The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 12, 1910, Image 4

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Consolidations—Falls City Tribune,
Humboldt Enterprise. Hulo Record.
Crocker's Educational Journal anti
Dawson Outlook.
Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu
ary 12, 1904, under the Act of Congress
on March J, 1879.
Published every Friday at Falla City,
Nebraska, by
Tha Tribune Publishing Company
Editor and Manager.
One year . fl.50
Six months . 75
Three months. 40
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the republican nomination
for congress In the First District of
1 wish *o announce my candidacy
for the legislature subject to the re
publican primary. DON GR1DLEY.
There is wrapped up in our young
people all the possibilities of the fu
ture. The achievements of the next
generation lie latent within them. It
is our privilege to make them what
they will be, and in so doing to de
termine the course of history far
beyond our own time.
The county option democrats of
Richardson county arc objecting very
strenuously to the candidacy of John
H. Morehead for tho state senate.
One voter writes from Kalis City:
“The county option folks don't want
Morehead. He Is objectionable on
other matters besides county option.
1 hope Hall of Pawnee, tho other dem
ocratic candidate, is all right or at
least, better. Dr. Johnson, republican
of Pawnee, is all right of course, and
will be nominated, as he has no oppo
sition. But tho Pawnee temperance
men ought to help us beat Morehead."
All of which is referred to the good
temperance people of Pawnee, where
the democrats are just as dry as the
• * •
"Kor the further regulation of the
liquor traffic in Nebraska, we are
in favor of the passage of a county
option law by tho next legislature,
ami pledge our candidates for gover
nor, If elected, to approve such a law
on that subject as ihe legislature
may enact."
“We recognnize the existence of
a sufficient demand for direct legis
lation in this slate to warrant sub
mitting the question to the vote of
the people. We therefore favor the
submission of a direct legislation
amendment to our constitution by the
next legislature.”
“We favor the creation of a non
partisan board of control for the
penal, reformatory aand charitable in
stitutions of the state.”
"We favor the passage of a new
apportionment law, at the next ses
sion of the legislature, redistricting
the state into senatorial and repre
sentatives districts, giving to each
fair and equal representation, based
on the population, as shown by the
census of 1910 ,aud if the legisla
ture. which is elected this fall, fails
to preform this constitutional duty,
while in regular session, we pledge
the people of this state that the re
publican candidate for governor, if
elected, will convene the legislature
in special session until this con
stitutional duty has been performed.”
“Every protest against the wrong is
insurging for the right. We are un
alterably opposed to the system
known as ‘Caunonism’ and are in
hearty sympathy with the insurgent
movement in and out of congress.
We herewith urge our senators and
I representatives to continue to use
their votes and influence along pro
gressive lines in the future.”
In answer to many inquiries, it Is
well to observe again that the prin
ciple of county option, as tried out
in many states, is that when a
< ounty votes dry, it Is all dry.
When a county votes against the
"dry” proposition it remains just as^
It was before, leaving the municipal
ities to have saloons or not have,
them, as they may decide In then
local elections.
In Nebraska, to fail to dry up a
county would mean to leave the Slo
cum law in effect just as It is now.
County option is not a proposition
to vote saloons into a county. It is
to vote them out of a county. Saloons
are already outlaws under the law,
permitted only under certain condi
tions, and restrained by bonds and
locul police regulations.
County Option would mean a
chance of the people of the whole
county to absolutely prohibit the lic
ensing of outlawry within the county.
Brewery papers call this a jug-hand
led arrangement. So is the licen
sing of outlaw institutions jug-hand
led. So is tlie ruining of the lives
of men and hoys Jug-handled.
* * at
Lincoln, Neb,, August 1, 1910. To
the People of Nebraska—The primary
election for the nomination of candi
dates for office by tho several parties
will be held Tuesday, August 10, 1910.
I am a candidate ftir the office of
Putted States senator on the repub
lican ticket.
