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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1910)
r " The Falls City Tribune FIVE CONSOLIDATIONS: FALLS CITY TRIBUNE, HUMBOLDT ENTERPRISE, RULO RECORD, CROCKERY EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL AND DAWSON OUTLOOK. Vol. VII T I ALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, mo. Number 33 AN IMPROVED FULLS CITY EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS BY THE MISSOURI PACIFIC Surprises at Every Turn A Modern Round House, Coal Chutes a Network of Yardage. While our friends in the country were busily occupied with their spring and summer work, Falls City was also busy making changes and im provements of her own. The most striking of these of course is the round house and other buildings in the Missouri Pacific yards south of town. Here sight-seeers will find surpris es awaiting them at every turn. The perspective from almost any angle of approach is imposing. The exter ior of the twenty-four stall round house is practically complete, the huge turn table is in its place, and the needed grading about the plare is, so far as appearance goes attend ed to. And over all a coat( of clean sand has been spread which gives the yards a very neat and tidy appear ance. The modern coaling chute is quite an interesting affair in itself. Here the coal is dumped directly from the cars into the pit below the tracks, from where it is elevated, cleaned, broken into convenient sizes for use and is then distributed to the loading chutes from which it can be quiekly dropped onto the engine tenders. Between the round house and the coaling-chute is the ash pit and to the south and beyond the main track the new office building is going up. Tlie main track east of the Bur lington crossing has been elevated to conform with the grade of the round house and the yards. Away to the east extends the net work of yard trackage and the scores of connecting switches. It is a sight worth seeing, and visitors miss much who fail to take, the time to go over the yards. 1 A Pointer For The Farmer. The college classes are coming to the Inter-State Live Stock show in St. Joseph the week of September 26 to October 1st. These classes recog nize the worth of the Live Stock show for the study of stock judging. The exhibitors are always ready and will ing to have the college judging class es take their stock for class work and the value of this class work is recog nised by the faculty in all of the Agri cultural colleges. Now, if the show is of so much value to the college student, then why is it not equally valuable to the farmer and his boys who have not the advantage of the college? Think it. over and think of the Inter-State where there will be classes in advanced live stock judg ing from C'e leading Agricultural Col leges of the country. C. E. Adams for U. S. Senator. C. E. Adams is the .ogical candi date for United States senator of Nebraska. His agressiveness, his wide experience, his opposition to graft, greed and dishonesty, easily places him in the foremost ranks of clean politics and a square deal. He believes that the conscience of the country should be represented in the government of the country. He never side-steps. Vote for him at the primary, August 16th. Important Bulletins For Parents. Prof. Wm. A. McKeever. of the Kansas Agricultural College, is put ting out a series of bulletins which should be in every farm home and in every city home as well. These bulle tins deal with the training of boys and girls. He has issued five up to the. present time. The first deals with “The Cigarette Smoking Hoy”; the second one deals with the sub ject of “Teaching the Boy to Save”; the third, “Training the Girl to Help in the House”; the fourth, “Assisting the Boy in the Choice of a Vocation”, and the fifth, “A Better Crop of Boys and Girls,” Every one of these bul letins should be read carefully by par ents. They can be obtained by writ ing Prof. McKeever, Manhattan, Kan sas, and enclosing one cent for each bulletin desired. Stuart's Lecture. Ur. Stuart’s lecture Sunday night at the cnautauqua on the rather unique theme of, “Stump Digger,” was exceptionally good and w-as listened to by a large and interest ed audience. Dr. Stuart lined up a set of arguments against the saloon that are absolutely unanswerable. He has been there and knows what *he’Is^talking about. TREASURER’S REPORT. Statement of R. A. Neitzel, City Treas urer, From July 1 to Aug. 1. Collections. Balance on hand.$7194.34 | Water and light fund. 2091.72 General fund. 79.02 Occupation fund. 212.50 Hoad fund. 32.00 M. & I park fund. 381.10 $9990.68 Disbursements. Water and light fund.$1568.53 Elec. Lt. Bond and lut.. .. 500.00 General fund. 225.72 Occupation fund. 656.12 Sinking fund. 1227.65 Library fund. 73.49 Firemans’ fund. 6.25 M. and I Park fund. 779.35 Sanitary and poor fund.. .. 