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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1910)
LEGAL NOTICE. S. Phillips will take no-i tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered in the tax suit for Die year 1908 wherein the STATE OF NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAi PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OR CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF Were Defendants, lot 749 in block 45 in the village of Rulo. Richardson County. Nebraska, were, on the (itli day of November, 1908, sold at pub lic vendue by the Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from such sale will expire on the Otli day of November, 1910. You are further notified that the owner of this cer tificate of tax sale issued by the Treasurer will make application to the Court: in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of such sale as Boon as practiable after the period, of redemption has expired and you are hereby noticed that the time and j place of the hearing upon such con- j firmation will be entered in the Con j firmation Record kept by the Clerk! of said Court on or before the 6th : day of November. 1910. You will ox j nmii v- said Confirmation Record to I ascertain the time of such hearingi and may be present, if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not bo confirmed. GEORGE N. OtjJAMB. By Edwin FaToon. His Atty First publication, July 22, 3 times. First publication, July 22, 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE. Louis S. Phillips will take no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered in the tux suit for the* year 1908 wherein the STATE OP NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAL PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OR CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF were Defendants, lot 3. in block 02, iti the village of Rulo, Richardson 'County, Nebraska, was, on the 6th day of November, 3908, sold at pub lic v< liftne by the Treasurer of sale county in the manner provided bj law and period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 6th day of November, 191*0. You are further notified that the owner of this cer tificate of tax sale issued by the Treasurer will make application to thi1 Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of such sale as soon as praetiahie after the period of redemption has expo d and you are hereby notified that the time and place of tin- hearing upon such con firmation will he entered in the Con firmation Record kept by the Cierk of said Court on or before the 6th day of November, 1910. You will ex amine said Confirmation Record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you so desire, to make any objections or s'now cause why the sale should not be confirmed. GEORGE N. OCAMB. By Edwin Falloon, His Atty. first publication, July 2:2, 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE. Allred C. Miller will take no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Ricitardson •County, -Ne braska rendered in the tax suit for the year 1908 wherein the STATE OF NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAL PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO AKY INTEREST, RIGHT OF CLAIM ETM OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF •were Defendants, lot 9, In block T5, in the village of Rulo, Rbchardstm County, Nebraska, was, on the 0th day of November, 19»98, sold at pub lie vendue by the Tneasurer of suld county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from such sale will expire on the Cfh day of November, J910. You are further notified that the owner of this cer tificate of tax sale issued Ay the Treasurer will make application to the Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of such sale as booh as practiable after the period of redemption has expired and you are hereby not’fied that the time and place of the hearing upon such con firmation will be entered in the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of said Court on or before the 6th day of November, 1910. You will ex amine said Confirmation Record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not b* confirmed. GEORGE N. OCAMB. By Edwin Falloon, His Atty. First publication, July 22, 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE. Harry S. Hermann will take no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered la the tax suit foi the year 1908 wherein the STATE OK NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERA’. PARCELS OK LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV INQ OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OF CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REA I ESTATE OR \NY PART THEREOl were Defendants, lot 2, in hioek 45, in ihe village of Rulo, Richardson County, Nebraska, was on the 5th day of November, 1908, sold at pub lic vendue by the Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 5th day of November, 1910. You are further notified that the owner of this cer tificate of lax sale issued by the Treasurer will make