The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 12, 1910, Image 7

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Instruction That Will Tend To Pre
vent the Inception of Race
Destroying Diseases.
(By Prof. Win. McKeever.)
Seek to have extended to all alike
the medical inspection and examina
tion that is now being made the rule
in some of the large cities. Two
means of guarding the well-being of
society and the race are thus sub
When the exact physical condi
tion of the children is known they
can be so treated medically as to
obviate mental inefficiency and moral
deterioration. Many cases of tru
ancy, delinquency, and crime are now
apparently traceable to remediable
but neglected physical defects.
The presence of many race-deter
iorating diseases and malformations
of a chronic character will thus be
detected, so that their victims may
have all the sympathetic treatment
their cases call for and yet not be
permitted to propagate their kind.
2. Encourage the dissemination of
literature Intended to instruct the
public in regard to the prevention of
tuberculosis. School committees, and
others in a position tc> do so, will
find it feasable to issue to parents
and teachers a small pamphlet contain
ing simple but effective means of
achieving the end just named. The
campaign of education now being car
ried on in form of a tuberculosis ex
hibit is a most commendable move
ment. Let all unite in extending its
3. The uses of alcohol, tobacco,
and other stimulents, narcotics and
irritants are to be reagrded as more
or less serious to the well-being of
the race, even if we admit that the
appetite for none of them is inherit
ed. Alcoholism is being gradually
out of the United States. It cannot
endure the higher tests of our civ
ilization. In some states teachers
are required to instruct pupils in re
gard to the hurtful nature of alcohol
Jr stimulants. Such laws should be
r made general.
There is coming a time when the
tobacco using practice must pass a
test of utility and fitness or else
yield its place. This is today the
most general and the most overmaste
ing of all radical habits. So strong
it is, in the case of thousands of men,
V that its demands for satisfaction take
\precedence over the demands of the
family for bread. That the tobacco
using habit is highly destructive to
the mental, moral and physical effi
ciency of boys has been proved be
yond question. That it, in its net re
sults, is beneficail to men has not
yet been shown. That the enorm
ous amount of capital and labor and
land now devoted to the tobacco in
dustry might better be devoted to the
production of bread for the hungry
millions seems to admit of no
room for debate.
To prevent boys and youths from
beginning the use of alcohol and
tobacco is a comparatively easy mat
ter, provided known methods be ap
plied. To break up the fully acquired
habits of such use is, in most cases,
a practical impossibility. Therefore,
it is strongly recommended that all
interested persons exert their efforts
in behalf of prevention. Furnish par
ents and teachers with detailed meth
ods of instructing and training the
young to abstain from the foregoing
,^0^18 and the race will soon reap the
4 Statistics show that the disease
resulting from the perversion of sex
are very prevalent. Debilitated bod
ies, permanently impaired health
and disrupted homes, to say nothing
of the destructive effects upon off
spring, follow in the wake of such
depravity. If parents and teachers
take a little trouble to procure the
proper literature and inform them
selves they can accomplish much by
way of overcoming the so-called “sin
of society” and thus help to free the
race from a great blight. The evil
sex habits that overmaster and ever
lastingly ruin the lives of thousands
of young men and young women are
almost wholly a result of ignorance
and neglect in respect to training.
Prevention of morbid sexual habits is
comparatively easy in the ordinary
case if a little intelligent instruction
be begun early and carefully kept
up. On the other hand, when once
these blighting practices have become
thoroughly acquired their complete
ri:#continuance is practically beyond
i human power.
Io. Children may have much bet
ter instruction in reference to self
support, a form of training which has
its foundation in carefully planned
work. Idleness is a kind of disease. j
The hungry soon take on many of
the marks of degeneracy. There
can, with a little thought, be made
out a reasonable schedule of work
and study and play for the growing
hoy of any ordinary age and condition
a provision which will tend all along
to fit him for his permanent life work
But mere training after a plan Is not
sufficient. The youth must be talked
to about tlie matter of a life work—
not urged or required to choose
early, perhaps' not till after full
physical and mental maturity, but
talked to with a thought of imbueing
him with the necessity of gradually
finding and working out for himself
a plan for his mature life.
The ability of the individual to per
form some kind of work creditably or
to manage some one of the impor
tant affairs of life successfully lies at
the foundation of all that is best and
most stable m our modern society.
Unquestionably every normal boy and
girl is very well fitted by nature and
can be still better fitted by training
to perform worthily some kind of
work. Then, let parents and teachers
begin early to make a careful study
[of the boys and girls under their
[charge with a view to training them
in habits of industry, and finally with
a view to guiding them successfully
into the vocation for which they are
best adapted by nature. Public edu
cation of the nature Just named will
in time lead to the practice of re
quiring candidates for marriage to
pass a test in respect to their ability
to work and to undertake the man
agement of some sort of business af
Let all persons concerned about
the foregoing matters maw- reason
able effort to inculcate a proper res
pect for the sanctity of the* body of
women. By virtue of the strength
and purity and perfection of this
finest specimen of God’s handiwork
shall the race be redeemed. There
is much confusion and perplexity in
the minds of the public today as to
what places in the world shall be
thrown open to woman. She has
proved herself willing and apt and
an efficient worker in practically ev
ery walk of life, and yet, notwith
standing her attainment of even the
highest degree of success in any of
these important matters, there is
only one way under heaven whereby
her name may be eternally glorified,
viz., through her preparation for be
coming the mother of a new race of
worthy sons and daughters.
