The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 19, 1910, Image 2
The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. HUMBOLDT. A sou whs born t«» Charles At wood and wife, l'hursday. Miss Maud lliirbaugh of Daw son was in this city Wednesday. G. B. -lohnson of Dunning win in Humboldt the first of the week Chump Wright returned Men day to his home in Marshfield, Mo. «J. C. Ilorwig went to IJiHer on Wednesday for n visit with rela tives. Glen Woods of Table Kook spent Sunday with friends in this city. Miss Knmui Zelinku returned Sunday from a trip to Smith Da kota. C. G. Humphrey and wife of Vcrdon were llumholdt visitors Monday. O. A. Cooper and wife attend ed the Falls City ehautmupia on Wednesday. George Knglnnd returned to this city Sunday from heaven worth, Kas. Miss Mildred Briggs of Sum morfield, Kas., is a guest of her friends in this city. Mrs. II. I*. Marble returned on Saturday from a visit with rela tives in Terltmseh. Miss Alta Dydiek of Mooroville. Mo., is visiting her brother, Will Lydiek and family. Miss Minnie lVfrashek return ed Friday from Chicago where she had been attending seliool. Mrs. Tom Smith and children are visiting with relatives in Washington, Kansas this week. Morris Horton and M. II. Mar ble of Table Hock were in Hum boldt Monday visiting relatives. Mrs. Gingerich and daughter, Miss Hose, arc enjoying a visit with relatives in Iowa this week. Airs. ,1. K. Morris spent a por tion of this week with her (daugh ter, Airs. W. K. Alexander in Dawson. Mrs. Abe Billings and daughter returned Thursday from St. Joe, where they were buying millinery supplies. Mrs. O. T. Little and daughter, Miss Bessie left Tuesday for a few days visit with relatives in Pawnee City. ('. C. (Inland and wife and grandaughter, Luoile (Inland, left Sunday for a visit with rela tives in Iowa. Mrs. John Fryborger and child ren came up from Falls City the first of the week to spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. James Knixda spent the latter part of the week with her son. Rudolph llnizda and wife and other relatives. Dr. Meridoth returned to his home in Ashland, after spending a few days with his daughter, I .Mrs. E. A. Litelif ield, i Misses Lima Ihirkaltor and : Stella Crofut of .Massilon, Ohio are guests of grieiids and rela tives in t his eitv this week. Mrs. 1). Haight and daughter. Miss Laura, returned to their | home in Dili lots Wednesday af ter a visit with relatives in this city. Mrs. Win. Havis and children, | Elta and Fritz, returned to their I home in this city the last of the i week, after a pleasant visit in | Lincoln. Frank h'evclle and sister. Miss | Celia returned Monday from a [visit to friends in Falls City, j They attended the chautauqua at j that place. Harvey Mann returned to this [city Friday, after spending some tilin' in Idaho and other points in [the west. lie is again clerking in the Font, drug store. Mrs. I. S. Shirley and children visited Dr. Wilson and wife and j attended t lie chautauqua in Falls City this week. On Sunday they were joined by Mr. Shirley. The city library is undergoing repairs this week. Mrs. Linn Crawford who for eighteen years has served as librarian has re signed the position and Mrs. ,J. Iv. Liggett will fora time fill the va cancy. .Miss Ina Xeher, the only dau ghter of I >. M. Xeher of this city was married at the bride’s home Wednesday, August 10, to Rev. A. II. Waehtel. 'I'lie ceremony was performed by Rev. lirooks of Falls City. Miss Xeher was one of the most highly respected and accomplished young ladies of this city. Air. Waehtel is a stranger in our community, being pastor of the Methodist church of Rulo. A linen shower was given on Monday evening to Miss Mary Randy, whose marriage to Henry Seeley of Lincoln occurred Wed nesday. The young people are well known in this community, Miss Handy being the youngest daughter id’ I)r. J. L. Handy and wife. She is a favorite in her social circle. The groom. who is mnv employed in Lincoln, form erly held a position in the Coop er & Son mill, and is an industri ous and enterprising young man. Mr. and Mrs. Seeley will reside in Lincoln. OHIO. Mrs. Wes Nedrow is quite ill at her home at this writing. John Yocam is spending the week with his daughter, Mrs X. Peek. John Mears and family went to Missouri Wednesday to visit | relatives a few days. Earl Shaffer and family of Sa ! lem were guests of the famer’s I parents the past week. Mable and Ethel Auxier were I guests of If. J. Prichard and fam i ily a part of last week. Misses Edna and Vera Shaffer l were among those who cnojyed a trip to the Missouri lakes one day recently. Glen Harkins and family of Warren McDowell returned to iiis home Monday from Oklahoma where ho spent the past two weeks looking after business. Auburn visited with Frank Licli ty and family a part of the week and attended the Chautauqua. Mrs. O. A. Guinn of Idaho vis ited last week with George Prichard and sons. She went to Dawson the first of the week to visit relatives. She will visit her many friends in this neigh borhood before returning to her home in Idaho. WILLI AMS VILLE. •Jacob Arnold was in Falls (Jit. Saturday. •Joseph Sclnvang was a Falls City visitor Saturday. Mrs. K. J. Dunn and daughters were in Falls City Saturday. Ephraim Beck was in this vic inity buying peaches this week. Mrs. I. A. Dunn and son, Eu gene, were in Falls City Saturday Hurley Butler and sister, Lola, spent Sunday at the home of 1. A. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Arnold spent Sunday with I. A. Dunn and wife. Bertha Duerfeldt spent several days last week in Omaha with] relatives . Ralph Butler and sister, Edna, spent Sunday at the home of I. A. Dunn. G. \V. Duerfeldt and wife from this place spent a part of last week in Falls ('ity. Byron Dunn came down from Lincoln last week to spend a two weeks vacation at home. Earl Butler and sister, Nellie, were among the guests at the home of I. A. Dunn Sunday. BARADA. George Fogle of Verdon was ii: town Monday. 1*. 1). Gushard was in Falls City Saturday. Miss Lela Butler spent a few days at home this week. Mr. Iiiggs was over from Shu bert on business Tuesday. W. C. Bridgman was in Shu bert the first of the week. Edna Williamson visited this week in Falls City and Verdon. | Dr. and Mrs. Andrews spent a day at the chatuauqua last week. | Mrs. Emma Siemering spent several days in Falls City last week. j Anthony Lowe of Fairmont is visiting friends and relatives at this place. Breaching services at the Evan-( j — " ' ' gcliral church next Sunday morn ing. C. K. in the evening. C. II. .Martin and family and Mrs. Sarah Williamson attended the ehautauqua Thursday. A crowd of our young peo ple spent Sunday at the home ol' Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Dunn. •1. I. Martin arrived this week for an extended visit with his sons. Charles and John Martin. E. Martin of Dunbar, Neb., vis ited Ids nephews, J. A. and C. If. Martin a couple of days the past week. J. II. Morehead and family and E. il. Morehead and family with their guests spent Sunday at the river, Mesdaines Nick, Wagner and Clutv. of Burlington, Mo., are visiting at the home of Hiram Bogess. Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Lavsonand Miss Anna Klinia of Dawson vis ited friends in Barada a couple of days last week. C. F. Kuker and family took ini the entire session of the ehautau-| qua fit Falls City. They made the daily trip in their auto. Miss Laura .Mitchell returned Saturday to her home in St. Joe. Miss Anna Franklin accompanied her home for a short visit. Mrs. Otis Spiekler of Dallas. S. 1).. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wileman. Her sis ter. Olga, who has been visiting in S. I).. accompanied her home. J. A. Cushard moved his family this week on the <'. II. Martin place and will work for Mr. Mar tin the coining year. Levi Till man will move from that place to a farm near St. Deroin. Mr. and Mrs. L. If. Morehead are entertaining at their home a bevy of nieces, namely: Miss Dorothy Morehead of Falls City, Miss Fay Flangan and the Misses Duckworth oft Des Moines of Des.Moines, Iowa. On Wednesday evening of last week a large number of young people gathered at the home of E. E. Butler and passed a very pleasant evening in social festiv ities. The event was given in honor of tlieir son, Henry, who has gone to Humboldt to lie in tli employ of the Ooddard Musie Co. Henry will be greatly missed in social and religious circles of this community. A good farm for sale, north of Falls City. Enquire of W. II. Maddox. Foundations for Fortunes Y - Are right here in the advertising columns of this p:tpcr. If whet you’re fHlir*; his merit A D V E Jt T1 S E I T. An ad. will sell it for you. << 'ouvrltrlit, law. b.v W. .N. L.) For Bread and Cake—Rolls, Muffins and Gems—Baking Powder Biscuits —Shortcake, Dumplings and Pies “No Flour Equals Puritan— ‘‘Bigger, Whiter, Lighter Loaves” Puritan Flour Contest 240 Sacks of Puritan Flour in Prizes You Can BAKE the Best Bread from Puritan Flour-What Can You MAKE from Puritan Flour Sacks? - ntcrynur nine in .lie ^risii contest c*cr held in Nebraska—'The Puri an Flour Sack Contest. 240 sacks uf Puritan Flour in Prizes Free. Rra/sniiA/s Foar Sacks for Each af the 20 Mott Useful Articles Four Sacks for Each of the 20 Most Attractire Articles prmnrn D6C3.US6 Foor Sacks lor Each of the 20 Most Comical Articles 1CI UlOlC Made Troo Puritan Hour Sacks GO Prices af Four Sacks Each Contest Open Job 1st Closes September 1st. 1910. -m—s VERY l tP PURITAN is liuilefminthr 1 veer i»aa It r!i«i!.|v including S.-» imr t ir. • a Soi irtles and Charitable OrfanisaHoaa a great opportunity Li r.t^\ SaCk OJ ruri. UkU/iniSinatlelromtlie M a.. I t., rt th»l, -me, .I. ..t I'untun n-.r Free. 1 hr I. test, aiuarrst. moat eatertsimnd L1 , tan Nauru Guar CnOICCSt nartt Wht'Ut. Y\ hen **n ' hmmuh 1 ontc*t cvfrhelilin Nel'Mhk,i I veryone will enjoy nuk iv* M'lnrtlunjf from a Pun- ■*—" ~..j FTcs* F*nl# vouhnv the limi.t | ll „ir tun Hum Sict;—tl.e prettiest otolith- Ilnur sat Its V™. probably htve onr in the pantry now or . _ _ U Se nail Or y U) Ult lowlSI pm CU u HIT >om ncu il vr h.ts onr---you don t h.iveto buv i n>-w sack of flour to ent’-r the ">nte&t—u*e ITlOrt—if it IST1 t satisfactory if you get the same number of pounds IIS 1 '>„k vm have nipthc, .||>«, filloutand mil today lor particular* doesn’t make the hey* Hue, 4 /'Hi, when vntl nav the hes. h.,t f,r I.... i.srd. -Ill h. mad* u.d Prise «a,l, drll.cnd b, ,our froeer. pollster Iha. ... « make the best Bread, Cake, svnen you pay ,or the best but tar less o*ptraibrr thth, into. Biscuit or Piecrust you have ever made value. Bread made from average flour is part d'N . a-, —return the balance of the sack and your waste, part impurity i-kl only fart.foaJ. Bread « Xd#^' _ dealer will refund your money without cn.estion irutur uuiu mraaD nour is every hit pure. Wood-nuking food. And Puritan Flour makes lighter— whiter—tastier loaves by actual linking tests than any other flour you can buy VVe separate our flour into twenty different “stocks” or streams, then blend it to get in every sack the scientifically right combination of nutritious bread-making qualities. This is done by actual chemical and baking tests—part of our milling system. Your baking, therefore, <an't fail with the use of Puritan Flour. Don t be satisfied with just good fiour. When you go to the expense and labor of buying flour, baking bread, using up fuel and taxing your entire system to digest it—you want the finest—the purest—the most nourish ing you tan buy—you want Puritan—Nebraska's Quality Flour. Send the Coupon Today _ „ the puritan mills, Children S Puritan Doll Puritan Flour Sack Contest, Schuyler, Nebraska. The little tots can’t enjoy the Puritan Flour Sack Contest, so we Send me full particulars of the Puritan Flour Sack Contest. have prepared a consolation prize for the children. In every sack of Name. Puritan Flour is a coupon good on a Puritan Boy Doll, eighteen Address inches tall, with rosy cheeks and Puritan clothes. Mail the coupons l ] . you find in the flour sacks to us and we will send you back the doll. Ju. PURITAN ^ ^u' my ^our . Hil name is Little Puritan Miller. ... __, Address ... Wells-Abbott-INieman Company The Puritan Millers Schuyler, Nebraska ! Bargain All This i Week At the New Furniture Store L i b r a r y T a b 1 es and Center Tables To Close Out at Cut Prices E. LANDRIGAN Day Phone 422 Night Phone 38i Falls Gity, Nsb. ——— ninrrurirrnrafrrirTW^" ■ ■„ Living to Ourselves ‘‘No man liveth to himself,” simply because he csnnot. He hcis it in his power (moved by selfishness) to refuse help to the other man, while at the tame time he must depend on him or he cannot himself exist. In proportion as the spirit of coopera tion is practiced, the community grows and prospers. This bank cr.nrot exist except for the co-operation of the people who dwell here, nor can any other business institution. Should all the people here decide to patronize mail order banks and catalog houses, all the banks and business houses here would have to “shut up shop,” aud then how quickly real estate val ues hereabouts would imitate the walls of Jericho and "come tumbling down.” These are truths every man should think about when he contemplates either of the things named above. 1 his bank solicits no business to the detriment of the customer. When you can get better service, higher rate of interest, more courteous treatment in some distant city bank than we offer you, we shall not question your right to give them your business, but until that time (and thereafter also) protection for your own interests should prompt you to keep your money at home. Farmers State Bank PRESTON, NEBRASKA You Can’t Hide the imperfections of your teeth. That's why we give good advice when we and you to see us and have them attended to. TOOTH CARE IS A SCIENCE Part belongs to you and part to the dentist. Our skill helps to make pretty mouths^by keeping your teeth in good concition. DR. YUTZY Falls City, Nebraska East Side Hardware Store TINNINC AND PLUMBING Jubilee Gasoline and Electric Hot Point Sad Irons PERFECTION OIL STOVES R. BACHSTEIN AUGUST RATE BULLETIN TO I HE EAST: Besides every-day special tourist rates to eastern cities and resorts, as well as di verse route tours of the East, including an ocean coast voyage, there are special rates, August 4th to 7th inclusive, for the Knights Templar Conclave at Chicago, and from July 28th to 31st for the Knights of Pythias Encampment at Milwaukee, and on September 13th to the 17th inclusive for the Grand Army Reunion at Atlantic City. ESTES PARK, COLORADO—Just north of Denver; Colorado’s finest recreation region—soon to be a National Park. Ask for full descriptive booklet. HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS-1st and 3d Tues days to West and Northwest localities. Get in touch with the undersigned and let us help you plan the most attractive and comprehensive tour at the least possible cost. E. O. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent L. M. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt. OMAHA, NEBRASKA