The County in General The “Doings” of our Country I riends and Neighbors. STELLA. Mrs. Arthur Sanders Is unite il at tills writing. Mrs. Cl. P. Vilor and son, Charles •pent last Friday in Kansas City. Mrs. (}. 1, Slocum and Mrs. 1C Wheeler visited Monday In Verdon. M»-s. Weller and daughter. Janette returned Tuesday from a visit u Onial a Mfss Stella S< hock of Falls City visited ovei Sunday with Mrs. I. L Plasters Willis Hinkle and wife of Verdon visited at the home of Jacob Hinkle last Saturday Crate Steve Sloan came over from Dawson and vie ted a few days with J. M (ioodloc „l M. Goodioe and family vlulled Sunday in the country wiili t!. Sin net and family. Uev . Bullock of Oak. N'eh . preached at the Christian church Sunday morn ing and evening. John 1C vans and wife of Shubert were tailing on Stella friends last Tuesday evening Mr. Marsh of Itulo visited his dau ghter Mrs John Morgan the hitter part of last week. Mrs Frank Hinkle and little son. Harold, of Falls City visited Stella relatives last week Mrs. I. A McDowell and daughter, Irene went to Shubert Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Klmer Mart and wife of llovve vis ited several days last Week with Mr. and Mrs. A .1. Curtis. Miss hisHU Colglazier and l.uelln are spending the week wiili Mrs. Winfrey In the country Mrs Kva Ailor and children of Au burn visited tire first of the week with fi. F Ailor and wife * Mrs. Theo Weaver had the mis fortune to lose her valuable Jersey cow the first of the week Joseph Miller and little son of low-, visited his mother, Mrs. H. F. Ailor several days last week Mir. .Iosif King of Lincoln visited the first of the week with her broth er. John Henderson, and family. 11 L. Hogrefe and wife and S. II Bailey and wife went to Falls City last Thursday evening in Hogrefe’s auto. Mrs Thomas Hale and children are in Koekport, Mo., visiting relatives. They will remain until after the Fourth. Mrs .less Brown and little dau ghter- of Falls City visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs Hinkle, a few days last week. Mrs (}. Fred Fankell is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Chari, s Kdwards, near Shuberl She will lie gone until after the Fourth Italph Weller of Omaha has suffi ricntly recovered from Ids siege of Cifed, Will T Welcome In Eve’-y - Because it ke ’pt from cellar to ntti . in and span condition, and * es the housewife time, trouble an 1 xp Just you try if’ t r ^ m 1 M ni '* Washing Oishzr, WithouiDrudgetr• ^ Place dishes in pan of wava water, sprinkle a little 011 0 Dutch Cleanser on y (don’t put the cleanser in v. : . and wash, each piece, nut i.i r ond pan to drain, rinse in cl *" water and wipe c’ry. Easier, ’ quicker and hygienic: r. c * tic or acids (not a soap pi w Old Dutch Cleanser \. move the hardest “burn! , ' ’ from pots and pans, v ■ t old time scalding ami s. : ' Cleans— ' Scrubs— Scours— Polish l. Childrens’ l)ny was observed at the Baptist church last Sunday even ing. A large crowd was present and lhe little bilks did exceptionally well. Mrs John Maun enjoyed a Visit the first of the week front a nephew who * lives near Troy, Kansas. The young matt Is assistant principal of the ! sehor Is at Chapman. Miss Klla Janies of Shubert visit ed Monday with her brother, Ur. M. Jain s and wife. She left Tuesday for an extended trip through the I east, and expected to he In I lost on for the Fourth of July Sin is in com pany with a party* of teachers HUMBOLDT. Mist, Geraldine Stockton spent Sun day in St. Joe. Otto Ketone visited friends in Omaha the middle of the week. Kluter Wends and family of Table Itoek spent Sunday in this city. Mrs K S. Davis and daughter are visiting friends in Wilbur this week. Norman Luptou of Lincoln spent the latter part of the week in this city. Otis I nkefer and ('. M. Linn wit nessed the hull game in Auburn Tuesday Miss oille I’etrashek left Monday for Kansas City, where site will visit friends. The Linger Longer dub was enter tained by Mrs, It. It. I'hilpot Wednes day afternoon Mrs. G. W Segrisl of Carter. S. I)., who is visiting here, went to Kansas City Wednesday. S Whitney of Omaha was a guest at the lunue of his daughter, Mrs. W. J. Johnson, this week. Miss Nettie Wozab left Monday for Old. Neli., where she will spend some time with