The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 24, 1910, Image 1

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Historical Society „ ^
The Falls City Tribune
Jim Smith, a Suspect, Rounded
Up at Mound City Tuesday
Officers Good Work.
Jim Smith, who is suspected of
knowing more about the stealing of
the Jones team than is good for him,
was arrested at Mound City last
Tuesday by Sheriff Fenton and Chief
Maie, and broulit back here and will
be arraigned in the county court on
Thursday. This, as we believe,
breaks up a gang of horse tiiieves
which has been working this county
for years. Smith lias a family living
in Highland, Kas. Walters and Mc
Mahan, the other member of the trio,
who arc with us on the same charge,
will have their preliminary next Mon
day. The evidence will surely be
sufficient to convince the judge that
thes? men should become wards of
the siate.
Too much credit cannot hi' given
our sheriff and chief of police for
their untiring efforts in breaking up
the gang, which lias worked in
Richardson county successfully for
so long. To know' that such things arc
going on is one thing but to catch
a fellow and prove him guilty is an
other and much harder.
Our officers we believe have done
this and we should lie. and are, very
protul of them for what they have
don for the city and county.
Christian Church.
Sunday morning, June 26 at the
Jenne Opera house:
10 00 a. in.—Bible School.
IT00 a. m.—Short sermon. The
subject will be “True Friends,” fol
lowed by the Lord’s supper.
The Y. P. S. C. E. will meet at
Kerr's Airdome at seven o’clock.
At. 8:00 p. m. there will be special
song service. The sermon for the
evening will be, “Play Ball.”
The church has secured Kerr’s
amusement park for Sunday evening
service during the warm summer
months. Come and help make this a
sph ndid service Sunday evening. All
are invited to come and bring your
Must Be Decent.
A number of young girls of Falls
City have been extravagantly free in
th«ir social relations. Several were
taken into custody by the police
court and sent home to their mothers
where they belong. The moon-eyed
guy from Rulo who was arrested
among the weeds south of town with
ou< of them t.ho other night, was
fined as he deserved to be. Worse
things are likely to happen to the
girl? if they are not more maidenly
and discreet in their behavior. We
wish to warn all parties who may be
concerned in similar improprieties in
the future that names and facts
will be published. Our facilities for
getting bold of the facts are im
proving as our familiarity with local
conditions increases. There is only
one way to keep out of the limelight
of publicity with its humiliation and
shame, and that is by being decent.
One of the twin babies of Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. James died early Sun
day morning, after a brief but. very
severe illness of one day. The sick
ness appeared to be a case of un
developed measles resulting in con
The funeral was held from the
home Monday afternoon at two
o’clock and interment in the Steele
cemetery. Dr. Bailey officiated, as
sisted by Rev. Nanninge. The sor
rowing family have the sympathy of
their many friends and neighbors.
William Voegele died at his home
Saturday morning. He had been ill
for several weeks. The funeral was
held from the Williamsville church on
Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock.
Mr. Voegele came to Richardson
county in 3 865 and has resided here
ever since. He was a farmer by
occupation. He leaves his widow
and ten children to mourn his depart
The dedication of the Presbyterian
church last Sunday was a memorable
event Large numbers attended the
diff* lent services. Standing room
was at a premium. The sermons
were able arid to the purpose. The
new building was dedicated almost
free of debt.
Mrs. Emma Boose Tucker Writes To
Her Father In This City.
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker,son-in-law and
daughter ot' Win. Boose of this city
have started home from a residence
, of eight years in China. They are
j coming overland as much as possible
1 and, as The Tribune is read by a
number of their friends, we feel
that the following card rcccivtal by
the father, would be of interest.
‘'Between Berlin and Cologne,June
10, 1910. Dear Father—If ever there
was a spot on earth that satisfied
one’s soul, it is the ‘Fatherland.’
Such thrift, such cleanliness, such
perfect mastery of the art of fann
ing and all applied sciences, such
comfortable homes, such gardening,
such a beautiful country. Even
though largely level from the eastern
bordej to here, largely through the
perfect pastoral landscape a thrifty
people have made and all oilier su
perlatives you may wish to use—all
these belong to Germany. In a lit
tle while we will see the famed
Rhine and Cologne Cathedral. Two
nice days in Berlin and one in Dres
den's world famed art galleries. Left
Berlin al 8:52 this morning., due in
London 5:18 tomorrow.”