16.09 Emergency fund. 765.33 Park Improvement. 379.02 $6197.55 Balances. Water and Light fund.. .. $1634.02 Elec. Lt. Bond and Int.. .. 27.73 General fund. 400.66 Occupation fund. 499.68 Sinking fund. 18.77 Library fund. 138.38 Hoad fund. 32.00 Fireman’s fund. 174.00 M. and I. Park fund. 559.17 Sanitary and poor fund.. .. 178.58 Emergency fund. 130.14 $3793.13 As To State Senator. Mr. Johnson of Pawnee City will be nominated as the republican can didate for the state senate at the primary the 16th inst., as he has no opposition. But with the democrats it is a question. O. E. Hall, of Paw nee City, a county option democrat, is running, as is also J. H. Morehead of this city, who is slated as opposed to county option. Mr. Hall is a worthy citizen, but few democrats opposed to county option will by any means vote for him. County option democrats should be as wise and not vote for Morehead. Invariable custom gives Pawnee the senator two years, then Richardson two. This time it is Pawnee’s turn, and all concerned should be fair. We have just enjoyed the last two years, in the person of our own senator, J. R. Cain, Jr., who has represented the two counties so very ably. Two years ago when it was our turn to furnish the senator, not a voice in Pawnee was lifted to beat us out of our rights. In 1912, we feel sure they will be equally just to Richard son again. These are good and suf ficient reasons why Mr. Hall should have at least twice as many votes as Morehead. Parties are sure to lose, by setting aside the square deal in politics, and acting utterly selfish.— A. Democrat. Died. Specialfrom Humboldt. Rolland Wright died Friday, Aug ust 5, at the home of his brother, Champ Wright in Marshal, Mo. The remains were brought to this city Sunday, and funeral services were held Monday, conducted by the K. of P. lodge and interment was made in the city cemetery. The deceased is well known in this community, hav ing spent the greater part of his life near this city. His brothers, Champ Wright of Marshal, Mo„ and George Wright of Montana were present at the funeral. David Bley, a middle aged farmer died suddenly at his home southeast of this city, Monday. Although he had been suffering from Bright's dis ease for some time, his health seem ed much improved and he was able to oversee his farm work. His death was a great shock to his friends. Tyrolean Alpine Singers. The “yodling" by the Tyrolean singers is something out of the ordi nary. Their manner is so entirely free from affection, their voices as clear as bells in their native Alpine homes, and the music is of a style and character peculiar to their native land and life of their people, that it offers a most refreshing and whole some variety for lovers of good mu sic. W. C. T. U. Notes. I do not believe there is a greater superstition than to suppose that these liquors can give men a greater capacity for bodily or mental exercise, and in this I am supported by the| highest medical testimony.—Gladstone LIBRARY BOOKS. Following Books Were Put in Cir-! Circulation the Past Week. Adult. Organ and Us Masters—Labee. Selected. Lady Mary Montague's Letters— Across Europe in a Motor Boat— Rowland. Highways and Byways of The South —Johnson. Walden. Or Life in the Woods— Thoreau. J Occupation For Little Fingers —Sage. Self Cultivation in English—Palmer. Little Aliens — Kelly. That Delafleld Affair—Kelly. Veron ic a Play fair—Good win. Modern Chronicle Churchill. Royal Americans— Foote. Man Without a Shadow—Cabot. Shadow of Victory—Reed. Kllmeny of the Orchard—Montgom ery. Isle of Whispers—Dudley. Messenger—Brown. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Convenes August 22, And Will Con tinue One Week. The Richard.-ion County institute will he held in Falls City, beginning August 22, liHO. We expect a large attendance of the teachers in the county. Tin1 school officers and pa trons of tile school are urgently re uqested to attend as many of the sessions of this institute as possible. Come get acquainted with the teach ers of your children. If you have some good ideas about school work let the teachers have them. Families in Falls City who will board or furnish rooms for the teach ers while in the city during that week will confer a favor If they will let tla> county superintendent know, ltis office phone is 12; home, 353. Will Move to Reserve. Hr. H. D. Rurchard and wife are preparing to move to Reserve, where the doctor will continue the prac tice of his profession. HON. WILLIAM HAYWARD I I am a candidate for the republican nomination for Congress before the primaries to be held August 16th and ask the support of all republi cans and all others who may deem me worthy. I was born, reared and educated in the First District, where for more than twelve years I have practiced law. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to represent the people of this district with a fair meas ure of ability and with absolute integrity. As a candidate for Congress I stand squarely on the republican platform of 1908 and in addition will support a law that will prevent In ter-State Commerce Laws from nullifying state laws regarding intoxicat ing liquors. As a republican I stand squarely and without reservation on the Republican State Platform of 1910, which, as a delegate to the State Con vention, I helped to make. WILLIAM HAYWARD. I Juvenile. Sailing Alone Around theWorld— Slocum. Wonder Book of Beasts—Barton. Greece. (Peeps at many lands ser ies)—Browne. Story of Joan of Arc—Lang. Little Water Folks—Hawkes Fresh Posies—Browne. Christian Church* There will be services at the Jenne opera house next Sunday. Bible school at 9:45, and at. 10:00 Rev. Meyers will address the school and church.I Let every member be there at ten sharp, so we can get our services through in time to unite with the other churches in great union meeting in the auditorium at 11:00 a. m. Sunday, August 21, we will have an all day service in the city park. Look for announcements and plan to come. 1 Things We May Still Learn. Real estate is rapidly advancing In Kails City, or rather real estate deal ers have greatly advanced the price of their holdings. Rents are also being greatly increased. It is a reasonable question to ask, whether this is either wise or profitable. There is no ques tion but that the tactics being pur sued by some of our property holders is driving people and business from the city. The people who have oc casion to look for homes in our city are not going to pay two prices for the privilege of coming here If they can possibly avoid it. And most of them can avoid it. They are railroad people and have free trans portation to the north and south. Other towns are glad to receive them. They are a few things we may still learn. How will you vote? The date is Tuesday, August 16. Don’t miss it. A NEW SALEM. Salem Will Soon Have a Home Newspaper. Work oil the new buildings, that are to take the places of the ones burned out in the big fire in the spring, is progressing rapidly. A number of store rooms ami I lie bank building are expected to be in condi tion to permit of their occupation by the first of September. All the out side material is brick, iron, stone and cement. Kuril structure is front ed with pressed brick . .1, (1. Ranger's now two-story build ing Is 24x70. Tile ground floor lie will occupy with Ills harness shop mid hardware. The second story will ho used as a lodge room. McDowell's general store building is 30x100. It is strictly modern in its appointments. A freight elevator will make quick connection with the storage rooms in the basement. Mr. McDowell is also arranging to have a “rest room" hi connection with Ills store. Shildneck Bros.’ new furniture and hardware store will be 43x80 and con tain two rooms. Malone A Pearson’s restaurant and confectionary store will be 20x70. The new Salem, now rapidly emerg ing from tlie ashes of the old town, will lie altogether a big Improvement on what it was before. A similar fire in the business districts will be impossible in the future. Plans are also on foot to resurrect Salem's newspaper. The Index was totally destroyed by the fire. Mr. Wickam, the proprietor losing every thing. For tills reason he has not felt able to replace the plant destroy ed. Arrangements are now being made to Install a plant as soon as suitable quarters are available. An outfit has been provided and is now available. They hope to have the mat ter well under way within a week or two, if all parties Interested In pro viding Salem with another home pa per will take hold promptly and do their pnrt. A Matter of Taste. The fear that the Airdome and the Chautauqua would conflict is not being realized. The fact is, that people who are interested in the one, find little in the other to their taste. There is a difference. The sow and the sheep may keep company together in the pasture, but when they seek rest and recreation they part company, the sow lying down in the mire with deep grunts of satisfaction, while the sheep seeks some green and quiet nook In thfe shade. It’s all a matter of taste. The Big Dredge. !,ast Sunday the big dredge had pushed its nose up against the pub lic road south of town and was easy of access for sightseers and the cur ious. As a consequence many went out to get a good look at the big digger. That the size and massive ness of the machine impressed all comers goes without question. It certainly is a1 ponderous piece of machinery and well worth anyone’s while to go and look oveer. Nebraskans Boost Frontier Days. One hundred Nebrasans, forty from the Union stoc k yards at South Omaha, are going to Cheyenne August 25, 26 and 27 to boost the frontier cel ebration and do everything possible to make this celebration a pronounced success, encourage its continuation and boost the idea of preserving the