The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 12, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry G. Smith
240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring. Best of terms. Willtake I
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 8
' 200 acres 1)4 miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and laud Will I
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment | g
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. *12,000. y f
1 160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska. 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent B
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 8
80 acres 14-mile from Falls City high school. 3
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Willtake 160 acres a- part payment. I 8
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity. il
11 — mimim mu ■mi m»i ■ III i ■■ n—■ iiimn.inj - .m- ,
Peddlers Wares Never Up to Stan
dard Their Cure-Alls Have
Absolutely No Merit.
There are two reasons why the'
peddler peddles. First, he is n sales
man and a talker, lie goes after the !
business and talks up ills goods.1
Second, all people are more or less
lazy. They like to tie things tho
easiest wny. It is easier to believe
tho peddler's talk than to think for
themselves, and it is easy to buy at
their own door. Everybody knows
that tlie peddler doesn't sell tile
best goods. Even tlie buyer buys'
doubtingly, half expecting to get tin*
worst of it, but tlie talk and prom
ises obscure the doubt momentarily
and tlie sale is made,
Quite recently a patent medicine
man came to mo with a wagon prop
osition and offered sixty-five per
cent of the gross sales if I would take
it up. I turned it down. It Is only
one of several thot 1 have turned
down. First, for financial reasons It
wouldn't pay even at sixty-five per
cent; second, because I couldn’t, make
satisfied customers on that quality
of goods; and I believe that satisfied
customers are necessary to the locat
ed business man.
Suppose I luul accepted that prop
osition and sent out a brilliant red
and yellow wagon and out ot' that
wagon somebody, we will call tier Mrs.
Smith, bought a dollar bottle of guar
teed to-do impossibilities -scientifically
prepared electro magnetic blood purl
fier, Sixty five cents of the dollar
she paid would go lo pay for the
man and team. The manufacturer
got the rest of the dollar—thirty-five
cents. Now I never knew a patent
medicine manufacturer who believes u
"small profits and quick sales." Me
never heard of that expression. If
he did lie thought It was some Joke.
Small profits do not appeal to him
in (lie least. Mis motto is, "the big
end for me. the little end for the
customer.” Well now if this particu
lar patent medicine man who got
thirty-five edits of Mrs. Smith's dol
lar was just an ordinary patent medi
cine man, with Just the ordinary pat
ent medicine man's love of profit,
and I am pretty sure he was. then
Old Dutch
your clean
ing work in
the kitchen
o u t the
\ This One Cleanser
9B *n handy sifter can
keeps the house and
^^^B everything in it spick
and span with half
the time required
with old-fashioned cleaners.
For porcelain ware and on the
bath tub. Old Dutch Cleanser
is the one safe cleanser to use.
The New
Better Way
Sprinkle Old
Dutch Cleanser on
a wet cloth, rub
well, wipe with a
clean, wet cloth.
Takes off all dis
| coloration and
scum and will not
scratch. Use it
for all your clean
ing. The one
best cleanser for
the farm.
what did Mrs. Smith get for lier|
noiliir? She got. a good lieart to heart
talk from the peddler with a little
"blarney" thrown In, (that was worth
s<mething), and she got a bottle of:
.some kind of stuff that she knew
nothing about except what tin1 label
told her and what the peddler hud
icpeatod to tier from his printed "in
stinct ion hook," which he had learn
ed by lieart, Now what was in that
hot i? How much of that thirty-five
ents went into the bottle? If there
was more than ten or fifteen cents
Went into that bottle then this patent
medicine man is the philanlhropist of
Ids class. So Mrs. Smith got some
talk, a little "blarney", some print
ed testimonials and directions and
fifteen cents wortii of -nobody knows
what. And she is going to swallow
it for what ails her. She lias to now,
for that is the only way she can get
her money out of it. After she
bought it. she was sorry; she always
is. Hut she is brave. No white
feather for her. There is a dollar
in that bottle, so she studies the
printed matter. That settles It. Stic
has got a dollars worth all right.
The testimonials say so. Ho she
swallows a bottle of stuff that cost
'en or fifteen cents that she knows
notiiing about, recommended by a
peddler who doesn’t know medi
cine from mythology, put up by a
mail who hasn’t even a patent medi
cine reputation, and put up for
sale. Hut of course the peddler
carries other things in his wagon be
sides medicines. He lias flavoring ex
tracts, baking powder, a few tilings
in the grocery line and various odds
and ends, lint medicines are his
long suit. He lias medicine for
everything from corns to consump
tion and veterinary medicines put up
, by tlie justly celebrated and renown
. ed “Doctor" Anyoldthingtogetthe
Does tlu> pure food and drug In
spector ever get a chance to see any
,of this truck that is peddled around
the country? Never. It all hears
I the usual “guaranteed under the pure
food law, etc," hut that doesn't mean
anything hut that the manufacturer
has promised to “be good.”