Finally, it seemsto me that we must
come around to the thesis that the
real wealth of any nation or of any
people consists not in the moneys or
the material goods accumulated so
much as in the character of the boys
and girls and the young men and
young women who are growing up
and soon to assume control of all
the serious affairs of life. We must
erect a new standard of worth, and
this new measure of value must be
men and women—strong, courageous,
clear-sighted, noble-hearted men; and
pure, matronly, sympathetic, spiritual
minded women. Let us promote the
foregoing high standard of excel
lence through definitely planned pop
ular education, seeking first to de
velop in the young the splendid, God
given aptitudes latent, within them
and as yet unreached by our sys
tem of training; and, second, to give
the fit an advantage over the unfit
as factors in the continuation of the
Our Sympathy
is always extended to those in
distress, but we have no sym
pathy to waste on the man
who borrows his neighbor's
paper when he can have one
of his own at a mere nominal
expense. Your home paper
stands for your interests and
the interests of your home
town. It deserves your moral
and financial support. If you
are not a member of our
family of readers you should
begin now by sending in your
Statistics Show That Convictions Due
to Liquor Has Increased
Criminal statistics for the year end
: ed September, 1906, have just been
issued by the census bureau at Otta
i wa. They look somewhat antiquated
| now, but as they are the latest avail*
j able, some of the facts given are still
i of interest. The figures deal sep
arably with indictable offences and
summary convictions, the latter refer
ring to cases disposed of by justices
of the peace. British Columbia, Mani
toba and Ontario show a crime record
remarkable figures relate to the mari
time provinces, where the Scott act is
in force in most counties, but especi
ally Prince Edward island, the only
province in the dominion with pro
vincial prohibition. Ontario’s crime
ratio for 10,000 of the population
'< shows a gradual Increase: 1897-1900,
12.94; 1900-1905. 13.38: 1906, 15.89.
Of the total number of persons con
victed during the five-year period end
ing with 1905 there was an average of
56 per cent, who used liquor moder
ately and 33 per cent, who were im
moderate drinkers. For the second
period ending with 1905 thpre was an
average of 60 per cent, moderate and
28 Immoderate drinkers, as compared
with 57 per cent, moderate and 23 per
cent, moderate drinkers for 1906. The
balance of the 100 in each period were
either nondrinkers or not given.
Dealing with summary convictions,
which are for offences such as as
saults, breaches of the peace, infrac
tions of various laws, such as liquor
license act, etc., and such other of
fences as vagrancy, drunkenness, and
disorderly conduct, the report states
that the number of summary convic
tions has increased considerably
throughout the several provinces dur
ing the last five years.
During the years ending with 190o,
drunkenness represented about 35 per
cent, of the total summary convictions,
as compared with 40 per cent, for the
year 1906. Out of the total number of
persons convicted for drunkenness,
female offenders represented 8.87 per
cent, for the ten years ending with
1905, as against 5.10 per cent, for the
year 1906.
Taking the year 1906, the following
table shows the percentage of convic
tions for drunkenness of each prov
ince, with the percentage of popula
tion of the provinces:
Percentage Per
of centage
Convictions of
for Popula
Provinces. Drunkenness, tion.
Frince Edward island... 0 48 1.69
Nova Scotia .11.62 7.76
New Brunswick. 7.34 5.62
Quebec .19.12 29.08
Ontario .29.71 37.10
Manitoba .15.56 6.11
British Columbia . 6.76 4.09
The territories . 9.42 8.55
The following table shows the con
victions for drunkenness in each
province, with the convictions per
1,000 of population:
Per 1,000
Num- Inhabl
Provinces. her. tants.
Prince Edward island .. 120 1.19
Nova Scotia . 2,919 6.28
New Brunswick. 1,843 5.48
Quebec . 4,802 2.76
Ontario . 7,459 3.36
Manitoba . 3,905 10.68
British Columbia . 1,697 6.93
The territories. 2,365 4.62
Canada .26,110 4.20
Citizens of Edinburgh Congratulate
Themselves on Satisfactory Re
port of Chief Constable.
Edinburgh people are congratula
ting themselves on the satisfactory
nature of the report just issued by
the chief constable for the city for
the year 1999. It shows that during
that year arrests for drunkenness,
crime and disorders of all kinds were
fewer than they have been since re
liable statistics of this kind have
been kept by the authorities.
The total number of persons ar
rested for all kinds of offenses, drunk
enness included, was 13,411 in 1909,
as compared with 15,279 in 1908, a de
crease of 1.8C8. That the poorer
people in Edinburgh seem to be get
ting more sober is shown by the
fact that whereas in 1908 the num
ber of persons arrested for being
drunk and incapable, drunk and dis
orderly, or drunk in charge of chil
dren or vehicles was 7,331, the num
ber last year fell to 5,521, a decrease
of 1,810.
