The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO, Si Hunker of ForteseUe was a Kulo \ isilor Moluia; ])an Sapp of Missouri was a Kulo visitor Saturday. John Bowers of \\ hile < loud was n Kulo visitor Saturday. Anna Mann !<■( for si. .loo Tuesday to spend a few weeks. Nellie Coupe of balls City vis ited with Kulo friends last week, Mr- Aikmnn returned Sunday from si two weeks visit at L)u Hois. John Mann of White Cloud was a Kulo visitor the las) ol the week. Charlie Seutt ami family were visiting relatives in Kulo Mon day, Mrs. John Hopkins and ehildre left last week for a visit in Mniii tou. Col. Clarence Me Wain of Falls City visited with relatives in Kulo hist week. Mrs. Ford Kubrick of Atchi son visited with relatives in Kulo last week. Mamie Kyan of Auburn eame Sunday for a visit to relatives in this vioinily. Opal Hays left Sunday evening for a visit with relatives in For est City. Mo. F.d Taylor and family of At chison are visiting with relatives in Kulo this week. .Mr. jiikI .Mrs. Huv l\let-lunger of Falls City were liulo visitors Saturday anti Sunday. Mrs. French and children of Sparks visit«*» 1 with Mrs. (leorge Seley during the picnic. Mr. and Mrs. dot' Forney anti two children of Falls City visited relatives here last week. (lladys Richardson returned last week from a visit with rela tives in Smith Center, has. Mrs. Hen Zeigler and twin babies left Sunday for a visit to relatives at Forest City, Mo. Frank and Karl Khiekley of Kansas City visited last week in this city with their grandparents. Stanley and Clara Crook ofS;> lent visited friends and attended tin* street fair in Rulo last week. Klla Carpenter returned to St. Joseph Sunday after a short visit with relatives and friends here. n Mr. and Mrs. I’hil Horan at tended the golden wedding <>f Mr. Horan’s parents in Falls City, Sunday. Helen and Harry Cramer re turned last week from a visit with their grandparents at Hia watha. James Inks and family of Sa lem returned home Sunday after an extended visit with relatives in Rulo. Edward and Clare Leeds of Falls City spent several days in t! is city the past week with their gr;i ndpareiits. Freda Paul of Abilene, Kas., who has been visiting relatives in Rulo and vicinity, left for her home Tuesday. Mrs. Ih-ssie Dolman and daugh ter left Sunday for their home in Kansas City after an extended x i'i with relatives in this city. M mid Mrs. Frank Costella and little son of Atchison return ed me the first of the week after a visit with relatives in this city. M i I ,ee M -y i n am) three children spent the past month at the home of J. Hilbert and fain-. iiy el Vor mil ion, S, I). They t*e tiirind home Wednesday. .Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hoffnell left for their home in Abilene. Kansas, Monday niter a two weeks visit with the former’s brother and family in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Alehin Rinehart of Smil h < 'enter returned alter a two weeks visit with I*. Vanval kinburg. Little Veal a Van ac companied them home for a three months visit. Ray Malt returned to St. Joseph Sunday evening after a short visit with home folks. Mis wile and bahy who have spent the past month with relatives at this place, accompanied him. OHIO. Little I'klvv ill Kiininel is on the sick list. Fred Whitrock v isit* *1 in Falls City Sunday. Mrs. A. Fssley, who lias been quite siek is improving. • •race Finley was a guest of Lola Sturms a few days Iasi week Wilma Xedrovv spent Sunday in Falls t’ity with her grandpar ents. Herman Fritz and family re turned home from Seward last week. Donna Shaffer spent Sunday with her brother and family near Salem. John Darien and faiuilv were guests of Ryy Meyers and wife Sunday. Harry and Huy I’riehurd spent Sunday with their cousin, Willie 1’richard. F. K, Liclity ami family were guests of F. M. Shaffer and fam ily Sunday. II. Watton and family were guests of Mr. Woodring and fam ily Sunday. A hahy girl was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hauer, one day last week. Mrs. L. Lilt./, spent a portion of last week with relatives in Falls < 