I am in favor of all the legislation
declared for by the republican party
in its platform this year.
I am in favor of the performance
of every promise made by the re
publican party in Its national plat
form of 1908, and for such a revision
of the tariff downwards us can be
discovered without the aid of a
search warrant. >
1 am in favor of placing lumber uni!
other material used in the construct
ion of dwellings on the free list, and
of doing It at the next session of
1 am In favor of placing on the
froo list at tho next session of con
gress, agricultural implements, me
chanic's tools of all kinds, sewing
machines, and everything which can
be produced here, the importation of
which yields the government practi
cally no revenue, and which can be
manufactured here and sold for ex
port at it less price than for home
I am for placing sugar on the free
list at the earliest day possible.
If the laws now in force are not
sufficient for the effective prosecu
tion of forbidden trusts and combina
tions, I am In favor of the enactment
of such further laws as will drive that
class or Combinations out of exist
1 am in favor of such government
al control of transportation com
panies as will prevent unjust discrim
ination of rates for service intend
ed to yield an income on nothing
In so far as that object may be nc
compllshed by legislation, I am in
favor of the enactment of laws which
will tend to decrease the cost of
I am opposed to ship subsidies.
I am In favor of such legislation,
state and national, as will afford to
every depositor in a bank the great
est possible security for his money.
I am in favor of restricting the
franking privilege to tho free trans
portation of the Congressional Record
and parts thereof; the reports and
public documents of the government
or any department thereof, and of
making the free transportation of any
thing else through the mails a crim
nal offense.
1 am in favor of reducing the post
age on the first-class matter, fifty
Per cent, and that at the next session
of ioppress.
1 am opposed to all legislation
which tends to the creation of great
interests and combinations by the
few to the ruin of individual efforts
and the destruction of industrious, in
dependent action of the many and
the deprivation of labor of its just
I am in favor of liberal appropria
tions to all ex-soldiers who have ren
dered faithful service to the govern
ment in time of war.
I am in favor of such federal leg
islation as will tehd to prevent '‘boot
legging.” To that end I am in
favor of the enactment of Congress
at the earliest possible day of a law
which shall prohibit the government
from selling stamps or issuing per
mits for the sale of intoxicating liq
uors in territory where such sales are
prohibited by local law, and making
such sales in such territory crimes
against the federal government.
• * •
Temperance voters in either the
populist, republican or prohibition
parties can all .this time vote for
T. M. C. Birmingham for U. S. Sen
ator. He is the only one of the four
candidates for this office on the
People's party ticket that stands un
reserved for temperance and meets
the requirements of their Grand Is
land platform.
Senator Aldrich of David City is
making rapid strides in his gover
norship contest. It now appears that
Ex-Governor Sheldon is not to be a
candidate, and Aldrich naturally falls
heir to these forces. This is for
fortunate, for it presents progressive
republicanism in a united force.
There has not in years been a candi
date for governor who has done so
much for the people as Senator Al
drich of David City. Every time you
buy a railroad ticket for one hund
red miles remember it only costs you
two dollars. The dollar saved and in
your pocket is there because Senator
Aldrich "made a winning fight for the
two-cent fare. He is the author of
the freight rate law that bears his
name, and since its operation the ship
pers of this state have saved more
than seven million five hundred dol
lars. Then why should not the peo
ple unite and make their best friend
governor of this state?—Valparaiso
visitor. -
The atmosphere has cleared some
what. Governor Sheldon has decided]
not. to be a candidate for the republi-i
can nomination for governor. This!
leaves Senator Aldrich as practically]
the only progressive republican in I
the field. Now let every progress
ive republican in the state line up
for Aldrich at tile prinuiriesand give
him the nomination over the react
ionaries by a big vote.
* « *
From State Capital.
The political sensation of I lie week
is furnished by the withdrawal of W.
It. Patrick from I lie democratic guber
natorial race. Mr. Patrick entered
the race as a strong county optionist.
