The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 15, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, if miles from Depot In Ka». Good spring. Beet of terbie. Will take
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest.
200 acres 1/i miles from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. Good buildings and laud. Will
take 10 or 80 acres as part payment.
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,000.
160 acres Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska.
80 acres M-mile from Falls City high school,
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 040 acres adjoining. Will take lOOacres as part payment.
Hue running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan.
"States Rights" Theory Crops Out
in Pure Food Laws One
National Law Preferable
The druggist comes under the act
ion ot the pure food laws just us does
the grocer. The dispensing physician
conn s legally under the law. hut thus
far lie lias been exempt from Inspec
tion. It is likely to In' some time be
fore the Nebraska law is enforced
against the physician. The druggist
is compelled to buy only of reputable
concerns, brands and grades that the
inspector will accept or else his
goods will be sampled and examined
with possible penalties.
This law is of great benefit to the
publli, but like most new laws there
are defects in it and In some ways
it works "i decided In just lie to the
dealer. Probably time will remedy
Ihes" defects, and the law will he a
benefielent one. Ii has already done
much good.
It would be much better iu every
way it we could have one national law
applicable to the entire country, and
no stale laws, but we havn'l outgrown
the states rights” theory yet, and
the government law can be applied on
ly to Interstate business. The Nebras
ka law Is node led utter the National
law, ImiI it cannot enforce a penalty
outside the state, and so penalizes tli >
seller of goods inside the state who
may be entirely Innocent. In a state
like Nebraska ,i very large portion of
its manufactured goods, foods and
drugs, are made or put up outside of
the state and adulteration and mis
branding is more apt to be done by
the manufacturers. Now In the matter
of is absolutely Impossible for
the dealer to know certainly that ev
ery article he buys Is of standard
quality. That can only be determined
be expensive assays or chemical analy
sis. The goods may lie guaranteed to
him, but the guarantee under the Na
tional law applies only to the original
package, unbroken. The moment ti"
bren ts the package to sell from It
or to put it in his shelf bottles the
guarantee is only just as good as the
guarantor chooses to make it, or at
I its! the retailer would have to prove
that the goods were the original ones
untampered with. In most cases that
would be « x, I't'ditigly difficult. Many
persons think that goods bearing the
guarantee statement are guaranteed
by th> go .'eminent. Not at all. The
guarantei is to the government. The
mane fa Hirer guarantees, under n
i’l'ov ion of tin* law. that he will
e • t'e- law in regard to his prnd
> '• • T 'nverumont can bring net
tea a h Irnt if in* does not fulfill
b - e > ant* < . bi t "cat 'lting coiucs
bol'c: hanging,” as the old saying
has it.
The slate law should be so worded
that wiiore the Infraction was made
befo>. the goods entered the state,
the case could be turned over to the
government for prosecution ami no
action taken against the denier In
the state if he was innocent of wrong
intent. The action of ttit* law is
the same as against a dealer tn con
traband goods, but in this case the
dealer may not know that his goods
are wrong, while all dealers in con
traband goods could and did know
they were wrong. The Nebraska law
if rigidly applied AS IT IS WORDED
would punish an Innocent citizen foi
a wrong committed by an outsider.
To the consumer this law cannot
help but be beneficial ami it has
alreat\y been so. Manufacturers and
deai rs have all been made more
careful. It has not tended to make
anything cheaper. On the contrary
the trend has been to make good
goods higher priced, because ii has
removed the competition of low
grade goods
There has been much exagerated
talk about the prevalence of adultera
tion and sensational stories have
been told of how the public has
been duped and swindled. In most
cases of this kind the public got what
it paid for, but didn’t get what it
bought. There was no time when
those who wanted high grade goods
couldn’t obtain them, If they paid
the price. It was the constant de
man^ for cheap goods, that was the
animus of adulteration. The consum
<t put the pressure upon the.retail
er, nini the retailer put it upon the
jobber, and the jobber put it upon the
manufacturer, and the result was the
consumer was hocus-pocused as to
name or fcrade, but not as to price.
Take olive oil,as an illustration. Vir
gin French oil could always be ob
tained at the price, but half of the
oil sold with tills label was not olive
oil at all. It was cotton seed oil,
shipped from tills country to France,
there refined and returned to this
country with a French label. The
consumer wanted a big bottle for
fifty cents, uiul the retailer bought
the kind Ids customers wanted. Most
retailers didn't know what they were
buying. Why did the mail order
houses do such a flourishing busi
ness in groceries before the passage
of the law. Because the people
wanted cheaper stuff than the regu
lar trade had the nerve to supply.
