The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 17, 1910, Image 6

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■Ever the Elusive Hope of Humanity,
| From Which It Seems It Can
Not Be Separated.
| The fountain of youth Is the dream
jof the young. At thirty the springtime
(of life Is all but gone. Lines come
(upon the face, scored by cares man
►as not yet the wisdom to throw off;
(the girth becomes matter of nonsid
(oration, the feet begin to lag. tho
(stairs grow long. Then comes the re
pret for the quick years. It cannot
have been a mere dream which came
to Ponce do Leon in Porto Itico and
(lured him to Florida in search of the
(magical Island of Rimini and the foun
tain whose waters gave youth forever
to tlie hardy voyager,
j No longer do we seek Immortality
in remote geography. No longer do
we look to the philosopher to givo us
length of years. We have had revealed
to us the uselessness and the Iniquity
of the colon, all too late tQ risk Its
excision. We have been Informed
that we do not really grow old; wo
yield to arterlo-sclerosls. Still we
have the hope that aging humanity
has always bad. The years of a man
are the years of his colon and Ills
aorta. ,
i Now comes from Paris our latest
hope for the years declining. Modest
ly, Dr. Doyen, the discoverer, an
nounces no absolute elixir vitae, Ho
(thinks only that he is nearer finding
It than any one before him. The tale
comes to us In the newer Jargon, un
known and iiiagnifii nt. it Is my
Colysine which is to prolong our years
to a considerable extent. It is'to dis
solve germs which In their activity
might wreck us; it Is to give new
strength to the phagocytes which are
the devourers of our Inner 111-! In a
barbarous phrase It ts to decupllze, to
multiply by ten, the power of our re
sisting agents.
As we look hack we can spare with
out regret the fountain of youth. Al
wnys to he callow might not bo an un
inlxed blessing. Rut to keep forever
the years of man, to hold (he stores of
memory, to live steadily and to live
whole, to find at last the elixir of life
—such ns this has charm for us in
these adult centuries as it had In tho
childhood of man.
Writer Wanted Game Played to the
| Limit, Without Departure
From Proprieties.
i A story about Robert Louis Steven
son not generally known is told by
Mrs. Stevenson’s grandson, Austin
Strong. When Mr. Strong was a little
ehap Mr. Stevenson liked to sit
propped up In bed to watch h I in at
play In the next room. And often it
happened that the bigger boy of the
two would make suggestions for the
make-believe games and Insist that
they he carried on. too. One day Aus
tin had arranged some chairs in a row,
playing that they were ships, and he,
standing on the front was tin* cap
italn. For a long time ho proudly
walked the deck of his vessel, en
countered pirates and weathered all
kinds of storms until he felt the floor
positively heave under Ills feet. Mr.
Stevenson looked on in perfect si-1
lence, but complete absorption, no
doubt, plnylng the whole thing much
{the harder of the two. Finally Austin
got tired of his vessel, climbed off Ills
chair and began walking across the
room to some object which had at
tracted his interest This was too
'much for his uncle. Still deep In the j
igame, Mr. Stevenson rose In his sick
'bed and shouted excitedly at the re-'
calcitrant sea captain: "Swim, d-{
;you; swim!”
1 _
Giant Among Bibles.
| There is in the Iioyal library at
.Stockholm, among other curiosities, a
manuscript work known as the Giant
Bible, on account of tts extraordinary
dimensions. it measures 90 centi
meters in length and is 50 centimeters
|in breadth—thnt is, about 35 Inches
by 19 inches, it requires three men
Jto lift it.
j There are 309 pages, but seven have
been lost. The parchment of which
the book Is composed required the
'skins of ICO asses.
) There are two columns on each
[page, and the book contains the Old
and New Testaments, with extracts
from "Josephus.” The initial letters
(are illuminated. The binding is of
oak, four and one half centimeters in
(thickness. The book narrowly es
caped destruction In the lire in the
Royal palace of Stockholm in 1G97. It
was saved, but somewhat damaged,
jby being thrown out of a window.
Green Snow.
The familiar red snow of Alpine and
[Arctic regions is well known to be due
to the growth in it of a minute one
[celled species of alga.
In the Bulletin of the Botanical So
ciety of Geneva, R. Chodat describes
a new species of alga which grows in
snow and colors it green. The speci
men was collected by Ylret in a do
pression between the Aiguilles du
jChardonnet and the Grands Mulets, at
the edge of the Argentiere Glacier.
The patch of green snow was some
37 yards long by 3 broad, the color
being a dirty green. The new species
(has been named raphidium vireti, aft
er its discoverer.
I ,
Big Job.
1 Citizen—Yes, the city is going to
[spend 13,000,000 in improving our
I Stranger — Indeed? What is the
Citizen—We are going to remodi
them to look like the souvenir postals
[of them.—Puck.