Ills idea was to force Shallenberger
to come out Into the open on the ques
tion. This he succeeded indoing.
There is no question that Shallen
berger was scared when Paterick
announced his candidacy. It either
meant that he would lose votes
enough to defeat him, or he would
have to stop his “pussy-foot” cam
paign. The second rude shock was
at Grand Island, when the populists
made a strong declaration for county
option, and pledged their voters to
stand by the man who was out. in the
open. Within an hour Shallenberger
had a declaration ready. He said
he would sign a county option bill, if
It came up to him “in a constitu
tional manner.”
This dodge of Shallenberger's may
have fooled the pops a little, but it
does not seem to have fooled Pat
rick a great deal, if one read closely
Ills statement, which is as follows:
"South Omaha, Neb., Aug. 2.— I
have withdrawn from the guberna
torial race because 1 can aid the
cause of county option more out of
the race than I could by remaining
in It was impossible in the time
available before primary day to
awaken the voters to a realization of
Df the fact that the railroad-brewery
combine is again behind tile candi
dacy of Shellenberger, and 1 would
prefer to devote my efforts to more
"ffective work, for 1 feel a deeper
anxiety for the cause than 1 have for
any office.
“My filing had the effect of smoking
Shallenberger into a promise to sign
a county option bill should one be
passed by the legislature. This prom
ise may amount to no more than did
his promise to the brewers two years
ago to oppose any amendment to the
Slocum law, but 1 had the supreme
satisfaction of forcing him to make
!t In the presence of a greater num
ber of witnesses.
1 cannot escape the conviction that
by its cowardly attitude towards
county option as expressed in the
Grand Island platform the democratie
party prepared for a splendid and
certain defeat in the coining contest,
because I believe that county option
sentiment is stronger than party ties
in Nebraska today, and. in my humble
judgment., the candidate who stands
squarely upon a county option plat
form will defeat any cowardly strad
dler by at least twenty thousand ma
In reading over the interview with
Colorado legislators, it is plainly
seen that the good old “fence” has
not lost its popularity as a strad
dling seat for statesmen. Many of
the eminent senators and representa
tives have “nothing to say at this
time,” and “must refuse to discuss
issues until they are presented.” One
can imagine the Jovian fowns that
darken their august brows, and al
most visualize the chill rebuke their
attitude administer to the reporter so
impertinent as to intrude upon their
All of which was very well a de
cade ago, when the people considered
public business a part from private
business, and simply elected repre
sentatives with reference to sonorous
tones and Hyperion curls.
The people are now giving public
business the same careful scrutiny
that private business has always re
ceived, and instead of windbags and
corporation tools they are demand
ing honest, plain speaking men who
will stand for them in the legisla
lure as trusted agents represent them
in personal affairs. Can anyone irn
agio? a merchant dispatching an
agent to carry out specific direction
and then when the agent fails him,’
resting satisfied with the answer, “I
am not ready to discuss the matter
at tjiis time?”
There is no excuse for any Colo
rado legislator not knowing where
he stands. The people have given
their orders, every issue has been
discussed and refusal to take a
position springs from idiocy or crook
edness. This cheap pretence of
statesmanlike deliberation is nothing
more than a cloak for fool or rescal.
In every district where the repre
sentative has refused to express him
self, the people should instantly call
meetings, and put the grave and
reverend seignor on the carpet. He
should be made to declare himself'
either one way or the other, and not
permitted to wobble around until he
can decide which way his political in
terests lie. The present demand is
for men who do know where they
stand, not fellows who seek to fool
the people by owlish gravity and
much pretense of thought.
Every representative with his
"ear to the ground" is in a position
that invites nothing so much as a
swift kick. And lie should get it.
It is much easier to have respect for
a man who comes out. flat against
his party's pledges and the people’s
interest, than a hypocrite full of
mealy-mouthed evasions and stales
manlike silence.—Denver post.
