The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1910, Image 4

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Consolidations—Falls City Tribune,
Humboldt Enterprise, Rulo Record,
Crocker's Educational Journal and
Dawson Outlook
Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12, 1904, under the Act of Congress
on March 3,1879.
Published every Friday at Falls City,
Nebraska, by
The Tribuna Publishing Company
Editor and Manager.
One year_ $1.50
tiix months...75
Three months .40
There is wrapped up in our young
people all the possibilities of the fu
ture. The achievements of the next
generation lie latent within them. It
Is our privilege to make them what
they will be, and in so doing to de
termine the course of history far
beyond our own time.
The Tribune is the champion of
the rights and the interests of the
common people. The people need
the Tribune that they may he in
telligently informed concerning
the great issues that arc now be
fore the public for solution. On
the other hand, the Tribune needs
the help and support of the peo
ple . We are engaged in a com
mon warfare against a common
foe. Our interests are mutual.
There is no reason why we should
not pull together for the largest
and best tilings. In the fight
that is now being waged we can
not safely advance far ahead of
our supporting columns. We
are ambitious to make the Trib
une the power for everything
that is right and good in south
eastern Nebraska As our sub
scription list increases and the
number of our advertising patr
ons we are enabled to ad to and
improve the Tribune, but not any
faster without .jeopardizing the
stability of tile paper. We want
1000 new subscribers by January
1st. We are going after them
with the expectation of getting
them. Quality comes high. We
need money to run a high class
paper. On the otherhnnd, it
matters little how excellent a pap
er may be, if it is not read it can
accomplish very little.
We believe that we are right.
For the right a man can afford
to fight and suffer and even die.
Every paper that goes into a new
home is a messenger witnessing
to the work we arc trying to do.
No person interested in the uplift
and advancement of the race need
be ashamed to have a part in this
grand work. We appeal to all
right minded men to give us their
good will, and such a measure of
support as the may feel justified
in giving. The least that youean
do is to pay up. Dont ask us to
fight your battles and at the same
time make our own amunition.
It is too risky. When possible do
IIS lilt* it 111 I Hit SS IU | V it I It"fill.
It is a trivial matter for you but
makes all the difference in the
world to us, since it provides the
working capital. Then, there is
the matter of speaking a good
word for the cause to the other
fellow, and winning his support.
It is a little thing but when well
done is sure to be effective.
The great reforms of History
never were accomplished through
good intentions, alone. The chal
lenge is to men to do something.
The enemy is alert and aggress
ive. Unless we front him effect
ively, we will have nothing but
defeat for our pains. The future
of the greater Nebraska is in the
hallance. The peace and happi
ness of our homes are at stake.
It is not for us as men to sit sup
inely while the spoilers waste our
land. You can at the least hold
the ropes while some of us go
down to the battle. i
The public schools of Fairview.l
Kansas and outlaying districts
are planning to consolidate and
have a centrally located and)
graded school of sufficient ca
pacity to accommodate the child
ren from all the districts that be
come parties to the consolidation.
The children that are too far
away to be able to walk to the
central school conveniently, will
be transported to and from school
free of charge.
This plan has been in success
ful operation in the Fast for a
number of years, and it offers
the only tangible solution of tin*
country school problem in many
places. With the improvement
of the public roads it will become
entirely practicable in most
communities. The greatest,
drawback to the plan now, is the
condition of many of the publie|
roads, which makes the item of
transporting the children to and
: rom school, too expensive to be
\\ itli tlie consolidation <d a
iiiiniber of schools into one cen
tral school, it will In* possible to
have all tile advantages of the
city school system, with its grad j
ed courses and high school. It
is found that the saving in teach
ing force and the saving in keep
ing up and earing for a number
of separate buildings will com
pensate for the extra expense of
bTore efficient teachers and for
transporting the scholars.
Fairview lias taken an advanc
ed step in the matter of provid
ing better educational facilities
for their country hoys and girls.
The results of their experiment
will he watched with interest. If
it. proves practicable and suc
cessful in Fairview, other places
will not he slow in taking advan
take of the plan. However, the
success of the central school idea,
is largely contingent upon better
roads. With better roads it is
sure to follow. Let us have the
proper roads by all means.
• • *
It seems to me it is about time
for the 20,000,000 professors of
religion in America to take sides.
