The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 26, 1910, Image 1

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The Falls City Tribune
Vol. VII ^ FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, Al (il ST 26, 1910. Number 35
She Came to Richardson County in
1854 and Was Falls City's
Oldest Resident.
Mrs. Eliza Crook passed away
Friday, August 19, 1910. For a
long time she had not been in
the best of health, and for the
past few weeks she grew much
worse and her friends knew the
end was near. She was a patient
sufferer of that dreaded disease,
Death no matter to whom, or
in what form it comes always
brings with it the tear of sor
row and the sigli of grief, but it
is not always that a single visi
tation of the destroyer brings
such widespread regret or draws
forth so many expressions of that
regret. This wide spread, outspok
en expressioti of sorrow was the
highest tribute that the commu
nity could pay to the character
and worth of the departed. And
through years of close association
the people of this city has come
to know Mrs. Crook so well, to
so appreciate her womanly quali
ties, and so come under the influ
ence of her Christian character
as to feel that this tribute was
due her.
True womanhood finds its high
est exemplification in the home,
and it was here that the true no
^bility of she who lias been called
away was most beautifully
shown. She was always a loving
mother to her children and grand
children. Hut this dear old lady,
who had lived such a righteous
and noble life, and whose hands
have always been busy is now at
eternal rest.
Eliza Whitaker was born May
1, 1830 in North Carolina. When
a very small girl she moved with
her parents to Tennessee. And
on February 28, 1840 she was
married to Jesse Crook, of which
union the following children
were born: John Crook, who died
in 18(57 at the age of twenty-one
years, and Wm. II. Crook and
Sarah E. Wilhite, both of this
In 1853 Mr. and Mrs. Crook
started for Nebraska. They were
accompanied by a number of rel
atives and neighbors and their
three children. On reaching An
drew’ county, Missouri, they dis
covered that tin* negotiations with
the Indians had not been com
pleted and that the Indian title
had not yet been extinguished.
Nebraska was not opened for set
tlement.for eight; en months after
their arrival in Missouri and they
remained in that state. In 1854
they settled on the old homestead,
where they lived until moving
to this city.
For many years slit' and her
husband were engaged in running
a hotel in Falls City. In this
way she was known to most of
the early settlers of the county.
Mrs. Crook probably lived longer
on the townsite of Falls City than
any person ever in it, and no one
was engaged in the active duties
of fife for a longer number of
years. It was only a few years
ago that she and her husband
moved to a neat little cottage in
west part of town to enjoy a few
years of rest and recreation and
here her tired eyes closed on
the scene of her struggles and
opened again in the land of re
The funeral services were held
from the residence on Sunday
morning at nine o’clock, conduct
ed by Rev. M. C. Brooks of the
Methodist church. The remains
were taken to Steele cemetery
where they were tenderly placed
beside her husband, who died on
Christmas day, 100H.
Col. M. W. Harding.
Col. M. W. Harding of Hum
boldt was in Falls City Wednes
day on his way to Verdon to at
tend the Verdon picnic, Thurs
day and Friday. Mr. Harding is
just back from a six weeks visit
with his parents in Belvedere, 111.
He is busy booking sales for this
fall. While in Dawson one day
last week, he made six dates. He
is generally known over the
county and well liked and he has
no difficulty in making more
dates than lie will have time to
Everybody May Hear Roosevelt
In Omaha, September 2.
WIkmi Colonel Roosevelt speaks
in Omaha, Friday afternoon, on
Septcm’ur 2, it will be to the
general public and not to an ex
clusive 4‘e\\ political admirers or
men.'), rs of any social organiza
The great Omaha auditorium—•
which the people of Nebraska
helped build—has been engaged.
It will seat comfortably 10,000
people and as it is fire-proof
there will be no fire department
interferring with those who wish
to stand in the aisles.
At four o’clock in the after
noon Colonel Roosevelt will ar
rive at the auditorium and make
his address. It will be the only
address he will make in Omaha or
in Nebraska. While he is going
to the Ak-Sar-Ben later in tin1 ev
ening and while lie will be a
The Annual Session Opened On
Monday Morning.
The Richardson County teach
j ‘is’ institute opened in regular
i annual session Monday morning
at the high school huilding. The
attendance from the beginning
was good. The enrollment has
: reached 119.
