The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 15, 1910, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
\V. H. Wheeler ordered a 40-Mlteh
ell, five-paas iiKer ear this week.
Melvin Andrews of Cordell. Okla .
is visiting Itis brother, Hr. <5 M. of
Krncst Morgan returned to Vork
Sunday after n short visit with his
Frank Aw< and wife of Howe vis-|
ited last Saturday with K. A. Kroh
and family.
Mrs John Hroekman of Humboldt
was visiting Stella friends the first
of the week.
J.M.Goodloe and family spent Sun
day afternoon with Daniel Survis and
wife In Auburn,
. Mrs Amanda Moore of Verdon vis
ited with Mrs. J. M. (ioodloe last
Monday aftt moon.
Mrs. Janie linger and children of
Auburn spent last week with her
sister, Mrs. Norman Smille.
Misses Neva Cowel and Helen Halt!
win visited in the country Thursday
and Friday with Miss Opal Monett.e.
Mr: Joshua Curtis and little daugh
ters went to Humboldt Sunday to
spend the week with her parents.Mr.
and Mrs. Arnold.
Ed Mound r‘turned Inst week from I
Kansas City where he had been
since the first of June visiting his
sister, Mrs it K. Clark.
Miss Blanche Monctte returned last
week from Colorado, where*she was
n d' hgate from Midland college to
the V W. C. A. convention.
Rev. Davis of Bethany visited Stel
la friends the latter part of last week.
He preached al the Christian church
Sunday morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs .1. M. Ilapp of Cloves,
New Mexoco Visited t It IK week With
M Barstl- r and family Mrs. Burst
ler and Mrs. Ilapp are sisters
A surprise party was given Monday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. A Kroh in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
sisB‘1. Miss Neva (towel, who left oil
Tuesday for her home near Howe.
Mrs. John Rosenbergcr and children
of Auburn, who visited Inst week with
Mrs John Cooiis, came in town Sun
day and visited with Mrs. John Mann
until Monday morning when they re
turned home.
Mrs. Albert Timmerman and child
ren of North t’lattc arrived Thursday
to visit Mrs. Timmerman's parents,
Mr and Mrs. E. Allemnnd. and her
sist is, Mrs I II. Martin and Airs.
IV AI. Monott.c.
M •• and Mrs Richardson returned
last Thursday from Denver. They
visited until Saturday with Mrs. Mat
tie ilodge, when they left for their
new home at Henley, Mo They
Frsemt /
Old Dutch
Docs nil tho cleaning
about the liouso and (arm,
and keeps everything spick
and span lor 10c a month
—jus* try it.
The farmer’s wife has a ready
help in this handy, all-Tound
cleanser that will save her much
labor and time. It does the
work of all old-fashioned clean
ers—easier, quicker, better
Cleans, Scrubs,
Pots, Pans, Kettles, Milk
Pails, Separators, etc.
The Best Way—
To clean woodenware, tables,
pantry shelves, etc., etc. Wet the
article, sprinkle with Old Dutch
Cleanser and rub with wet cloth or
brush; wipe up
with clean water;
wring cloth tight
ly and wipe dry.
It cleans clean
and is hygien
ic, no caustic or
acids—avoid them
take with Mi in the Imut wishes of a
host of friends.
Friday afternoon ns A. M. Farmer
was hauling hay on Fifth street, Joe
Higgins of Slinbert attempted to
pass him and struck one hind wheel
of his wagon and completely up-set
the 'oh'1 of hay, wagon nad Mr. Fram
er. The team ran away, and tore the]
wagon and harness to pieees. Mr.
Farmer escaped with a few bruises,
and si-ratclc s,
- . .
Mrs.VV.F, Duller Is on the sick list
Teddy Hill of Sliuhert was in
town on Monday.
Kay Kolltnuu and Kaymotid Red
dick are on the sick list.
Misses Edna Butler and Ethel Dunn
spent Sunday wit 11 Fay Slagle,
It II. Dunn marketed a car load of
Imgs in St. Joseph last week.
Mrs Manford Elane. who lias been
very ill with measles is somewhat im
Hit mi Butler spent a few days this
week visiting in Falls City with Miss
Vesta Lively,
Mr. and Mrs. John llumhaugh are
the parents of a baby boy, born on
Sunday, July 10.
l»r. Cali Andrews of Stella spent a
few days in llarada with Ills brother,
Dr. II. S. Andrews.
'I’le' K I.. (V S. held a business
meeting at the home of M. M. Hea
dricks on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, li. II. Dunn entertain
ed at dinner Sunday C\ II Martin and
.1 A. Martin and their families.
D. C. Kirkpatrick of Falls City was
in this vicinity the first of the week
looking after the apple crop.