It is going to be an out and out
battle with drunkenness and so
briety, between heaven and hell,
between (bid and the devil. Take
sides before your sons are sacri
ficed and the new homes of your
daughters goes down under the
alcoholism of an imhruted hus
Take sides while your voice,
your pen, your prayer, your vote
may have an influence in arrest
ing the despoilation of this na
tion. If the millions of professed
ehristians in this country would
take sides now, it would not be
long until the destiny of this
nation would be decided in the
right direction. On the question
before the American people to
day, there is no neutral ground.
You are either for or against all
that is for the betterment of the
race and nation. ,
* * *
The petition signed by a large
number of farmers living south
of Salma requesting that the
board of commissioners change
the road where it now runs dir
ectly over the steep hill near the
Tiehen home so as to pass around
the hill, has been allowed. The
road at this particular place can,
without difficulty, be greatly im
proved. If properly engineered,
the grade can be almost entirely
eliminated without increasing the
extent of the road. A casual
glance at the situation causes one,
to wonder what ever possessed
the original surveyors to run the
road over the hill when they
might as easily have avoided the
hill entirely.
The only person inconvenienced
by the change will be Mr. Tiehen.
Hut be will no doubt be willing
to make a comparatively small
sacrifice in the interests of the
community at large.
The closing number at our
Chautauqua on Sunday night, was
a very practical address for all
classes, by Prof. Gillan. on “The
Man Who Can.’*
lie demonstrated that the per
son who can and does things
worth while, must he well born,
have pluck, knowledge and faith.
The youth especially received
great encouragement to place
their aims above the trivial. The
Chautauqua this year gave us
many excellent things, and Mr
Gillans’ effort easily ranks among
the best.
Prof. Gillan is president of
Ashland, Ohio College, and for
several years has occupied a
chair as one of the instructors at
the Iowa State University.
Hiawatha, after more or less
elaborate testing of different pav
ing brick, lias let the contract for
their street paying to a Fort
Scott firm. The contract calls
for approximately 28,000 square
yards of paving. There will lie
7,000 yards of excavating to d<f.
It will require 110 carloads of
rock, tio carloads of sand, 157
carloads of brick, 0,500 barrels
of cement and 120 tons of pitch.
Evidently from the scope of
the contract let, Hiawatha does
not intend to play at the game
of street paving, but lias tak
en the matter up for good and
earnest. When the present plans
are fully completed our sister
town across tin* line will have
something to be proud of.
* * *
Reformers and progressive peo
ple generally, have been looking
forward anxiously to the coming
of their famous leader from
Rochester, New York. I)r. How
ard’s address at the chautauqua
last Thursday on, “The Greatest
Event in The Word." more than
satisfied all their great anticipa
tions. They had heard how
many great and ever increasing
audiences Mr. Howard had ad
dressed in his home eit.v, and
were tlius in a state of mind t,o
make the besl of a great lecture.
Every thought presented was
timely, and given in a manner to
leave an inspiration with the au
dience that will last a life time.
Not long ago one of the maga
zines printed an article in which
an argument was made in favor
of alcohol as a beverage.
Now, as ever, it is the drinking
people that lead the progress of
humanity. The Jews drank and
gave us monotheism. The Greeks
drank and gave u s art and lit
erature. The Romans drank and
gave us law. The Teutons drank
and gave us liberty. Britain es
tablished commerce. What have
the teetotal races done for the
betterment of the world '
'Pile New Voice analyzed the
above paragraph and did it in the
following simple manner:
The Jews drank of course, but
where are the Jews now? They
are scattered over the earth with
out any national home. Total ab
stainers are now taking up sub
scriptions everywhere to provide!
a [dace for the .lew where he
won’t lie killed.
The Greeks drank, of course,
but where are the Greeks now?
The Greek civilization is a matter
of history, and their descendants
are now peddling peanuts to ab
stainers on tin* street corners til'
American cities.
The Romans drank, of course
but where is the Roman em
pire today ? It is a matter of j
ancient history, and the descend
ants of these drinking Romans
are now brawling around Ameri
can cities with monkey and hand
organs living off pennies toss
ed to them by abstaining Ameri
The Teutons drank, of course.
; but what “liberty” did we get I
from the Teutons? The Teutons
for years have been running away
from the tyranny and oppression;
of the Teutonic government to I
find liberty under the l’rohibi-l
tion laws of America.