bareback rider and the cow boy. “Wyoming never fails to come to Nebraska for any celebration or state fair and we want to show our appre ciation of the unique entertainment which Cheyenne offers the country each year in the frontier celebration” says K. Buckingham, general manager of the Union stock yards and one of the chief organizers of the party. The special train bearing this Ne braska delegation will run over the Union Pacific and leave Omaha on Thursday, August 25. Besides the lice stock interests from South Oma ha the governors of Ak-Sar-Ben and a number of prominent Nebraskans have agreed to go. Nebraska will be well represented at Cheyenne and the organizers of this party say no better advertise ment can be secured for the state than bv attending in a body the vari ous expositions held in other states. Through its advertising and legisla tive committees, the Nebraska State Association of Commercial Clubs has been asked to attend the Cheyenne celebration. r* BUSY WEEK FOR FALLS CITY THE CHATAUQUA ATTRACTING THE INTELLIGENT MASSES A Program Replete With Interest ing and Instructive Features Attendance Good. This has been a busy week in Falls City. Following closely the Inuy season, when the farmers and rural folks are too actively employed to find time to go to town, Chau tauqua week came as a relief for many. The rain. Monday, was not only a boon to the farmers, but has proven a business getter for Falls cit.y. Farmers felt that they could well afford to take a day or two oft and leave their fields and stock take a rest. As a consequence they came to town, attending to neglected busi ness and doing necessary shopping. Most of them also took in the chau tauqua and base ball, and not a few stepped inside the Atrdome to get a taste, if no more. However, many were not content with one visit. What they saw and enjoyed made them wish for more. The corn lias been left to its own devices and the pigs In their mud, and the farmers have come back again to refresh themselves and feed their minds. imps. Harlow h domestic science lioui is simply out-of-siglit. Anything that enters to the stomach Is bound to challenge tlie interest of the masses. The tent is crowded at every lecture. And people go away hungry for more. Ur. Meyers' ft!L>1<• hour is growing in popularity, a larger number aro attending thun ever before and tho Doctor is certainly at his best this year. The chuutauqua is to be con gratulated upon being able to retain him. Mrs. Birdie Maupin's hour with the little folks is a treat for all who stay to listen. She knows the hearts of the little folks. More children are In attendance this year than last year, and altogether the hour is a very happy and timely one. Parents can well afford to take the time to accompany their children to the park in order to hoar and see Mrs. Maup in and catch her Bpirit, and if pos sible learn her method. The childrens’ play ground, an in novation this year is a great attract ion for the young folks and is tho center of much that is Just whole some and jolly. The afternoon wnd evening attend ance and interest, thus far has been good. Fully equal to other years in spite of the connter attractions, af forded by the Atrdome and base ball. Sunday will be a big day. It will mark a climax In the plans of the Chautauqua for this year. Three able speakers will magnify the platform work of the day. The churches will all dismiss in order to permit their members to attend as largely as pos sible. It is not often that we have the oportunlty to hear talent of such a high order at home, and we ought not rob ourselves of the good things* in store for us at this time. It ia not the part of the intelligent to ig nore these meetings. It pays. If not in dollars and cents, then in the in spiration and uplift, and outlook that comes to one while listening to and imbibing the thought of master minds The crowds on the grounds, and the air of “we are having a good time,’’ should be encouraging to the Chautauqua officials. Nothing has been left undone to furnish material for pleasure and profit, and now that we have the weather man helping us we should enjoy to the fullest extent what has been prepared for us. Af ter the current issue of this paper there will still be the better half of the program to come. Having had the pleasure of enjoying the first half we can assure the Chautauqua visit ors a rare treat for the balance of the week. There remains, John Temple Graves one of the most brilliant speakers of the nation. Reno B. Welbourn, the slight of hand man. The Columbian Jubilee singers. The educated horse. Maupins’ band, the Humboldt or chestra, and Sunday Dr. Henry Clay Risner in the afternoon, and Dr. Edward A. Steiner in the evening. Come and enjoy what has been pre pared . Mrs. W. W. Spurlock of Saleat spent the week in Palls City the guest of Mrs. John Holt in order to .he convenient to the Chautauqua.