relative's. < li.Mih's Wall jiihI wifi* of Panoru, Iowa are visiting .lames <>. Atwood and wife Miis week. M" and Mrs .lack Purcell of Table Hock recently visited relatives and friendr in tills vicinity. S. K. Stout of Beatrice was a business visitot in 11 mu bold) the first of the week. Miss Floy tlrlnstead of Falls City is a guest at I lie home of Dr. ,1. A. Waggoner and wife this week. II 1’, Marble and wife, accompan ied by Mrs. Otis Cnkefcr spent a short time in Table Hock Friday. M:s. Kiln Audi and daughter. Miss Mali'i , of Beatrice are spending the wees witli Mrs Laura Campbell. William Henry and wife of Mary ville, Has., are visiting at (lie home of their daughter, Mrs Wm. Ilahl Mrs. C M. Linn and son, Don, left Monday for Lincoln, where they will spend some time with friends. A> Freeman is now going about on crutches, tlie result of an accident while playing nail Monday evening. Mrs. Martha Martin of Fort Morgan Colo, was a guest at the home of O T. Little and wife a few days tills Week . •>u:«i’ Carpenter and wife, who have been visiting relatives in this city,left Monday for their home in Abilene Kan u s. Bol'iimil Fruhhaiier is now residing in tin* Hayes property on Long Branch Street, having moved to that place on Tuesday. Miss Maple Thompson, who lias spent tlie past year with relatives in Cot in r. arrived Saturday to visit with horn * friends. .Misses Mary E. Petrashek and Mary M. Petrashek of Table Rock at tended band concert in this city Sat urday evening. Mrs. Chartrow and baby of Bur chart! arrived Saturday for a few days visit with (’lias Power and wife and ether friends. Miss Helen Wilson, who has em ployment in Salem, returned to this city Tuesday, where she will remain until after the Fourth. Miss Edna Scott returned to her home in Beatrice Sunday after spend ing several days with her mother. Mrs, Mary Scott, in this city. Seventy of our people enjoyed an < xcursion in automobiles Sunday. They took dinner in Nebraska City, returning home in the evening. Mrs Louie Jacobs and children of Illinois arrived in this city Thurs day and will join her husband who is w orking on. tin- Nemaha ditch Cay Cooper apd wife, accompanied by Mrs. Me Murry of Ames, Iowa, and Mrs. t; Seabury of Kansas City, vis ited friends In Pawnee City Tuesday. Frank French has resigned his posit'on as traveling salesman in the Cooper & Son mill, and has accepted a position as solicitor for Drinkert & Emmet Stock Co., of St. Joe. Miss Ruth Davis returned to her | home in the city Monday, after spend I iug some time with her sister, Mrs. Bash r in Lincoln. She was accom panied by her cousin Mis Abbie j Thompson of Auburn, who will vis I it relatives in this city. VERDON. Mists Lola Hums left last week for Crete Neb. Ralph Clark of Kansas City was in town last week. Mrs. A. Zook, who lias been very ill is improving. Riv. (iearries returned from York Friday afternoon. Will Bodkins and family left Friday l'or Nemaha City. c. M. Ileittzelman was a county seat visitor recently. Mis. Ed Randolph left Wednesday for a visit with friends at Peru. Mrs Ed Orcutt and children were passengers to ltulo Wednesday. Ed K< ukei left on the • morning train Tuesday for Norraltir. Kits. Mrs. Walt : Veaili is eutertuinilig itei friend. Miss Kttrk. of Lincoln. Cm It* George Fogs made a trip to the county seat one day last week. Charles Sloan of Norcatur. Kansas is the guest of it is sister. Mrs. ,). S. Fuller. Eltua Dillon returned home from a visit with friends at Shubert Wed nesday. Mrs Lenora Allen left last week for a visit with relatives at Creigh ton, Net). John llallorimm and family moved to the Kelley farm southeast, of town this week. Thirteen new members were taken into the Lutheran church south of town Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Bennett and children returned this week from a visit with relatives at Crete. Elmer llumhuugh, wife and daugh ter, Vera, visited relatives in Nema ha City last week. Mr and Mrs. A. Cheeseman re turned Wednesday from a visit to friends in Missouri. Mrs. Susan Randolph arrived Fri day < veiling after spending a few days with friends in Peru. John Dietrich returned the latter part of tin* week from a visit to rel atives in California and Texas. Harry Baldwin, Howard Conover, Si lia Johnson