The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 05, 1910, Image 6

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
Mope Ward wus in Falls City Sat
Mrs. Enoch Zeighr was in Falls
City Monday
Will Derate and family visited in
ItUlo Sunday
F. K. Kul|i of Wymore was n Hulo
visitor Monday.
l!< ssio Anderson r< turned from
Peru Thursday
Cotin Smith was a Hulo visitor tin*
first of the Week.
Will Hinton of Kails City was n Hu
■o visitor Moutlay.
Fii>d Stewart spent a few days in
Wymore this week,
.less Hall of Atchison spoilt Sunday
with relatives here.
Garnett Wilson of Preston was a
Hulo visitor Saturday.
Green Goolsby of Missouri was a
Hulo visitor Sunday.
George Seley was a White Cloud
' isitor one day last week
John Kanaly was a business visitor
to Falls City last Monday.
James Smith was a visitor to Mis
souri tlte first of tlie week.
Miss Denning of Peru is (lie guest
of Pearl Anderson tills week.
Mrs. Jim Davis visited last week
with relatives in St. Joseph.
Sophia Pierce returned from her
shoal duties ill Peru last week.
Henry Bryant of Missouri attend
ed the hall game here Sunday.
Earl Dicks of White Cloud visited
with relatives in Hulo Sunday.
Freda Paul of Abilene, Kansas is
visiting relatives here tills week.
Elsie Wilson of Kansas is v silting
with her grandmother tills week.
Clyde Hart and Floyd Long went to
White Cloud Saturday to play ball.
George McCullough of Missouri was
a Hulo visitor the first of the week.
Charles Ross came up from Atchl
ison to spend Sunday with his fnm
* lly.
E. E. Holtz of Violet was transact
ing business in Hulo one day last
Deputy Sheriff McFarland of Falls
City was in Hulo the last of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simon return
ed last week from a two weeks visit
in Denver .
lloli Mullins and family visited the
first of the week with relatives at
Francis Pierce returned from Iowa
Point Saturday night, after a visit
with friends.
Peter Frederick came up from Atd
ison Saturday to visit his family
over Sunday.
A. Boylen came down from Bea
trice last week for a visit with
friends in Hulo.
Dolph Pierce came up from Atchi
son Saturday night to spend Sunday
with home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kleckihger of
' Fa I Is City visited Kulo relatives the
J Iasi of tile week.
George Carpenter and wife of Mis
souri visited with Kulo relatives (tie
first of the week.
Mrs. Koy Hart and two children of
ir'i. Joseph came Sunday for a
'sit wit it relatives,
Mrs. Kffie Cramer returned the
lirst of the week from a visit with
relatives at Iiiawuthhn.
Mrs Milton Faster and daughter of
: Fortesi lie Visited the last of the week
j with relatives in Kulo.
Frank ViuiValkenberg came up
front Si. Joseph Saturday to visit
I *
his parents and little daughter.
| Mrs. Humphrey Peokinpaugh of
Hiawatha and her sister of Weeping
water visited with relatives here last
The Indians played the Kulo team
on the latter’s ground Sunday. The
wore was 1 to fl in favor of the In
Mrs. Lee Meyers and two children
of Vermillion, S. I)., came Saturday
nighl for a months visit with Jeff
| Gilbert and family.
Mrs. J. A. Osborne and son. Mer
rill. returned Saturday from a (wo
weeks visit with relatives in the west
ern part of the state.
August I’. Johnson finished liliis wo
on the rip-rap Monday and will go to
Atchison where lie has two months
work rip rapping to save the old A.
&■ N. road bed.
Jessie Tilton of Unlontown, Pa.,
who lias been visiting relatives in
this city left Friday to visit relatives
in Kansas City, from there she will
go to Californtiia to spend the re
mainder of the summer.
10. 10 Butler was in Falls City on
Henry Fuller was a Falls City vis
itor last week.
Mrs. lOd Ege was a Falls City vis
itor last week.
Wendell Gerwiek was in Falls City
one day last weke.
Ralph Butler spent Sunday at the
home of I. A. Dunn.
Mrs. Henry Seimering is on the
sick list this week.
Rev. Gelek and family spent Sun
day at the home of Fred Hartman.
Mrs. John Gerdes, who has been
seriously ill is recovering slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sailors spent
Sunday at the home of R. J. Dunn.
