GET FINE EFFECTS CATERERS DO MUCH WITH ICES AND SPUN SUGAR. Wonderful Schemes of Decoration Evolved—Hostess May Have Any Idea Which Particularly Strikes the Moment's Fancy. Ices and Spun Sugar. Caterers In the world of fashion nre achieving wonderful effects in spun sugar, to be used with decorative ices at din ners, luncheons or suppers. The ices are ordered in special forms and can he had to match any color scheme or to carry out any holiday decoration. For a bridal breakfast there are large wedding bells of white spun su gnr filled with ices in the forms of CupidB and orange blossoms. Again, the sun sugar is a huge slipper filled with heart-shaped and small wedding bell ices. For a spring luncheon in yellow nothing Ih lovelier than a great poke bonnet of yellow spun sugar, set on masses of green spun sugar with a broad band like green ribbon across the crown. This is filled with Ices in the form of white lilies, or rosea with green stems. This form is passed to each guest, who serves herself to It and some of the spun sugar. For a pink luncheon a huge cornu copia of pink sugar Is filled with ices in the shape of ldg azalea blossoms trailing from a bed of pale green spun sugar. Or it may be filled with reRl strawberries ami vanilla Ices molded to resemble strawberry blossoms and foliage. Quick and Easily Made Icing Cream a lump of butter the size of an egg with two cups of powdered or confec tioners’ sugar and throe tablespoon fuls of cocoa, vanilla and five table spoonfuls of cold coffee. By using orange juice instead of cocoa and cof fee, and orange rind or extract In stead of vanilla, a nice orange filling Is made. Heat hard and spread on cake layers. Quickly Made Sandwiches. Fifteen minutes spent in watching a caterer make up the sandwiches for an evening entertainment yielded some profitable Information. With a sharp knife he first cut up all his bread into thin slices, trimming off the cruBts from a dozen slices at a time. Then Into a bowl of freshly made mayonnaise he stirred the con tents of a can of deviled ham. It was the work of a moment to spread this rich paste upon two slices of bread. A slap with the big knife pressed them Into a thin wedge and a sharp cut di vided the sandwich square In two tri angles. Sandwiches for 50 people were made thus tn less than half an hour. Strawberry Jelly. Materials: Four pounds hulled straw berries, two pounds of sugar, one lemon. Way of preparing: Mix the straw berries and sugar, place In a porcelain lined kettle, cover and let stand In a warm place for two hours, then place them on the fire and bring them slow ly to the boiling point. Skim while cooking. Test by dropping a small quantity of Juice on a cold saucer. As soon as th» juice shows signs of jelly ing add the strained lemon juice, boil one minute longer and Immediately pour Into the jelly glasses. When cold cover with paraffin. Place the covers on the glasses and keep in a cool, dry place. Sponge Dumplings for Soup. One egg, one cupful of water, one cupful sifted flour, a dash each of salt t;i i nutmeg Separate the egg, beat ' h:U nto the water and put on stove 1- giotilte, when hot stir in the I t'uu.v. silr rapidly until mass leaves elUei. of pan and looks like putty; let cooi, tin n add other Ingredients and stir until sn ooth (the yolk Is stirred In unbeaten I. A few minutes before serv ing a teaspoon and dipping It into the hot soup take up small portions of the dough and drop Into the soup In the form of little sponges, us they ex pand very much make the dumplings emHi., let boll a few minutes, then •erve. Flavor of Fried Vegetable*. Most of the stewB, soups, braised meats and pot roasts are very much Improved If the flavoring vegetables which they contain, such as carrots, turnips, onions, celery or green pep pers, are fried In a little fat before being cooked with the meat. This need not complicate the preparation of the meat or Increase the number of utensils used, for the meat Itself Is usually seared over In fat, and the vegetables can be cooked In the same fat before the browning of the meat. Lyllian'a Frosted Rice Pudding. One teacup washed rice boiled sort. Put in pudding dish, add grated rind S of one lemon, six tablespoons of sugar, 1 yolks of two eggs beaten In one pint t of milk, pinch of salt. Bake one hour | Frost with whites of two eggs, ofce ? cup powdered sugar, Juice of one lemon. Spread on top of pudding when cold and brown In oven. Tapioca can be used In same way. Molded Farina. Scald