Much speculation has been Indulged
in as to the causes which have led
to this welcome decrease of drunken
ness in Edinburgh and it may be said
that the same decrease has been
noted in other large towns in the
country. The extra duty on spirits
imposed by the budget was undoubt
edly, as the chancellor of the ex
chequer now knows to his cost, fol
lowed by an almost immediate de
crease in the consumption of whisky.
Better Use for Brains.
Edison, when asked if he ever
drank, replied: "No; I have a better
use for my brains."
Regards Restrictive Laws as Only In
tended tor Temporary Check—
Sums Up Situation.
Illustrative of the thought which in- J
dividual citizens tiro giving to the i
temperance movement is the following j
expression of opinion from Clol. Frank
L. Lock, president of the lloston
Young Men’s Christian union. When
asked to sum up the causes of the]
present day situation, Mr. Locke said:
"The recent very noticeable interest
In tlie effort for tempernnee legisla
tion Indicates, 1 think, that people are
beginning to realize the extent to
which intemperance reaches into and j
nffects tlie every-day life of ttie com- j
"To those having at heart tlie inter
est of tlie city, the state and tlie na
tion this awakening to the evil of the
situation and tlie interest manifested
even by those who are not total ab
stainers must be gratifying. While the
present prohibitory legislation may
not offer a final solution of the prob
lem, it clearly indicates that the peo
ple are generally aroused as to the
seriousness of the situation and are
led to take any action which will tend
to improve conditions, even if it bo
only to temporarily check the evil
until further investigation and the ap
plication of modern scientific methods
of study any analysis may offer a
more satisfactory solution.
“The increased adoption of laws
prohibiting the sale of liquor does
not, I think, signify a growing convic
tion that such is the only wise or
proper solution of the liquor problem,
but that it Is a temporary check, and
helpful, until a better means is at
hand. The study of modern condi
tions in our penal institutions and of
the general social condition, leads
more and more to a realization that
the remedy for these public ills lies
not in attempting to administer pun
ishment, or to make cures for the
damage which has been done, but
rather In adopting measures that will
prevent the occurrence of the diffi
culties. More and more it is coming
to be felt that inebriety ns well as, In
deed, most of the criminal offences,
are due to some defective mental con
dition rather than to deliberate dispo
sition to be bad or mean.
1 ne treatment, or me urunnaiu, o»
well as the criminal generally, Is be
coming more and more to be looked
upon as necessarily more of a hos
pital treatment. The success which
has tended the work at the State hos
pital at Foxboro along tills line Is In
"In connection with the forward
movement for temperance, I wish that
more efTort might be made to provide,
amid proper surroundings, the socia
bility and good-fellowship which Is
found in the saloon. This sociability
and good-fellowship are, to my mind,
quite as much the attraction to the sa
loon as the liquor.”
Well Known Clinical Fact That Users
of Liquor Fare Badly When At
tacked by Disease.
It is a well known clinical fact that
those addicted to the use of alcohol
fare very badly when attacked by
pneumonia. Indeed, the mortality
among drinkers Is very high In every
disease, but Is especially marked in
pneumonia Dr. Julius Pohlman was
struck by this fact, and In order to
test It performed a number of experi
ments he has recorded in the Medical
Pneumonia Is considered by the best
authorities as an infectious disease,
and, from Its organisms, there Is sup
posed to spread through the system a
toxlne, called pneumo-toxlne. against
which weak bodies struggle with great
difficulty, or in vain, says Health. The
disease Is more than a mere conges
tion of the lungs. Dr. Pohlman, in his
experiments, took some strong and
lusty dogs, and Injected Into the
trachea, just below the larynx of each
one, some pure alcohol, and noted
the efTect.
His work seems to have been done
rather unscientifically, but his conclu
sions agree with clinical experience,
although of much less value. How
ever, his work will give the anti-vlvl
sectlonlsts something to talk about.
His theory Is that, If to a congestion
of the lungs brought on by alcohol a
pneumonia be added, the Individual
stands little chance of recovering.
While the study of the blood serum
In pneumonia has not advanced quite
as far and to such practical results as
In diphtheria, still It Is pretty well
agreed that during an attack of acute
lobar pneumonia there Is in circula
tion In the blood a certain substance
which may be called pneumo-toxlne,
which In fatal cases causes death, be
ing disseminated all through the body
with the blood, while the organisms,
as a rule, In simple cases, stay In the
lungs. In cases that recover from
pneumonia there is noticed at the time
of the crisis and after that there Is a
disappearance of pneumo-toxlne from
the blood, and there Is found an anti- i
dote to it, which has been called antl
pneumo-toxlne, and experiments with
this anti-pneumo-toxine, from a con
valescent patient Injected subcutane
ously Into one very ill with pneu- ]
monla, have shown that the serum in
this stage has some curative proper
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