Mrs. Henry Relnke and Peter Shill
ing were Falls City visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs George Arnold spent
Sunday at the home of Mike Karst.
Mr .and Mrs. Joe Schw.ang spent
Sunday at the home of Nick Lippold.
Rudolph Fuller and G. W. Duer
feldt were Falls City visitors the
past week.
Mrs. Elmer Butler accompanied
Mrs. Gerwiek as far as St. Joseph on
her trip east.
Priscilla Woodring was a guest of
AUi<* Prichard Sunday.
Dan Pike of California visited with
Cleon Peek and wife Sunday.
Kd Kimtnel and family visited with
lid Rui gge and family Sunday.
Master Jennings Shaffer was on
tlie sick list a part of the week.
I’. E. Shaffer and family entertain
eil friends at their home Sunday.
Master Warren Nedrow is the
proud po -sessor of an Angora goat.
Lloyd Knlseiy, wife and baby at
tended tin- picnic at Auburn Thurs
i day.
Delos Spickler and wife went to
I Dakota last week to visit the former's
•Mrs. Anson Knisolv enojyed a \ i.
it. from her brother and ills wife la-i
W, Stump and fandly wore guests
at the home of Mr. Fitzgerald and
wife Sunday.
Lewis Hurt anil family spent Sun
day in Falls City I lie guests of Mrs.
Harriett Stump.
Mr. Oberg of Hastings spent the
first of the week with Chester
Stump and Perry Shaffer.
Nat Auxier and family and Coon
Prichard and family visited with It.
J. Prichard and family Sunday.
Mrs. John Liehty of Falls City vi
iti'(l her children, Mrs. Chester Stump
and (iuy Liehty it part, of the week.
Mrs. Henry Meyers came last Sat
urday from Los Angeles, Cal., for a
visit with her son, Ray, and other
Carrie Frazier returned to her
home at St, Joseph Wednesday after
a few weeks visit with her cousin,
Mrs. Guy Liehty.
Lulu Stump and brothers, Manley,
Alfr'al and Robert came in from Phoo
nix, Arizona last week for an ex
tended visit with relatives here.
Missie Goldie and Myrtle Yocain
and Mrs. C. E. Yocain and Will Kish
on and Eugene Meredith visited tit
the home of Mrs. Noah Peck Sun
About thirty-five assembled at the
home of F. M. Shaffer and wife on
Thursday evening and spent the even
ing playing various games. Refresh
ments were served and those present
report a fine time.
George Fuller and wife were in
Falla City Monday.
L. Jones and Jolin Ahern of Shu
bert. were in town Tuesday.
Dr. H. R. Miner was up from
Falls City one day last week.
Mrs. C. E. Burgess and daughter
are visiting relatives in Missouri.
Frank Burgess was over from
Bigelow, Mo., the first of the week.
Frank Ilonea and family spent
Sunday at the home of Wilson Warn
Mrs. A. J. Rumbaugh and sister
are in Blackbird at the home of their
Lela Butler came up from Falls
City and spent the week end with
home folks.
Wilfred Orr and son. Homer, left
| Sunday for a two weeks visit in
Springfield, 111.
L. H. Morohead and wife and Ur.
Andrews and wife were in Falls City
one day last week.
Herman Ludwig, wife and daughter
• are visiting in Fairmont with Will
| Ludwig and family.
| Harley Butler was in Stella last
week on business. While there he
j visited his brother, Karl,
,1 C, Shaffer and wife are visiting
* in Summerfield. Kansas with their
daughter, Mrs. Elbert Delong.
R 11. Dunn and Otis Sailors and
[ their wives spent Sunday on the
farm with their parents, R, J, Dunn
i and wife.
Mrs Ed Kelly and children of Ban
! croft is visiting W. A. Cox, R. N.
; Williamson and other relatives in
j this vicinity.
Mrs. I,aura Mitchell is enjoying a
! visit from her sons, Ilolla of St.
! Joseph: Charles of Omaha and Jay
of Middleton, Mo.
Miss Kiln Kuhlnian lias been em
ployed to teach in Dist. No. 21. This
district is known as the Wheeler
district and is south and east of
The erection of a new packing
house on Forest Hill Fruit farm be
gan last, week and we are informed
that a fine large dwelling house is
to be begun in the near future.
John and Mahlon Spickler left on
Wednesday July 27 for their home in
| Dallas, S. I). Mr. and Mrs. D. E.