one pint of milk, add to It one cupful of water and sprinkle In three tablespocnfuls of farina and one IteMpoonful of salt When thorough ly cooked and thickened turn out Into custard cups and stand away to cooL When cold serve with cream. i STAY AWAY FROM THIS CLUB If You Are Not Glib of Tongue You'll Find the Initiation Ex pensive. "1 have just been Initiated Into the club with the longest name of any club in tiie world," said the Staten I island man. "And 1 might remark | incidentally that the Initiation cost me | 16 quarts of champagne The name of this wonderful organi 1 zntlon. omitting the commas, Is the j High Hall llend Booze Glee Yacht I Chemical Engine Cornerstone Pousse t'afc Brook Trout and Colonel Garcia 1 Club of Staton Island. Now say It quickly just from memory. It Is really quite easy—only needs n little prac tise.* "You can’t, eh? Well, take my ad vice and stay away from (lie gang that bangs out In the vicinity of High Ball llend, which Is that portion of Rich mond terrnoe Immediately adjacent to the St. George ferry. "The gam Is to get a fellow into the clutches of that crowd, lire about six drinks Into him, spring the name of the club on him, and ask him If be wants to join. Just about that time be Is perhaps willing to join anything, and he says yes. "The only entrance fee is to be able to repeat from memory the compli cated name of the club. If you fall down It costs you wine for the crowd. And there are some other rules and penult It s. "The object of the organization? No, it Isn’t exactly to further the municipal interests of the Borough ol Richmond It Is simply to Initiate new members."—New York Times. WHALE STRANGLES ITSELF Meets De’th as Result of Colliding With Wire Rope While Feeding. From Seattle romes a remarkable story, brought Into port by a cable re pair ship. 'I’bts sblp bad been sent north along the coast of Alaska to re pair the cable, because during the last winter difficulty bad been experi enced In sending and receiving mes sages. The vessel picked up the cable con nectlng Valdez and Sitka a few miles off Cook Inlet not far from Sitka. The crew never had such a time hnullng a cable on board us they did that day on the Alaska coast. Finally the cause of the great weight was found. Home time during the winter a whale, feeding on the bottom of the ocean with wide-open mouth, collided with the wire rope. Unable to shake the big wire from the mass of whalebone In its Jaws, the big fish "turned turtle,” rolled over once, turned round, rolled again and dived In these few moments the fish proved himself his own hangman, for the cable was twisted tighter about the head of the whale than any mortal could have twisted tt with the most powerful machinery. The whnle drowned and the cnrcass was devoured on the bottom of the ocean by other fish. The crew of the cable repair ship hauled up nn Im mense load of whalebone, and found a great twist In the government cnble that had been the cause of the un usual difficulty In sending messages to and from either end of the rope. Bible and Obsolete Words. The tercentenary edition of the Eng lish authorized edition of the Bible, over which there was a conference of learned men In Princeton last week, is to have some changes. Where the meaning of words lias changed, the text is to be changed so as not to be misleading; where the old version is obscure it will be changed in the In terest of clearness; where it is in felicitous In choice of word thnt will he set right, and for words that hnve become obsolete others will be substi tuted. Damage could be done on all of these lines, but happily the work is In tile hands of men of taste and Judg ment, who will make no change for the mere sake of change. As to obsolete words, it may he said that no word that is in the Bible can become obsolete. The Bible words live and undoubtedly the English Bible has done a service to the Eng lish language in keeping some good words in use that might otherwise have passed out of it. "Bet" in the sense of hinder is said to be con deiumed by the revisers, and perhaps rightly, but it was a good old word in that use of it.—Harper's Weekly. Tea on Wheels. The greatest povelty of the Fete de Neullly, which Is In full swing now, and which stretches from the gates of Paris down to the Seine, Is a novelty In roundabouts. This year, Instead of whizzing around on pigs, on camels, rabbits, cows or motor cars—the mere horse has long been out of date on the Parts roundabouts —Neullly Fair provides a turning drawing room, in which tea is served in elegant surroundings. Tea on a circular tray big enough to hold the drinker and the room in which it is drunk is certainly something rather new.