The Britons drank, of course.j
But it required 000,000 of these
drinking British trained troops to
subdue 25,000 abstaining Dutch
Greece and Rome both died
Wise men are writing articles
on the decay of France, another j
drinking nation.
Russia has the delirium trem
ens and will die or reform, Ja
pan. a temperance nation, with
the oldest dynasty on earth, chas
ed the vodka-soaked Russians all
over Eastern Asia.
* * *
Insurgency and the liquor ques
tion were so involved in the pri
maries in Nebrskaa that the rela
tions of the returns to the na
tional issue are less clearly de
fined than have been the results
in some other states. But the
nominations, so far as they have
been authoriatively
decided gains for the insurgents.
The progressive candidate for
governor was nominated over the
stand-pat aspirant. Two. and
possibly three, additional insur
gent congressmen have been nam
ed, and Norris, the only aggress
ive insurgent congressman in the
House now, has been renominat
ed without opposition.
The renomination of Senator!
Burkett, while not desirable, is
less undesirable than if he had
been a more steadfast regular.
Burkett acquired the designation
of ‘“near insurgent" in Washing
ton. He voted with the progress
ives sometimes, but against them
at other times. lie seemed to
have no positive convictions. If
his opponent bad been a stronger
man the result might have beenj
All in all, Nebraska records
itself inpurging along with every
other western state that has thus
far held its primaries.—Kansas
City Star, Thursday.
We Wonder Why.
We often wonder why it is so
many young men can be seen
loafing upon our streets until a
late hour of night. Many of them
are from the best homes. The]
fathers of these young men, many
of them at least, are numbered
among our best citizens. If their;
cow or their horse, or their fav
orite dog was away from home
after dark they would he out on
a search, hut their own children
can roam the town all night with
apparently no effort being made
to find them. The hoy seems to
he turned loose at a tender uge
to wander at will into the paths
of sin and vice and then we won
der where all our tramps and!
worthless specimens of humanity
come from. It is a regrettable!
fact that too many of them come
from seed germinated in good
homes and then sown in a care
less manner upon our streets and
hack alleys. Header, is your hoy
wasting his time upon our streets j
If so had you better not, at least,
look after liini as carefully at
nigmtail as you would your cow
and horse. We did not intimate
that this evil exists to a greater
extent in this community than in
our sister towns, but the evil
seems universal and increases in
magnitude as the years roll by.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
Though I look old, yet I am
strong and lusty, for in my youth
I never did apply hot and rebel
lious liquors in my blood—Shakes
Lack Development.
The world is full of half-devel
oped lives; men and women who
are competent in spots, as strong
in some things as they are weak
in others, brilliant as some of
their ways and walking in dark
ness as to others; the man of af
fairs loses vision, the philosopher
loses practical sense, the scien
tist becomes an animated, soul
less scalpel, and all for the want
of an aim that would preserve
balance and harmony in the life.
Men Wanted at Once—Ambi
tious men who drive tea and cof
fee wagons or have customers
they call on. Write today for
our proposition which will not
inconvenience yon, hut pay you
from $f> to $110 weekly for sixty
days. A. Lcath & Co., Elgin, III.
The Wiseheimer Says.
If you are a real hero you win
never meddle with trifles, nor trifle
with medals.—St. Louis Star
Burlington Route
West Bound
No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. m.
No- 43—Portland Exp.10:17 p. ir..
No.41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. m
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m
East Bound
No. 14—St. J., K. C & St. L .7:3? a. m.
No. 44—St. J., K. C. <St St. L .3:37 a. in
No. 10— St. J.. K C. & St. L. .4:22 p ir..
No. 42—St.J .K C. &St L. .4:35 p. m
No 122—From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City. 8:45 p m.
E. <i. WH1TFORD. Agent.
Tone Brb Spices
^"pepper is of just as much im-"*^
portance as any other ingre
dient in cookiiig. Don’t dis
appoint yourself by using
an inferior brand. For
perfect flavor add
Tone Bros. Pep
per before
Tone Bros.
Spices are always
fresh. Three times
the strength of ordinary
spices — and last much longer.
i4t Four Grocer’s—10c
or send us a dime for retail pack
age and ” Tone's Spicy Talks.”