Spickler and son, Elliot, accompan
ied them home. They went by way
of Omaha, taking in the aviation
Allie Franklin entertained a com
pany of relatives in honor of the
Mitchell boys who are visiting here.
The affair was held Sunday an^l
relatives from Verdon and Dawson
were present, besides many from
this place.
Mrs. Ida Prosser accompanied by
her son-in-law of Corning, Mo., w.ere
in Barada last week looking for a
building to rent where they might
open up a confectionary and restau
rant, but found every house in Bara
da occupied.
Last week we failed to mention
Willie Ftene’s sixteenth birthday par
ty that occurred at his home on the
evening of July 23. A whole host of
friends were in attendance and a
royal good time enojyed. Refresh
ments were served.
The Central
Credit Co.
REDOUTS on financial standing
and reliability of firing, corporations
and Individuals anywhere.
Domestic and foreign COLLEC
TIONS given prompt and competent
Nebraska Women Have the Choice of the
Finest Flour In the World
\() 1 i.Ol R that y:i cun buy n /,, ;yy of bread per * I 'HI’. WOMKN of Nebraska have discovered the rt wits of
tthk fa actual baking tca> — r, whiter, lighter loaves I baking with Puritan Hour if they haven't known why it
than Xcfamka's Quality _made the best bread, cake, biscuits and pie-crust for Puri
ft .v’/'/'./A Bread made from F ' '• j ]fl i I tan is now used exclusively in the best Nebraska
flour is part waste, p. rt ■ ; 2 i1 ij {I1! j III | ! P <£• /[Hid } tomes—and once used it is always used for the
. , . I ii i | . ■ a, 11 A V. "^fll I *1 I I 1 distinct flavor the wholesome taste of I he
fart food. I tread made from J M . . ,, , ...
. , , f , jF Bigger, Whiter, Lighter 1 .oaves that Puritan
rlourismrv ounce good pure, b.n, * f ' ..'ViSy , ■ , . . ,
. , . . I < "fUKSiPi . Hour always makes is altogether too good—
Juo.1 because 1 untan Hour is made from B jjftyj too satisfying to ever give up. So great is
the choicest hard wheat selected and | ^ iSl the demand fur Nebraska's Quality Flour
cleaned actually steamed, scoured and —11 plfc. that we have grown in a few years from a
scrubbed, till not an atom of dirt remains ' i '|i | . ■;& ; |T jj 200-barrel mill to our present output of 2,000
in the crease of the kernel. We use not jj ' i ~ P»*»nt T I barrels a day. Think what that means—
only the best wheat but only the best part of that I1’ 1 •’4' I the highest grade flour milled—for the
wheat the really nutritious, huiiger-satish mg vie- ^ almost exclusive use of Nebraska homes,
merits. After grinding, we separate our flour into _ V C , —
twenty different “stocks” or streams, then blend it to get/« •“UkIIAR: ^k YOUF SeCUFlty Guarantee
mry sack the scientifically right eomhination of nutritious NSoC
bread-making qualities This is done by actual chemi- So absolutely unfailing is the uniform high standard of every sack of
... . I flour Puritan Hour nulled tliat we give you a Bifitting Guarantee of Satts
cal and baking tests part of our unexcelled milling I faction or money refunded with every sack. Use half or more—
system. Your baking can't fail with Puritan Hour I K- test it-if not entirely satisfactory for any reason whatsoever take
.■ .i j r .1 r , I ditoits u the balance of the sack back andyour grocer nvill cheerfully re
tor it ts the product of the hnest wheat grown, A^ PURHAN -A fund your money.
the (test milling machinery, most skilled millers ^^^k Don’t he satisfied with average flour or just good four.
and the most scientific milling methods known. ^ ^ When you spend money and time buying flour, baking
m u f „ j -I- ^^^k bread, using fuel, then taxing your entire system to con
- j .. J ) 1> * rv ] | urana C/Olll6Sl ^^^k vert that food into blood—you want the finest—the
Children s Puritan Doll M bake*.*..^wu.nj.,%
I he little tots can t enjoy the Enter your name in the greatest contest ever held in Nebraska^^k Send This CoUDOIl TodaV
Puritan Hour Sack Contest, so we THE PURI PAN FLOUR SACK CONTEST. We offer J
have prepared for them a consola- -41' sat''ts of Puritan Flour E'ree.