—Paris correspondent Ixrndon Ex press. Entire School Lent Abroad. Not often Is the American school with all Its students transferred to an other country. But such was done with the Baltimore Forest school, num ' berlng 45students, after George W. Van derbilt had decided that he no longer cared to have It oocupy his estate in North Carolina. In November last ! the school was taken to Germany for , the winter. LENTIL AS A FOOD HAS BEEN TOO LONG NEGLECTED IN AMERICA. Its Valuable Qualltes Better Appreci ated in Europe—Requires Care in Its Proper Preparation for the Table. The lentil Is a legume of the great est antiquity and one of the oldest of ! foods, yet it is new or entirely un known in moat American households. ! We probably owe it to the German | Americans that this, little, unfamllnr | relative of the bean and pea is now ! one of the dried vegetables which arc our staple resource. In Germany the lentlf soup is a great favorite. Tons of lentils are also Imported in Eng land each year and recipes for cook ing them are to he found in most English cook books, as they are not in American. The native country of the lentil la not known, but It has been raised In Egypt for thousands of years anil the Egyptian, or red, variety is that best known to commerce. It was parched in Egypt and Syria in the days of the patriarchs and thus prepared was the most convenient food for long Jour neys. It is the food of the poor in all countries where it Is grown. Strange beliefs and superstitions have often been connected with dif ferent members of the pulse family, as with many other sorts of food, and both the lentil and the bean have been used or rejected tiecause of those. For a long time the English believed the lentil to be difficult of digestion, to cause serious bowel disorders and to injure the eyes, but such ideas have now been pretty generally dis carded. rne lentil is richer in nutritious matter than almost any other kind of pulse. Because of Its nitrogenous character It Is more nearly an equiv alent of lean meat than almost any other kind of food. The lentil should he picked over, thoroughly soaked for seven or eight hours or over night, and cooked slow ly in boiling water. The picking over is Important, for it is possible for a few seeds of noxious weeds to vitiate any such food, Just ns they do coffee when they get mixed with the bean. The lentil lends Itself to experiment. The following recipe for lentil rls hoIcs suggests of what sort these are: "Take equal parts of strained, well cookod lentils and cold mashed pota toes. Mix, add one-third of the amount of fine bread crumbs, one teaspoon each of powdered sage and minced onion, and a little salt. Dissolve a teaspoon of nut butter In two table spoons of hot water and add to mix ture. Mix all well together, press into oiled tin, cut Into squares with knife and place In a moderate oven for ten or fifteen minutes. Servo hot." Lentil soups are made with stock and with ham and sometimes frank furts are boiled in them, but cooked without any of these things, except perhaps a slice of bacon, mashed and strained and then softened In flavor with milk, they make a most delight ful soup. The Summer Diet. A simple diet, and a light one, com posed lnrgely of vegetables and fruits, Is extremely beneficial in the summer, especially for one whose color Is In clined to be florid. Red meats are too heating. Spinach, carrots, watercress, and salads of all kinds with pure French dressing are splendid for the complexion, ns well as for the entire system. Apples are fine, when they come. Pears sometimes make the face break out, If too many are eaten, but most of the fruits, subject to the peculiarities of Individuals, are beau tifying and health giving. Starchy foods and sweets should be eaten with discretion In hot weather.