application to th(> Court in the above entitled act ion lor confirmation of such salt- as soon as practiable after the period of redemption lias expired and you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearing upon such con firmation will be entered intlie Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of said Court on or before the 5th day of Novetnln r, 1910. You w ill ex amine said Confirmation Record to ascertain the Mine of such hearing and may be present, if you so desire, to make any r.bjections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. GEORGE N. OCA.Ml!. li.v Edwin Falle.on, His At.ty. First publication, July 22, 2 times. LECAL NOTICE. Margaret J, Calhoun will take no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered in the tax suit for the year 1908 wherein the STATE OK NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ER.'! PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OF CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR VNY PART THEREOF weii- Defendants, lots 15-1*1 In block 44 in the village of Rulo, Richardson County, Nebraska, were, on Hie 6th day of November, 1!tOS, sold at pub lic vendue by tire Treasurer o' said county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from such sale will expire on the oth dav of November, 1910. Yon are further notified that the own* r of this cer tificate of tax sale issued by the Treason r will make application to the Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of such saV- as soon as pructiable after the period of redemption lias expired and you are I- reby notified that the time and place of the hearing upon sucli con firmation will be 'ntered In tb> Con firmation Record kept by tic Clerk of aid Court on or before the 61 b day of November, 1910. You will ex amine said Confirms ft on Record (o ascertain the time of such hearing and may be preronl, ii you bo desire, to make any objections or show (anse why the sale should not b< countrned. GEORGE N. • )CAMH. By Edwin Balloon, ilis Atty. First publication J tiy 21 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE S' iT. Smith will take no tire that under a decree ®f the Dis trict G»urt of Richardson-Gounty, .Me braskt rendered lr the tar suit for the year 1908 wherein the STATE OF NEBRASKA was Plaintiff .and SEV ERAL PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SON? AND CORPORATIONS 1JAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OR CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY PART 'THEREOF were .defendants, lir.s 1 and 2 in Mock 7, In Rouleau A- Bedards Addition to the village of Ruio, Mehard-son County, Nebraska, were, -en the (6th day of November, L 008. son! at pub lic ve»f(ne hy lhe Treasurer of said county in the rneiner provided Ihy law and period of redemption tmw such sale will expire on the 6th day of November, 1910. Y’ou are further notified that the ow»er of this cer tificate of tax sale issued by the Treasurer will make application to the Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of such sale as soon as practtable after the period of redemption has expired aud you are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearing upon suck con firmation will be entered In the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of said Court on or before the 6th day of November, 1910. You will ex amine said Confirmation Record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why 1he sale should not be confirmed GEORGE N. OCAMB. By Edwin Falloon, His Atty. j First publication, July 22, 3 times. I LEGAL NOTICE. Edward T. Price will take no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered in the tax suit for the year 1008 wherein the STATE Ok’ NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAL PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING or Claiming title to any INTEREST, RIGHT OR CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF were Defendants, lots 15-16 in block 45 in the village of Rule, Richardson County, Nebraska, were on the 5th1 day of November, 1908, sold at pub lic vendue by the Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law ami period of redemption from such sale " ill expire on the 5th day j of November. 1910. You are further, notified that the owner of tills cer tificate of tax sale issued by the j : Treasurer will make application to tin’ court in he above entitled act ' ion for confirmation of such sale as ^ soon as prac'.table after the period of redemption has expire and you 'are hereby notified that, the time and i | place of the hearing upon such con firmation will be entered in the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of said Court on or before the 5th day c.f November, 1910. You will ex amine said Confirmation Record to ascertain Hie time of such hearing and may be present, if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. GEORGE N OCAMB. By Edwin Ealloon, His Ally. First publication, July 22, 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE. \Y. H. Scott will take no tice' that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered in the lax suit for iln year RIOS wherein the STATE OF NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAL PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OF CLAIM IN OR TO SI’CII PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF wore Defendant*, lot II In block 4.r> in the village ©I Rulo. Richardson County, Nebraska, was on the Ctlij day of November, RIOS, sohl at pub lic vendue by the Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from such sale will expire on the 51 li day ’of November, 1910. You are further notified 1h*t .he owner of this cer tificate of tax sale ’issued by the” Tree: over will make application to the Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of such sale ak soon as pracllable after the period of redemption has expired and yon arc hereby notified that, the time and place el the hearing upon such con firmation will be entered in the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of stiid Court or or before the Ath lav t i November. 1910. You will ex amine said Cor i ii’inallon R-cord to ■ •sc eft,tin the line of such bearing am may be pr sen , if you so desire, ! to make any objections or show I cause why the sale should not be mifinned. GEORGE N OCAMB. By Edwin Balloon, Ths Atty. First publication, July 22, Slimes. LEGAL NOTICE. The unknown heirs of Amelin Hoy', deceased will Lake no tice tiiat under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne l braska rendered in the tax suit for the year 1908 wherein the STATE OF t NEBRASKA was Plaintiff .and SEV ERAL PARCELS OE LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND A LL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST, RIGHT OF OLAIAf IN •OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE OR VNY PART TMEKBGF worry defendants, lot 12 in block 74 iin the village of RuJo. Richardson County, Nebraska, was, ion the titli clay of November, 1908, sold at j<ub llic vendue by the Treasurer of taiid county in tin manner p-ovided by kiw and period of redemption fit on isuieh sale will expire on Ike 6th day '.of November, 1910. You are further notified that tne owner U* this cer tificate of tas sale issued by t%e Treasurer win make appUkaitioD to Ubt* Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of sock sale a* sown as practiable after the period of redemption has expired and you. are hereby notified that the time and place of the hearing upon -such con firmation will be entered In the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of hpVI Court on or before the €th day eft November, 1910. You will ex amine said Confirmation Record to ascertain the time of such hearing and may be present, if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why the sale should not be confirmed. D. VANVALKENBERO. By Edwin Falloon, His Atty. First publication, July 22, 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE. S. M. Klien will take no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered In the tax suit for the year 1908 wherein the STATE OF I NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAL PARCELS OF LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS HAV ING OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY I INTEREST, IPG FIT OF CLAIM IN OR TO SUCH PARCELS OF REAL1 ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF wero defendants, lot 14 in block 74 in the Tillage of Rulo, Richardsoc County, Nebraska, were, on the 6th day of November, 1908, sold at. pub lic vendue by the Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from men sale will expire on the 6th day ;f November, 1910. You are further notified that the owner of this cer :i floats of tax sale Issued by the Treasurer will make application to he Court in tin* above entitled act on for confirmation of such sale an noon as pracMable after the period] if redemption has expired and you. ire hereby notified that the time and [dace of the hearing upon such con firmation will be entered in the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk >f said Court on or before the Cth I lay of November, 1910. You will ex-j inline said Confirmation Record to iscertain *ho time of such hearing inti may be present, if von so desire, [o mah' any objections or show cause why the sale should not bo confirmed, 1». VANVA1,KI-1NHERO. By Edwin Falloon, His Alty First publication, duly 22, 3 times. LEGAL NOTICE. Deckle M. Whilford will tnk«- no tice that under a decree of the Dis trict Court of Richardson County, Ne braska rendered in the tax suit for the year 1 DOS wherein the STATIC OP NEBRASKA was Plaintiff and SEV ERAL PAROLES OP LAND HEREIN AFTER DESCRIBED AND ALL PER SONS AND CORPORATIONS 1IAV 1X0 OR CLAIMING TITLE TO ANY INTEREST. RIGHT OR CLAIM IN OR TO Sl’CH PARCELS OP HEAL ESTATE OR ANY PART THEREOF1 were defendants, lot HI in Mock 71 in (lie village of Rulo, Richardson County, Nebraska, were, on the Gth day of November, 1908, sold at pub lic. vi ndue by the Treasurer of said county in the manner provided by law and period of redemption from Bitch sale will expire on the Gth day of November. 