"Stick To It, Dad.”
Editor of The Falls City Tribune
Dear Sir:—Except by reputation,you
and I are entire strangers; but in
spite of this fact, I take the liberty
to send you the following:
In the Falls City News recently, I
saw the statement: “Bryan is actuat
ed in his opposition to the saloon
by the fact that they defeated him
in his several campaigns for presi
This reminds me of the story of
the family which had a pup of the
fighting breed, and, having tio other
dog with which the pup could prac
tice fighting with, the boys induced
the father to try his ability along
that line. While the pup was chew
ing the the sire, the boys yelled,
“Stick to it dad. It’s hard on you,
but it’s the making of the pup.”
Evidently the News appreciates (he
fact, that it was hard on Bryan but
was the making of the breweries
and distilleries. It took Bryan and
Kern a long time to find out that
you couldn't “gather grapes of thorns,
nor figs of thistles.”
The bravest thing I ever saw was
from a penitent at the altar. He
said, "Thank God I have the cour
age to give up." Hoping we may
yet be able to clear the saloon from
the reform track, I am
Yours Respectfully,
Frederick Nitzsche was born in
Germany. January 21. 1820, and died
in Arago, this county. .Tune 13, 1910.
In 1853 he came to America locat
ing in Buffalo, N. Y. In 1858 he mov
ed to Arago, where he has since
In 1S71 his wife died at the ago of
forty-seven years. To this union
was horn ten children, four of whom
are still living: Fred E. who lives on
the home place, Mrs. George Bickle
of Goffs, Fas., Mrs. Louise Zoellpr of
Happy, Texas, Mrs. August Woeh
ler of Corning, Mo. He also leaves
twenty-five grand-children and four
teen great-grand children.
For A Clean Falls City.
Tlie police court is working for a
clea.r Falls City. Malfactors need ex
pect little consideration at the court’s
hands. We surmise that our dough
ty mayor is about ready to bag
the local d''i U and put him in the cool
er. Of course the county prosecute^
will defend him and every , horse
thief Billy Fenton and our big chief
can 'and. Whiskey, the devil and
the prosecuting attorney are boon
companions—and horse thieves(?),
Arrived From Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones arrived the
latter part of the week from Colorado.
They have spent the past fourteen
months on a homestead at Sayre, Col.
They say the climate there is fine,
and their sojourn in that country was
one grand, glorious vacation. Both
were glad to greet their many Falls
City friends again, and say the old
town looks good to them.
Dawson Up Against It.
Dawson is without hotel accomoda
tions. Mr. Kirk recently closed
shop and went to the country' to
work. The situation is rather em
barrasing this hot. strenuous weath
| it. In Dawson you must go hungry
j and ttiirsty.
A Record of Eight Straignt Games
Lost Outclassed by Clarinda
Foxes To Strengthen.
The Inst series of games tit this
place were a nightmare. We wish
they could be forgotten. We lost
all of them and slid down until, if
the list were turned upside down, we
would be nearer the top than we are
now. It wasn't all poor play
ing but just not playing together at
critical times, and as some of our
best players were on the hospital list.
Clarinda just took them all.
The games however, were more in
teresting than the score would indi
cate. Clarinda lias some excellent
players. One of our fans said after
visiting with them awhile that they
would no doubt finish at the top if
they stayed as clean at other towns
and r.i home as they did while here.
The time is past when profession
al athletes can afford to dissipate.
Our hoys went to Auburn. Monday
and we hope to see them continue the
winning steak until they are again at
the top.
It is easy to find fault. Easy' to
sit up in the grandstand and say how
this o! that play should have been
made, hut we can do more good by
getting down and taking the hoys by
the hand and telling them to go in
and win next time.
Wi have a good team and this
slump doesn't mean anything in par
ticular, at least not that, it is nec
essary to change the makeup of the
team to any great extent. Where
will you find another battery as good
as ours? And with a little coaching,
the individual stars in the Infield
can he developed into a team. So as
the season is still young we may yet
climb back to where we were in the
Bo,' s, we want you to chase your
hoodoo, forget all unjust criticisms.
Get into every game with the idea
you are going to win, and not say
inil until the last man is out in the
last inning.
Brace up. We are with you.