Buxstis of f umous (ho Gan Cam
Letter From our Regular Correspond
ent at Kansas City.
Kansas City, Aug. 15, 1910.—
Moderate eattle receipts arrived
last week, and there was not
much change in the market. The
feeders sold higher the first days
of the week, account of the many
buyers here, hut demand fell off
after Tin sday, and the advance
was lost. Killing cattle held ful
ly steady during the week, me
dium and light cattle showing
some slight ga'ns, and calves ad
vanced 25 cents during the week.
Dry weal her cattle are running
freely to Chicago, 15.000 rangers
there last week, about twice the
normal supply for this early in
the season. Rains have stopped
the movement from most sections
except the northwest, owners
holding hack because of plenty of
good feed, and running water in
streams dry a short time ago, and
it looks like Kansas City would
have rather light supplies of cat
tle another week or two. Run to
day is 18,000 head including 2,000
calves, and.the market average's
steady. Beef steers are a shade
lower in some eases, but cows and
stockers and feeders and calves
are stronger today. Light runs
should strengthen the market, but
there are two bear features pres
ent this week, namely, the extra
heavy marketing of rangers at
Chicago, and the absence of de
mand for kosher meat in the East,
due to a series of Jewish holidays
extending over nine days, com
mencing next Saturday. Best
heavy Kansas wintered natives
and westerns $6.25 to $7.15 and
straight grass steers $4.50 to
$5.75, grass cows around $3.75
veals $6.00 to $7.50. Some of the
Baer beef steers from Colorado
will he here tomorrow.
I lit* surprise m the hog market
last week was a sudden jumping
into favor of heavy hogs, which
class advanced 30 to 40 cents last
week. Medium and light weights
also made gains, but not so much
and the week closed with only a
moderate spread in prices be
tween the various grades. Total
receipts at all the markets de
creasing last week, and traders
look for light runs for awhile.
Heavy hogs worth $8.15 to $8.45,
medium weights up to $8.70, top
lights $8.75. The weakness to
day is not taken as indicating
lower prices this week, but on
the contrary strength is expect
ed, as lard and heavy meats arc
considered good property by pack
ers. The corn prospect and the
hog market will he closely asso
ciated for some time ahead.
Live Stock Cor.
Food Values In Vegetables.
The maligned onion belongs to the
lily family and contains priceless ele
ments of health and nourishment, es
pecially to nerves and blood. The
turnip, also, has medicinal and food
virtue, though it is not so nourishing,
containing, like cabbage, over 90 per
cent, of water. The yellow turnip is
considered a mild nervine. The
unpopular carrot is almost miraculous
as a blood purifier, and French wom
en consider it as important as any
cosmetic. It has, also, undreamed-of
possibilities of preparation. Calling
things by other names sometimes
helps matters, or making fashionable
by favor of the famous. In Ceylon
they term okra “ladies’ fingers;” the
vegetable marrow of Europe Is virtu
ally the same as our summer squash,
but is used in, to us, unheard-of ways.
Luther Burbank has improved the
“pie plant,” and his new crimson win
ter rhubarb is a wonderful thing. But
in the ordinary type of these stalks
there are riches of oxalic and malic
acids, the value of which the physi
cians of the world have always recog
nized—The Delineator.
Bathroom Hints.
A can of borax should be In every
bathroom and the pipes should have a
dally flushing with hot water in which
borax has been dissolved. Do not use
sand soap for cleaning a porcelain tub
or washstand. It will mar the surface
and make it look like ground glass.
Then if the porcelain becomes stained
you cannot make it white again. Use
ammonia in the water, but if dirt or
grease requires an extra cleanser
dampen the scrub cloth with kerosene
and later wash the tub with warm W’a
ter. If the tub is enameled scour with
a cloth made of a salt bag which has
been thoroughly moistened with tur
pentine and polish with a clean cloth.
For this purpose save bags in which
the kitchen salt comes.
Rice Omelet.
Add to one cup of cold boiled rice
four teaspoonfuls of milk, two eggs,
whites and yolks beaten separately,
and a half saltspoonful of salt. Heat
a tablespoonful of butter very hot
in a frying pan. then pour in the mix
ture. cover and bake about ten min
utes in a moderate oven until stiff.
Double and turn out carefully on a
hot platter.
Every Vessel Passing Through the Big
Ditch Must Carry a Number of
the Search Variety.