I do not suppose that there is
ten per cent of the stuff the ped
dlers sells that Is up to the stand
ard, and as for his drugs and medi
cines,-well that fifteen
cent-for-a-dollar marvel will not kill
you, Mrs. Smith; the manfaoturer is
too shrewd to risk that, you are safe;
lie wants to sell you another hunch,
hut if you really want to get benefit
out of that bottle throw it on the
ash heap. It will do you more good
there than in your stomach, and
you can credit yourself with a dollar's
worth of experience.
Now isn’t the local dealer entitled
to this business? Of course this dol
lar purchase amounts to nothing, but
in the aggregate the amount is unite
large. Mrs. Smith needs the local
dealer. She can’t buy all her wants
of peddlers. She must buy most of
her supplies of the local dealers. The
local merchant admits his obligation
to Mrs. Smith. He knows that it is
up to him to keep a good stock for
her selection; to give her good hon
est goods at fair prices; to make his
store attractive, and to stand ready
to make good to her if anything goes
wrong. Is the obligation all one
sided? If everybody bought of ped
dlers where would the merchant be?
Mrs. Smith needs the local
dealer and he needs her patron
age and if he is under obligations to
do the best he can for her, she is
also under obligation to give him
ALL her trade so that he may
thrive and grow and make a better
store for her accomodation. She loses
NOTHING by it. She gains by It.
Kvery time she helps him she helps
herself and the community. There
can only be good stores where the
community sustains them, and the
better the patronage the bigger and
better the stores.
Morsman Druj£ Co.
For Sale.
Large size Accordeon, twenty-one
keyed, four stops, full organ tone. It
is a fine instrument and can be
bought for IS.50 with case. Enquire
of A. E. Cady.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Fellers died Sunday night,
and was laid away in Steele cemetery
pn Tuesday afternoon. The funeral
was held at the home of Mrs. Fell
ers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slicker.
(What Your Friends and Their
Friends Have Been Doing
the Past Week.
—Dr. Wilson, Wahl’s building.
—The Candy Kitchen for brick ice
Fred Marmot was in town Tuesday.
Mayor Gay nor of New York was
shot by a crank on Tuesday. He may
Miss Cecil Thompson of Omaha is
in the city visiting Miss Nellie Hos
John Welnert and Rev. Matill of
Zion attended the chautauqua the
first of the week.
George Abbott, Jr., came down
from Omaha and spent a part of the
week with his parents in this city.
Qniinby Hossaek returned to Oma
ha Monday morning after spending a
short time in the city with liis par
ents and sisters.
Mrs. Frank Shields has returned
from her visit to Fairbury, She spent
the past two weeks with her son,
Milo Shield and wife.
C. L. Marts' little son, Glen, is
down from Wymore to stay with
liis grandparents until September,
while liis mother is gone to Denver.
Win. Rice, Falls City's latest ac
quisition in the line or architects and
builders, has taken the contract for
rebuilding the barn on the farm of
Oust Strauss destroyed by lightning
July 6th. It will be 40x60 feet, and
will be strictly modern in all its
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seliaer came
down from Superior Sunday to spend
a short time with relatives. They
were called here by the serious ill
ness of Mrs. Cornelius Sanford. At
this writing Mrs. Sanford is im-1
The rain Monday was the greatest
event of the season. With many
farmers the average corn yield
doubled and trebled over night.
Another such a boost and Richardson
county will have a bumper corn crop.
Don’t forget that the business men
who advertise their goods in The
Tribune, are sober and progressive.
They have up-to-date stocks and
will treat you like a white man.—
Deal with them.
—We are buying apples, peaches,
and plums at the warehouse near the
mill. Ret us 'mow what you have to
offer Call phone 396 or 318a.—Heck
& Wamsley
Mr. and Mrs. Bari Marts and three
children spent two weeks with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marts of
this city. They returned home on
Five Minutes Late!
A Dependable Watch
■ ' *n i .
Such as we handle
is a good investment, besides having a tendency to
quiet the nerves and promote confidence. A ‘ ‘good ”
watch is not necessarily an expensive watch. We can
fit you out at a very moderate cost.
Come in and let us
talk the matter over
Rev. A. 10. Wachtel of Rulo was
at the Chautauqua a part of the
A great automobile load of Verdon
ites attended the Chautauqua Tues
day. Incidentally they watched Falls
City do Maryville to the tune of 5
to 0.
O. B. Prichard was in town Monday
to encourage the rain man to keep
up his gcod work. Mr. Prichard is
a county optionist of the true blue
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Beer were
visitors in Falls City Tuesday. They
have juts completed a new and
modern house on their farm south
of Salem.
Phineas Fisher of Maple Grove
was in town Monday in spite of
the rain. Mr. Fisher is confident
that his corn will average half a
rop or bettor.
Prosecuting Attorney Keller of St.
Joseph, has forestalled several mar
riages recently because of the unfit
ness of the contracting parties on
account of physical defects.
Christ Beer and family who live
about eight miles southwest of Sa
lem were in the city Tuesday tak
ing in the things of interest and in
cidentally attending to business.
Both democrats and republicans in
Richardson county will vote for
Crabtree for state superintendent. He
is not only well known in Richard
son county, but liked and loved by
Don't forget the primaries next
week. Cast your vote for men who
stand four-square on the issues that
tou are convinced are for the best
interests of the people of the coun
Wahl & Parchen are laying in
their winter’s supply of fuel this
John Dorrington and wife arrived
Monday from Wisconsin. They are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Fisher.
D. W. Griffith, Verdon's postmaster
and E. D. Owens came down Wednes
day to take in the Chautauqua and
the ball game.
Frank Nims and wife and James
Parker and wife of Nims City were
down to root for Falls City in the
ball game Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. A. E. Wachtel of Rulo visit
ed the court house and left with a
broad smile. Accept our congratula
tions. May your path be strewn with
In the District Court of Richard
son County, Nebraska.
In Matter of Application of Jacob
Lansky, for Order Changing His
To all whom this may concern: —
Notice is hereby given that Jacob
Lansky, on the 6th day of August,
1910, filed in the District Court of
Richardson County, Nebraska, his
petition, the object and prayer of
w'liich are to obtain an order and
decree of said court changing his
name from Jacob Lansky to Jacob L.
Seff; that petitioner will call said mat
ter up for hearing on the first day of
September, 1910, term of said district
court, towit: on September 26t.h, 1910,
or so soon thereafter as the said ap
plication can be heard.
Dated this 6th day of August, 1910.
JACOB LANSKY, Petitioner,
By J. E. LEYDA. His Attorney, j
First publication August 12, 4 times
The County in General
The “Doings” of Our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Kd Davis was a St. Joseph visitor
J. C. Perry of Lincoln was a Rulo
visitor Monday.
A good sized crowd of Rulo people
went to White Cloud Friday to watch
the ball game.
John Kanaly was a St. Joseph vis
itor one day last week.
Bessie Anderson visited with Kan
sas relatives this week.
Fred Marsh was a business visitor
in Falls City Saturday.
It. D. Larabee visited with rela
tives in Preston Saturday.
Wilbur Long of Bartlett, Iowa vis
ited relatives here this week.
Charles Smith of Missouri was a
Rulo visitor the last of the week.
Agnes Schrader spent most of the
past week with relatives in St. Joe.
Mrs. James Inks of Salem is vis-'
iting with relatives in Rulo this week.!
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of White J
Cloud visited Rulo relatives last, week
Leonard Simon and family of Pres
ton visited with relatives here last
Ray Bird came from Clarmont, Mo.,
last week to pitch in the Rulo ball
Blaine Anderson went to Kansas
Monday to attend the funeral of a
Mr. and Mrs Have Lewis and son
are the guests of John Pope and wife
this week.
Rev. VVaehtel returned Saturday
evening from a three weeks trip in
Cecil Kanaly returned last week
from a several days visit with friends
at Salem.
Gus Brown and wife of Fortescue
are spending the week with relatives
in Rulo.
A little daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Simon Thursday of
last week.
Fred Stewart visited with his par
entsat Sparks several days the first
of the week.
H. M. Smith and family of Wymore
were in Rulo a short time the first
of the week.
Mesdames Mattie Kirk and Frank
Brown were Falls City visitors a few
days last week.
Father Hoffman of Falls City had
charge of tile sc vices at the Catholic
church here Sunday evening.
Peter Frederick, Charles Ross and
Dolph Pierce came up from Atchison
Saturday night to spend Sunday with
home folks.
Vaughn McVey, who has spent the
past two weeks with his mother at
this place, returned Monday to his
work in Lincoln.
Mrs. Shepherd and daughter, Em
ma. went to St. Joe last. Friday to
visit with relatives. Miss Emma will
go from there to Salina, Kas., to
work in a millinery store.
James Tangney and John Mooney
went to Concordia, Kas., one day last
week to see about Sisters to take
charge of the convent the coming
Marriage License.
Gottfred Birow, Table Rock.24
Fay Porter. Table Rock.18
Emmett Snodgrass, Dawson.23
Amanda Bernhardt, Dawson.22
Alvy Edgar Wachtel, Rulo.24
Ina Pearl Neher, Humboldt.20
Willian Lewis Long, Sparks, Kas...22
Edna Nevada Randall, Sparks.. ..16
—We have some fresh Red Seal
flour in now. Come and get a sack.
—C. A. Heck.
the Home Shoe store. 14-lt
—If it's shoes you want, call at
B JN. Jenne Shoe Store.
A port'll party was given last Fri
day by Misses Hope Ward, Clara
Aikman, Edith Hinkle and Hattie Hart
in honor of Miss Freda Paul of Abi
lene, Kas. The porch and lawn were
beautifully decorated \vith Japanese
lanterns. A dainty two-course lunch
eon was served. The evening was
spent in music and pleasant games, <(^
and at a late hour the company sep
arated for their respective homes.
Frank Graves was found dead near
Saps’ crossing in Missouri, just east
of the river bridge Sunday morning.
It was supposed that ,he was killed
by a train as he was taken across
the ferry here late Saturday evening.
The deceased was working on a
farm near Fortesfctie. He has one bro
ther in Rulo, where the body was
taken. The remains were buired
in the Rulo cemetery Monday fore
noon, where short services were con
ducted by Rev. Wachtel. He also has
a brother who resides at Humboldt.
Parents of a Baby Boy.
Born, on August 3, an eight-pound
boy to Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Hunt of
Davenport, Iowa. Mother and child
doing nicely.
Mrs. Hunt will be remembered as
Miss Alvirda Allen, whose home was
in Salem, and who for many years
was one of Richardson County's most
popular school teachers.
St. Thomas Church.
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. Holy
Communion at 7:30 a. m. Morning
prayer and sermon at 10:45 a. m.
The theme will be “The Error of Bal- w
aam” The TeDeum in B flat by
Thomas, will be sung after the first
lesson. No evening service.
Myrtle McCray is the new ac
countant at the Pence-Little store.
Miss Jessie Withee of Stella is
a guest, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hossack.
W. S. Korner and wife have for .
their guests S. B. lloffnell and wife '
of Abilene, Kas.
Work on the new Catholic church
has been begun. Work on the founda
tion is progressing nicely.
There is only one true blue county
option candidate for governor and
that is Senator Aldrich.
Lewis Trefzer, one of Arago's suc
cessful farmers was in town Tues
day. He says corn will make fifty
bushels on some farms.
Dr. Bailey returned from his vaca
tion trip to Utah Wednesday evening.
He is feeling much improved and ho
looks it, every inch. He will tajso
up his work in the new church with
new vim and vigor.
Burlington Route
West Bound **
No. 13—Denver Exp.1:10 a. m.
No. 15—Denver Exp. (Local).1:40 p. m.
No- 43—Portland Exp..10:17 p. m.
No. 41—Portland Exp.2:25 p. m.
No. 121—Lincoln Loc. via Ne
braska City.5:00 a. m.
East Bound
No. 14—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .7:38 a. m.
No. 44—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .3:37 a. m.
No. ltt—St. J., K C. & St. L. .4:22 p. m.
No. 42—St. J., K. C. & St. L. .4:35 p. m
No 122—From Lincoln, via
Nebraska City.8:45 p m.
E. G. Whitford, Agent.
Missouri Pacific
Trains East
Tr. 104—St.Louis Exp.2:10 p. m.
Tr. 106—Kansas City Exp.. 3:40 a. m.
Tr. 132—K. C. Local.*7:30 a. m. \
Tr. 192—Local Freight.*9:40 a. m.
Tr. 138—Omaha Local, ar..*9:00 p. m.
Trains West
Tr. 103—Omaha Lincoln Ex. 1:50 p. m.
Tr. 106—Omaha-Lincoln Ex. 2:55 a. m.
Tr. 137—Omaha local.*7:15 a. m.
Tr. 191—Local Freight..,. .*1:20 p. m.
Tr. 131—Kansas City Lo. ar.*8.'lD a. n.
‘Daily excert Sunday. *
E. E. MARK, Agent.