The instructors are Dr. <T. A.
lieatic of Lincoln, Dr. A. >1. Mer
i cer of Kearney, I’rof. R. L.
Hoff of llumholdt. I'rof. S. II.
Wood of Falls City, Miss Lois
Spencer of Falls City and Miss
Nettie Snidow of Leads, S. D.
The session is proving one of
the’ most successful in the his
tory of institute work in Rich
ardson county. The work of the
institute was not only good hut
ahly presented and was well di
gested hv those present. The in
The Daeschner Reunion Held at
The Schrimer Home,
A Most delightful day was
spent at the beautiful Highland
Home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Schirmer, Thursday, August 4,
1910, when tin* “Daeschner Alices
tral League” met to hold its an
nual meeting. This league was
organized 14 years age by mem
bers of the family of Karl Daesch
ner of Preston, Nehr., consisting
of tlu> parents, eight sons and five
daughters, of whom Mrs. Seltirmc
is one. The League has not fail
ed to hold its annual meetings
at the homes of its scattered mem
hers, who live in five states, Neb
raska, Kansas. Colorado. Oklaho
iiiii and Texas. Since the league
was organized father, mother and
one son have passed away,
'I he league now numbers 90
members of whom about lit) were
The wholesale and jobbing house of Heck & Wamsley lias a bright future before it. It
is one of the promising and growing concerns of Falls City. They are located in the southeast
ern part of town, near the Burlington depot in the old Canning Factory. The building is 80 by
140, with large sheds for storing. There is a busy hum about the place and an atmosphere of
tilings’ doing, which cannot but impress the most indifferent visitor.
Heck & Wamsley are the originators of the celebrated Climax Chick Feed. One of the
best mixed feeds for young chicks yet produced. This year they handled four 'car loads of this
feed, alone. They are also large manufacturers of shippers’ boxes and barrels. At the pres
ent time six coopers arc kept busy making the 1,200 barrels a week needed to supply the de
mand for barrels by local apple shippers.
Tin* firm does a wholesale jobbing business in brooms, flour, salt, matches, crockery of all
kinds, water filters, bran, screenings, shorts, alfalfa meal, beef scraps and poultry shells, besides
a variety of other common utilities. It is evident that they arc building up toward a general
wholesale grocer's establishment, a line of business hound to succeed and grow in this territory.
Heck & Wamsley are plodders. They have begun at the bottom and slowly hut securely
climbed to the present proportions. They are constantly adding new lines. Their present quar
ters are already crowded and any considerable increase in the business will compell the securing
of additional room. T hey employ at present, six coopers, three general utility men and a book
keeper besides giving all their individual time to the business of the firm. Although the season
has scarcely opened they have already packed and shipped 460 barrels of apples and .400 bushels
of peaches. Fruit growers with apples or any kind of fruit for sale will always find an open
and safe market with Heck & Wamsley.
guest at both a dinner and a
luncheon in Omaha, lie will apeak
but once in the auditorium where
all who come may hear him.
Only a few seats—l.iO to 200
have bean reserved and all oth
ers are free to anyone who gets
them. Visitors from outside will
have tin* same chance as Omaha
people. There is positively no
list and mt favorites except the
vice-presidents of the entertain
ment committe seeated on the
stage together with the gusts of
Mr. Roosevelt who are making
the trip with him.
Auto-Flower Parade.
It is noted that the business in
terests of St. Joseph have never
before manifested the interest in
the Inter-State Live Stock show,
that is being shown in the com
ing show to he held there during
the last week in September.
One of the features that is to
contributed by the business in
terests of the city in co-operation
with the management of the In
ter-State, is an automobile flow
er parade to be given during one
forenoon of the week.
The plan for the parade is on a
most liberal and extensive scale
and there are premiums being of
fered sufficient to attract auto
ists from all over St. Joseph ter
ritory. Entries for the parade
are not to be confined to the city
of St. Joseph, and the cash
purses to be offered should at
tract entries from all over ter
ritory within 200 miles of the city.
This parade will he one of the
entertaining sensations of the
show week.
teres twas maintained to tin* close
The excessive heat at the be
ginning of the session made the
work very trying. The cold wave
offered a welcome relief.
Prof. Oliver was untiring in
his efforts to make the institute
a success and in endeavoring to
make their stay in Falls City as
pleasant as possible to all visit
Chautauqua in Debt.