Every war vessel carries from one
to twenty searchlights, and every ves
sel of any description whatever pass
lng through the Suez canal has to
carry one of special pattern. A
searchlight consists essentially of an
arc lamp of special form, a parabolic
mirror and a base to hold the lot, the
case being mounted so as to be ca
pable of movement In two directions,
viz., vertically and horizontally. The
hood, as this case Is called, is made
of sheet steel about 3-32 Inch thick.
The turntable trunnions, etc., are cast
in gunmetal, the arms which support
the hood are of cast steel. The lamp
box is formed as part of the hood.
The mirror is carried on springs in
the back cover, and at the front of
the hood is a “front glass" mounted
in a gunmetal ring, and the disper
sion lens, when carried, is hinged on
in front of this. Training is carried
out by means of a worm and worm
wheel, or by a rack and pinion. Slew
ing is effected by means of a pinion
which gears into a crown wheel on the
underside of the turntable, or else it
Is done directly by hand. The Suez
canal regulations require that the pro
jector shall be capable of giving the
light required under two different con
ditions—in the first case a broad, flat
beam of light illuminating both banks
and the canal uninterruptedly, this
being used when no other ship is ap
proaching; in the other case they re
quire a beam having the same angle
of divergence and consequently the
same width as the first, but divided
into two portions, with a dark interval
between, thus giving light at both
sides but not directly in front and so
not interfering with navigation of the
approaching vessel.
Kitchen Experiments Are Often at the
Expense of the Physical Well-Be
ing of the Household.
Social standing depends partly upon
the nature of the Individual's calling
with regard to the preparation neces
sary to the exercise of his function.
The civil engineer is presumed to be
a more agreeable compafiion for cul
tured persons than the stable boy, be
cause of his education. The lawyer Is
required to know more than the sca
venger. The surgeon Is likely to be
more widely read than the pugilist.
The diplomat Is, presumably, better
informed than the chimney sweep.
The cook, as at present constituted,
belongs at the bottom rung of the so
cial ladder, because her calling has
no educational requirements. The In
dividual may read Browning, Hogarth,
Schopenhauer and Shakespeare, or in
terpret Wagner and Strauss. But the
Class is not required to know' the dif
ference between the meanings of
“physiology” and “phlebotomy." The
cook Is not expected to know anything
more about the ingredients that
should enter into the composition of
a corn dodger than she can learn in
the course of often-repeated experi
ments and at the expense of the
physical well being of the household.
She neither knows nor cares what the
effect of certain foods may be, and the
employer shares her ignorance. It is
said to be a fact that more persons
die before their time from the results
of eating than from drinking.—Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
A Nice Distinction.
He was hurrying for the train, soin«
what Impeded by a clumsy crate con
taining a large, live turkey. As he ap
proached the gate the guard stopped
him with' a gesture.
“You can’t take that through here,”
he said. "That’ll have to be checked
or go by express."
“But I can’t stop," declared the pas
senger. “I’ve got to get this train,”
and he tried to push through again.
The guard held him back. "That is
baggage," he said, firmly, "and it must
go in the baggage car.”
“Oh, no," replied the other, with a
charming and confident smile, “It’s
luggage. Don't you see I'm lugging
it?” and he had slipped by before the
astonished guard had caught his
breath.—Youth’s Companion.
Millionths of a Second.
In experiments with high-power ex
plosives used in guns, British scient
ists have employed chronoscopes
which registered the velocity of the
projectile at ten successive points be
fore it left the bore.
It is possible with this apparatus to
register time to the millionth of a sec
In the older experiments, where the
velocity did not exceed 1,500 or 1,600
feet a second, the projectile recorded
its time by knocking down a series of
steel triggers projecting into the
bore, but with velocities of 2,500 feet
and more a second the trigger, instead
of dropping frequently plowed a groove
in the projectile and another device
was necessary.
An old Scotch peasant woman had
learned that her minister had just
been made a doctor of divinity, and so
she went to him and asked him to
cure her of rheumatism. "I’m not that
kind of a doctor, Nanny,” said he, and
gave her a shilling. Further down the
street the old woman was heard to
complaint that “it’s an awfu' thing
this makin' doctors o’ bodies that ken
nething at a' aboot bottuls or blestera,
pooders or pells.”’