'ity. II. Heaeliy and wife visited one day recently with Wes Nedrow and family. Harry I’riehard of Virginia, is visiting Coon I’riehard and other relatives. I lev. Watson uad wife of Falls City visited in this community a part of the week. Several from this vicinity at tended camp meeting east of Falls City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sturms, and Miss Lola wen* the guests of Omaha friends Sunday. Will Hticgge of Republican City, Kas., visited with relatives in this vicinity last week. Holla Franklin, wife and baby of near Dawson visited relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Allie I’riehard and Gladys and Kstlicr Kimmel visited with Miss Priscilla Woodring Sunday. Delos Spiekler and Guy Lich ty and their wives wore visitors in Craig. Mo., one day last week. Charles Sohulenhorg and wife spent Sunday with tho latter’s parents,. Air. and Mrs. Woodring. Little Neva Melvin of lola. Kas.. visited at tin* home of Frank Shaffer the latter part of the week. —We are buying apples, peaches, and plums at the warehouse near the mill. Let us 'mow what you have to offer Call phone 3!tt> or 3tSa.—Heck & War is'ey “Bigger, Whiter, Lighter Loaves'' All Nebraska Women Uphold Puritan Puritan Flour Contest You can BAK. the Best Bread from Puritan Flour, what can yoi MAKLfrom Puritan Flour Sack*? ^ Kilter your name in ttie greatest content ever held i:i Nehra A ka. we offer 240 sacks of Puritan Flour Free. Ip esakes more Sao.-res of bread per s a c k - - by ictual baking whiter,lighter loaves than Tiny other Hour you can buy. Bread made from average Hour is part waste, part impur ity and on ly pm t food. Bread made from Puritan flour ttrvery ounce good,pure blood-making foixi. Kour Sack* for each of the'.*0 Ho*t I trfll Article* I'our Sark* for rarh of the 20 Mo»l * oiairal Article* lour Sack* for rarh of the 20 Mo*t Attractive Article* ItaUe I roni I’urilan Hour 60 I’riaea of lour Sark* kach. k Contra! Open July li ^ Cloaca September lat, 1! Tbe Coni The fairest. *q,». e*t, most enter'.*i intr contest rur lt> • In Nebraska—* jrr • *• apportuuitv lor 60 fain, lies to K»*t their wlntoi I supply *»f tloyr free. M < t:>? coupon to tmtttday forj pat tinitial's. Wm The 1 i h.* can’t enjoy th< ay Purl no Hhi route**:, ho 1:i ever, W : aek uf Puritan li"ir - a couponurood on a Puritan Hoy I »• »i I * .1 It! eeou|H>i)H y i find Iti the flour mek* to us and we "ill tend you tui k the «!-■.! Puritan Flour is made from the choicest hard winter wheat— with all the waste taken out — sepa rated and blended so that every sack contains the scientifically right combination of nourishing, bread-making qualities. Every sack of Puritan Flour is strictly guaranteed. Use half or mart—it it doesn't make the best Bread, Cake, Biscuit and Pie crust yon ever Maked, take the rest of the sack back and tour grocer will cheerfully refund your money. 1 - 1PURITAN Send This Coupon Today The Puritan Mill* I Puritan Flour Sack Contest Schuyler, Nebraska * _S» n«t ii." f :!l part, ulars of the Puritan I Flour Sack Contest. _ Name. I Address..... I buy my flour ol. ^ Address . . Wells-Abbott-Nieman Co. The Puritan Millers Schuyler, Neb. VERDON. diaries Cook was over from Salem Tuesday. Kd Shubert returned to Shu bert Friday morning. May Thompson was shopping in Falls City Saturday. Mrs. Robert Thompson was a Stella visitor recently. Dr. J. W. Bourne was down from < hnahn last week. T. M. and Carey Brunson were Auhuru visitors Tuesday. A son was horn to Sam Han cock and v ife, August ]!