Why did those mail order tricksters
go out of the grocery business when
the law was passed? Because they
couldn't make the prices tempting any
longer. They couldn’t sell against
the regular trade and sell pure goods.
Doubtless they would have evaded
the law if they dared, but they did
n't dure, so they quit.
Doubtless there were some manu
facturers and dealers whose cupidity
was a sufficient excuse for adultera
tion and falsifying, but In the main,
It was demand that cgused the sup
ply. The average business man
would rather make and sell good
1 tie Nebraska law has not been
very thoroughly enforced, because
of Jack of funds for carrying on the
work, and there are plenty of in
terior goods on tin* market yet. The
commissioner has done as well as
could be expected anti much good
lias been accomplished. It will take
time to make the law efficient to its
full extent, and tin* ignorance of
dealers is a greater difficulty to
overcome than their cupidity. The
pure food law only demands purity
It has little to do with quality. That
statement sounds strange, but it Is
not synonymous terms. You can
true. Purity and quantity are
not get quality without purity, but
purity does not necessitate quality.
Perfectly pure cinnamon hark may
lie nearly tasteless and tin* same is
true of all drugs of vegetable origin.
You can get “pure” olive oil that is
Infinitely worse* Uian the* cottonseed
oil you used to buy. It can't he*
lab led "Virgin” or “Best" but it can
he labeled "Pure.”
So after nil the* customer must de
pend upon his druggist. lie can
only select a competent man, an hon
est man and give* him his confidence,
if he wants results lit* must not be
lured by cheap prices, if he buys
a cheap tiling In* will get it just
as he did in the past.
Morsman Drug Co.
The Chautauqua This Year Promises
To Be The Best Ever.
The Kails City Chautauqua will be
hold in the city park, August ti to
14, inclusive.
Will all who want tents, and es
pecially those persons and organiza
tions wanting tents larger than 10 x
HI notify the secretary at once.
The tickets are now on sale at the
following places:
Richardson County Bank.
Davies & Owens.
Morsinan’s Pharmacy.
K >rr’s Pharmacy.
Jacquet’s Jewelry store.
McMillan's Pharmacy.
W It. Crook & Co.
DeMers & Rule
First National Bank.
Falls City State Bank.
II. M. Jonne Shoe Store.
A. G. Wanucr’s Drug store.
If you don’t want your ticket now,
let us have your pledge for a number
at least. The excellence of the
Chautauqua depends upon the number
of tickets sold. If we are assured
in advance of a good sale, arrange
ments will be made to improve the
Chautauqua in every possible way.
Let us have your pledge.
E. K. HURST, Secretary.
Falls City Chautauqua, Aug. 6 to 14!
The Vounty in General
The “Doings” of Our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
A baby girl was born to Steve liar
mow and wife last week.
Sam Coon of Howard, Kansas visit
ed relatives over Sunday.
Mrs. Sample and family of Craig,
Mo., are visiting the Smith family.
Frank Moritz c-ame in from the
western part of the state for a visit
with relatives.
H. J. Tiuryea took his son, Cecil, to
Falla City Saturday and had a piece
of glass removed from his foot.
Charles Etter and wife were here
from north of Dawson Sunday. They
were guests of Will Etter and wife.
Carl Warner ami wife of Montana
are here for a visit to the latter’s son,
Joseph McGinnis, who makes his
home with his grandmother here. Mr.
and Mrs. Warner came here font Reno
wli 'ii‘ they witnessed the big prize
Henry Etter, the fifteen-year-old
sou of Mrs. G. Wittwer, had an ex
perience last week which he does not
care to repeat, f< tiling he would not
come out as well ns he did this time.
Ho was pinwing corn with a mule
team, when in some way boy, team
and cultivator mixed up and tumbled
part way down the bank of the creek.
Henry was cut about the face and Dr.
Waggenor of Humboldt was called
and found it necessary to take sever
al stitches. The wounds are healing
nicely and the lad will soon be well.,
Mrs. Fritz Schirkolk is now visiting
relatives in St, Joe.
Miss Gladys Taylor was an Auburn
visitor on Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Werner spent the Fourthj
with her friend, Mrs. Mike Wike.
Mr Vtrne Taylor and son, Har-i
.in '(i Uurjtiaid are here visiting rel-!
rtlv s.