Firs of the Pacific Northwest Are Put
to Many Uces After They Are
Cut Down.
The fine llrs of (lie Pacific north
west are ho colossal that after the
trees are hewed down the stumps are
used for children’s playgrounds,
houses for families to live in or for
dancing platforms.
To make a stump house the mate
rial from the Interior iH removed,
leaving only enough to form walls of
suitable thickness A roof of boards
or shingles Is put over the top of the
stump, holes arc1 cut for windows and
doors ami a family of five can and
often does make It their dwelling. The
stump houses are sometimes used by
settlers until they can build larger
and more convenient homes,
After the stump home has been vn
cated it is turned into a stable for the
horses or sometimes In an enclosure
for chickens or hogs, *
Next to the big trees of California
the fir or sequoia of Washington and
Oregon has Ihe largest diameter. As
they decay rapidly the hollowing out
Is easy. Sometimes they are used for
dance platforms, some of them ac
commodating as many ns four couples.
Another custom Is to turn the b!g
stumps Into playgrounds for the chil
dren. The children reach the top by
pieces of wood nailed against Ihe
sides or by ladders, A beautiful use
(of the large stumps Is making them
Into flower beds covered over with
trailing vines.
Teller Wore Out Patience of Listen
ers, but He Accomplished
• His Object.
On one of the rivers in China a pas
senger boat had just started when a
man came running up and called out,
"Slop, stop! and take me on board."
"You are too late,” replied the
"If you will let me come 1 will tell
you a tale," the man called out.
Now everybody likes to hear a story,
and so the passengers persuaded the
captain to take the man on board, and
he began:
“Once upon n time a famous gen
eral led an army to the south to light
an enemy. On their way they came
to a river which they had to cross.
They were only able to* build a very
narrow bridge, ho that they had to
cross over one by one. Tramp? tramp,
tramp, tramp; one after ttie other—
tramp, tramp."
The man kept on saying, "Tramp,
tramp, tramp" for some time until the
people grew tired of it. At last one
said; "Yes. Iml go on with the story.”
"You must let them cross the river,"
the man replied. "One niter the
other tramp, tramp, tramp.”
Presently the people stopped him
again and asked him to miss all that
part of the story, hut the mail refilled.
"They cannot cross the bridge In 'a
short time; they must go slowly and
carefully, one after the other, tramp,
tramp, tramp,” and so the man kept
on and would say nothing else.
At last the boat reached the end of
its journey and the story was never
Use for Electric Road.
The young son of a New York doc
tor has the entire second floor of the
house fitted up ns a playroom. In
the middle of the room he has a large
pool in which italf a dozen frogs swim
all day, and In another corner of the
loom he has a small tree planted In
earth brought In for that purpose.
Running between the pool and the
tree the boy has it miniature electric
railroad, much larger than the aver
age toy railroad. Friends of the boy’s
father who view the room are sur
prised to see such it funny combina
tion of playthings. The other day one
of the father's friends asked the boy
what the electric railroad was used
That railroad," replied tlw boy, “is
used to ride the frogs from the pool
to the tree every day so they can get
the air."
Why He Wanted a Dog .License.
A young man, flushed of face, carry
ing a Chihuahua dog. rushed hurriedly
into the state courts building the oth
er day and asked excitedly for the dog
license bureau. “You're in the wrong
house,” a policeman advised him;
“you'll have to go up town to the So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals for that." “Wow,” exclaimed
the young man. as if in pain. Then
)ie confided his story to the “cop.”
“You see.” he said, “I Just bought this
'mutt' for the girl I'm going to marry.
Then we went over to the city hall to
get our marriage license. When we
got there she chased me out to get
a license for this hairless brute.
She's waiting for me now,” he added,
“but 1 guess it’s no dog license, no
piarriage license," and the troubled
youth bolted for the subway and the
animal headquarters at Twenty-sixth
street,—New York Tribune.
Worrying Worker.
O, those worrying workers, how
they take all the zest out of what
should prove their greatest blessing
by their forebodiugs. They will get
more out of life if they take to heart
these words of Beecher:
"It is not work that kills men; It Is
worry. Work is healthy; you can
hardly put more upon a man than he
can bear. Worry is rust upon the
blade. It is not the revolution that
destroys the machinery but the fric
Blazon this to hang framed abc\
o.i. i’..: - y ■ : undent ones
,AII Through Trains to Be Electric
In the history of American rail
roading no such extensive and costly
improvements of coach ligliiing has
ever been attempted up to this time
as that which will be made effective
by the Burlington Routt? the first of
On that date all of its through
trains will be electric lighted from
locomotive headlight to observation
platform. The most efficient electric
lighting system yet devised lias been
adapted, namely, the dynamo system.