We lost the game Tuesday, 2 to I.
but it was a case of luck for Au
burn With the new men who have
been secured, we are in the race for
first place once more. With McCabe
back in harness, and the others all
out of the hospital, we are in shape
again This is ideal base ball weath
er. If the boosting of loyal fans will
do any good, ar.d it will, our boys will
soon be in first place again.
Falls City won from Auburn Wed
nesday. 7 to 1. Now three straight
on the horn- grounds,beginning Thurs
day t nd we will breathe again.
A Base Ball Kick.
Editor Tribune—The base ball sea
son is one-third gone and the home
team is earnestly seeking the bot
tom rung of the ladder. At the
time of writing, we have lost nine
out ol the last ten games. Every
body says, strengthen the team, but
the days and weeks go by and nothing
is done. Why wait until we are
hope’essly beaten before making the
team stronger? If we are to have
new and better material, why not
get it now when we still have a
fight ng chance.
The truth of the matter is. we
have a weak ball team. The team
of last year, when the home boys
played for the love of the game,
was stronger than the present organ
We ought to have three new out
fielders. Men who can start when
lie hall is hi* and cover more than
twenty feet of space, and make a
hit at least once a week. Our out
field is a joke as now constituted
both in the field and at the bat We
are weak at first, in fact Poteet is
the only man on the team that is
showing any especial class. Our
pitching staff is fair and has been
doing its full share towards winning
games. But the rest, of it, in base
ball language, is rotten.
Game after game lias been lost by
weak hitting and unspeakable field
ing. There are many good men in
the Kansas City city league that
could be signed. We say we will
strengthen, but nothing is done. The
time to do this is while we have a
figh'ing chance at the flag and that
time is now. A Disgusted Fan.
Business College.
The Falls City Business College
will open as per schedule. Sept. 5th.
It will be better equipped than ever
to serve the needs of students.
Very Pretty Home Wedding In This
City Wednesday Evening.
Miss Dora Maude Maddox and
j Oluado Dow ell Fordyce wore united
in marriage Wednesday evening at
the home of the bride’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Maddox. The beau
tiful ring ceremony was impressively
pronounced by Kev. N. ('. M rooks of
(lie Methodist Fpiscopal church.
Mrs. T. D. Davies played the wed
ding march, while the bride and
groom took their places beneath the
canopy of smtlax and large wedding
bell prepared for that purpose. An
aisle was formed by six bridesmaids,
Stella Sehock, Myrtle Powell, Grace
Maddox, Kdna Calico, Mattie Sehock
and Kstlier Daesehner carrying white
tulle caught up with ping carnations.
Ilaliy Fern Maddox carried the ring
in a white lily.
Miss Catherine Maddox, sister of
the bride was maid of honor, Mr.
Glen Fordyce, brother of the groom,
was best man. The bride wore white
mull trimmed in Irish point lace and
wore a long white veil. She carried a
shower boquet of swansonia.
The out-of-town guests were Mrs.
Frank Daesehner. Miss Kstlier Daes
ehner and Frank Daesehner of Hia
watha; Walter Fordyce and daughter
Kva, of Maker, Kas., Dean and Mrs.
Fordyce, Glen Fordyce and Nathan <).
Reynolds, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. C.
Reiger, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sehaible,
Fairview, Kas.; Miss Mary Sehaible,
Omaha; Mrs. Sue Maddox and dau
ghter Grace, of Montpelier, Ind.
The bride and groom left for Lin
coln on the night train where they
will make their home.
Prizes for Nebraska Flyers.
The Aero Club of Nebraska an
nounces an amateur aviation contest
in connection with the Mid-West
Aviation meet Ic be held on a site
near Omaha, July It to it.
i nere are a good nupiy people in
Nebraska interested in aviation but
it was not known anyone pretended to
fly until the Aero club announced
enough amateur aviators had been
found in Nebraska and western Iowa
to have an amateur meet in connec
tion with a big demonstration. Nine
applications are now in for entries to
this contest.
Professionals who will compete
include Glenn M. Curtiss, who re
cently made tin* record breaking
flight from Albany to New York
City. Charles K. Willard and C. .1.
Mars, both proffesslonals in the
heavier than air machines are under
contract to come.
The Nebraska Aero dub lias put
up $15,000 to secure these men and
they will give a five day demonstra
tion on some site to be selected by
Mr. Mars within a few days. iioth
Florence and Henson are bidders for
the meet and it will be* held some
place about Omaha. Clark Powell of
Omaha is secretary of the Nebraska
Convention Rally.