—Harper’s Bazar. Cream Pie. Take one cup of pastry flour, add a pinch of salt and mix to the right con sistency with sweet cream. Chill thoroughly. Line a deep plate with tho crust, prick with n fork and bake Mix four tablespoonfuls of sugar and three of flour and stir this Into a cup ful and a half of cream; cook over hot water until thickened, stirring constantly, then take from the Are and flavor with vanilla and an eighth of a teaspoonful of nutmeg. Pour this cream tilling Into the baked pastry shell; bake in a moderate oven until a delicate brown. This pie Is delicious, and it will not harm the most delicate stomach. For the Housewife. A simple decoration for hand towels Is to embroider each end with Joined links. Make the links as large as a dollar, Interlacing them the same as in chain. Work the outline with white floss In the brtar-stttch. Make one initial at the center and pad It with chain-stitch, then overcast with plain white floss. Flatirons which have become rusty should be washed In soda water and then rubbed well on a board sprinkled with polishing sand. Baked Blueflsh. Mix half a pint of dry bread crumbs with two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, a teaspoonful of lemon Juice, and a seasoning of salt and pepper. Pack this into the fish. Scatter bread crumbs thickly over the fish, baste with melted butter and pour around It 1n the pan half a cupful of boiling wa ter In which a teaspoonful of butter nas been melted. Bake about an fcour, baetlng every ten mlnutaa. COUNTRY BOYS’ CORN CLUBS One of the Enterprises Devised to Make Country Life More Attractive. Everybody who reads the papers \ published in the corn-growing sections of the country has read, during the I past year, of boys' corn clubs. The movement to organize farmers’ hoys into such clubs has expanded rapid ly. Down in Sherman, Tex., last sum mer the crowning feature of the pa rade at a big local celebration was the marching of the Grayson county hoys’ corn clubs. There was a hand somely decorated float, bearing a charming young lady, who represent ed the Sweetheart of the Corn," and afterward came 125 youthful corn growers, each shouldering a corn stalk with a big tassel. These enterprises are some of the principal means which have been de vised to make country life more at tractive for young people. There are other ways which apply more particu larly to the family circle. Probably the phonograph has done more to lessen the tedium of farm life than any other Invention, excepting, per haps, the rural telephone. The piano and the organ are desirable, and their presence has brightened many a country home, but the coming of the phonograph has brought the op era, the vaudeville performance, the latest song hits, directly to the farm kitchen or parlor. It is both a pur veyor of music and an educator, and will go a long way In making home life attractive for the boys and girls on Isolated farm homesteads. It is a cause for satisfaction to know that, many fathers of families are begin ning to realize that the Introduction of a phonograph is an excellent in vestment.—E. I. Farrington, in Col lier’s. TRIUMPH WAS HIS AT LAST By Dying, Salaried Man Was Able to Leave Wife Comfortably Provided For. He looked ahead with hope when he got $20 a week. "Some day,” he thought, "I will draw $25. Then I will have $1 a week more to spend for my own pleasure. My wife will have another with which to do as she pleases, and we will save three. That will be $156 a year, not counting the Interest.” When he got $25 a week he thought: "I will make myself so useful here that they will pay me twice as much some time as they are paying me now. We will then save $16 a week, and I will always have at least $5 In my pocket.” When he succeeded In Inducing them to pay him $50 a week he often thought: "O, If I could have an Income of $5, 000 a year! Then It would be possible for me to have at least $3 a week for myself, and we could save perhaps a thousand annually." When the hair on his temples was white he had become so valuable to his employers that they paid him $5, 000 a year, and he often said to him self: "If I had $10,000 a year 1 believe we could manage to save a little now and then, and perhaps 1 could sometimes smuggle a dollar or two out to spend for my own pleasure.” Hut, alas, poor man! He never reached that happy state. He man aged, however, to leave enough In the way of Insurance to enable his wife to live In the style to which she had become accustomed. Which was no small triumph for a man on a salary and a wife whose ambition was to keep a little ahead of her neighbors. Ubiquitous Golf. Qeorge Sargent, the golf champion, said one afternoon at Hyde Manor. Vermont: “Golf has become so popular that It Is mixed up with everything You wouldn’t think that golf could have any relation to taxicabs and music, would you? But the other day, apropos of taxicabs, a New York man told me that all the golf sticks of New York were becoming wry necked. New York golf players, he explained, ride to the ferries In taxi cabs, and their sticks get wry-neck ed from twisting round to watch the dimes mount up on the taxi metre. "Then, on the way to the next hole, our talk turned to grand opera, and the New York man declared that the other day his baby daughter, tak Ing up the score of Electra,' pointed to a group of quarter-notes and said: “‘Papa, how does one play those little golf sticks ?