>. Dr, Phillips returned home from a two weeks trip Friday. Mrs. Mary Conover spent a port ion of last week at York. Mrs. Elizabeth Jones is en tertaining relatives from Wiscon sin. Clyde. Trimmer of Stella is vis iting his sister, Mrs. Clare Cole man. Irene McHenry left last week for a visit with relatives at Co fey villc, Kansas. Bloyd Dietrich and John Me-, Xulty attended the picnic at Daw son Friday. Mrs. I), i. (Iriffiths and little son visited relatives here a few days this week. Rudolph Fisher is boring four! new wells down at tile M. I*.! pumping station. Will Xcdrow and John Hall, saw tin* hall game at Falls City1 Saturday afternoon. Ralph Garries returned 'files day from a visit in the northern' part of tlie state. A party of young folks enjoy ed a social dance at Parson’s hall Thursday evening. ('laud Veal came in from the country Monday for a visit with his sister. Luvirda Veal. • Miss Hazel Raper came down form Omaha Sunday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Isaac Phillips. Miss Jessie Griffiths returned to her work at Reefer’s store after a vacation of six weeks. Mrs. King and daughter, Miss Martha, returned Thursday from a visit to friends at Kimble. Neb.1 Amelia Schrader returned last week from her visit to Yellow stone park and other places of interest. I Rev. and Mrs. f. C, McRae re turned to their home in ('lay Cen ter after a very pleasant visjt, to friends here. George Goolsby and wife and Ruvirda Veal arrived Monday from Dallas, S. D., for a visit to relatives here. Mrs. ('. . Stevens returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday.1 Mi's. A. K. Stevens accompanied her as far as Omaha. Mrs. C. .0 Humphrey is enter-' taming her sister. Mrs. Charles Rowe, who arrived from Omaha the first of the week. Mrs. VV. T. Johnson, accom panied by Messrs Mason and ltaybuck left Wednesday for a trip to Grand Falls, Minn. Airs. Homer House and two children came down from Peru Saturday evening for a visit to the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chase. Graham Jones and wife, Airs. T. AT. Pronson, Alitmie Jones and Kd Rrunson attended the funeral of Frank Jones' daughter at Au burn Tuesday. While Airs. R. E. Veal was vis iting relatives at Stella last week her little daughter was taken suddenly ill. At this writing she is improving. BARADA. W. I '. Butler was in Falls City Tuesday. lb’. 11. S. Andrews was an Omaha visitor Monday. Otis Sailors and yi!'e spent a few days in the country the past week. Kev. A. Hsslev and Grant Goolsby were Barada visitors on Tuesday. .Miss Minnie Burgess returned Sunday from her visit with rela tives in Missouri. Conrad Gerdes and family spent Sunday with Henry Sieni cring dr., and family. Verda and Edna Williamson returned the first of the week from a visit in the city. Henry Kelley and two of tin* Ankrom boys are undergoing a siege of typhoid fever. A. A. Catlett and family re cently returned from a visit to relatives at Hamburg, Iowa. Flossie and Carina Wamsley spent a few days last week vis iting relatives in Falls City. Mark Bodle and John Jump, old time residents of Barada, are down from 1 >osalie for a visit. Mrs. 1. S. Prosser and daugh ter. Panara visited last week at Vesta. Neb., with Mrs. Walter Morehead. Fulton Peters returned the ‘ irst ot the week from an ex tended \i-di at Rosalie. Xeb., with bis children. .Mr. and Mrs. (Reason and fam ily of Fargo spent Sunday with their old friends. Joseph Surman and family. Mr. and Mrs. llenrv Siemering Sr.. and F. W. Siemering and wife spent Sunday at the home of Heine Ktiker. Preaching services at the Fvetigeliea 1 church Sunday even ing. ('. 13. will be led by J. A. Martin and Kdward Slagle. J. I. Martin, .Mrs. F. 11. Mar tin and s ii Melvin returned on Wednesday from a visit with Mrs. Philip Markt at Oregon. Mo. Mrs. R. J. Dunn was called to Ohio last week hv the serious ill ms, of her father. She will probably be gone several weeks. oooooooooooooooo o o o The “Tribune” from o o now until January 1, 1912 o o tor only $1.50, in advance o o o oooooooooooooooo V good farm for sale, north of Falls City. Enquire of W. If. Maddox. Old Dutch Cleanser I r\The Farm Kitchen is the greatest help and convenience. It Cleans, Scrubs, Scours, Polishes• Pots, kettles, pans, boilers, sinks and flat-irons; milk pails and separators; wood floors, etc., easier, quicker and better. Some cleaner* are harmful. A void caustic and acid. Use this One handy, all-’round cleanser for all your cleaning —a time and labor saver throughout the house. TO CLEAN FLOORS— Wood, Linoleum or Stone Wet—sprinkle with Old Dutch Cleanser and rub with mop or scrubbing brush; then mop with clean water. This will give you quick, unusual and most satis factory results. LARGE SIFTER CAN lU'M Missouri Pacific Trains East Tr. 104 —'t Louis Exp. 2:10 p rr. Tr 106—Kansas City Exp. . 