An open air rally will be held in
the grove, on the banks of Hock free
east of Rock Creek school house and
church, on Sunday afternoon. June 3.
Rev. Brooks and Rev. Watson of Falls
City will speak I. I. Halls of Falls
City will lead the singing. A pleas
ant Mid profitable time is assured.
Everybody is welcome. The place is
easily found, being on Pennsylvania
Ave , one mile south of the state line
and about six miles due north of Sa
A Saloon Product.
Bill Nation is languishing in the
countj jail, hoarding off the county.
Several nights ago he broke into the
homo of his former wife, from whom
he had been divorced because of ex
treme abuse and cruelty, and brutal
ly assaulted her. In police court he
was fined $100.00, in default of which
he la being generously fed by our
hospitable sheriff. The city gets the
fun, hut the farmers will furnish the
Marriage Licenses.
August Hies. Kansas City.20
Maria Stotzner. Kansas City.17
George Hire, Falls City.20
Ida Kline, Falls City.17
Claud P. Fordvee, Lincoln.27
Dora Mainh Maddox. Falls City ...27
Will Buy Land in Dakota.
Dr. .7. M Greene, wife and Miss
! Kleanor, left Sunday for South Da
1 kota to purchase land. The doctor
! will then go to Rochester. Minn.,
I where he v ill attend the Dr. Mayo’s
I surgical clinic for a week or ten days.
Brass Band Enthusiasm.
I’m’ two months The Tribune bus
been trying lo arouse a brass band en
thusiasm. Why can't we have one.
lCverybody wants one. The city
needs one. Whenever there is a baud
in town people turn out on mass to
hoar it. There is enough talent, in
* Kails City to have an excellent hand,
if someone would but call a meeting
for the purpose of organizing, we
could no doubt start out with a
bunch of players which would need
but. a little practice, to be a credit to
Kails City.
That Kails City appreciates good
music, and 1 lint we have an abun
dance of talent, wo all know.
Lei some one who Is acquainted
with the players and the situation,
take the first, step and we will have
a baud.
The following was brought in by a
frien 1 just after the Lincoln Commer
cial club hud been in town, and
shows the real situation.
“Why not, was ringing.Jn my ears
wiieii the Lincoln Commercial Club
visited our town and the gentle
strains of music floated over our
peaceful city; yes, why should not
Kalis City have a brass baud of her
own. To me it seems very strange
that c thrifty city like ours should
be without a well organized brass
band of not less than fifteen or twen
ty men.
“Where is the Moses that will lead
us out of this musical wilderness.
"That our people are music loving
was evidenced by the large attend
ance at tlie organ recital at <lie Pres
byterian church. That we have the
talent, one can assure himself by
visiting the various choirs of our
churches. There are few cities In
the state with better material than
ours. Then why not. It seems to me
that there are no oppositions; our
business men and our churches, yea
every sensible citizen would welcome
and contribute their part to the bring
ing about of this fact —Contributed.”
Presbyterian Church Notes.
The great day of dedication of the
new Presbyterian church edifice lias
come and gone Into history. It sure
ly marked a great epoch in the his
tory, of the denomination in this city.
On Saturday evening vve fared a de
ficit rf something over $5,000.00, and
on Sunday evening that deficit had
been reduced by a little over $1,200.OR
Wlm. enthusiasm prevailed all day
The giving was superb and it is tlie
desire of the pastor and officers
alike tliai the public should lie in
formed of our sincere appreciation of
tlie help given on that day. In view
of (lie many demands being made at
iliis lime upon the church people and
general public, vve are sincerely grate
ful to all concerned for the generous
help given in our time of crucial need,
if any of the friends who made
pledges lari Sunday find thein
selve.1 aide to liquidate the pledges
now. it will he a great advantage to
the building committee if they will
call upon Fred Brecht at Mr. Hea
cock's up town office where he will
gladly receive any contributions of
fered It is discovered that we need
sonn tiling over $1,000.00 to cover our
remaining indebtedness. In our ex
tremity vve confidently appeal to the
publt ■ spirited of our city, who have
not been able to help thus far, to
assist us as soon and as much as pos
sible. Again expressing our sincere
gratitude, we are for the building
committee Respectfully,
R Cooper Bailey, Chairman.