“’ Two Narrow Minds. Oscar Hammeretein was talking about music to a reporter. “The music of Strauss and the music of Puccini are alike agreeable to me," he added. “Only narrow minded people devote themselves to music of one school. "I have no sympathy with an argu ment 1 once heard between an Italian conductor and a German conductor at \ Caruso night. “ ‘To think.’ said the German, ‘that people are silly enough to pay seven dollars a seat to hear sugary music like this when for two dollars a seat they can hear real, robust German opera music!’ “ ‘Yes,’ sneered the Italian conduc tor, ’and I suppose some people won der why a New Yorker will pay eight dollars for a terrapin canvas back and champagne at Delmonico’s when he can get a frankfurter and a schooner of beer in the corner saloon for a l dime.’" i EXCELLENT HCUSE FOR HENS Arkansas Woman Gives Instructions for Constructing Building for 75 to SO Fowls. An excellent house for poultry Is described and illustrated by Mrs. W. T. Walters of Siloam Springs, Ark., in Farmers’ Mail and Freeze, as fol lows: One end of the henhouse is to the south, the door opening on the east. The upper part of south end and all of the east side is of wire protected by a curtain, and the upper half of the door is also wire screening. Here in Arkan sas this is necessary to Insure good ventilation and avoid dampness. In case of rain or snow we lower the curtain. In Kansas and Nebraska it will be necessary to line north end and west side of house with tar or felt paper. The house is 12 by 18 feet and will accommodate from 75 to 90 fowls. If roosts and nests are made movable the cleaning will be an easy matter. The roosts in our house are 14 feet long and 1% inches square and rest on trestles. The nests are light, Sketch of the House. loose boxes. Everything can be car ried out into the sunshine, and if need be left out for days. We filled up the dirt floor with fine coal ashes, then mixed sand and lime well together, wet it well,and tamped it down until it was five or six inches thick. This makes a floor that is al ways dry. If dry earth is sprinkled under the roots the floor can be cleaned more easily. Finish by giving the building a good coat of paint outside and whitewash inside and the house will be neat, com fortable and cleanly. Use coal oil and carbolic acid on roosts, trestles and nests and also on the floor to keep down the mites. FEED FOR HENS AND CHICKS Should Not Be Compelled to Hustle for All of Their Living—Home Made Feed Protector. The fow Is should not be compelled to get all of their living, even if they have a large run, but should have at least their morning meal. Where con fined in yards they must, of course, be well fed and cared for if satisfac tory results are expected. A feed of green stuff every day will be much relished and helpful. An excellent method of protecting the feed and water Is shown in the i .. i Home-Made Feed Protector. Illustration. It is easy of construction and inexpensive, says a writer in an exchange. The writer has frequently noticed a village physician, a very busy man, who on his return from visiting his pa tients, past midday, will go at once to his henyard, b ackof the barn, take a look at the biddies, and then gather them an armful of green stuff from the adjoining garden and give it to them before going to his own dinner. No doubt he was himself a good liver, and in thus caring for his hens expected they, in return, would liber ally contribute to his own wants, which, of course, they did. At this time of year there will be numerous broods of chickens, and these will require more or less atten tion from the time of hatching until ready for the table or market. They should be kept healthy and growing from the first, as these are prime con ditions for success. Start Moderately. It Is best to begin keeping poultry In a small way and to keep the best of stock. As you learn, the flock may be enlarged with your experience. Al ways remember that a large flock re quires a