* * *
The peerless leader has fallen from
his high estate and Nebraska democ
racy lias taken its place as the
party of the brewers. William .).
Bryan was sat. down on nt the
Grand Island convention for his tem
erity in proposition to favor a tem
perance measure. County option was
turned down along with Mr. Bryan
of course, but that famous states
man is probably stronger with the
rank and file in his losing fight than
if he had failed to make it. The old
adage is again illustrated that a silk
purse cannot be made from a sow’s
ear- meaning that Mr. Bryan set him
self loo large a task to convert dem
ocracy to a temperance platform. His
influence will have much to do with
the state campaign, and since the re
publican party, by a vote of more
than two to one has championed the
temperance issue, it will not be sur
prising if Mr. Bryan’s influence would
lie in the direction of republican suc
cess. At any rate, the situation is
clarifying, in the state as well as
the nation, and the republican pros
pect ih roseate in comparison with
what appeared to be some months
ago.—fuering Courier.
* * *
Your ballot is a club for with which
you can beat down the oppressor.
See that you use yours effectively.
* * *
If you don't want The Tribune just
kindly, say so. If you do want it
have the goodness to give us a
square deal.
* * *
Our good friends who insist that we
always play at their game should
not forget to at least play fair and
go their share towards paying the
* * * .
County option is the real issue be
fore you next Tuesday. it is not a
party matter, but a matter of right
and wrong. See to it that you do
not repudiate your manhood by vot
ing “er straight.’’
* * %
There are still a few delinquent
subscribers on our mailing list. We
do not know you. if you do not want
the Tribune will you kindly pay up
and order the paper stopped. Pay up
anyway and help make The Tribune
all that you would like it to be.
• * *
Nebraska people appreciate most
what they have already paid for. We]
want our readers to fully appreciate i
the qualities of The Tribune and they
can best do this when they know
they have fully paid for it. There
fore we are urging all subscribers, if
possible, to pav up promptly.
• * *
The ballot box is the common man's
means for defending his home and
his dear ones from the aggression of;
the unscrupulous and unjust. To say
that there is no use in voting is to
deny the ability of the people to
govern themselves. The man who de
liberately neglects to vote is not!
worthy the privileges of an American I
• • •
An announcement of the coming’
teachers' institute will be found in
another column. Parents, and par-,
ticularly directors should plan to at-,
tend the sessions of the institute in
part at least. If teachers, officers and
parents would oftener meet in con
ference, the work of educating our
youths would not only be greatly fa-;
cilitated, but also simplified. The
problem* of the parents and teachers
are singularly alike and great advan
tage must result from a mutual ex
change of views.
Filled Cookie* Will Be Appreciated
by Both Old and Young—Recipe
for Eagle Cake—French
Fried Toa*t.
Filled Cookie*.—Ingredients: Two
cupfuls of rolled oats, three cupfuls
of flour, one scant teaspoonful of salt,
two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of
shortening, one cupful of sour or but
termilk, one teaspoonful of soda dis
solved In the milk, one pound of
washed and seeded dates pressed per
fectly flat. Cream the sugar and
shortening, mix flour, oatmeal and
salt, and add alternately with milk. If
the dough is not quite stiff enough
use a little more flour. Roll the dough
very thin, cut with the cookie cutter,
then lay each one on a pressed date
and on the date another layer of
dough. Rake to a light brown.
Eagle Cake.—Cream together one
half cup butter and one cupful brown
sugar. Add one cupful sour milk into
which has been stirred a teaspoonful
soda, two teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one
half teaspoonful cloves, two cupfuls
flour and one cupful chopped and
floured raisins, and bake in a loaf.
French Fried Toast.—Beat two eggs
and add one cup of sweet milk and a
little salt; a little sugar may be added
to the milk if desired. Dip slices of
bread into the mixture, allowing them
to absorb a little of it, then crown
the slices on a hot, buttered griddle
or a thick-bottomed frying pan. But
ter and serve hot.
Bread and Butter Folds.—Cut bread
In thin slices, take up in pairs, remove
crusts and cut into strips an inch and
a half wide by four inches long Spread
lightly with creamed butter, plain or
flavored, fold together, press the
edges, and arrange log-cabin fashion
on a dainty plate.
Cream Strawberry Pie.—Line a pie
plate with a puff paste, and fill with
strawberries. Strew these thickly
with sugar. Put a top crust on the
pie, first rubbing the edge of the low
er crust with butter to prevent their
sticking. Bake to a light brown.
When cold, lift the cover of the pie
and put under this top crust a great
cupful of whipped cream. Replace
the crust and sprinkle this with pow
dered suggr.—Harper's Bazar.
This is one of my most valued
recipes and has been used in the fam
ily for three generations, and adding
to Its value is the fact that it can be
made at any time of the year and will
keep indefinitely. Chop fine two
large heads of cabbage, ten large
onions, pack down in a jar with a lit
tle salt between each layer. Put heavy
weight on top and let stand 24 hours.
Prepare vinegar as follows: One gal
lon of vinegar sweetened to taste, two
ounces of celery seed, two ounces of
white mustard seed, two ounces of
ground mustard, and two ounces of
turmeric. Let it get hot, then add the
cabbage and onions and let scald thor
Latest Hot Dishes.
Very attractive placques for the
table are of crystal and silver, with
a lace or embroidered doily between
the two parts of the glass.
They are round or oval, and are in
a wide variety of sizes and designs.
The two sections of glass are held
In the filigree silver frame, which
screws together, and the doilies are
placed between the glass placques.
They are saved from wear and from
becoming soiled, but still feature as a
dainty addition to the table.
Rice Balls.
Take hot cooked rice, season with
salt, pepper and butter and add very
finely minced chives and parsley—a
tablespoon of chives and a teaspoonful
of parsley to each cupful of rice. Mix
well and form into small balls the size
of a walnut and set away to get cold.
When ready to use, dip each ball into
beaten egg. roll in ground peanuts and
fry a golden brown in boiling faL
Drain and serve as a garnish to meat
or game.
Anchovy and Olive Sandwiches.
Mix to a paste two tablespoonfuls
fresh butter, two tablespoonfuls an
chovy paste, a half dozen minced
olives, a teaspoonful lemon juice and
a dash each of mustard and cayenne
or paprika. Spread on thin slices of
whole wheat or graham bread, press
the slices together, and with tin cut
ter stamp into small fancy shapes.
Bananas and Peanuts.
Take a cupful of salted peanuts and
put through the food chopper. Take
ripe bananas, cut in halves, place in
dripper and sprinkle with sugar. Rake
12 to 15 minutes in moderate oven.
Spread slices of buttered bread with
peanuts and serve with banana slices
hot on top.
Hard Gingerbread.
One cupful of sugar, one cupful of
molasses, two-thirds of a cup of butter,
two-thirds of a cup of sour milk, two
teaspoonfuls of ginger, two teaspoon
fuls of soda, flour to roll. Roll thin
and bake In quick oven.
Plain Cookies.
One-half cupful of butter, one-half
cupful of lards two cupfuls of sugar,
two eggs, three-fourths cupful of sour
cream, one teaspoonful soda, one pinch
salt, nutmeg, and vanilla flavoring.
Flour, not too •tiff.
The Humboldt leader In a recent
Iseue gives publication to the follow
Good Word* for Hayward.
"We have a letter from A. J.
Weaves of Falls City, en route on a
business trip to Seattle, in which he
renews for the leader, and takes oc
casion to comment on the political sit
uation in the First district, as follows:
“ * • * * Some time ago I noticed
in your paper favorable mention of
the candidacy of Hon. William Hay
ward for congress. I fully approve of
your position, as I regard Mr. Hay
ward as a young man of exceptional
character and ability and the most
available candidate in the First dis
trict. He represents a sane yet pro
gressive position and sentiment on
public questions and will be a credit
to the state at Washington. His ser5
vice to the republican party in sev
eral campaigns as state chairman, and
as secretary of the national commit
tee during the last presidential cam
paign entitle him to the greatest con
sideration at. the hands of republicans
at the primaries, and his ability, char- v
acter and progressive, yet souniT posi
tion on public policies, entitle him to
cordial support at the November elec
tion. Nebraska wants big. strong,
brainy and honest men of high ideals
in the national legislature. Hayward
is such a man.’ ”
Meets the Issues.
"The wise old Dunbar Review is cor
The wise old Dunbar Review is cor
rect in its surmise that Mr. Hayward
will carry every county in the district
at the coming primaries on August
16th, and in the meantime let's all ot
us boost for Bill with all our might
and main. The attempt is a worthy
one for any good citizen to make; Will
Hayward is a part of our life down
here in Otoe; he has shown that he is
capable of doing big things, he Is
brainy, progressive and alert to the
wishes of the people. He has never
been 'stuck up,' is straightforward in
action and candid and honest in his
opinions and will undoubtedly make
the bast congressman the First dis
trict has had for many years.
"And while we are doing plenty of
boosting. It Bhould be remarked that
Mr. Hayward, himself. Is boosting hi*
candidacy for all he Is worth, calling
on the voters in all parts of the dis
trict and getting close to the ground,
a position which all progressive po
litical candidates are assuming these
days of turbulence and independence
in thought and action. The time has
passed when any political candidate
can get through with flying colors by
making tinsel promises, talking of the
‘grand old flag' and appealing to the
sensational. It requires stamina and
grit to meet the issues face to face—
and we claim Will Hayward is doing
that very thing.” — Nebraska City
Brief Biography.
William Hayward is well known to
all the people of this congressional
district, in which he has spent his en
tire lifetime and came into close con
tact with his party associates by his
successful conduct of the state cam
paigns of 1907-9 as chairman of the
republican state committee. A brief
biography of his life is as follows:
[Born and reared in the First dis
trict and educated in its public schools
and university'.
Private secretary to United States
Senator M, U. Hayward.
County judge, Otoe county, one
term, refusing renomination.
•Captain company C, Second Nebras
ka volunteer infantry, war with
Colonel Second regiment Nebraska
national guard, declining appointment
of adjutant general of Nebraska from
dovernors Deitrich, Mickey and Shel
Chairman republican sfaTfc central
committee 1907-09, both campaigns
successful for entire state ticket.
Secretary republican national com
mittee since August, ljlOR.
Residence Nebraska City, where he
has practiced law for thirteen years
Was park commissioner and is vice
president Otoe County National bank,
trustee First Baptist church, member
of various boards of directors and
identified with other business inter
ests of his home city and state.
Delegate to every republican state
and district convention for ten years,
consistently and fearlessly supporting
progressive republican candidates and
Hayward's Position.
Being a candidate for congress, I
make the following declarations on na
tional issues with which the congress
•stand squarely on the Chicago re
publican platform of 1908.
Favor a permanent tarifT commis
sion to the end that the tariff shall In
no case be more tlfan sufficient to
equal the ffifference In the cost of pro
duction at home and abroad, preserv
ing with equity between the producer
and consumer the home market to the
American farmer and manufacturer.
Favor legislation to prevent liquor
shipments into dry territory under the
shield of interstate commerce.
Approve the law giving Increased
powers to the interstate commerce
commission for the regulation of com
mon carriers and all other progressive
legislation enacted by the congress of
Heartily approve and will continue'
to support the conservation of natural j
resources and other policies inaugu
rated by Theodore Roosevelt.
Will oppose Cannon and Cannonism
and any form of ship subsidy yet pro
posed in congress.
I solicit the support and influence
of all my fellow citizens of the First
district who approve the foregoing and
deem me worthy of the honor of rep
resenting them in congress.