3:40 a. in. Tr. 132—K. C. Local.*7:30 a. m Tr. 192—Local Freight ....*9:40 a. m. Tr. 138 — Omaha Local, ar. *9:00 p. nr Trains West Tr 103—Omaha Linco'n Ex. 1:50 p. m. Tr. 105—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a. m. Tr. 137—Omaha local.*7:15 a. m. Tr. 191—Local Freight.*1:20 p, in Tr. 131—Kansas City Lo. ar.*8:15 a. m. *Daily excert Sunday. E. E. MARK, Ag nt. Burlington Route West Bound No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. ru. No- 43—Portland Exp_10:17 p ir.. No- 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. in No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne braska City.5:00 a. m East Bound No. 14—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:38 a. m. No. 44—>t. J.. K. C'. & St. L. .3:37 a. in No. 16—St. J.. K C. & St. L. .4:22 p. m, (Local) « No. 42—St. J., K. C. & St L. .4:35 p, tr No 122—From Lincoln, via Nebraska City. 8:45 p m. E. G. WHiTFOkD, Agent. Bargain Af This Week At the New Furniture Store L i b r a r y T a b I es and Center Tables To Cl ose Out at Cut Prices E. LANDRIGAN Day Phone 422 _ ,, _ , Night Phone 38i Falls City, Neb. Living to Ourselves “No man liveth to himself,” simply because he cannot. He has it in iiis power (moved by selfishness) to refuse help to the other man. while at the san e time he must depend on him or he cannot himself exist. In proportion as the spirit of co opera tion is practiced, tlie community grows and prospers. This bank c m ot exist except for the co-operation of the people who dwell here, nor can any other business institution. Should all the people lu re decide to patronize m il order banks ami catalog houses, all the banks and business houses here would have to “shut up shop,” aud then how quickly real estate val ui s hereabouts would imita e the walls of Jericho and “come tumbling down.” These are truths every man should think about when he contemplates eitherof the things minted above. 'I'his bank solicits no business to the detriment of the customer. When you can get better service, higher i ate of interest, more courteous treatment in some distant city bank than we offer you, yve shall not question your right to give them your business, but until that time (and thereafter also) protection for your own interests should prompt you to keep your im nej’at home. Farmers State Bank PRESTON, NEBRASKA You Can’t Hide the imperfections of your teeth. That's why we give good advice when we and you to see us and have them attended to. TOOTH CARE IS A SCIENCE Part belongs to you and part to the dentist. Our skill helps to make pretty mouths*by keeping your teeth in good concition. DR. YUTZY Falls City, Nebraska East Side Hardware Store TINNINC AND PLUMBING Jubilee Gasoline and Electric Hot Point Sad Irons PERFECTION OIL STOVES R. BACHSTEIN Wealth In Irrigation Congress has just appropriated Twenty Million Dollars to hasten the work of Government Irrigation THE GOVERNMENT SHOSHONE PROJECT IN THE BIG HORN BASIN will receive its share and be pushed to completion at once. Contracts for a twelve mile extension of the main canal were let dune 27th. More than 150 farms now ready for settlers, and a large number of farms are now being surveyed, which will be open to entry within a few weeks. These rich lands, irrigated by the Government, can be homesteaded by simply repaying the Government actual cost—$45 per acre, in ten yearly payments, without interest. 15,000 ACRES OF CAREY ACT LANDS just open toentr.v—only GO days residence required. Under this law settlers buy water from the irri gation company at $50 per acre, aud the laud from the State at 50 cents per acre, paying $10 per acre cash, the remainder running over a period of ten years at 0 per cent. SPECIALLY PREPARED WYOMING LITERATURE just off the press. Write for it today. D. CLEM DEAVER. Gen. Agent (fifijjBipIl] Land Seekers Information Bureau 1004 .Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebr.