The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1910, Image 8

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    [[Tienry C. Smith
* 7mss*‘ ' * ’“^v" 1 *
f* »—"■—"»-- „ .I„,II..MBM^
240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. ^
200 acres 1)4 miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildit gs and land V ill j
ta«e 40 or 80 acres as part payment »
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. 512.000.
100 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres j^-mile from Falls City high school.
64 i acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take 100acres a> part payment.
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
__ _ • .• 4' J
S.A" I' ill Mil Ml1 Cwi *’ Tfw*mki—■K.HejaiMLE.-^gagEgqr'*t-tfmrsesnxer-zsrr-; m.‘*£XBETffix# jancsKzas'icjsfflpP
It is An Antiseptic, Very Mild But
Continuous and Deserves a
General Recognition.
I can remember Well when one
pound of boric acid, or boracio
acid, ns it was originally named,
was a sufficient stock to last a
druggist for a year. Then anti
septis was almost unknown and
boric acid was only used for eye
washes. Its qualities were little
understood. Now twenty pounds
is not a large order and is soon
dispensed, some of it going out
in pound cartons.
Horae acid is found impure in
nature, either alone or in chemi
cal combination with other ole
incuts. It is found in some min
eral waters and can lm obtained
from sea water. It can also be
prepared chemically from any of
the borates, but the principal
source of supply for this country
is the native borax mines of Cali
fornia, and as these mines are
controlled by the Pacific Coast
Borax Co., of *'20 mule-team"
notoriety, so also they poetically |
control the market and furnish
the supply of boric acid.
Boric acid is an exceedingly
weak acid, even when we use
the word “acid” in the ehemi
■•al sense. As the word acid is
used by the public it does not
apply to boric acid at all. The J
chemist calls it boric acid he-!
cause it belongs by its nature and
composition to the acid class of(
chemicals nad not to the basic or
alkaline class.
This drug is rarely used for in
ternal medication. It was
thought at one time that it would
prove a good intestinal antisep
tic, but it did not meet expecta
tions. While it is classed as non
poisonous, it has its dangers in
over-doses when given internally.
It has been abandoned as an in
ternal remedy, but its field is
large enough as an external rem
It is an antiseptic; very mild,
but continuous in its action and
Here’s 4 New And
Better Way To
Keep Things
I Avoid drudgery in the kitchen in
I cleaning pots, kettles and pans, in
I scrubbing floors, cleaning wood
work, bath-tubs and keeping things
I clean throughout the house. Old
S' Dutch Cleanser has revolutionized
| house work. This new, handy *11
I 'round Cleanser does the work of
I all old-fashioned cleaners put '
I together
Old Dutch
I Cleans- Scrubs-Scou rs
| ' and Polishes
|| in the kitchen, pantry, dairy, bath
|| zooms, ..bedrooms, parlor and
|| throughout the house. It keeps
|| everything clean and spotless, from
|| milk-pails and separators to wood
|| floors, wood-work, bath tubs, etc.
if The Easier and Quicker Way. Wet
|| the article, sprinkle Old Dutch
I i Cleanser on cloth or brush and rub
|| well, rinse with clean water and
|| wipe dry.
jj Avoid canstic and acid cleaners.
|| With this new Cleanser you can get
|| through your housework ic hall the
|| time and with hail the labor
|| formerly required.
line large
tor external Use. is absolutely
without danger even in ignorant
hands. This places it among the
very useful remedies and this ac
counts for its rapidly increasing
I told about Peroxide of hydro
gen some time ago, and explain
ed its antiseptic actions, hut these
two drugs <lo not conflict.. Per
oxide is quick,energetic, thorough
hut soon spends itself. Boric arid
is mild, slow, continuous. Both
can he used in the same wound
with benefit the peroxide to lie
gin the work and render the
wound aseptic and clean; boric
acid to continue tin* action and
maintain the antiseptic condi
tion. Hither can he used alone,
lint they seem to he made to go
shoulder to shoulder in t heir w ar
fare against germs. There are
other germicides more active
than either of these, hut for
domestic and general use these
are the ones par-excellence, lie
cause they are cfficint in all
hands and their is no element o£
danger in either. I advised you
to put peroxide of hydrogen iu
your medicine closet, and I also
advise you strongly to add powd
ered boric acid to your stock;
with these two you can give effi
cient “first aid” in any ease of
wounds or cuts. You can treat
intelligently any sore or abscess
and th<‘ surgeon who comes lat
er, if lie he needed, will approve
your actions.
To apply boric acid to a wound
simply sprinkle it over the en
tire surface. (Quantity is a matter
of no consideration. Whether
the wound be on man or animal
does not matter. It is just as
valuable in the barn as in the
Many healing powders are to
be had that contain boric acid.
Some of these are much more ef
fective and quicker in their act
ion. This is especially true of
veterinary healing powders, be
cause it is not necessary to be
careful about the odor of a vet
erinary powder and with that
restraint removed it is easy to
compound an antisceptic that
combines the quick, energetic, act
ion and the continuous effect.
Boric acid is odorless, which is
another of its good qualities. As
an ey* wash or is unique
because here again it is exceed
ingly beneficial in its action, but
without a single element of dan
ger. “What! No danger as to
how much I put in my eye?”
you are apt to exclaim on read
ing that sentence. I assure you
it is self-limited by its soluabil
ity. Water will only hold about
five per rent. You can dissolve
more by beating, but it will crys
tal izc out in cooling. The cold
watur solution is strong enough
to be effective for general use
but entirely inside the danger
limit. Such a solution can be
used with benefit in nearly all
cases of sore eyes from the irri
iHtion of grippe or head colds to
inflamation and supportation. 1
say with benefit, but I do not ad
vise you to depend upon home
treatment if the case is serious.
Consult some one who knows.
Morsman Drug Co.
The Kansas City Star.
The Kansas City Star is de
cidedly the greatest and most in
fluential paper in the west. By
special arrangements we are en
abled to offer our readers one
year's subscription to the Kan
sas City Weekly Star (52 issues)
absolutely free of any cost. Get
your neighbor or friend to sub
scribe for The Tribune under
either of our offers, and we will
have the Star sent to your ad
dress one year. It will only cost
him 50c, and he will get in ad
dition the Nebraska Farm Jour
nal one whole year, and you will
get the Kansas City Star for
fifty-two weeks. You will never
come nearer getting something
for nothing than you will if you
take advantage of this offer,
Don’t put off the matter, but
do it now. The offer is too good
to stand long.
—We are buying apples, peaches
and plums at the warehouse near the
mill. Let us know what you have to
offer Call phone 396 or 318a.—Heck
& Wamsley,
What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl's building.
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
M. Seff was a St. Joe visitor on
; Tuesday ,
K. <>. Lewis and soil Don, were
link) visitors Sunday.
.Mrs. .1! ('. Parish of Salem
was in the eity Tuesday .
Postmaster Crook is happy—
Hurkett has the nomination.
Jim .Powell and wife moved in
I to their new home this week.
Jason Timmerman of Stella
was a visitor in Falls City Tues
(let ready to attend the state
fair. Dates are from September
o to 9th.
DeLos Craliam, wife and two
sons of Dawson spent Sunday in
this city
Try The Tribune when you
are ready for your next job of
Mrs. Smith of Dos Moines, la.,
spent the (last week with Mrs. S.
II. Wood .
<bt your neighbor to subscribe
for file Fulls (tty Tribune from
now until Jan. 1, 1011, only JOc,
and we will send you absolutely
free the Kansas City Weekly
Star for a whole year, fifty-two
times, as a reward for your ef
Edgar Schoek and David Rea
vis, Jr., left for Hiawatha Sun
day to join the First Regiment
hand which left that evening for
Fort Riley where they will fur
nish music during the encamp
Patrick and Eddie Gunn werel
called to Omaha Wednesday by
the serious illness of their sister,
Mrs. Dan Babb. She underwent
an operation at Mercy hospital in
that city Monday.
The election returns are very
slow in coming in. Probably, be
cause of the nervousness of the
primary idea and a general lack
of familiarity with its working
The National Poultry nad Egg
Co., shipped two ear loads of
food stuff east Monday. One
was sent to Albany and the oth
er to Buffalo, N. Y.
The big rain Tuesday night
has put a damper on the reign of
dust and we plod the streets
of mud once more. It's a pleas
ant diversion. (?)
f :
A Watch from Our Store
Will Bring Happiness to
Anyone, the Boy or Girl
the Man or Woman.
No other store offers you
such a large assortment
of fine watches to select
from. Look ’em over.
v ---- -
O. Ayers of near Humboldt
was in town to see the big game
Miss Bessie Curran is home
again after visiting with friends
in Missouri
Mr. and Mrs. AI Burehard left
Tuesday for a visit to relatives
at Salem, Mo
Wm. MeDougal sold another
Overload ear Monday. A. Hiehen
was the purehsaer.
Doe .Jones arrived from the
east Tuesday for a short visit to
relatives in this eity.
Ernest Kinney of Lincoln is
visiting with his grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. John Holt.
J. H. Miles and A. J. Weaver
returned from their extended
tour to the west Monday.
Geo. Lyons went to Maryville
Monday to root for Falls City in
the ball game at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miles and
little son left Tuesday for Penn
sylvania for a visit to relatives.
Mrs. D. G. ^Griffiths and son,
Heath, Came down from Omaha
and spent Sunday with relatives.
The construction work on the
new Christian church is progress
ing ahead of the contract sched
Work on the new office build
ing in the Missouri Pacific div
ision yards is being pushed rap
Virgil Falloon returned from
York this week where he has
been farming during the sum
—Slat Sowle's Candy.
Mrs.. Mary McKiever and dau
ghter, Mazy, returned the latter
part of the week to their home
in Chicago, after a visit to rel
atives in this city.
The board of county commis
sioners met Thursday in Falls
City to attend to matters that
come under the jurisdiction of
the board.
J. O. Stalder and wife and son
Roy came down from the west
end Saturday in their auto to see
the trick horse do his stunts.
Mrs. Margery Grant returned
the latter part of the week from
a three months visit with her
children near Gordon, Neb.
L. C. Mauger and wife, W. S.
Korner and wife and David Kroh
left Tuesday for a two weeks
trip through Colorado .
Mrs. W. C. Sloan came down
from Verdon the latter part of
the week and spent a few days
with her parents.
Miss Cecil Thompson returned
to her home in Omaha Sunday af
ter spending a week with Miss
Nellie Hossack.
James O’Grady of Dawson was
in the city Monday exploiting
the attractions of the Old Set
tlers’ picnic.
Miss Jessie Withee returned to
her home near Stella Sunday af
ter a few days spent with friends
in this city.
Vincent Arnold of Verdon was
in town Monday planning for
his agriculture exhibit at the
state fair.
the Home Shoe store. 14-lt
—It it's shoes you waut, caU at
For the Year Ending the Second Monday in July
Falls City, Xeb., July 11, 1910.
On Hand Second Monday in July, 1909.$2939.67
Received from County Treasurer Taxes.10716.38
Received from County, State Apportionment. 1438.62
Received from Fines. 457.00
Received From Licenses. 3500.00
Received From Tuition. 758.90
Received From State Normal Training Fund..-. 350.00
Received From Incidentals. .. 31.25
Paid Teachers.$12817.50
Paid Janitor Labor. 1118.60
Paid for Repairs and Sidewalk. 1337.94
Paid for Fuel. 1060.20
Paid for Books, Maps and Aparatus. 700.00
Paid for Pupils Supplies. 500.00
Paid for Premium Insurance,. 253.50
Paid For Secretary’s Salary. 50.00
Paid for Incidentals. 760.75
Balance on Hand. $1,593.33
I here are no registered warrants no unpaid indebtedness
except $0,000 in bonds remaining unpaid. Paid and cancelled
warrants tor each expenditure above set forth and are on file
with the secretary. FRED BRECHT, Secretary.