Tlie Sacrament of baptism and th
Holy Communion will be administer
ed m xt Sunday morning. All the
membership is urged to be present
for that sacred service. Ill the (‘veil
ing the Childrens’ Day exercises in
connection with the Sabbath school
will be given. Come out and hear
the children sing and recite. Tlie
eveidng will be theirs entirely.
Horse Show.
The Horse Show Association of
Richardson County will meet at the
court, house, Saturday. June 25, for
the purpose of electing officers,
board of directors, and several com
mitters. Everyone that is interested
ts invited to bo present.
Sec rotary.
Piano Bargain.
We havt slightly used piano in the
vicinity of Falls City, Nob. To save
the expense of boxing and shipping,
will sell very cheap for cash or pay
ments as low as $5.00 per month.
Write Oli.ry Music Company, St.
| Joseph, Mo 25-4t-pd.
TO COST $67,000 00.
Tide in the Affairs of Falls City on
the Sw/ell Logical Place for
Educational Institution.
Late Wednesday afternoon a mes
sage was leceived from Senator Hur
ket of Wa.-diington, to tile effect that
the senate had just passed the bill
appropriating $07,000 for a federal
building at Falls City.
"It never rains, but it pours.” Falls
City is more fortunate than site de
serve! to lie. .lust, what all that this
will mean to Falls City is Impossible
to foretell at ibis early stage of the
matter. This rnueh is assured, that
Falls City will have a fine govern
ment. pnsioffice building erected in
tile near future. City delivery and
other advantageous features are cer
tain to follow.
Tli tide in the affairs of Falls
City is on tile swell. If just at this
Junction the city could be Induced to
do In ■ part, still greater things would
ii suit. Thus far our good tilings
have come to us with little effort
anti prat tically no outlay on tile part
tif tin city. If the city took a strong
hand in the present advance the
otherwise impossible would easily bo
accomplished. Falls City is the logi
cal place for a strong educational in
stitution. There is absolutely noth
ing to prevent us having an insti
tutin'! of learning and culture repre
senting the Investment of hundreds
of thousands in money and the bring
ing to the business interests of tho
town the trade of hundreds of new
people, excepting the general indif
ference of a very large part of our
i-ltiz us to the welfare and growth of
their home town. It is difficult to
understand why our people aro so
slow to make use of their opportuni
ties. Is it probable there are those
among us, who are deliberately
witholding their support in order to
discourage the growth of the city.
The bringing here of peeople of cul
ture and eharaeter, will necessarily
tend to strengthen the cause of de
cency and morality. Realizing tills,
is it possible that, there are people
in town, who would rattier see 1 ho
Interests of Falls City decline than
give up their pet ideas?
The Lincoln Boosters.
'I'li ■ Lincoln Commercial Club spec
ial arrived in Falls City from Table
Hock over the Burlington, Monday
evening. The train reached here too
late to give the club a fair chance for
seeing tin* town and meeting with tho
business people, as they left again
early Tuesday morning. Their advent
and departure was scarcely noticed.
The club stopped long enough at
Dawson and Salem to go up street
and serenade the town.
From items which have since ap
peared in the Lincoln papers, the
club was favorably impressed with
what they saw and heard while in
Falls City. Falls City’s location is
far enough from Lincoln to he of
some real interest to that place
from a commercial and educational
point of view. That the Boosters ap
preciated this fact there is no doubt.
Card of Thanks.
We take this means of thanking
our itiends and neighbors for their
many acts of kindness and words of
comfort spoken, during the sickness
and death of our beloved wife, dau
ghter and sister. Mrs. Minnie Long.
We also extend thanks to friends for
the In nutiful floral offering.
Holiness Camp Meeting.
The National and Nebraska State
Holiness Association unite this year
in holding a great camp meeting ou
the State Fair ground, Lincoln, Neb.
Dr. C. J. Fowler, Rec. C. W. Ruth,
Rev. Will Huff with J. M. Harris and
wife as song leaders, have been se
cured as workers. Excellent accom
modations will be offered all who
attend and the expenses will bo
brought to the minimum. This meet
ing is Inter-denominational and peo
ple fiom all churches are Invited to
attend and feel at home. A great
, spiritual feast is expected. You can't
j afford to miss it. Remember the
i date. July la-Sa. Write for circu
lars giving full particulars to Uer.
\V. H. Prescott, Secretary, 1210 O.
St Lincoln, Neb.