. There is hut one •scholarship given hy this well known institution each year, and in thus plucking so great a re ward. Miss Ethel brings credit to our high school, and pelasure to her friends and parents alike. To the State University Falls City will contribute the following list of ambitious students, each of whom, it is needless to say, will give a good account of him or herself. Misses Ruth Ileneock and Ruth McMillan. Messrs. Marry and Jean Cain, Edgar Schock, David Rcavis. Rob ert Steele, Ray Graham and Reav is Gist. Miss Lois Speneer will take a course in library work at Madi son. Wis. Misses Ruth Rcavis and Maybel Lyford will attend school at Jack sonville, Illinois. Miss Alice Jaquet will return to school at Galesburg, III. Vincent Sheehan will attend school at conception, Mo. Miss Anna Sheehan, the only graduate at IJrsidine Convent last year, will become an instructor at the convent at York, Neb. Cyril McCarthy and Cecil Mc Mahon, will return to Creighton ('ollogc at Omaha. Miss Lillian Rowers will return to 1 lie Acadamy at Arcadia, Mo. Lloyd Shaffer will attend the slate agricultural college at Ames, Iowa. .Miss Nellie Jennings will at tend the Peru Normal. Richard King will attend school the coining year at Minne apolis. Miss Kate Ileneock, member of the Class of the State I Di versity. will leave soon for Porto Rico, where she goes to teach in tin* government schools. Miss Josephine Craves left on Sunday for Laramie. Wyoming, where she has been employed as a science teaeiier in the high school at that place, M iss Cert rude Lyford will teach at Teeumseh. M iss Prm Snidow will teach in the intermediate department at Version. Miss Louise Rule, a last years’ graduate of our high school will teach in the Frank Brecht district five miles east of Falls Citv. Miss Edna DeWald, a high school graduate, will teach in the Kanaly district. Miss Mary Jenkins, a last years graduate of the high school will teach near Miles’ ranch. Miss Florence Gerliardt of the Class of 1910, will teach east of town. Miss Wherry Lowe of the Class of 1909, will teach the Falls school, south of town. New Telephone Directory. The new telephone directory is out, bigger and more perfetly ar ranged than ever before. The vil lage of Preston has been added to the service, and the company are now giving a most satis factory service over a large por tion of the county. The new '‘directory is tlw work of The Tribune plant, ■ •! u