large sheltering place and large feeding grounds. Where many fowls are kept on one farm there should be more than one poultry house and they should be widely separated. The more houses you have and the more widely separated they are the less trouble you will have with dis ease, hence the more profit in the business. Ripen cream properly before churn ing. There Is a scarcity of good dairy cows. The cherry tree should be headed low'. Feed all of the hens all they will eat of wheat and other nourishing feeds. A very important part of dairying is to make it profitable all the year around. Preventive and destructive meas ures are botli necessary in combating hog lice. The number of hogs per acre de pends on the stand of clover, the sea son and the earliness of turning in. In order to keep fp«'>s healthy we must breed for hea just as wo would for any other < td quality. For feeding lambs be used : bleeding purposes p( «nce shoe'll be given to bran, oal .nd linseej meal. When the young poults begin to get their long wing flight fqatliers, they require extra care and attention. For tw'o or three years after plant ing, the ground among ornamental shrubs should be spaded and the sur face cultivated to keep dow'n weeds and grass und to conserve moisture. Some states prohibit the importa tion of dairy and breeding cattle until they are tuberculin tested, but permit as yet unrestricted sale of stock with in its boundaries. Rape is especially valuable for breeding ewes in midsummer, when the pastures begin to fail, as the suc culent feed keeps up the supply of milk for the lambs. Never overfeed or feed pepper or other condiments to the hens you ex pect to furnish eggs for hatching. If you do, infertile eggs and weak chicks will be the result. The Wisconsin expertment station finds lime is deficient in much of the grain ration fed to dairy cows and hogs. Hogs fed on phosphates and bone mash, made consistent and profit able gains. The table value of both lettuce ana radishes depends largely upon a quick growth under moderately cool condi tions. For this reason the soil should be very fine of texture and fertile to stimulate the most rapid growth. Do not put more 50 chicks in one brooder, or n partUMBt, and better results wil ur®d with a smaller number. twdlng Is the cause of many la the brooder. A grape vine to bear well must be cultivated and carefully pruned each year, cutting back to two, three, or not more than four canes, and care fully pinching off surplus young shoots during the summer. There is something in suiting the corn to the soil. Trying to suit the soil to the corn is a tough proposi tion, as many a man who has tried; corn adapted to bottom soil on thin ner upland has found to his sorrow. The poultry products of the United States are just on a par with wheat and hay. The combined value of the; three last year was around two bil lion dollars, an average of over 6711 millions eaeh. Do not oppose the cow’s appetite. She knows what it takes to make ai balanced ration better than any feed ing standard. If she does not like, bran and corn, give oats and corn. Ifi she is tired of fodder by all means try a little clover hay. It has become an accepted fact gen erally that it is better to tend a small piece of ground well than to plaut large fields and give them only half cultivation. Intensive farming means simply making the utmost of what ever you work with. Where manure is accumulated In| stables and lots, and is properly saved^ it goes on the land more evenly, as a rule, which is an important considera tion where a man is endeavoring to: keep up the land's fertility and get as much out of it as possible at the same time. The floor and walls of the dairy barn where the cows are milked must be free from dust and J,'t; the cows; must be brushed a air udders' sponged off with a cloth pre vious to milking and uilkor Mm seiw must have cl< ao4a clothes. Always market you.- cutter regu larly at current market prices. Give your customers pure, sweet, fresh butter and your reputation as a good butter maker will soon be established. When your butter is held until it is old and stale it is not wanted and your reputation suffers as well as your pocket. A foal may be rais aflk if the latter is sweel -.rtth Mgar or molasses at the x two tea spoonfuls per pint i jjree table spoonfuls of lime wa *je added at first. Give a cupful c.try hour at first and gradually iucrease amount and decrease meals to six and then to four feeds a day. m m