lion prize. In every sack of Four» for E«ch of the 20 Mo»t U»eful Article. ^^^k .19ia
, rour backs tor Each of the 20 Most Attractive Article* ^^^^k T. p .. w-u
Puritan Flour IS a coupon good Four Sack* for Each of the 20 Most Comical Article* Puritim FTourSack Contest
on a Puritan Boy Doll, eigh- «* r~ Mw n«- eo Pri„, ,t F..r s«k, E.rh Schuyler. Nebr..k«
teen inches tall, with rosy Contest Open July 1st-Closes September 1st, 1910 V Send me full particulars of the Puritan Flour
cheeks and Puritan clothes ^ srr:u °PPortlt»ity i|,r families to get their winter supply of flour Free. The fairest, ^^^k
. .. squarest, most entertaining, fun making contest ever held in Nebraska. Everyone will enjoy ^^^k Nlme..
Mail the coupons you making something from a Puritan Flour Sack—the prettiest of all the flour sacks in use. A on
find in the flour sacks to probably have one in the pantry now or your neighbor has one—you don’t have to buy a new sack ^^^k . AJ,lleM
j -ii j of flour to inter the Contest use the Puritan sack you have. Clip the coupon, fill out and mail to us ^^^k
us ana we will sena today for full particulars of the Great Nebraska Contest. Awards will be made and prise Sticks delivered ibuymySourot
you hack the doll. by your grocers not later than September 1st, 1910.
His name is Little ^KBBW—
- ■■ i—“" • ...
Wells-Abbott-Nieman Company—The Puritan Millers—Schuyler, Nebraska
—r—rr-.i .- ' I I —————■)—£W—■—3»
Bargain All This
W eek
At the New Furniture Store
Library Tables
| and Center Tables
I To Close Out at Cut Prices
Day Phone 422 _ ,, ,
Night Phone 381 Falls City, Neb.
4 ’ 4
4 Living to Ourselves 4
! “No man liveth to himself,” simply because he cannot. ITe
• has it in his power (moved by selfishness) to refuse help to the 4
4 other man. while at the sa me time he must depend on him or he
I • cannot himself exist. In proportion as the spirit of co opera- ,
i T* tion is practiced, the community grows and prospers. This 4
i ait bank cannot exist except for the co-operation of the people
j • who dwell here, nor can any other business institution. Should T
; j all the people here decide to patronize mail order banks and 4
i At catalog houses, all the banks and business houses here would tA
j have to “shut up shop,” aud then how quicklv real estate val
1* ues hereabouts would imitate the walls of Jericho and “come 4
4 tumbling down.” These are truths every man should think
4* about when he contemplates either of the things named above.
* 'I'his bank solicits no business to the detriment of the customer. 4
4 When you can get better service, higher rate of interest, more
courteous treatment in some distant city bank than we offer
4 you, we shall not question your right to give them your business, 4
4 but that time (and thereafter also) protection for your own «A
^ interests should prompt you to keep your money at home. 7
{ Farmers State Bank 1
4 4
Angelic Light
Humes the mouth that possesses
Light-hearted is he or she who
leaves our dental parlor after what
ever service we may have rendered.
It's because
isn't an overcharge when we render
it, or because if the pleasure that
comes to you from the knowledge
of having had such satisfactory
work done.
For best dentistry have us do it.
Falls City, Nebraska
Real Estate and Loans
Monev to Loan at 5 and 6 per cent interest on good real estate
security. Also monev to loan on good chattel security.
South of Court House Falls City, Nebraska |
TO I HE EAST: Besides every-day special tourist
rates to eastern cities and resorts, as well as di
verse route tours of the East, including an ocean
coast voyage, there are special rates, August 4th
to 7th inclusive, for the Knights Templar Conclave
at Chicago, and from July 28th to 31st for the
Knights of Pythias Encampment at Milwaukee,
and on September 13th to the 17th inclusive for
the Grand Army Reunion at Atlantic City.
ESTES PARK, COLORADO—Just north of Denver;
Colorado’s finest recreation region—soon to be a
National Park. Ask for full descriptive booklet.
days to West and Northwest localities. Get in
touch with the undersigned and let us help you
plan the most attractive and comprehensive tour
at the least possible cost.
E. C. WHITFORD, Ticket Agent
L. M. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agt.
Falls City
August 6 to 14