Preaching at the ICva'ngelieal church
Sunday evening. The (’. 10. will be
led by .1 A Martin and lOugene Dunn.
.1. A. Martin, lOdward Slagle, Jesse
Cox mid Harley Butler drove down to
tie' city on Monday evening, to hear
W. .1 Bryan.
Otis, John mid Mali ion Spiekler of
elhis, S. IF, are visiting their broth
er, Delos and their many friends in
this vicinity.
Miss Hattie Lilly left Wednesday
for a trip through, Colorado. Califor
nia and other points. She will also
visit, the Yellowstone park.
Reynolds and Walters of Craig, Mo
were in this neighborhood the first of
the week looking after the peach pros
pects They did some buying while
The little child of Leon Yasser was
threatened with the loss of an eye,
caused from poisoning, hut at this
writing is believed to be out of dan
Ur. Van Osde 1 and |{ H. Uunn
made an auto trip to Kails City on
Monday- evening to hoar Mr. Bryan,
but the house was so crowded they
failed to gain admittance.
Walt r Morehead entne clown from
Vesta, Nob . Saturday after his wife
and little' son. who visited Itere (lie
past week, lie drove'down in his auto
ami they retiu'iied home' Tuesday.
Ornndnn Sdinc... while' at work in
her garde n last week, fell breaking
her arm at tl:e> wrist Ur. Van Osehd
was called to set the broken mein
ber and lie- re'ports her doing nicely
at thir writing.
II ii Wooelrlng and family passed
through Barptfa Sunday enroute for
Un* hanks eif 11e• • Missouri, whore the>y
e-pe'Ut tin' cine with their sons. Frank,
and \ I lie* and the'ir fatnifies. who
drove cue'- from Corning to meet
BUa Wissinger is on the sick list.
II mry liiie li and wife were Bnrnela
visitors Monday.
<!. W Duerfeldt was a Falls City
\ isiteir Iasi week.
August Numoeler was a Falls City
visitor last wee>k.
Jacob Wissinger purchased a new
bitieh r last week.
I! C. Duerfeldt spend one day last
week in Kails City.
Autos Burgess helped K. J. Dunn
make hay last week.
B .1. Dunn shipped a car load of
fat <attle> 'nst week.
John Constantine is starting to
build a fine new house,
■Mis. I. A. Dunn was the guest of
Mrs. A1 I’yle In Preston Tueseiay.
Miss \ erdie Williamson spent last
Sunday at the home of 1. A. Dunn.
Rev. A. Bssley and wife spent Sun
day with E. 10. Butler and family.
Mrs. Henry Henke and Peter Shill
ing wore Falls City visitors last week.
Kina Butle r spent Sunday in Bara
da with her cousin Miss Nellie But
Emma Duerfeldt spent the Fourth
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. It
C. Duerfeldt.
Byron Dunn erf Lincoln spent the'
past few days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. I. A. Dunn.
Mrs. Anna Renke spent a few days
last week with lo r daughter, Mrs.
Joseph Bauman near Preston.
Mrs. St. Louis visited with itulo
rela-'ves lust week.
VV. It. Hinton of Fulls City was a
Itulo visitor Monday.
Jess It. Roland of Missouri was a
Rulo visitor Sunday.
Will Bunker of Fortcscue was a
Rulo visitor Saturday.
Taibut Hinkle returned from Hunt
ley. Neb., last Monday.
Ik" Adkins of Missouri was a Rulo
v isitor one day last week.
Katie Kanaly was a Falls City vis
itor a few days last week.
Fred Ball returned from a visit to
Lincoln relatives last week.
Ho\. A. E. Wachtel spent a few
days at Burlington Junction.
Roy Williams and wife visited at
Mound City one day last week.
J. A. Osborne was a business visit
or to Lincoln one day last week.
Vi mi Aikman returned Friday from
a vi‘P with lev sister at DuBois.
Mrs. Robison of Clearmont is vis
iting with her son here this week.
A. Johnson visited with his fam
ily "I Nebraska City the first of the
Loi tie Hosfo'd returned Saturday
to Kansas City after a visit with bis
Mrs. Philips oi (#ii ago visited with
Mr. i nd Mrs, Humphrey Edgeeomb
last week.
Ray Sel.'y returned from a visit
with 1 datives in Kansas the last of
the week.
Milton Paster and family of Fbr
toseue visit'd with relatives here
tills week.
Uncle John Burk came down from
Puli' City last week to visit rela
tives here.
Os Daniels and family visited with
relatives in Missouri several days the
last of the week.
W. ’1'. Willioit of Santa Barbara,
Cal., was visiting old friends here the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henderson
of Verdon visited their son, Dr. It.
I ten lerson and wife.
Join' McCloalan came in from Salt
Laic City Iasi week. He lias spent
the past year at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Ornsby returned to
their home in St. Joseph Monday ev
ening. They were accompanied by
Uncle Joe Frederick.