With tliis system there is installed
in the baggage car of each train a
high power dynamo which supplies
tlic> current, for tin- entire train. Or
dinarily, when tlie dynamo car is de
tached, there is a distinct dimming
of the lights, but under the dynamo
system not only is enough current
generated to light the train when it
Is in motion or standing still, but
enough surplus current, is stored In
each individual car to brilliantly light
it for several hours without any dir
ect current from the dynamo. This
in Itself is a big improvement over
other systems of car lighting.
With this great improvement, the
Burlington Route, which already is
unexcelled in ils equipment, dining
car service, regularity with which its
trains run ‘on time," and complete
block signal equipment will have pas
senger serviie as nearly perfect in
all details ns it is possible to make it
S _
Americans Spend
$1.243,OIK),000 for intoxicating drink
$770,000,0110 4nr tobacco.
$700,000,000 for jewelry.
$2.70,000,(ton for church work.
$178,000,000 for confectionery.
$80,000,000 for millinery.
$11,000,000 for chewing gum.
$,otto for foreign missions.
Bargains in Farm Land.
A i hunc. to get a home cheap in
a safe crop country, where they
raise t tops of all kinds corn, wheat,
oats, alfalfa. Good stock country, no
hog cholera. Daily trains, the best
of schools and churches. Healthiest
part of Nebraska, and the best of
320 acres raw buffalo land, seven
mjle of town, lays nice, for $2.50
per acre. Easy terms.
160 acres, 2 miles of town, fenced, a
double granary. 110 acres in fall
wheat, lays nearly level. Good
black soil at $40 per acre. Wheat
on this ijtlaee made 5li'\ bushels to
the acre In 1000.
!tio acres, five and one-half miles of
town, three-room house, barn, well,
windmill and out buildings, fenced
iiml cross fenced. 13.7 acres in
cultivation, 3.7 acres alfalfa, four
hog pastures fenced with woven
wire, lays nice and extra good corn
ground. This is a bargain at $5,000.
Easy terms.
1520 acre ranch, three miles of town,
well Improved, all fenced. Plenty
water and farm ground, will raise
alfalfa and is an ideal cattle and
horse ranch til a rare bargain.
For particulars or information write
Madrid, Nebr.
24-2t Perkins County.
Legal Notice.
In The District Court of Richard
son County, Nebraska.
James T. Sailors, Plaintiff,
Mary E. Sailors, Wash Sailors, John
Sailors, Ida Pereival, Omer Sailors,
Fred Sai'ors, Otis Sailors, a minor,
Nettie Ankrom, Effie Ankrom, Ol
ley Ankrom, a minor, Judd Ankrom,
a minor, Stella Ankrom, a minor.
Alta Ankrom, a minor, Eveline Sail
ors, Mary Sailors, Dot tie Sailors,
Inez Sailors. Brilla Sailors and Will
iam Pereival, Defendants.
by virtue of a judgment in partition
entered on the 17th day of May, 1910,
in an action pending in the District
Court of Richardson County, Nebras
ka. in which the above named plain
tiff was plaintiff and the above
named defendants were de
fendants, and in pursuance
of an order of said court entered on
the 17th day of May. 1910, directing
the sale of the premises hereinafter
described, and in pursuance to an
order of sale issued out of said court
in said cause, we, the undersigned
referees in partition duly appointed
and qualified in said action, will of
fer for sale at public auction and sell
to the highest bidder for cash on
the 22d day of June, 1910, the follow
ing described real-estate towit:
The northwest quarter and the
south half of the southeast quarter
of Section 22, and the- west half of
the southwest quarter in Section 23,
and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of Section 14, all in
Township 3, Range 10, in Richard
son County, Nebraska, and the north
half of the southwest quarter and
the north half of the south half of
the southwest quarter, all in Section
US, Township •>, Range 17, in Richard
son County, Nebraska, and the east
half of lot 1, in block 1. in Smith's ad
dition to the village of Bardaa. in
Richardson County, Nebraska.
Said sale to commence at 1:30 p.
in., at the west door of the court
house in Falls City, in Richardson
Countv, Nebraska.
Dated. May IS, 1910.
Reavis Rtavis .Att’ys for Plff.
First publication May 20, 5 times.
You Really Must Hear Prof, and
' Mrs. Stanley
==^=:v-^.,. AT THE
For the Benefit of theBuliding Fund of
New Presbyterian Church
Admission 50 Cents
Sunday, Ail Day. Great Prechers and
Extra Music at all services.
All Pastors and Churches of the City
are most cordially invited to
co-operate with us.
Grand Opening
The New Zimmerman Music
House has thrown its doors
wide open, and in the fullest
. sense are now ready to serve
jp the public in their line.
7 A full line of all kinds of
g Musical Instruments will be
p carried, together with exten=
sive assortment of Sheet Mu=
sic and musical supplies.
TWO CARLOADS High Grade Pianos just re=
ceived and now ready for inspection.
Zimmerman house