The .Muddy was bank full last
(). E. Martin was up from Ru
lo Tuesday.
Tom Ryan was down from
Dawson Monday.
J. R. Cain came down from
Stella to vote Tuesday.
Norman Forney baled his fine
wheat straw and clover hay this
Fred Cain of Billings. Mont.,
is a guest at the home of his
brother, J. R. Cain.
Some fourth crop alfalfa is
ready to mow. That is going
some for a dry season.
Florence Nightingale died at
her home in London Monday, at
the age of ninety years.
Walter Wisdom and wife of
near Salem are happy because of
the arrival of a baby boy.
Ed Simanton of Arizona is
home for a visit with his par
ents, relatives and old friends.
The rain with its attendant
mud has put a serious damper up
on the Old Settlers’ picnic at
V. G. Lyford has returned from
his buying trip east. The new
goods are coming in and being
Mayor Gaynor of New York,
who was shot by an assassin a
few days ago. is steadily improv
ing and will get well.
L. L. McKenzie, who was here
representing the Payne Invest
ment Co’s, interests and visiting
relatives here returned to Omaha
Floods caused by an unusual
rain fall have caused great loss
of life and property in northern
Japan. Thousands of people are
homeless and many are starving.
Miss Ploy Or instead was host
ess to friends at six o’clock din
ner Monday evening. A delici
ous dinner was served. The oc
casion was complimentary to
Miss Lillith Waggoner of Hum
Miss Florence Judd entertain
ed her former students at the
Keister College. An elaborate
dinner was enjoyed, after which
all attended the afternoon ses
sion of the Chautauqua. All had
an enjoyable time.
The Chautauqua has come
and gone. While it was not a
seven-days-wonder, and there are
those who are wont to kick be
cause it did not satisfy all their
extravagant expectations, it was
good. The class of entertain
ments provided graded high.
The management is to be congrat
ulated upon having provided a
program, remarkably clean, and
wholesome. It was free from
anything that might offend the
most fastidious, and yet in the
whole, reasonably within the
range of those who made up the
large bulk of listeners. We are
only sorry to learn that the en
terprise is not a financial suc
cess. It is unfortunate that
cheap and often vile amusements
pay well, while attractions th^t
are for the edification of the
public go broke.
New Paper For Salem.
We had occasion to go to Sa
lem last week in the interest of
a capable newspaper man who
is looking for a new location.
We interviewed some half score
of Salem’s best business men
and were most favorably im
pressed with the outlook there
for a new plant. We had abso
lutely no desire to take advan- ^
tage of the men interested in the
Index and were everywher giv
en to understand that the Index
had fully decided to go out of
This week we received a letter
from Messrs Kjckham and Twist
severely arraigning us for our
temerity, and asking for an ex
planation. We trust this will be
self-explanatory to both the pro- *
prietors of the Index and to the
citizens of Salem. We sent two
men to Salem Wednesday to in
terview the Index and if possi
ble arrange an understanding.
Our friend will start a paper in
Salem if Salem so desires, if not
wanted, of course we will keep
hands off. The Tribune sought
to do our sister town in her mis
fortune agood turn and sincere
ly hopes that our intentions will
not be misunderstood.
Valuable Horse Cut.
While Simon Beaehy was
crossing the bottom, in going
around the big dredge, which was
crossing the road, last Thursday
night he ran into a fence, severe
ly cutting his fancy bay. The
animal bled profusely, and by
the time Mr. Beaehy was able
to reach town and get help the
horse had nearly hied to death.
The wound is healing nicely but
will leave the animal a marked -
animal for life. Mr. Beaehy
has sued the Drainage Board for
Notice to the Public.
We have sold all our own ice
and have contracted with Maust
Bros., to furnish our customers
with Crystal Lake Ice.—Knick
erbocker Ice Co. 33-tf
For Sale.
Large size Accordeon, twenty-one
keyed, four stops, full organ tone. It
is a fine instrument and can be
bought for 18.50 with case. Enquire
of A. E. Cady.
H 91. Jenoe Shoe Store.