Mrs. Susan Boles and daughter, re
turn 'it to Itulo from Brook Thursday
of last we ‘k. After a short visit at
this’ place they left for Kansas City.
Mrs. Boles is slowly gaining
Mrs. Olney Graham was called to
Pacific Junction last Friday by a
telegram telling her of the death of
her father at that place. Her father
was quite old and lias been sick for
some time. Mrs. Graham left imme
dlately fitr Pacific Junction.
Chi rent e Kermode bad his hand
badly cut last week while hoe
ing corn on the farm of Hannibal Har
rison. Tin* boy who was hoeing in
the row beside him, accidently let
his lioo down on Clarence’s hand and
cut a deep and painful gash.
What might have been a disastrous
tire was narrowly averted by hero
ic work at the Burlington hotel, one
day last week. A bucket of gasoline
was lining used up stairs and a small
boy threw a lighted match into this
which caused a bln/.e. Mrs. Banker
had her hands and clothing burned,
one of the boarders, who happened to
lie mar laid his hands badly burned
in getting the bucket out of doors.
Mrs Shorm Byorly was a Falls City
visitoi Friday.
Fiank Dietrich was on the sick list
the past week.
Walter Veach received a car load of
autos Thursday.
Miss Alice Hasenyager is visiting
relatives in Falls City.
M,-s. Frank Veach was a Shubert
visitor this week.
Edna Parsons visited with friends
in Omaha lest. week.
Ambrose Parsons was a county
seat visitor Monday.
Elmer King came’ down from Shu
bert Sunday In his ear.
Miss Clair McDermitt came down
from Auburn Saturday evening.
Errot Crouch arrived Friday front
a visit to relatives in Oklahoma.
Will Boatman and wife were the
guests of Shubert friends Sunday.
Walter Banks and Lloyd Dietrich
were passengers to Auburn Tuesday.
L. A. Kinsey came down from Lin
coln last week for a visit with old
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Buthman of
Falls City were in town the first of
the week.
Clarence Mayfield came down from
Omaha last week and made his
mother a visit.
Mrs. J. Leefers returned home from
Avoca, where she attended the fune
ral of her niece.
The Pioneer picnic will be held
in Verdon, Wednesday and Thursday,
August 24 and 2ii.
Mrs. Arthur Harris was up from
Falls City Monday for a visit with
her uncle and wife.
M'ss Bertha Fastnau of Nebraska
City is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
John Leefers and family.
Clarence Nuscbaum returned to
a *
Omaha last week after spending a
few days with his parents.
T. L Hull came down from Lin
coln last, week for a short visit, with
his mother, Mrs. Julia Hail.
Mrs. J. M. Carman and two sons
of Chicago are the guests of the forrn
i r's rister, Mrs. John Weaver.
Frank Dennett had the misfortune
to dislocate his ankle Sunday which
Is causing him considerable pain.
Dr. Philipps and family returned
from [>. visit in Iowa and are located
In the Dietrich property on Main
John Shrader has returned home
from a visit to iris sister, Mrs. Fred
Huffman and family at Council Grove,
M 's. John Patterson returned Sat
u day evening from Peru where she
. isiied her daughter, Mrs. Delle Cor
nell mil family.
Velma Walker returned to her
homo In Falls City Saturday after
noon. Site was accompanied by
h r aunt, Mablc Beller.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dear left Wed
nesday afternoon for their home In
Pennsylvania after a visit of two
weeks herre with their jjnele, George
Fogle and wife.
Word was received here from Hill
ings, Mont., of the marriage of Clar
ence Howe to Miss Helen ltowley.
Mr. Ilovve formerly lived in Verdon
and has a host of friends here who
e'.uem; congratulations.
Miss Vashtl Cornell and William
Tynan of Peru were quietly married
at Nebraska City, Saturday, July 2.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
llelle Cornell, a former resident of
Verdun. They will go to housekeep
ing cr a farm near Peru, where they
will be at home to their friends.
L. Carpenter visited in Auburn on
Carl Mann came down from Lincoln
Charles Atwood was a passenger to
, SI. .loe Thursday.
Law Slama was in Omaha on bus
iness Wednesday,
lames Holman is now the owner <C
a Iluick automobile.
I. It. Dusenbcrry came over from
Pawnee City Monday.
Win. Hicks was a passenger to
Kails City Wednesday.
Charles Goddard and wife drove
lo Table Rock Monday.
Miss Anna Herr is visiting relatives
in Mound City this week.
Fred Butterfic id was a business vis
itor in Lincoln Wednesday.
Mrs. Charles Reise and children
were in Dawson Wednesday.
Miss Rose Ilnizda is a guest of
TabL Rock friends this week.
Dave Taylor and wife were guests
of friends in Teeumseh Wednesday.
George Lucky of Cook, Neb., spent
part of the week with relatives here.
Sam Wilson of Burchard was a
guest of relatives in this city this
Henry Johnson and family of Paw
nee spent a short time in Humboldt
M>ss Mary M. Petrashek of Table
Rock was visiting friends in this city
Mrs. V’ernie Graves and little son
visited in Salem the latter part of
the week.
Miss Emma Frank went lo Gaylord,
Kas., Wednesday where she will visit
Miss May Clift is visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. Albert Adams in Salem
this week.
Miss Jessie McDermet of Salem
was a Humboldt visitor the middle
of tlie week.
Our Sympathy
is always extended to those in
distress, but we have no sym
pathy to waste on the man
who borrows his neighbor’s
paper when he can have one
of his own at a mere nominal
expense. Your home paper
stands for your interests and
the interests of your home I
town. It deserves your moral
and financial support. If you
are not a member of our
family of readers you should
begin now by sending in your
.Mrs. Harry Mann was hostess to
the Linger Longer club on Wednes
day afternoon.
A Presbyterian social was held ai
the home of D. L. Smith and wife
Thursday evening.
Miss Marie Luce of Ifubboll, Neb.,
is visiting her friend, Mrs. J. C.
Herwig this week.
Mrs, Otis Hunter and son. Merle,
of Plica, are visiting relatives in
Humboldt this week.
11 P.Marble and family accompanied
by Eleanor Williamson, visited over
Sunday in Table Rock.
The Missionary society of the Pres
byterian church met with Mrs. K. J.
Cardy Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. E. Robinson and little dau
ghter of Lincoln are visiting W. S.
Robinson and wife west of town.
1). C. Stratton and wife of Paw
nee attended church services here on
Sunday and also visited at the
home of J. K. Liggett and wife.
Mrs. Riley Wilson returned Sunday
from Grand Island where she had
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Art
George Cowman and wife. who
had teen visiting the former's broth
er, Dave, returned to their home in
St. Louis Tuesday.
During the storm Thursday even
ing, while at work at the dredge boat,
Tod Drake was struck by lightning
and seriously injured.
Mrs. Knowlton Carpenter and child
ren f(turned to their home in Kan
sas City Thursday after a pleasant
visit with friends in this city.
Abie, the little son of O. E. Zook,
who was recently taken to St. Joe,
where he underwent an operation for
appendicitis, returned to his homo
in this city Monday.
Miss Minnie Murphy, who for sev
eral years has been an efficient clerk
| in the Sterns dry goods store, is
now absent. She 1st taking a much
needed rest.
Mrs. Mary Mann and Winnie and
Harvey accompanied by Elmer Woods
and family of Table Rock, left the
first of the week for Idaho where
they will spend the summer, in the
hope that Mrs. Mann’s health will
be benefited.
U/Eftru us
4 ■ •' • — - -■ ■ *- '
To Mark the Day
you call her thine, the handsom
est engagement'ring you can af
ford is none too good. Come here
and we ll help you choose wisely
and according to your means
For the Eastertide
it will be just as well to secure
the ring now. That will give us
plenty of time to attend to the en
graving all wedding rings should
R. B. Simpson
North Window Kerr’s Pharmacy
YOUR best sales—3ti
cannot work more
than 12 hours a day.
*1 An advertisement of
your goods in th s paper
works while you sleep arid
wake—24 hours a day.
<J It works in many house
holds at the same time.
<3 It t dks better than the
most fluent $ ... a week
<3 No one slams the door
in its laee.
<3 RESULT: It sells goods.
About the cost? Farleys
than t' e $ , . . . salesman
a:.d duos lots more warlfc
\copyright, law. hy W N. l\)
Bargain All This
At the New Furniture Store
Library Tables
and Center Tables
To Close Out at Cut Prices
Day Phone 422 g— • • ,
Night Phone 381 FflllS City, Neb.
f Personal Interest
f This bank takes a personal interest in the advance
rs ment and welfare of its customers. This bank desires
p* to help every one of its patrons to a successful busi
p» ness career.
r Therefore this institution takss pleasure in furnishing
I* its friends with all of the conveniences and special
p» privileges of a modern and well appointed bank.
And in addition to this, personal counsel will be
L given concerning the individual ffnancial problems of
• ^ its customers.
P* Your banking business is respectfully solicited.
l Farmers State Bank
I* .
A Fading Beauty
is often no more than a poor set of
teeth, which renders the whole face
will often restore an attractiveness
that was considered lost. Our den
tal skill is equal to the task of re
storing your teeth, no matter how
defective they may be. What we
cannot cepai- we replace and no
one would know the teeth we insert
were not of natural growth.
Falls City, Nebraska