It is unfortunate that the en
terprising men at the bead of the
Chautauqua should be required to
dig down in their pockets and
make up a big deficit,
as a reward for their untir
ing efforts to give Falls City
something really worth while.
The Chautauqua is too good a
thing to permit it to die out and
yet it cannot be expected that
men would be willing to give
their time and money freely for
the privilege of getting their
“heads combed.”
Picnic at The Park.
The Presbyterian Mission in
the south part of town held their
pienic in the park Tuesday after
noon. Fifty-three jolly children
were out for a good time. That
they succeeded in getting il was
evident from the expressions on
the faces of the “kids.” A pic
nic lunelrhelped to fill the meas
ure of the afternoon’s joy to
Thieving and Officebreaking
Last week Fairburv suffered
from a spasm of petty thieving
and office-breaking. Fortunately
the thieves got very little loot.
present last Thursday. A very
interesting program was render
ed. It was in charge of the pres
ident. Frank Daesclinor of Hiawa
tha Kansas. A fundamental feat
ure of the league is an annual
free-will offering for the cause of
missions. This feature was inaug
united by 0rand mu I kicseliner
when the league was first
organized, and has been faithful
ly adhered to ever since. The of
fering this year was designated
for mission work among the Ital
ians in America. It would be
impossible to describe the sumpt
uous lunch at 12:00 and the din
ner at 6:00 p. in. Only such as
have enjoyed the hospitality of
Mr. and Mrs. Schrimcr can appre
ciate that part of the program.
The meeting was a complete
success.—11iawatha World.
For Richardson County and Home
(Ml. Harding of Humboldt be
lieves in the idea of boosting the
home land. He has had post
cards made of his home and
is sending them around to iiis
friends. If everybody would be
as discriminating, and instead of
buying post cards of foreign
scenes, would have cards made of
their homes, products, and natural
scenery, it would help advertise
Richardson county and not only
awaken appreciation of and for
the things at home, but would
lead to home investments and in
dustrial developments.
Drainage Board Meets.
Drainage board met to receive
bids on $205,000 of drainage
bonds. No bids were received.
Letter From our Regular Correspond
ent at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Ang., ‘22, 1910.
The action of the cattle mar
ket last week was encouraging to
owners of stuff yet to market, as
everything on the list advanced
to to 40 cents, with the exception
of stockcrs and feeders, market
for which grades sagged after
the opening days, and closed 20
to 20 cents lower for the week.
Beef consuming channels broad
ened very much last week, and
although the total cattle sup
ply for the week was largest of
the season, (it.000 head, including
10.000 calves, buyers for the kill
ers rode hard all week, and took
lots of steers that ordinarily go
to the feeders. While prices on
Country grades weakened last
week, and an accumulation of
2.000 stale tattle remained in
the polls at tile close of the week,
ill - movement lo the country was
in-i ly >00 oars, also a record for
th s > ison. linn today is 10.000
ea lie here, including 2,000 calves,
market steady to 10. higher. Boot!
weight native steers got the most
gain today, best steers worth
$8.20. top here today $8.00, The
general feeling is that the good
condition of the market will con
tinue all through the fall months.
It is conceded Hint the corn grow
ing area will ship less cattle to
’market this fall than would have
been the ease were corn pros
pects not so good. On the other
hand, liny is so high in price in
the mountain sections that cat
tle will be shipped out pretty
clean from there this season, A
train of Old Mexieos from, Colo
rado sold at $4.70 here last week,
and some 874 Utah feeders
brought $5.00 here today, horn
ed killing steers in this shipment,
a little heavier, at $4.60. Best
veal calves $8.00, stock steers
$2.00 to $2.25, feeders $4.00 to
Ilog receipts were lightest of
the year last week, at 23,000 head
and the market gained 20 cents
on an average. Heavy hogs
gained the most, as packers are
meeting a very good demand for
l»ig weight hog products. The
situation is regarded as bullish
from every angle at this time.
Run here today is only 4,000, mar
ket supply and lf> to 20 higher
than tile dose of last week, and
heavy hogs today at $8.50, medi
um weights $8.70 to $0.05, light
hogs $8.80 to $0.05.
Live Stock Cor.
The Old Settlers’ picnic at
Dawson was pulled off last Thurs
day and Friday in spite of the
weather. In fact Friday turned
out to be an ideal day and en
couraged a good attendance.
Dawson is generally able to get
out a good crowd and provides a
good program. The fact that
their park is in the Nemaha bot
tom puts them at the disadvan
tage of being shut out in case of
rain. However, the new channel
for the river carries the water be
yond the park and Dawson will
have less to contend with in this
respect in the future. The ground
is an ideal one otherwise, and
can be made one of the finest
park grounds in the county.
Auto and Buggy Wreck.
Tuesday evening as Herman
Beachy, [wife and Guy Stump
were peacefully approaching the
confines of Falls City, Arthur
Nixon and party, Barada hound,
clipped two wheels and other or
naments from their buggy with
the latter's auto. Some things are
better done by night than day
light. Fortunately no one was
seriously hurt.
Rev. E. L. Tobie.
Rev. K. Ii. Tobie of Grove City,
111., who was formerly superin
tendent of the Falls City schools,
is at present visiting in this city.
He will preach at the Methodist
church. Sunday morning at 10:150.
A Day of Avenging
Your simple countryman may
permit himself to be lured into
tanking up while in town, far be
yond tin* margin of safety set for
him by his good wife. You may
trap him and humble him. but a
day will be sure to come when he
will be sorry and go forth seek
ing revenge. County option will
hurry his day. Remember.
Boosters From Shubert and Mor
rill Visit Our City and Ex
tend Cordial Invitation
-»' - Rulo.
The weather man took consid
erable stock in the Rulo doings
last week and effectually damp
en'd tin1 proceedings. Some good
horses were on exhibition and tho
boys had a good time.
Stella will hold her annual
picnic <ni the banks of the .Muddy
on September 15th. The final
arrangements for tin' program
will Ik* announced in a short time.
They promise all who will attend
a day of real pelasure and enter
The Shubort mid Morrill Boost
ers took Falls Cily by storm Tiies
dav afternoon. The two proces
sions from opposite directions
hi! (lie town at almost the same
The Shubort Boosters announc
ed their ‘'Big Doings’’ to he on
August 30 and 'll. It will he an
old fashioned street fair with an
old time flavor.
Morrill's Dig picnic will ho
.September 1st, to which nil arc
cordially invited.
I - , I. t V
Verdon. "*• -
Thursday and Friday of this
week Verdon will throw open the
gates of her city, full wide, to
all the county round. It will he
a gala occasion and everybody
will give everybody the glad
hand. These picnics lire a good
tiling. They get the people to
gether. New acquaintances are
formed and old friendships are
renewed. In spite of the extra
vagances that invariably form a
part of these meets, the result is
for the general good of the com
munity. We are sorry to see
these gatherings pass away in
many localities or degenerate in
to class or family reunions.
The Tabernacle Meeting Closed
The meeting held in the Deu
ehler grove closed last Tues
day. From all accounts it was
a success. At tin* close of the
five days meeting nir|* were re
ceived into the church. For the
first time in the history of this
meeting, which has been held for
many years, every August, the
English language was used in
part. This was a step in the right
Wright Lumber Co.
Notice of incorporation of the
Wright Lumber Co. of Kanssa
City, to do business in Falls City
will be found on another page.
Ground will be broken by the
new firm in the near future. A
number of old buildings in the
block east of the court house will
lie demolished to make room for
the yards.
. '
W. L. Bohrer. * .
Washington Lafayette Bohrer,
one of the pioneers of Nemaha
township, died at bis home at
:he advanced age of eighty-seven
years. The funeral services were
conducted from the Nemaha
Christian church by Rev. F. K.
Day of Falls City. Interment
was in the cemetery at Salem.
To Leonardville, Kansas.
Rev. .T. R. Nanninga left on the
early train on the Missouri Pac
ific, Thursday, for Leonardsville,
Kansas, where lie will assist in
a meeting now in progress at that
place. Mr. Nanninga will be
away about ten days.
High Priced Land.
Bids on the Heilman eighty
about six miles east of town have
reached $12,400. This farm is
without timber or buildings of
any kind. With the price of
moderate improvements added it
would be worth $200 per acre.
A Baby Boy.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Leonard
are happy because of a baby boy.
j 11 is a big one too—ten pounds.