M. Uranin has taken possession of
the restaurant lie purchased of Clias.
Thomas. /
Hoy Edward and wife entertained
Quinton Stump and family of Verdoti
('. A. Lord of Lincoln spent a few
days last week with his friends at
this place.
Miss Cora Henderson of Curley,
is here visiting her friend, Miss Char
lotta tinier.
F. M. Kinton and wife spent a
lew days tin- past week witli relatives
in Nebraska City.
M. Uranin and wife visited with
their daughter, Grace, at Nemaha a
few days last week.
Miss Vera Hi-rgsma entertained her
friend, Mr. Moore of Cook a few
days the past week.
Our gas lights were turned on Fri
day evening for the first time aud
give splendid satisfaction.
Mrs. Mike Wike entertained her
daughter, Mrs. Egner and family and'
Mrs. Fred Werner and others one
day last week.
Mrs. Clias. Gaston and Wm. Mot
singer left Saturday for Canton, III.,'
being called tlure by the serious ill
ness of their mother. '
Mrs. McDowell and daughter of
A Fresh Egg Drink
at our fountain is nutritious, whole
some and perfectly delicious.
Made in All Flavors—Try One
Only pure fruit juices and syrups
used. Ours -the most
in town.
The Candy Kitchen
P C. BACAKOS. Prop i
| Stella spent, a few days here last
i week and was the guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans.
Miss Eliza O'Harra, a trained nurse
| nf Kansas City is enjoying a vaca
j i ion from her work and spending the
time with her mother, Mrs. Harvey
Guy Shumway of Kansas City spent
a few days with his friend,Guy Whee
ler. They were close friends on the
ship Wisconsin for three years, and
this i.’ their first, meeting since they
wer;.1 mustered out of service.
Grand Concert and Organ Recital.
| Th • Ladies Dorcas society of the
Presbyterian church have been fortu
nate in securing the services of Mr.
Pen Stanley and wife and their fam
ous quartette of Omaha to give a
concert and pipe organ recital on
Thursday evening. July 21, at the
First Presbyterian church of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley need no in
troduction to l lie music lovers who
heard them a short time ago here.
His quartette is considered one of the,
best in.the west and will bo a treat
that should not be missed by any one
that loves vocal or instrumental mu
sic. l!y attending you will hear the
best of music and you will hear music
that you not often have an opportu
nity to hear. You will also be help
ing r. good cause.
Remember the date, July 21 at 8
o’clnr k. Price of admission 50c.
Mrs. Hurst Entertains.
Mrs. E. K. Hurst was hostess to
a number of lady friends Wednesday
morning. The breakfast was given
in honor of Mary Dalbey of Coin,
fowa The house was nicely decorat
ed with cut flowers and ferns. The
rooms were darkened and lighted with
electricity. Twelve plates were laid
and the breakfast was served in
four courses.
Notice to Correspondents.
Correspondents should take pains
to have their manuscript in the best
possible condition, and endeavor to
get them to this office as early as
practicable. If they will do this, it
will avoid disappointments and great
ly facilitate the work in the office.
Conrad Fehr Injured.
Conrad Fehr, who lives north of
town met with a painful accident on
Wednesday morning. While crank
ing a gasoline engine his thumb was
caught in the eccentric cogs and the
end of it amputated.
For a Straight Ticket.
The Tribune is*the only paper in
Southeastern Nebraska putting up a
straight fight for county option and
against the saloon. Are you giving
it your hearty support at this time.
Send Them
^ A & w w O
An ad. in this paper for
any business whatever is
a moneygrain to the buy
ing public from you.
They appreciate your
belief in their financial
They buy your goods.
A moneygram never was
marked “collect.”
The currency pours into
your cash box of its own
free will.
If your bargains are advertised
“big," your sales are big.
People appreciate big, strong
forceful trade announcements.
Such ads. inspire comi ial
(Copyright, iJQy, hy W. Si. L'.)
Falls City
August 6 to 14
Better Be There!
A Demonstration of
The Blue Flame
Oil Stove
Will Be Given at
J. C. Tanner’s Hardware Store
All Are Cordially Invited
Nothing can lighten the burden of the house
wife more during the summer months than a
stove of this kind. Come and see them work.
Cold Coin
Flour has
the Purity
to survive
every prac
tical and
Use this
Flour and
get better
results in
You won’t
have to try
nearly so
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals.
No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
CLIFFORD AGEE,' Distributor
Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year. \
Address The Kansas ity Star. j