and Ethel Saylor saw th<' bull game at Auburn Tuesday. Misses Myrtle Evoling and Hazel Ilrnnke of Campbell, Neb , are visit ing tin* former's sister, Mrs. L. Ileine nuin. a party or triends gathered at the home of Grandma Heineman Friday afternoon to lu lp erlebrate her eigh tieth birthday. Hr. Isaac Philipps, wife and two children arrived Wednesday afternoon from Missouri for a short visit with Mrs. Fliza Goolsby. F. F. Fwlng took Mesdames W. II Gcarrics, Sarah Goolsby and Miss Amelia Schrader to Humboldt in ids auto one day alst week. Mrs. Charles Pockluiin and children and Miss Mary Davis arrived last week from Horton. Kas.. for a visit with Mrs. Fliza Goolsby. Miss Fauna Fasteneau left Satur day for bet home in Nebraska City after a very pleasant visit of two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Leefers, in this city. Miss Jennie Stump invited a num ber of young folks In her home Wed nesday evening to help celebrate her brother Clarence's birthday. A nice time is reported. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Arnold and two daughters went to Crete last week to attend the commencement ex ercises of Donne college. Their son, Hay, was a member of the class of It*Id. Mrs. Arnold and daughters will visit the former's mother, Mrs Kin ney, in Wymore before returning to their home at this place. OHIO. Lola Sturms was a guest of Lydia Dowty Sunday. Wilma and Blythe Shaffer visited with Emma Wetzel Sunday. Elmer Eishire visited Guy Lichty and wife Saturday evening. Mrs Christ Mueller and two child ren spent Sundry afternoon with Mrs. X Peek. il. .1. Prichard and family visited "'ith Xat Auxier and family near Sa 1 eill Sunday. Mrs. Bartlett returned home last week after spending a few days with her daughter in Omaha. Earl Shaffer and family of Salem spent the latter part of the week with the former’s parents. Mrs. Charles Heineman of Falls City accompanied five little girls to the Shaffer party Thursday. Mrs. F. M. Shaffer and two child ren and Mrs. Lutz visited with Mrs. X Peek and children Sunday. If Beaehey and wife and Guy Lieh ty and wife were guests of Chester Stump and wife Sunday evening. Wes Nedrow and wife wore the guests of the latter's brother. Mahl on Stump and wife in Falls City last Sunday. Frances Stump and wife returned home Friday from Omaha, where they were called by the ^erious illness of their daughter-in-law. W atula Shaffer entertained six teen girls at her home from two until five last Thursday in honor of her twelfth birthday. The girls had a fine time and Wanda received many very nice presents. N’iee refresh ments were served. RULO. * . Ed Davis was a St. Joseph passen i ser Tuesday. Will Cunningham left last Sunday 1 for Wyoming. Si Hunker of Forteseue was a Uulo I visitor Sunday. Elsie Wilson visited with Rulo rela tives last week. Fred Marsh was a business visitor in Salem Monday. Ed Davis was a St. Joseph vis itor last Monday. F. Kulp of Wymore was a Rulo visitor last week. Essie Marsh was a Falls City vis itor last Saturday. I’>. E. Hinkle of Forteseue was a Rulo visitor Tuesday. John Gustafson of Wymore was a Rtllo visitor this week. Tyniy Asher of Kansas was a Rulo visitor Saturday. Jacob Majerus of Falls City was a Rulo visitor Saturday. Father Sproll left Sunday night for a visit to York. Nellie Morris of Preston visited rel ative,; in Rulo last week. Cecil and Mamie Kanaly wen* Falls City visitors last Monday. Mrs. Joe Frederick is very sick with no hopes of recovery. E. B. Lyman of Wymore was a Kul visitor the last of the week. Lonore Gilbert and Ruby Meyers were Preston visitors Sunday. H. E Byrant of Chicago was in Rulo one day last week. Sophia Pierce returned Sunday night to her school work in Peru. George Schaffer returned Sunday from a two weeks' stay in DeWitt. Mrs. Goosmati returned Sunday from a visit with relatives in Iowa. Rev. A. E. Wachtei was a Falls City visitor one day last week. Charlie Cessna of White Cloud was Rulo business visitor Monday. Earnest Sttok spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks in Chester A. D Eat alloc and wife of Preston spun Sunday with relatives in Rulo. Mr. Stanley of Atchison was transacting business in Rulo last week. Mr. and Mrs George Oldfield went to Auburn Friday to \isit. with rehir li\ es.