1910, You are further notified that Hie owner of this cer tificate of tax sale issued by the Treasurer will make application to the Court in the above entitled act ion for confirmation of sm-li sab' as soon as practlable after the period of redemption bar. expired and you are hereby not,’lied that the time and place of tlie bearing upon such con firmation will be entered in the Con firmation Record kept by the Clerk of said Court on or b<Tore the Gth day of November, lb VO. You will ex amine sail! Confirmation Record to ascertain Hie time of such hearing and may be present if you so desire, to make any objections or show cause why the safe should not be ec-nfirmoMo 1) VAN VALKENBERG By Edwin Falloon, His Atty. First -publication July 22. 3 times Ordinance No. 48. !:■ i :;t. an oriiuimi r U« provide foi tile (wistrue!inn rind reiser of code walks, tirnl tor making assessments to pay for the name, designating th< material wiili which they shall 1>< built, fixing, tit width of same on dil'fe at stret 1/ and («■ repeal any former ordinances effecting side walks Ski' ]. Tirol, all sidewalks alone -Main street on the sooth side be ginning with lot 22, amJ extending east including, lot 2 in block 12U, and all .'lots along Main street on the north side Loginning with lot 21 and extending tast including lot. 4, block 120, .shall be eight, feet wide and shaJ1 be constructed of hard burned liriek .or cement. SES\ 2. Tiuil all side walks, along Main street on the south side, .begin ning with lot 1. block 1 Tisdel's Ad dlUo* Jo the Village of Salem, and extending east to the corporate lim its, shall be six feet wide, and shall be constructed of hard burned brick or cement. SIX. 3. Thai the sidewalks in all other parts ol the village of Sa lem. Nebraska, sluli be riot less than four feet wide and shall be con structed of cement, or hard burned brick. SEC. 4. That whenever at least five resident owners of real prop erty in said village, shall unite in a petition to the Village Board of said village for the construction or repair of any sidewalk along such property, or whenever in the absence of such petition, three-fourths of all the mem bers of said Board shall by vote at any meeting of said Board determine that it is necessary to construct or repair sidewalks along any property in Bald village, it shall be the duty of the village clerk to prepare a no tice to the owner or owners of such prop< rtv to be, and appear before said village board at a time in said n tice mentioned, not less than three days from the date of service of no tice, then and there to show cause, if any mere exist and why such sidewalk should not be constructed or repaired, and to protect, his interests in all subsequent proceedings touching such matters, and it shall be the duty of the constable or marshal of village to serv< such notice, PROVIDED, if the owner of such property Is a non resident, or cannot be found or ser ved, the hearing shall be for notice by publication, and it shall be the du ty of the clerk to publish a notice in some newspaper published in, and of general circulation in Richardson co unty, Nebraska, for at least four weeks before tinal action by the vil lage board thereon. Said notice shaP staff' when such meeting shall be held and '.hi> purpose for which it shall be held, and shall he signed by the village clerk. The expense of such publication together with other costs made iii such proceedings, shaP be paid ny the owners of such property, and .n default of their do ing the same slinll be Included in the special assessment hereinafter provided for and certified, levied ami collected, the same as other expenses attending such matters. SKC. f>, The meeting of the board provided for in section four shall be an especial meeting called for the purpose of entering upon the construe thin of sidewalks, and providing for the i uilding or repair of the same, either by the owner of such property of said village, and also to assess and fix the amount of such expense lo b" paid by i.ucli property owner ♦ hereof as in special mooting above mentioned ailt the proper service of the no'lco herein provided for, it dial be the duty of said village board 0 Inquire into tlie necessity and prop* I'icly of construct ing or repairing sudi sidewalks, and it shall then be determined by said villgae borad 1 bat it Is 1 ocessnry and proper for sill'll sidewalks to be constructed or lepa'rcil. Tin* board shall then pro ceed Inquire, lud and fix by resolu tion, spread upon the records of said hoard and supported by at, least three-fourths of said hoard by a yea and nay vote also to he recorded. First, the vain ( of such property; second, the expense of making nr repaying such sidewalk, and the amount or proportion of the same to be paid by stub lots, taking into account the benefit derived or in juries sustained by reason of tlie Iniibl'ug or repairing such sidewalk. Third, 1h*,. shall order the owner nr owners of such property to pay such assessment within twenty (lays from such assessment, PROVIDED that if the owners of such property shall elect to construct or repair such side walk, he may do so instead of pay ing FUcli assessment. SFt'. !k After such noth*,■> and as sessment. it the owner shall refuse or neglect to build or repair such sidewalks, it shall be the duty of the village hoard to advertise for coaled pioposals to build or repait such sldewclks and let the same to the lowest and best bidder. SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the village board to cause to tie certified to tlie county clerk all special assessments made nmb r this ordinance to lit levied and collect ed out of such property against which it is assessed, as a separate tax agauiKt such property to be plac ed on tiie tax roil for collection and collected in like manner with other village taxes. Sl'.