The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. HUMBOLDT. Morton Youngman spent several days in Salem Mils week. J. K. Briggs of Sumiuerfield was on our stret is Saturday. L^vvis Edwards of Falls City was in Humboldt a short time tills week. Mrs. Lew Marburgi i has been on the sick list this week. Mrs. IC. Goolsby of Dawson was in this city a short time Wednes day. Herbert Ford came down from Lin coln for a short visit with home folks. Miss Eleanor Williamson returned Wednesday from a visit with friends at Crete. Miss Etta Lipp of Dawson spent the first of the week with friends in this city. Mrs. Roy Main and little daughter Helen, of Table Rock are visiting at Humboldt. Mrs. W. II. Martin entertained a number of friends at whist Thursday afternoon. Miss Ftivc Sanford of Verdon is visiting Olis ITnketVr and family this week. Emil Franks and wife of Omaha are visiting the latter’s mother, Mrs. Ellen Vance Nola AlbrlglU returned Wednesday from a few days tisit with relatives in Falls City. M. W. Harding returned Friday from llolvidere, Iowa, where he had been quite sick. Mrs. .toy Mann and < iiildreti of l)n Hois visited relatives in tills city the first of the week. Laura Moore and (Jeorge Warner, both of tills city, were married in Falls City Saturday. Rudolph Hutzdn and wife of Table Rock spent the first of the week in tills city with relatives Mrs E. Whitney and son, Irvin, of Omaha are visiting Humboldt rein tives and friends this week. Miss Mable Shire of Dawson spent several days of this week with her sister, Mrs. Will Waggoner. Mrs. S. 10 Davis and daughter, Flor ence, returned Saturday from a visit with friends at Wilber, Neb. -lohn Fryburger and family of Falls City were in the city visiting rela tives tin- first of tin' week. W. It Alexander and wife of Daw-j son were guests at the home of Dr. Morris and wife this week. 10. M. Wherry and .lames Stewart.! pronihient business men of Pawnee City were Sunday visitors in this city. Mrs Chester Powers entertained a number of friends Wednesday after Chases Dirt > Avoid Caustic and Acid Use Old Dutch Cleanser This handy, all-Tound Cleans er is entirely free from caustic, acid and alkali; it is hygienic, cleans mechanically,notchem ically. It is not only the safest, but also the easiest and quickest cleanser ever discovered for Cleaning, Scrubbing, Scouring, Polishing It is the only cleanser to use on milk pails, pans, separators and on all cooking utensils. Use it for all cleaning through out the house. How To Clean Windows The Beat Way—Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleans er on a cloth or sponge, just dampened sufficiently to hold the powder, without dusting, and apply to the glass, rubbing briskly. Then polish with a dry doth and a very little Old Dutch Cleanser. If the above directions are followed excellent re sults will be secured with less work than by ordinary methods, or with other articles. 10 LARGE SIFTER CAN noon in honor of Mrs. lien ('hurt raw. Jo1 Morris, who has been employed at Arapahoe, returned to this city on Sunday and celebrated the Fourth !u Humboldt. The little sou of (). K. Zook and wife was taken to St. Joe the first 1 of rile week, where he will he treated for appendicitis. A. A. Tanner and family, accompan ied by Miss Kmnia Frank of Lincoln, are guests of Dr. 10. 10. Meyertf and family this week. Misses Ruby Hash and Hattie Dor land. who are attending the summer school in Peru, spent several days tliis week at home. Mrs. J. 11. Ford and daughter, Madge, returned to their home in this eity Saturday, after an extended visit In VVaverly, 111. Robert Hflsler and wife returned to their home In Lincoln Sunday, after spending a few days with the latter’s mother, Mrs. K. K. Davis. While alighting from a buggy Fri day, Mrs. Arthur Daub met with a very painful accident of fracturing several hones In tier ankle. M try dandy, who lias been visit ing in Lincoln for some time, return ed Saturday. She was accompanied by Henry Seely of Lincoln. Mrs. Knowltoti Carpenter and child ren of Kansas City came to this city Thursday and are visiting Will John son and family and other relatives. Frank Powers and Clifford Cope arrived in Humboldt the last of the week having driven overland from the Powers' ranch at Rosalia, Kas. Mias Marie Turner and brother, Mylo, came down from Lincoln the last of the week and are guests at the home of their grandparents, Turner and wife. An immense crowd gathered in Humboldt Monday to celebrate the Fourth. With the exceptions of a few combats the crowd was quite or derly and peaceable and no serious in cidents occurred. STELLA. .1. R Cain. .Ir., was in Tecumseh (lie 'irst of llu> week. Mr. iinnd Mis. .lacoli Swihart were shopping in Autmrn Wednesday. Mrs. Mort Gilbert is enjoying a visit from her sister from Illinois. Sam Radinsky of Lineoln visited tile first of the week with Miss Eva Fankeli. Rev. Hinkle and family entertain ed company from Brock Friday and Saturday. Miss Sarah Palmer visited this week with her grandmother and aunt in Auburn. Row Hinkle and family spent (lie Four 111 in the country wit 11 Mr. and Mrs. K. Winfrey. Mrs. Harriot and children of Au burn are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tynan. Mis. Jennie Griffiths visited the first, of the week with lier son, George and family. Mr. Hailey from Brock helped with the invoicing at Vaught & Sayers’ the first of the week. Quite a number of our citizens cel ebrated at home and enjoyed picnic dinners on their lawns. Kd Hammond, wife and son of Lincoln visited old Stella friends a few days the past week. Mrs Hays and daughter. Neva da, returned Sunday morning from a years stay in California. Miner Marts and family moved from near Howe to the James farm one mile north of town, Friday. Mrs. Angeline Kaper visited the latter part of the week with her daughter. Mrs. George Uandal. Mrs. Kate Fraker went to Hum boldt Saturday for n visit with her daughter, Mrs. David Cowman. M:s. Robert Goolsby and children of Verdon visited the first of the week with J. M. Goodloe and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and baby of Broi U visited the latter part of last week with Alfred Shelonberger and wif<\ A daughter weighing six and one half pounds came to the home of Joshua Curtis and wife Wednesday, Juno 29th. The two little sons of Mr. and .Mrs. Noah Allen of Omaha are visit ing their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smilie. Miss Olga Chaney of Kansas City visited her parents from Friday until Monday evening, when she left for a trip to Colorado. •J W. Vaught has bought John H. Sayers Interest in the hardware and furniture store and will again as sume whole control. Mrs. J. M Goodloo and children spent the Fourth with Mrs. Grant Smith and Hr. Smith and Mr Good loe celebrated in Falls City. Mrs. Arthur Shelenberger was tak en sick at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis, on Monday and is In a critical condition. Mrs. A. VV. Montgomery returned honii' last week after an extended stay in Omaha. She received no ben efit from (he physicians there and is quite poorly. Norman Sniilie and wife spent last week on theform with the lat er's sister, Mrs. 101 tiler Mason. Mr. Mason is in Omaha with their little son, who is at the hospital. Mrs. Weller has returned to Oma ha where she and Miss Janette will keep house for her son, Ralph and wife, Willie they take a tour of the west for th<‘ benefit of Mr, Weller’s heal* h. The children of the Bible School of t!i“ Christian church gave tlielr children’s Day program Sunday ev ening. The house was crowded and the little folks did fine. The col lection was almost $14. Mrs. Rebuclc andd aughter, Mable, of Auburn visited Saturday and Sun day with her sister, Mrs. M. Shafer. On Monday morning they went to the Nemaha, south of Salem, where she nns joined by her children from Sabi tha. Kas., and together enjoyed a picnic. SHUBERT, J. Harper spent last, week with his brother at Darner, Kas. Miss Vera Hergsmu returned home the latter part of the week from Wy oming where she lias been visiting relatives. Mrs. George Bricker entertained her niece, Mrs. Chloe Estes of Laird, Col., this week. Mrs. Estes will he remembered as Miss Chloe Wilkinson, formerly of Verdon. Mrs. Crosier of Guide Hock is vis iting relatives here. Miss lola, and Cretoria Wiles spent Monday in Salem. Miss Ella James left Tuesday for a pleasure trip through the east. Mr. Carnes, wife and son of Brack en were the guests of their daughter, Mrs? Lee Shubert over Sunday. Harvey Hall and wife accompanied his Sunday School class to the Mis souri river and tlu* Indian cave on Wednesday and a jolly good time was had. Misses Lena and Maggie Weiek are visiting their sister in Falls City. Hole Jimmie Slagle arrived here from the soldiers’ home at Leaven worth on Tuesday. He expects to spent tlie summer here with ills old friends and relatives. Mrs. Frank Mullen and children left Wednesday for a visit with her parents at Miltonville, Kas. I\ S. Heacock and Warren liut cliiu.i of Falls City were visitois here this week. M'ss Ora Cowel of Unadilla Neb., is visiting her friend, Mrs. Hoy Ed wards. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bahr are the proud parents of a line baby girl, born June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Long are rejoi-ing over the arrival of a fine baby girl, born Sunday,June, 26. Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Lilly entertain ed a number of friends and rela tives at ice cream Sunday. A fine time is reported by all. BARADA. I L. II. Morehead and wife celebrated iu Falls City. George Fogle of Verdon was in town Monday. \V. K. Slagle and family celebrated at Barbour lake. W. G. Kuker was a Shubert visitor one day last week. Little Raymond Reddick is quite ill at this writing. .1. II. Morehead was a business vis itor here Tuesday. Miss Laura Mitchell of St. Joseph is visiting relatives here. Ur. Andrews reports a baby boy at the home of Ed Lunsford, born j>n June 29. A little daughter arrived' at the home of Leon Vassar and wife on Satu day, July 3. If. J. Kelly returned the first of tin week from a few weeks so journ in Omaha. C. 11. Martin spent Satrday and Sunday in Oregon, Mo., with his daughter.M rs. Philip Markt, and fam ily. Rev. and Mrs. Essley, I. A. Dunn and family and Rev. Blough and fam ily and a large number of Barada’s young people spent the Fourth at the Indian cave. • R. ,1. Dunn & Son. and \V. F. But ler gave the people of Barada and vicinity their annual treat in a fine display of fireworks on the evening of the Fourth. Richard and Edward Slagle re turned Saturday from a two months’ trip through California and other western points. They came home by way of Silver City, New Mexico visiting with their grandparents. Wilson Wamsley, Jacob Peters, Charles Wileman, J. A. Martin and their childrt n, Mrs. Byrd Mitchell and and children. Mrs. Byrd Mitchell and children, Mrs. W. C. Bridgeman, An na and Fay Franklin and Miss Laura Mitchell formed a merry picnic party and spent the Fourth at Barbour lake. RULO. ■. .lack Goolsby was a Rulo visitor Monday. Mr. Bishop was a Falls City visit or Sunday. Lena Caverzagie spent the Fourth in St. Joseph. Kd MeVey went to Humboldt Mon day to celebrate. F. I1,. Kuly of VVymore was a Rulo i visitor last week. Garnet Wilson was a Rulo visitor one day last week. .lack Hlainard of Missouri was a Rulo visitor Sunday. Alice and Alta Gilbert were Falls City visitors\Saturday. Mrs. Larson left for Wilsonville, Neb., last Friday night. Charles Sessna of White Cloud was a visitor here Saturday. lieu Lunsford was a Falls City vis itor one day last week. W. B. Hinton ol' Falls City spent a day in Rulo last week. Mr. Crook of Falls City attended the dunce here last week. Lee MeVey was a passenger to Humboldt Monday afternoon. Al Dixon of Wymore was a busi ness visitor in Rulo last week. Agent Pope moved his family into their nice new home last week. Mrs. Munson of Oneida is visiting with her son in Rulo this week. Margaret. Pierce made a business trip to Fargo one day last week. K< v. A. K Wachtel returned from a trip to St. Joseph Friday night. Qt.’te a crowd of young people at tended the dance here last week. Olney Graham was a Falls City business visitor one day lust week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams snent Sunday with relatives at Fortescue. Mr. Gilbert went to St. Joseph one diiy last week for medical treatment. Mrs. Goosman left for St. Joseph on Fid iay to visit with her son's family. M'\ and Mrs. .1. A. Osborne and son, Merrill spent Monday in St. Joe. Bessie Anderson returned from Peru Friday night to spend several days. Mrs. Jomlrow and daughter, May, visited with relatives in Rule last Friday. Mrs. R. 0. Henderson returned on Monday for a visit with relatives in Salem. F • d Ball went to Lincoln Saturday night to spend a few days with his mother. Mamie. Katie and Margaret Kan aly wore Falls City visitors one day last week. Dr. Houston of Falls City was called here Tuesday to see Mrs. Joe Frederick. Mr and Mrs. Will True went to Salem Sunday for a f w days visit with relatives. Mrs. Klli’n Orinsky of St. Joseph is' helping take care of her mother, Mrs. Joe Frederick. Mrs. I). E. Fickel and three chil dren visited with relatives at Fortes ’ cue lust week. Anna Davis has spent the past two weeks visiting with her uncle at White Cloud. Sophia Pierce came down from Peru Saturday to spend the Fourth with her mother. Edna Ball came down from Lin coln Iasi week to spend the week with her grandparents. Earnest Shepherd came up from St. .Joseph Saturday to spend the Fourth with home folks. Byron Harrison returned from Ne leigh one day last, week, where he has spent the past ten weeks. George Seeley came in from the west Friday night where he has been working the past week . Mr. Oldfield, who lias been visit inng with relatives here returned to liis home in Auburn last week. Mas. John Hopkins and children returned 'ast week from a three weeks visit with relatives in Iowa. Mr. Bingham and family went to St. Joseph Sunday morning to spend a few days with friends in that city. Ella Carpenter came up from St. .Toe to spend the Fourth. She was accompanied home by little Howard Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Tangburn and little daughter returned Monday evening from a visit with relatives in Table Dock. Mrs. John Kanaly and little son, and Mrs. C. Caverzagie left Tuesday afternoon for a visit with relatives in Colorado Frank VanVaulkeuburg returned to St. Joseph Monday evening after a visit with his parents and little dau ghter in this city. Blain Anderson, Edith Hinkle, Cla ra Aikman, A. Boylen and Hope Ward all drove to Falls City Mon day morning to spend the day. M's. Teft returned to her home in Waterloo, Iowa, Frdiay. While here she disposed of her part of the building which was used a few years ago for Belpiers’ shoe store. George Ocamb being the purchaser. Twelve young ladies gave a dance at Hosford’ hall on Thursday evening of last week. A good crowd was in attendance, and althought the night was very warm, all enjoyed the ev ening. The Wrighf Brothers of Fargo ! furnished the music. VERDON. E. A. Harden returned Wednesday from Omaha. George Coon was over from Sa lem Tuesday. B. F. Veach returned Tuesday from a trip to Chicago. Everett Coon was a Stella visitor one day this week. Dr. Thomas was a business visitor in Lincoln last week. Frank Clark and wife left last week for Knoxville, Iowa. Supt. Oliver of Falls City was a pleasant visitor here this week. Blanche Houtz left on Wednesday for I ennett, Neb., to visit friends. Florence Hull returned last week from a visit to relatives in Shubert. Mr. G. 1). Knapp and father made a business trip to Omaha last week. Llovd Dietrich made a business trip to Falls City the latter part of the week. James Wells and family returned Sunday from a short stay at Paul, Neb. Misses Myrtle and Elina Dillon left Sunday for a visit with relatives in Kansas. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas are rejoicing over the arrival of a little son, born June 28. Miss Stella Johnson is visiting her brother, A1 Johnson and family, at Hardy, Neb. Bessie Stump arrived Tuesday ev ening from a visit to relatives at Knoxville, Iowa. Rev. Ratcliffe delivered his fare well addres. at the Christian church Sunday evening. Miss Verna Wilkinson left Friday for Shubert. From there she will go to Nebraska City. Howard Conover left Friday for Caldwell, Idaho, after a short visit with his. mother. Mrs. M. L. Dowell came over from Salmi? Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. .0 D. Knapp. l-< n Goolsby came up from Falls City Saturday and remained until Sunday with Mrs. M. A. Clark. Clarence Nussbaum came down from Omaha Saturday evening to spend the Fourth with home folks. Charles Sloan returned to his home in Ncreatur, Kas., after a visit to his sister, Mrs. Sig Fuller and family. Mrs. Ed Orcutt and children re turned home from a few days visit with lelatvies at Rulo and Falls City. Mrs. B. F. Veach had the pleasure of entertaining Mrs. Cameron and daughter, Miss Grace, of Kansas City. Mesdames Ed and Dan Griffiths en tertained friends Tuesday afternoon at the homo of the former, south of town. Mrs Robbins and daughter arrived Monday from Oklahoma for a visit with the former's sister, Mrs. Mary Clark. Miss Ora Hillings entertained a party of friends at the home of Mrs. C. W. Benedict on Wednesday even ing. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. 'Those frt m here that were in Falls City Friday were M and Mrs. O. Bern diet, Mesdames. E. Randolph, Ed Kuk‘>r, Frank Dietrich, Herbert Woll enborger and Alice Hasenyager. To Mark the Day you call her thine, the handsom est engagement ring you can af ford is none too good. Come here and we ll help you choose wisely and according to your means For the Eastertide Wedding it will be just as well to secure the ring now. That will give us plenty of time to attend to the en graving all wedding rings should bear. R. B. Simpson North Window Kerr s Pharmacy Bargain All This Week At the New Furniture Store Library Tables and Center Fables To Close Out at Cut Prices E. LANDRIGAN Day Phone 422 — ,, , Night Phone 38i Falls City, Neb. Personal Interest This bank takes a personal interest in the advance ment and welfare of its customers. This bank desires to help every one of its patrons to a successful busi ness career. Therefore this institution takss pleasure in furnishing its friends with all of the conveniences and special privileges of a modern and well appointed bank. And in addition to this, personal counsel will be given concerning the individual financial problems of its customers. Your banking business is respectfully solicited. Farmers State Bank - PRESTON, NEBRASKA A Fading Beauty is often no more than a poor set of teeth, which renders the whole face unattractive. ATTENTION TO THE TEETH will often restore an attractiveness that was considered lost. Our den tal skill is equal to the task of re storing your teeth, no matter how defective they may be. What we cannot repai" we replace and no one would know the teeth we insert were not of natural growth. DR. YUTZY Falls City, Nebraska