<H. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within the limits of i-hid village to tear up. break, remove or destroy, or in any manner to injure any sidewalk or sire* crosring. in said village, over which said person lias no control * r authority, and any one violating the provisions of this section, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined any sum rot exceeding $25.00. SEC. !*. All former ordinances effecting s'dewalks are hereby re pealed. SFC. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and he In force from and after its passage, approval and publl catirn. Passed and approved, .July 14, DUO. A. 11. COCHRAN, Chairman. R. B. HUSTON, Village Clerk. Ordinance No. 49. An ordinance providing for the destruction of weeds along the Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks within the village of Salem, Nebraska, and providing for the making of assess ments to pay for the same. SEC. 1. It shall be the duty of the owner or owners of lots In the village of Salem, Nebraska to keep mowed or otherwise destroyed all weeds between their lot line and the middle of the streets or alleys abutMng on said land or lots, at all times between the 15th day of June and the 1st day of October, and when | ever any lot or land owner or own ers neglect to mow or otherwise des troy the weeds in the streets or al leys, or along the sidewalks, as herein provided, it shall be the duty of the street commissioner to mow or destroy the weeds on the neglect ed portions of streets or alleys, for which work he shall be allowed at such rate per day as is provided by law for work on roads and streets gen erally, for the time actually and nec essarily spent for the cutting and des troying of such weeds. PROVIDED, Tha- such street commissioner shall not be authorized to go upon and destroy such weeds until he has first given the owner or owners at least 10 days written notice that such weeds should be destroyed and that such owner or owners of said land or lots shall destroy said weeds within the limits of the 10 days no tice SFC. 2. The street commissioner shall make a written statement to the board on the first day of Oct ober, of all work performed aad aU money expanded and paid out In car rying out .he provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance, and Bha.ll state In sucu report, the proportionate amount of expense wiih reference to each lot and block along which the weeds were by him d'stroyed, and upon t.ho approval of said report by the board, the village clerk shall be Instructed to cer-tlfy raid amounts to the coun ty clerk of Richardson county, giving a proper I 'scriptIon of the lots and land abutting which, or on which weeds were destroyed by said street commissioner, and the county clerk shall Includi such amounts in making the county tax lists as an assessment against such lots, which slmll be col lected ns o'her taxes. SMC. 3. This ordinance shall tnke effect and be In force from and after Its passage, approval and pub lication. Passed and approved, July 11. 1910 A. It COCHRAN, Chairman. It II HUSTON. Village Clerk. __— ■ H Was that dish a failure? I Perhaps it was the I fault of the spice. Did it I I lack snap and character I of flavor? Then it surely I I was the fault of the spice. I I Next time use — the results will delight you. Snappy, flavorous tang comes from fresh, ginger, pepper, cinnamon —the Tone kind—in air tight packages. At Your Grocer’s 10c or send us a dime for full size park a Be and "Tune's Spicy Talks S MOINES. I0W« ■ Old Gone* Conn R l'\ ROBERTS. DEXN'TfST* Office over Kerr’s 1 'harma. 7 , Office !'h(*ie2»H) Itesldence Pnon* 271 , . - —————MMm-m-mmi minmum . KJHiAR K. MATHERS ! DENTIST i —————— f Phones: Nos. 177, 2l7. T(, W AHL Ml i C u i Hi (J DR. C. N. ALLISON DKNTfS T' I’honc 2H Over Richardson County Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA DR. H. S. ANDREWS General Practioneer Calls Answered Day Or Night In Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. 3 BARADA. - NEBRASKA CLEAVER & SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE WHITAKER The Auctioneer Before arranging date write, tele phone or telegraph, my expense J. G. WHITAKER Phone. 168 IJl-2161 rail. City. Neb * » * ■ > » ; i , ; i 1 i , 1 . i , i , - i | : i..I _- . _ Paste this in Your Hat! J. B. WHIPPLE WILL SELL Po'land-China Hogs Saturday, Oct. 15, 1910 Saturday, Nov. 19, 1910